/*------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Vulkan Conformance Tests * ------------------------ * * Copyright (c) 2016 The Khronos Group Inc. * Copyright (c) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief Image load/store utilities *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "deMath.h" #include "tcuTextureUtil.hpp" #include "vktImageLoadStoreUtil.hpp" #include "vkQueryUtil.hpp" using namespace vk; namespace vkt { namespace image { float computeStoreColorScale (const vk::VkFormat format, const tcu::IVec3 imageSize) { const int maxImageDimension = de::max(imageSize.x(), de::max(imageSize.y(), imageSize.z())); const float div = static_cast(maxImageDimension - 1); if (isUnormFormat(format)) return 1.0f / div; else if (isSnormFormat(format)) return 2.0f / div; else return 1.0f; } ImageType getImageTypeForSingleLayer (const ImageType imageType) { switch (imageType) { case IMAGE_TYPE_1D: case IMAGE_TYPE_1D_ARRAY: return IMAGE_TYPE_1D; case IMAGE_TYPE_2D: case IMAGE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY: case IMAGE_TYPE_CUBE: case IMAGE_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY: // A single layer for cube is a 2d face return IMAGE_TYPE_2D; case IMAGE_TYPE_3D: return IMAGE_TYPE_3D; case IMAGE_TYPE_BUFFER: return IMAGE_TYPE_BUFFER; default: DE_FATAL("Internal test error"); return IMAGE_TYPE_LAST; } } VkImageCreateInfo makeImageCreateInfo (const Texture& texture, const VkFormat format, const VkImageUsageFlags usage, const VkImageCreateFlags flags) { const VkSampleCountFlagBits samples = static_cast(texture.numSamples()); // integer and bit mask are aligned, so we can cast like this const VkImageCreateInfo imageParams = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_CREATE_INFO, // VkStructureType sType; DE_NULL, // const void* pNext; (isCube(texture) ? (VkImageCreateFlags)VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CUBE_COMPATIBLE_BIT : 0u) | flags, // VkImageCreateFlags flags; mapImageType(texture.type()), // VkImageType imageType; format, // VkFormat format; makeExtent3D(texture.layerSize()), // VkExtent3D extent; 1u, // deUint32 mipLevels; (deUint32)texture.numLayers(), // deUint32 arrayLayers; samples, // VkSampleCountFlagBits samples; VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL, // VkImageTiling tiling; usage, // VkImageUsageFlags usage; VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE, // VkSharingMode sharingMode; 0u, // deUint32 queueFamilyIndexCount; DE_NULL, // const deUint32* pQueueFamilyIndices; VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED, // VkImageLayout initialLayout; }; return imageParams; } //! Minimum chunk size is determined by the offset alignment requirements. VkDeviceSize getOptimalUniformBufferChunkSize (const InstanceInterface& vki, const VkPhysicalDevice physDevice, VkDeviceSize minimumRequiredChunkSizeBytes) { const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties properties = getPhysicalDeviceProperties(vki, physDevice); const VkDeviceSize alignment = properties.limits.minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment; if (minimumRequiredChunkSizeBytes > alignment) return alignment + (minimumRequiredChunkSizeBytes / alignment) * alignment; else return alignment; } bool isRepresentableIntegerValue (tcu::Vector value, tcu::TextureFormat format) { const tcu::IVec4 formatBitDepths = tcu::getTextureFormatBitDepth(format); const deUint32 numChannels = getNumUsedChannels(mapTextureFormat(format)); switch (tcu::getTextureChannelClass(format.type)) { case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_UNSIGNED_INTEGER: { for (deUint32 compNdx = 0; compNdx < numChannels; compNdx++) { if (deFloorToInt32(log2((double)value[compNdx]) + 1) > formatBitDepths[compNdx]) return false; } break; } case tcu::TEXTURECHANNELCLASS_SIGNED_INTEGER: { for (deUint32 compNdx = 0; compNdx < numChannels; compNdx++) { if ((deFloorToInt32(log2((double)deAbs64(value[compNdx])) + 1) + 1) > formatBitDepths[compNdx]) return false; } break; } default: DE_ASSERT(isIntegerFormat(mapTextureFormat(format))); } return true; } } // image } // vkt