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1'use strict'
3const crypto = require('crypto')
4const figgyPudding = require('figgy-pudding')
5const Transform = require('stream').Transform
7const SPEC_ALGORITHMS = ['sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512']
9const BASE64_REGEX = /^[a-z0-9+/]+(?:=?=?)$/i
10const SRI_REGEX = /^([^-]+)-([^?]+)([?\S*]*)$/
11const STRICT_SRI_REGEX = /^([^-]+)-([A-Za-z0-9+/=]{44,88})(\?[\x21-\x7E]*)?$/
12const VCHAR_REGEX = /^[\x21-\x7E]+$/
14const SsriOpts = figgyPudding({
15  algorithms: {default: ['sha512']},
16  error: {default: false},
17  integrity: {},
18  options: {default: []},
19  pickAlgorithm: {default: () => getPrioritizedHash},
20  Promise: {default: () => Promise},
21  sep: {default: ' '},
22  single: {default: false},
23  size: {},
24  strict: {default: false}
27class Hash {
28  get isHash () { return true }
29  constructor (hash, opts) {
30    opts = SsriOpts(opts)
31    const strict = !!opts.strict
32    this.source = hash.trim()
33    // 3.1. Integrity metadata (called "Hash" by ssri)
34    // https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-subresource-integrity/#integrity-metadata-description
35    const match = this.source.match(
36      strict
38      : SRI_REGEX
39    )
40    if (!match) { return }
41    if (strict && !SPEC_ALGORITHMS.some(a => a === match[1])) { return }
42    this.algorithm = match[1]
43    this.digest = match[2]
45    const rawOpts = match[3]
46    this.options = rawOpts ? rawOpts.slice(1).split('?') : []
47  }
48  hexDigest () {
49    return this.digest && Buffer.from(this.digest, 'base64').toString('hex')
50  }
51  toJSON () {
52    return this.toString()
53  }
54  toString (opts) {
55    opts = SsriOpts(opts)
56    if (opts.strict) {
57      // Strict mode enforces the standard as close to the foot of the
58      // letter as it can.
59      if (!(
60        // The spec has very restricted productions for algorithms.
61        // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSP2/#source-list-syntax
62        SPEC_ALGORITHMS.some(x => x === this.algorithm) &&
63        // Usually, if someone insists on using a "different" base64, we
64        // leave it as-is, since there's multiple standards, and the
65        // specified is not a URL-safe variant.
66        // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSP2/#base64_value
67        this.digest.match(BASE64_REGEX) &&
68        // Option syntax is strictly visual chars.
69        // https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-subresource-integrity/#grammardef-option-expression
70        // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5234#appendix-B.1
71        (this.options || []).every(opt => opt.match(VCHAR_REGEX))
72      )) {
73        return ''
74      }
75    }
76    const options = this.options && this.options.length
77    ? `?${this.options.join('?')}`
78    : ''
79    return `${this.algorithm}-${this.digest}${options}`
80  }
83class Integrity {
84  get isIntegrity () { return true }
85  toJSON () {
86    return this.toString()
87  }
88  toString (opts) {
89    opts = SsriOpts(opts)
90    let sep = opts.sep || ' '
91    if (opts.strict) {
92      // Entries must be separated by whitespace, according to spec.
93      sep = sep.replace(/\S+/g, ' ')
94    }
95    return Object.keys(this).map(k => {
96      return this[k].map(hash => {
97        return Hash.prototype.toString.call(hash, opts)
98      }).filter(x => x.length).join(sep)
99    }).filter(x => x.length).join(sep)
100  }
101  concat (integrity, opts) {
102    opts = SsriOpts(opts)
103    const other = typeof integrity === 'string'
104    ? integrity
105    : stringify(integrity, opts)
106    return parse(`${this.toString(opts)} ${other}`, opts)
107  }
108  hexDigest () {
109    return parse(this, {single: true}).hexDigest()
110  }
111  match (integrity, opts) {
112    opts = SsriOpts(opts)
113    const other = parse(integrity, opts)
114    const algo = other.pickAlgorithm(opts)
115    return (
116      this[algo] &&
117      other[algo] &&
118      this[algo].find(hash =>
119        other[algo].find(otherhash =>
120          hash.digest === otherhash.digest
121        )
122      )
123    ) || false
124  }
125  pickAlgorithm (opts) {
126    opts = SsriOpts(opts)
127    const pickAlgorithm = opts.pickAlgorithm
128    const keys = Object.keys(this)
129    if (!keys.length) {
130      throw new Error(`No algorithms available for ${
131        JSON.stringify(this.toString())
132      }`)
133    }
134    return keys.reduce((acc, algo) => {
135      return pickAlgorithm(acc, algo) || acc
136    })
137  }
140module.exports.parse = parse
141function parse (sri, opts) {
142  opts = SsriOpts(opts)
143  if (typeof sri === 'string') {
144    return _parse(sri, opts)
145  } else if (sri.algorithm && sri.digest) {
146    const fullSri = new Integrity()
147    fullSri[sri.algorithm] = [sri]
148    return _parse(stringify(fullSri, opts), opts)
149  } else {
150    return _parse(stringify(sri, opts), opts)
151  }
154function _parse (integrity, opts) {
155  // 3.4.3. Parse metadata
156  // https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-subresource-integrity/#parse-metadata
157  if (opts.single) {
158    return new Hash(integrity, opts)
159  }
160  return integrity.trim().split(/\s+/).reduce((acc, string) => {
161    const hash = new Hash(string, opts)
162    if (hash.algorithm && hash.digest) {
163      const algo = hash.algorithm
164      if (!acc[algo]) { acc[algo] = [] }
165      acc[algo].push(hash)
166    }
167    return acc
168  }, new Integrity())
171module.exports.stringify = stringify
172function stringify (obj, opts) {
173  opts = SsriOpts(opts)
174  if (obj.algorithm && obj.digest) {
175    return Hash.prototype.toString.call(obj, opts)
176  } else if (typeof obj === 'string') {
177    return stringify(parse(obj, opts), opts)
178  } else {
179    return Integrity.prototype.toString.call(obj, opts)
180  }
183module.exports.fromHex = fromHex
184function fromHex (hexDigest, algorithm, opts) {
185  opts = SsriOpts(opts)
186  const optString = opts.options && opts.options.length
187  ? `?${opts.options.join('?')}`
188  : ''
189  return parse(
190    `${algorithm}-${
191      Buffer.from(hexDigest, 'hex').toString('base64')
192    }${optString}`, opts
193  )
196module.exports.fromData = fromData
197function fromData (data, opts) {
198  opts = SsriOpts(opts)
199  const algorithms = opts.algorithms
200  const optString = opts.options && opts.options.length
201  ? `?${opts.options.join('?')}`
202  : ''
203  return algorithms.reduce((acc, algo) => {
204    const digest = crypto.createHash(algo).update(data).digest('base64')
205    const hash = new Hash(
206      `${algo}-${digest}${optString}`,
207       opts
208    )
209    if (hash.algorithm && hash.digest) {
210      const algo = hash.algorithm
211      if (!acc[algo]) { acc[algo] = [] }
212      acc[algo].push(hash)
213    }
214    return acc
215  }, new Integrity())
218module.exports.fromStream = fromStream
219function fromStream (stream, opts) {
220  opts = SsriOpts(opts)
221  const P = opts.Promise || Promise
222  const istream = integrityStream(opts)
223  return new P((resolve, reject) => {
224    stream.pipe(istream)
225    stream.on('error', reject)
226    istream.on('error', reject)
227    let sri
228    istream.on('integrity', s => { sri = s })
229    istream.on('end', () => resolve(sri))
230    istream.on('data', () => {})
231  })
234module.exports.checkData = checkData
235function checkData (data, sri, opts) {
236  opts = SsriOpts(opts)
237  sri = parse(sri, opts)
238  if (!Object.keys(sri).length) {
239    if (opts.error) {
240      throw Object.assign(
241        new Error('No valid integrity hashes to check against'), {
242          code: 'EINTEGRITY'
243        }
244      )
245    } else {
246      return false
247    }
248  }
249  const algorithm = sri.pickAlgorithm(opts)
250  const digest = crypto.createHash(algorithm).update(data).digest('base64')
251  const newSri = parse({algorithm, digest})
252  const match = newSri.match(sri, opts)
253  if (match || !opts.error) {
254    return match
255  } else if (typeof opts.size === 'number' && (data.length !== opts.size)) {
256    const err = new Error(`data size mismatch when checking ${sri}.\n  Wanted: ${opts.size}\n  Found: ${data.length}`)
257    err.code = 'EBADSIZE'
258    err.found = data.length
259    err.expected = opts.size
260    err.sri = sri
261    throw err
262  } else {
263    const err = new Error(`Integrity checksum failed when using ${algorithm}: Wanted ${sri}, but got ${newSri}. (${data.length} bytes)`)
264    err.code = 'EINTEGRITY'
265    err.found = newSri
266    err.expected = sri
267    err.algorithm = algorithm
268    err.sri = sri
269    throw err
270  }
273module.exports.checkStream = checkStream
274function checkStream (stream, sri, opts) {
275  opts = SsriOpts(opts)
276  const P = opts.Promise || Promise
277  const checker = integrityStream(opts.concat({
278    integrity: sri
279  }))
280  return new P((resolve, reject) => {
281    stream.pipe(checker)
282    stream.on('error', reject)
283    checker.on('error', reject)
284    let sri
285    checker.on('verified', s => { sri = s })
286    checker.on('end', () => resolve(sri))
287    checker.on('data', () => {})
288  })
291module.exports.integrityStream = integrityStream
292function integrityStream (opts) {
293  opts = SsriOpts(opts)
294  // For verification
295  const sri = opts.integrity && parse(opts.integrity, opts)
296  const goodSri = sri && Object.keys(sri).length
297  const algorithm = goodSri && sri.pickAlgorithm(opts)
298  const digests = goodSri && sri[algorithm]
299  // Calculating stream
300  const algorithms = Array.from(
301    new Set(opts.algorithms.concat(algorithm ? [algorithm] : []))
302  )
303  const hashes = algorithms.map(crypto.createHash)
304  let streamSize = 0
305  const stream = new Transform({
306    transform (chunk, enc, cb) {
307      streamSize += chunk.length
308      hashes.forEach(h => h.update(chunk, enc))
309      cb(null, chunk, enc)
310    }
311  }).on('end', () => {
312    const optString = (opts.options && opts.options.length)
313    ? `?${opts.options.join('?')}`
314    : ''
315    const newSri = parse(hashes.map((h, i) => {
316      return `${algorithms[i]}-${h.digest('base64')}${optString}`
317    }).join(' '), opts)
318    // Integrity verification mode
319    const match = goodSri && newSri.match(sri, opts)
320    if (typeof opts.size === 'number' && streamSize !== opts.size) {
321      const err = new Error(`stream size mismatch when checking ${sri}.\n  Wanted: ${opts.size}\n  Found: ${streamSize}`)
322      err.code = 'EBADSIZE'
323      err.found = streamSize
324      err.expected = opts.size
325      err.sri = sri
326      stream.emit('error', err)
327    } else if (opts.integrity && !match) {
328      const err = new Error(`${sri} integrity checksum failed when using ${algorithm}: wanted ${digests} but got ${newSri}. (${streamSize} bytes)`)
329      err.code = 'EINTEGRITY'
330      err.found = newSri
331      err.expected = digests
332      err.algorithm = algorithm
333      err.sri = sri
334      stream.emit('error', err)
335    } else {
336      stream.emit('size', streamSize)
337      stream.emit('integrity', newSri)
338      match && stream.emit('verified', match)
339    }
340  })
341  return stream
344module.exports.create = createIntegrity
345function createIntegrity (opts) {
346  opts = SsriOpts(opts)
347  const algorithms = opts.algorithms
348  const optString = opts.options.length
349  ? `?${opts.options.join('?')}`
350  : ''
352  const hashes = algorithms.map(crypto.createHash)
354  return {
355    update: function (chunk, enc) {
356      hashes.forEach(h => h.update(chunk, enc))
357      return this
358    },
359    digest: function (enc) {
360      const integrity = algorithms.reduce((acc, algo) => {
361        const digest = hashes.shift().digest('base64')
362        const hash = new Hash(
363          `${algo}-${digest}${optString}`,
364          opts
365        )
366        if (hash.algorithm && hash.digest) {
367          const algo = hash.algorithm
368          if (!acc[algo]) { acc[algo] = [] }
369          acc[algo].push(hash)
370        }
371        return acc
372      }, new Integrity())
374      return integrity
375    }
376  }
379const NODE_HASHES = new Set(crypto.getHashes())
381// This is a Best Effort™ at a reasonable priority for hash algos
383  'md5', 'whirlpool', 'sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512',
384  // TODO - it's unclear _which_ of these Node will actually use as its name
385  //        for the algorithm, so we guesswork it based on the OpenSSL names.
386  'sha3',
387  'sha3-256', 'sha3-384', 'sha3-512',
388  'sha3_256', 'sha3_384', 'sha3_512'
389].filter(algo => NODE_HASHES.has(algo))
391function getPrioritizedHash (algo1, algo2) {
392  return DEFAULT_PRIORITY.indexOf(algo1.toLowerCase()) >= DEFAULT_PRIORITY.indexOf(algo2.toLowerCase())
393  ? algo1
394  : algo2