# Copyright (c) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2020-2022. All rights reserved.
# Must do steps below manually after getting the sources code
# from official website:
# 1. make defconfig or make menuconfig
#   ==> To generate .config file.
# 2. NOBUILD=1 scripts/make.sh
#   ==> To generate neccesary files like heades in generated
# direcotory.

# To add a toy:
# 1. Edit .config to enable the toy you want to add.
# 2. Edit toybox'sources below if neccesary.
# e. Add th toy to the symlinks.
if (defined(ohos_lite)) {
  executable("toybox") {
    # from middleware file build.sh
    sources = [

    include_dirs = [ "./" ]

    defines = [ "_DEFAULT_SOURCE" ]

    configs -= [ "//build/lite/config:language_c" ]
    cflags_c = [

    ldflags = [

  cmd_long_path = [

  foreach(path, cmd_long_path) {
} else {

  ohos_executable("toybox") {
    sources = [

    include_dirs = [ "./" ]

    deps = []

    if (build_selinux) {
      sources += [ "toys/other/chcon.c" ]
      include_dirs += [ "//third_party/selinux/libselinux/include" ]
      deps += [ "//third_party/selinux:libselinux" ]

    defines = [ "_DEFAULT_SOURCE" ]

    cflags_c = [

    ldflags = [

    if (build_selinux) {
      cflags_c += [

    symlink_target_name = [
    if (build_selinux) {
      symlink_target_name -= [ "restorecon" ]
    part_name = "init"
    install_images = [
    install_enable = true