1 /**
2 * Copyright 2020-2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <functional>
21 #include <map>
22 #include <memory>
23 #include <string>
24 #include <utility>
25 #include <vector>
26 #include "ir/dtype.h"
27 #include "backend/kernel_compiler/kernel.h"
28 #include "ir/dtype/type.h"
29 #include "utils/shape_utils.h"
30 #include "backend/session/anf_runtime_algorithm.h"
32 namespace mindspore {
33 namespace trans {
34 constexpr int64_t kAlign16 = 16;
36 enum kAxis : int { kN = 0, kC, kH, kW, kNchwDims };
38 enum Axis5D : int {
39 N_ncdhw = 0,
40 C_ncdhw,
41 D_ncdhw,
42 H_ncdhw,
43 W_ncdhw,
44 kNcdhw,
45 N_ndc1hwc0 = 0,
46 D_ndc1hwc0,
47 C1_ndc1hwc0,
48 H_ndc1hwc0,
49 W_ndc1hwc0,
50 C0_ndc1hwc0
51 };
53 struct TypeIdArgs {
54 const void *data;
55 size_t host_shape_size; // Multiply each dimension elements. [a, b, c, d] => a*b*c*d
56 TypeId host_data_type;
57 TypeId device_data_type;
58 size_t data_size;
59 };
61 struct FormatArgs {
62 const void *data;
63 const size_t device_size;
64 std::string host_format;
65 std::string device_format;
66 std::vector<size_t> host_shape;
67 std::vector<size_t> device_shape;
68 TypeId src_data_type;
69 };
71 int64_t GetAttrGroups(const AnfNodePtr &node, const size_t index);
72 std::vector<int64_t> GetAttrInputAndHiddenSize(const AnfNodePtr &node);
73 void StringToAxisVector4D(const std::string &reshape_type_str, std::vector<Axis> *reshape_type_vec);
74 void StringToAxisVector5D(const std::string &reshape_type_str, std::vector<Axis5D> *reshape_type_vec);
75 ShapeVector GetRuntimePaddingShape(const AnfNodePtr &node, size_t index);
76 bool IsNeedPadding(const std::string &format, const size_t shape_size);
77 int64_t GetNodeGroups(const AnfNodePtr &node);
78 std::vector<size_t> TransShapeToDevice(const std::vector<size_t> &shape, const std::string &format,
79 const int64_t groups = 1,
80 const std::vector<int64_t> &input_hidden_size = {kAlign16, kAlign16});
81 std::vector<int64_t> TransShapeToDevice(const std::vector<int64_t> &shape, const std::string &format,
82 const int64_t groups = 1,
83 const std::vector<int64_t> &input_hidden_size = {kAlign16, kAlign16});
84 template <typename T>
85 std::vector<T> TransShapeToDevice(const std::vector<T> &shape, const std::string &format, const AnfNodePtr &node,
86 const size_t index, bool is_output = true) {
87 int64_t groups = 1;
88 if (format == kOpFormat_FRAC_Z) {
89 groups = GetAttrGroups(node, index);
90 }
91 std::vector<int64_t> input_hidden_size = {kAlign16, kAlign16};
92 if (format == kOpFormat_FRACTAL_ZN_RNN || format == kOpFormat_ND_RNN_BIAS) {
93 input_hidden_size = GetAttrInputAndHiddenSize(node);
94 }
95 if (node != nullptr) {
96 MS_LOG(DEBUG) << "Start trans infer shape to device shape for node: " << node->DebugString()
97 << ", format: " << format;
98 }
100 return TransShapeToDevice(shape, format, groups, input_hidden_size);
101 }
102 bool TransDataType(const TypeIdArgs &args, void *result);
103 bool TransFormat(const FormatArgs &args, void *result, int64_t groups = 1);
104 bool TransFormat(const FormatArgs &args, void *result, const AnfNodePtr &node, const size_t index);
105 bool TransFormatFromDeviceToHost(const FormatArgs &args, void *result, int64_t groups = 1);
106 bool TransFormatFromDeviceToHost(const FormatArgs &args, void *result, const AnfNodePtr &node, const size_t index);
108 // host to device
109 bool NchwTo4D(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
110 bool NchwToFracZ(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
111 bool NchwToFracNz(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
112 bool NchwToNc1hwc0(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
113 bool NcdhwToFracZ3D(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
114 bool NchwToFracZc04(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
115 bool NchwToNc1hwc04(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
116 bool NchwToC1hwncoc0(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
117 bool NcdhwToNdc1hwc0(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
118 bool NchwToFracZWithGroups(const FormatArgs &args, void *result, int64_t groups);
120 // device to host
121 bool ToNchw(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
122 bool FracZToNchw(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
123 bool FracNzToNchw(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
124 bool Nc1hwc0ToNchw(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
125 bool Nc1hwc04ToNchw(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
126 bool FracZ3DToNcdhw(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
127 bool C1hwncoc0ToNchw(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
128 bool Ndc1hwc0ToNcdhw(const FormatArgs &args, void *result);
129 bool FracZToNchwWithGroups(const FormatArgs &args, void *result, int64_t groups);
130 using FormatTransfer = std::function<bool(const FormatArgs &, void *)>;
131 const std::map<std::string, FormatTransfer> kTransFormatMapOfHostToDevice{
132 {kOpFormat_FRAC_Z, NchwToFracZ}, {kOpFormat_FRAC_NZ, NchwToFracNz},
133 {kOpFormat_NC1HWC0, NchwToNc1hwc0}, {kOpFormat_C1HWNCoC0, NchwToC1hwncoc0},
134 {kOpFormat_FRACTAL_Z_C04, NchwToFracZc04}, {kOpFormat_NC1HWC0_C04, NchwToNc1hwc04},
135 {kOpFormat_NDC1HWC0, NcdhwToNdc1hwc0}, {kOpFormat_FRACTAL_Z_3D, NcdhwToFracZ3D}};
137 template <typename T>
PaddingShapeTo5dDefault(const std::vector<T> & shape)138 std::vector<T> PaddingShapeTo5dDefault(const std::vector<T> &shape) {
139 if (shape.size() >= kNcdhw) {
140 return shape;
141 }
142 std::vector<T> shape_5d(kNcdhw, 1);
143 switch (shape.size()) {
144 case N_ncdhw:
145 return shape_5d;
146 case C_ncdhw:
147 shape_5d[C_ncdhw] = shape[N_ncdhw];
148 break;
149 case D_ncdhw:
150 shape_5d[C_ncdhw] = shape[N_ncdhw];
151 shape_5d[D_ncdhw] = shape[C_ncdhw];
152 break;
153 case H_ncdhw:
154 shape_5d[C_ncdhw] = shape[N_ncdhw];
155 shape_5d[D_ncdhw] = shape[C_ncdhw];
156 shape_5d[H_ncdhw] = shape[D_ncdhw];
157 break;
158 case W_ncdhw:
159 shape_5d[C_ncdhw] = shape[N_ncdhw];
160 shape_5d[D_ncdhw] = shape[C_ncdhw];
161 shape_5d[H_ncdhw] = shape[D_ncdhw];
162 shape_5d[W_ncdhw] = shape[H_ncdhw];
163 break;
164 default:
165 MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Unexpected shape size = " << shape.size();
166 }
167 return shape_5d;
168 }
170 template <typename T>
PaddingShapeTo4dDefault(const std::vector<T> & shape)171 std::vector<T> PaddingShapeTo4dDefault(const std::vector<T> &shape) {
172 std::vector<T> shape_4d(kNchwDims, 1);
173 switch (shape.size()) {
174 case kN:
175 return shape_4d;
176 case kC:
177 shape_4d[kC] = shape[kN];
178 break;
179 case kH:
180 shape_4d[kC] = shape[kN];
181 shape_4d[kH] = shape[kC];
182 break;
183 case kW:
184 shape_4d[kC] = shape[kN];
185 shape_4d[kH] = shape[kC];
186 shape_4d[kW] = shape[kH];
187 break;
188 case kNchwDims:
189 std::copy(shape.begin(), shape.end(), shape_4d.begin());
190 break;
191 default:
192 MS_LOG(EXCEPTION) << "Unexpected shape size = " << shape.size();
193 }
194 return shape_4d;
195 }
197 template <typename T>
198 std::vector<T> PaddingShapeTo5d(const std::vector<T> &shape, const std::string &padding_str = {""}) {
199 std::vector<Axis5D> padding_axis;
200 StringToAxisVector5D(padding_str, &padding_axis);
201 if (padding_axis.empty() || shape.size() != padding_axis.size()) {
202 return PaddingShapeTo5dDefault(shape);
203 }
204 std::vector<T> shape_5d(kNcdhw, 1);
205 for (size_t index = 0; index < padding_axis.size(); index++) {
206 shape_5d[padding_axis[index]] = shape[index];
207 }
208 return shape_5d;
209 }
211 template <typename T>
212 std::vector<T> PaddingShapeTo4d(const std::vector<T> &shape, const std::string &padding_str = {""}) {
213 std::vector<Axis> padding_axis;
214 StringToAxisVector4D(padding_str, &padding_axis);
215 if (padding_axis.empty() || shape.size() != padding_axis.size()) {
216 return PaddingShapeTo4dDefault(shape);
217 }
218 std::vector<T> shape_4d(kNchwDims, 1);
219 for (size_t index = 0; index < padding_axis.size(); index++) {
220 shape_4d[padding_axis[index]] = shape[index];
221 }
222 return shape_4d;
223 }
225 template <typename T>
226 std::vector<T> PaddingShape(const std::vector<T> &shape, const std::string &format,
227 const std::string &pad_index = {""}) {
228 std::vector<T> host_shape;
229 if (k3DFormatSet.find(format) != k3DFormatSet.end()) {
230 if (shape.size() >= kNcdhw) {
231 return shape;
232 }
233 host_shape = trans::PaddingShapeTo5d(shape, pad_index);
234 } else {
235 host_shape = trans::PaddingShapeTo4d(shape, pad_index);
236 }
237 return host_shape;
238 }
239 } // namespace trans
240 } // namespace mindspore