/third_party/cef/patch/patches/ |
D | linux_blink_thread_local.patch | 1 … third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/thread_local.h third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/… 3 --- third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/thread_local.h 4 +++ third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/thread_local.h
/third_party/boost/libs/config/test/ |
D | boost_no_cxx11_thread_local.ipp | 9 // TITLE: thread_local 10 // DESCRIPTION: The compiler supports the thread_local storage specifier. 20 static thread_local T s(n, ' '); 21 static thread_local int size = s.size();
/third_party/grpc/src/core/lib/gpr/ |
D | tls_stdcpp.h | 28 #define GPR_TLS_DECL(name) thread_local static intptr_t name = 0 32 #define GPR_TLS_CLASS_DECL(name) thread_local static intptr_t name 34 #define GPR_TLS_CLASS_DEF(name) thread_local intptr_t name = 0
/third_party/boost/libs/context/src/ |
D | continuation.cpp | 26 thread_local activation_record * current_rec; 27 thread_local static std::size_t counter; 50 thread_local static activation_record_initializer initializer; in current()
D | fiber.cpp | 24 thread_local fiber_activation_record * fib_current_rec; 25 thread_local static std::size_t counter; 48 thread_local static fiber_activation_record_initializer initializer; in current()
/third_party/boost/libs/stacktrace/build/ |
D | has_windbg_cached.cpp | 15 # error Your compiler does not support C++11 thread_local storage. It`s impossible to build with … 19 static thread_local std::string i = std::string(); in foo()
/third_party/mesa3d/src/util/ |
D | u_qsort.cpp | 27 thread_local int (*tl_qsort_r_compar)(const void *, const void *, void *); 28 thread_local void *tl_qsort_r_arg;
/third_party/skia/third_party/externals/swiftshader/src/Reactor/ |
D | Pragma.cpp | 45 static thread_local bool initialized = false; in getPragmaState() 46 static thread_local PragmaState state; in getPragmaState()
/third_party/grpc/src/core/lib/gprpp/ |
D | thd_windows.cc | 35 #define thread_local __declspec(thread) macro 37 #define thread_local __thread macro 52 thread_local struct thd_info* g_thd_info;
/third_party/skia/third_party/externals/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/ |
D | cordz_functions.cc | 43 ABSL_CONST_INIT thread_local int64_t cordz_next_sample = kInitCordzNextSample; 51 thread_local absl::base_internal::ExponentialBiased in cordz_should_profile_slow()
D | cordz_functions.h | 56 ABSL_CONST_INIT extern thread_local int64_t cordz_next_sample;
/third_party/eudev/src/shared/ |
D | virt.c | 31 static thread_local int cached_found = -1; in detect_container() 32 static thread_local const char *cached_id = NULL; in detect_container()
D | macro.h | 218 #ifndef thread_local 224 #define thread_local _Thread_local macro 226 #define thread_local __thread macro
/third_party/boost/libs/outcome/doc/src/content/reference/macros/ |
D | thread_local.md | 14 *Default*: To `thread_local` if the compiler implements C++ 11 `thread_local`, else `__thread` for …
/third_party/boost/libs/fiber/src/ |
D | context.cpp | 70 static thread_local context * active_; 71 static thread_local std::size_t counter_; 100 thread_local context * context_initializer::active_{ nullptr }; 101 thread_local std::size_t context_initializer::counter_{ 0 }; 106 thread_local static context_initializer ctx_initializer; in active()
/third_party/skia/third_party/externals/abseil-cpp/absl/base/internal/ |
D | thread_identity.cc | 66 thread_local ThreadIdentity* thread_identity_ptr = nullptr; 111 thread_local std::unique_ptr<ThreadIdentity, ThreadIdentityReclaimerFunction> in SetCurrentThreadIdentity()
/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/internal/ |
D | thread_identity.cc | 63 thread_local ThreadIdentity* thread_identity_ptr = nullptr; 108 thread_local std::unique_ptr<ThreadIdentity, ThreadIdentityReclaimerFunction> in SetCurrentThreadIdentity()
/third_party/boost/boost/sort/block_indirect_sort/blk_detail/ |
D | backbone.hpp | 88 static thread_local value_t *buf; 165 thread_local typename std::iterator_traits< Iter_t >
/third_party/mesa3d/src/imgui/ |
D | imconfig.h | 18 extern thread_local ImGuiContext* __MesaImGui;
/third_party/mindspore/mindspore/core/gvar/ |
D | logging_level.cc | 26 thread_local enum MsLogLevel this_thread_max_log_level = EXCEPTION;
/third_party/boost/libs/beast/include/boost/beast/websocket/detail/ |
D | prng.ipp | 123 thread_local static beast::detail::chacha<20> gen{prng_seed(), make_nonce()}; 131 thread_local static beast::detail::pcg gen{make_pcg()};
/third_party/boost/boost/beast/websocket/detail/ |
D | prng.ipp | 123 thread_local static beast::detail::chacha<20> gen{prng_seed(), make_nonce()}; 131 thread_local static beast::detail::pcg gen{make_pcg()};
/third_party/boost/libs/fiber/examples/asio/ |
D | yield.hpp | 52 thread_local yield_t yield{};
/third_party/flutter/engine/flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/ |
D | task_observers.cc | 11 thread_local std::map<intptr_t, fit::closure> tTaskObservers;
/third_party/skia/third_party/externals/dawn/src/dawn_native/ |
D | TintUtils.cpp | 24 thread_local DeviceBase* tlDevice = nullptr;