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1# node-tar
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5[Fast](./benchmarks) and full-featured Tar for Node.js
7The API is designed to mimic the behavior of `tar(1)` on unix systems.
8If you are familiar with how tar works, most of this will hopefully be
9straightforward for you.  If not, then hopefully this module can teach
10you useful unix skills that may come in handy someday :)
12## Background
14A "tar file" or "tarball" is an archive of file system entries
15(directories, files, links, etc.)  The name comes from "tape archive".
16If you run `man tar` on almost any Unix command line, you'll learn
17quite a bit about what it can do, and its history.
19Tar has 5 main top-level commands:
21* `c` Create an archive
22* `r` Replace entries within an archive
23* `u` Update entries within an archive (ie, replace if they're newer)
24* `t` List out the contents of an archive
25* `x` Extract an archive to disk
27The other flags and options modify how this top level function works.
29## High-Level API
31These 5 functions are the high-level API.  All of them have a
32single-character name (for unix nerds familiar with `tar(1)`) as well
33as a long name (for everyone else).
35All the high-level functions take the following arguments, all three
36of which are optional and may be omitted.
381. `options` - An optional object specifying various options
392. `paths` - An array of paths to add or extract
403. `callback` - Called when the command is completed, if async.  (If
41   sync or no file specified, providing a callback throws a
42   `TypeError`.)
44If the command is sync (ie, if `options.sync=true`), then the
45callback is not allowed, since the action will be completed immediately.
47If a `file` argument is specified, and the command is async, then a
48`Promise` is returned.  In this case, if async, a callback may be
49provided which is called when the command is completed.
51If a `file` option is not specified, then a stream is returned.  For
52`create`, this is a readable stream of the generated archive.  For
53`list` and `extract` this is a writable stream that an archive should
54be written into.  If a file is not specified, then a callback is not
55allowed, because you're already getting a stream to work with.
57`replace` and `update` only work on existing archives, and so require
58a `file` argument.
60Sync commands without a file argument return a stream that acts on its
61input immediately in the same tick.  For readable streams, this means
62that all of the data is immediately available by calling
63`stream.read()`.  For writable streams, it will be acted upon as soon
64as it is provided, but this can be at any time.
66### Warnings
68Some things cause tar to emit a warning, but should usually not cause
69the entire operation to fail.  There are three ways to handle
721. **Ignore them** (default) Invalid entries won't be put in the
73   archive, and invalid entries won't be unpacked.  This is usually
74   fine, but can hide failures that you might care about.
752. **Notice them**  Add an `onwarn` function to the options, or listen
76   to the `'warn'` event on any tar stream.  The function will get
77   called as `onwarn(message, data)`.  Handle as appropriate.
783. **Explode them.**  Set `strict: true` in the options object, and
79   `warn` messages will be emitted as `'error'` events instead.  If
80   there's no `error` handler, this causes the program to crash.  If
81   used with a promise-returning/callback-taking method, then it'll
82   send the error to the promise/callback.
84### Examples
86The API mimics the `tar(1)` command line functionality, with aliases
87for more human-readable option and function names.  The goal is that
88if you know how to use `tar(1)` in Unix, then you know how to use
89`require('tar')` in JavaScript.
91To replicate `tar czf my-tarball.tgz files and folders`, you'd do:
95  {
96    gzip: <true|gzip options>,
97    file: 'my-tarball.tgz'
98  },
99  ['some', 'files', 'and', 'folders']
100).then(_ => { .. tarball has been created .. })
103To replicate `tar cz files and folders > my-tarball.tgz`, you'd do:
106tar.c( // or tar.create
107  {
108    gzip: <true|gzip options>
109  },
110  ['some', 'files', 'and', 'folders']
114To replicate `tar xf my-tarball.tgz` you'd do:
117tar.x(  // or tar.extract(
118  {
119    file: 'my-tarball.tgz'
120  }
121).then(_=> { .. tarball has been dumped in cwd .. })
124To replicate `cat my-tarball.tgz | tar x -C some-dir --strip=1`:
128  tar.x({
129    strip: 1,
130    C: 'some-dir' // alias for cwd:'some-dir', also ok
131  })
135To replicate `tar tf my-tarball.tgz`, do this:
139  file: 'my-tarball.tgz',
140  onentry: entry => { .. do whatever with it .. }
144To replicate `cat my-tarball.tgz | tar t` do:
148  .pipe(tar.t())
149  .on('entry', entry => { .. do whatever with it .. })
152To do anything synchronous, add `sync: true` to the options.  Note
153that sync functions don't take a callback and don't return a promise.
154When the function returns, it's already done.  Sync methods without a
155file argument return a sync stream, which flushes immediately.  But,
156of course, it still won't be done until you `.end()` it.
158To filter entries, add `filter: <function>` to the options.
159Tar-creating methods call the filter with `filter(path, stat)`.
160Tar-reading methods (including extraction) call the filter with
161`filter(path, entry)`.  The filter is called in the `this`-context of
162the `Pack` or `Unpack` stream object.
164The arguments list to `tar t` and `tar x` specify a list of filenames
165to extract or list, so they're equivalent to a filter that tests if
166the file is in the list.
168For those who _aren't_ fans of tar's single-character command names:
171tar.c === tar.create
172tar.r === tar.replace (appends to archive, file is required)
173tar.u === tar.update (appends if newer, file is required)
174tar.x === tar.extract
175tar.t === tar.list
178Keep reading for all the command descriptions and options, as well as
179the low-level API that they are built on.
181### tar.c(options, fileList, callback) [alias: tar.create]
183Create a tarball archive.
185The `fileList` is an array of paths to add to the tarball.  Adding a
186directory also adds its children recursively.
188An entry in `fileList` that starts with an `@` symbol is a tar archive
189whose entries will be added.  To add a file that starts with `@`,
190prepend it with `./`.
192The following options are supported:
194- `file` Write the tarball archive to the specified filename.  If this
195  is specified, then the callback will be fired when the file has been
196  written, and a promise will be returned that resolves when the file
197  is written.  If a filename is not specified, then a Readable Stream
198  will be returned which will emit the file data. [Alias: `f`]
199- `sync` Act synchronously.  If this is set, then any provided file
200  will be fully written after the call to `tar.c`.  If this is set,
201  and a file is not provided, then the resulting stream will already
202  have the data ready to `read` or `emit('data')` as soon as you
203  request it.
204- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
205  any warnings encountered.
206- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors.  Default false.
207- `cwd` The current working directory for creating the archive.
208  Defaults to `process.cwd()`.  [Alias: `C`]
209- `prefix` A path portion to prefix onto the entries in the archive.
210- `gzip` Set to any truthy value to create a gzipped archive, or an
211  object with settings for `zlib.Gzip()` [Alias: `z`]
212- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, stat)` for each
213  entry being added.  Return `true` to add the entry to the archive,
214  or `false` to omit it.
215- `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`,
216  `uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`.  Note
217  that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary other
218  time-based operations.
219- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths.  By default, `/` is stripped
220  from absolute paths. [Alias: `P`]
221- `mode` The mode to set on the created file archive
222- `noDirRecurse` Do not recursively archive the contents of
223  directories. [Alias: `n`]
224- `follow` Set to true to pack the targets of symbolic links.  Without
225  this option, symbolic links are archived as such. [Alias: `L`, `h`]
226- `noPax` Suppress pax extended headers.  Note that this means that
227  long paths and linkpaths will be truncated, and large or negative
228  numeric values may be interpreted incorrectly.
229- `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` values for entries.
230  Note that this prevents using other mtime-based features like
231  `tar.update` or the `keepNewer` option with the resulting tar archive.
232  [Alias: `m`, `no-mtime`]
233- `mtime` Set to a `Date` object to force a specific `mtime` for
234  everything added to the archive.  Overridden by `noMtime`.
237The following options are mostly internal, but can be modified in some
238advanced use cases, such as re-using caches between runs.
240- `linkCache` A Map object containing the device and inode value for
241  any file whose nlink is > 1, to identify hard links.
242- `statCache` A Map object that caches calls `lstat`.
243- `readdirCache` A Map object that caches calls to `readdir`.
244- `jobs` A number specifying how many concurrent jobs to run.
245  Defaults to 4.
246- `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `fs.read()` operations.
247  Defaults to 16 MB.
249### tar.x(options, fileList, callback) [alias: tar.extract]
251Extract a tarball archive.
253The `fileList` is an array of paths to extract from the tarball.  If
254no paths are provided, then all the entries are extracted.
256If the archive is gzipped, then tar will detect this and unzip it.
258Note that all directories that are created will be forced to be
259writable, readable, and listable by their owner, to avoid cases where
260a directory prevents extraction of child entries by virtue of its
263Most extraction errors will cause a `warn` event to be emitted.  If
264the `cwd` is missing, or not a directory, then the extraction will
265fail completely.
267The following options are supported:
269- `cwd` Extract files relative to the specified directory.  Defaults
270  to `process.cwd()`.  If provided, this must exist and must be a
271  directory. [Alias: `C`]
272- `file` The archive file to extract.  If not specified, then a
273  Writable stream is returned where the archive data should be
274  written. [Alias: `f`]
275- `sync` Create files and directories synchronously.
276- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors.  Default false.
277- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, entry)` for each
278  entry being unpacked.  Return `true` to unpack the entry from the
279  archive, or `false` to skip it.
280- `newer` Set to true to keep the existing file on disk if it's newer
281  than the file in the archive. [Alias: `keep-newer`,
282  `keep-newer-files`]
283- `keep` Do not overwrite existing files.  In particular, if a file
284  appears more than once in an archive, later copies will not
285  overwrite earlier copies. [Alias: `k`, `keep-existing`]
286- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths, paths containing `..`, and
287  extracting through symbolic links.  By default, `/` is stripped from
288  absolute paths, `..` paths are not extracted, and any file whose
289  location would be modified by a symbolic link is not extracted.
290  [Alias: `P`]
291- `unlink` Unlink files before creating them.  Without this option,
292  tar overwrites existing files, which preserves existing hardlinks.
293  With this option, existing hardlinks will be broken, as will any
294  symlink that would affect the location of an extracted file. [Alias:
295  `U`]
296- `strip` Remove the specified number of leading path elements.
297  Pathnames with fewer elements will be silently skipped.  Note that
298  the pathname is edited after applying the filter, but before
299  security checks. [Alias: `strip-components`, `stripComponents`]
300- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
301  any warnings encountered.
302- `preserveOwner` If true, tar will set the `uid` and `gid` of
303  extracted entries to the `uid` and `gid` fields in the archive.
304  This defaults to true when run as root, and false otherwise.  If
305  false, then files and directories will be set with the owner and
306  group of the user running the process.  This is similar to `-p` in
307  `tar(1)`, but ACLs and other system-specific data is never unpacked
308  in this implementation, and modes are set by default already.
309  [Alias: `p`]
310- `uid` Set to a number to force ownership of all extracted files and
311  folders, and all implicitly created directories, to be owned by the
312  specified user id, regardless of the `uid` field in the archive.
313  Cannot be used along with `preserveOwner`.  Requires also setting a
314  `gid` option.
315- `gid` Set to a number to force ownership of all extracted files and
316  folders, and all implicitly created directories, to be owned by the
317  specified group id, regardless of the `gid` field in the archive.
318  Cannot be used along with `preserveOwner`.  Requires also setting a
319  `uid` option.
320- `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` value for extracted
321  entries. [Alias: `m`, `no-mtime`]
322- `transform` Provide a function that takes an `entry` object, and
323  returns a stream, or any falsey value.  If a stream is provided,
324  then that stream's data will be written instead of the contents of
325  the archive entry.  If a falsey value is provided, then the entry is
326  written to disk as normal.  (To exclude items from extraction, use
327  the `filter` option described above.)
328- `onentry` A function that gets called with `(entry)` for each entry
329  that passes the filter.
331The following options are mostly internal, but can be modified in some
332advanced use cases, such as re-using caches between runs.
334- `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `fs.read()` operations.
335  Defaults to 16 MB.
336- `umask` Filter the modes of entries like `process.umask()`.
337- `dmode` Default mode for directories
338- `fmode` Default mode for files
339- `dirCache` A Map object of which directories exist.
340- `maxMetaEntrySize` The maximum size of meta entries that is
341  supported.  Defaults to 1 MB.
343Note that using an asynchronous stream type with the `transform`
344option will cause undefined behavior in sync extractions.
345[MiniPass](http://npm.im/minipass)-based streams are designed for this
346use case.
348### tar.t(options, fileList, callback) [alias: tar.list]
350List the contents of a tarball archive.
352The `fileList` is an array of paths to list from the tarball.  If
353no paths are provided, then all the entries are listed.
355If the archive is gzipped, then tar will detect this and unzip it.
357Returns an event emitter that emits `entry` events with
358`tar.ReadEntry` objects.  However, they don't emit `'data'` or `'end'`
359events.  (If you want to get actual readable entries, use the
360`tar.Parse` class instead.)
362The following options are supported:
364- `cwd` Extract files relative to the specified directory.  Defaults
365  to `process.cwd()`. [Alias: `C`]
366- `file` The archive file to list.  If not specified, then a
367  Writable stream is returned where the archive data should be
368  written. [Alias: `f`]
369- `sync` Read the specified file synchronously.  (This has no effect
370  when a file option isn't specified, because entries are emitted as
371  fast as they are parsed from the stream anyway.)
372- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors.  Default false.
373- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, entry)` for each
374  entry being listed.  Return `true` to emit the entry from the
375  archive, or `false` to skip it.
376- `onentry` A function that gets called with `(entry)` for each entry
377  that passes the filter.  This is important for when both `file` and
378  `sync` are set, because it will be called synchronously.
379- `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `fs.read()` operations.
380  Defaults to 16 MB.
381- `noResume` By default, `entry` streams are resumed immediately after
382  the call to `onentry`.  Set `noResume: true` to suppress this
383  behavior.  Note that by opting into this, the stream will never
384  complete until the entry data is consumed.
386### tar.u(options, fileList, callback) [alias: tar.update]
388Add files to an archive if they are newer than the entry already in
389the tarball archive.
391The `fileList` is an array of paths to add to the tarball.  Adding a
392directory also adds its children recursively.
394An entry in `fileList` that starts with an `@` symbol is a tar archive
395whose entries will be added.  To add a file that starts with `@`,
396prepend it with `./`.
398The following options are supported:
400- `file` Required. Write the tarball archive to the specified
401  filename. [Alias: `f`]
402- `sync` Act synchronously.  If this is set, then any provided file
403  will be fully written after the call to `tar.c`.
404- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
405  any warnings encountered.
406- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors.  Default false.
407- `cwd` The current working directory for adding entries to the
408  archive.  Defaults to `process.cwd()`.  [Alias: `C`]
409- `prefix` A path portion to prefix onto the entries in the archive.
410- `gzip` Set to any truthy value to create a gzipped archive, or an
411  object with settings for `zlib.Gzip()` [Alias: `z`]
412- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, stat)` for each
413  entry being added.  Return `true` to add the entry to the archive,
414  or `false` to omit it.
415- `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`,
416  `uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`.  Note
417  that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary other
418  time-based operations.
419- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths.  By default, `/` is stripped
420  from absolute paths. [Alias: `P`]
421- `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `fs.read()` operations.
422  Defaults to 16 MB.
423- `noDirRecurse` Do not recursively archive the contents of
424  directories. [Alias: `n`]
425- `follow` Set to true to pack the targets of symbolic links.  Without
426  this option, symbolic links are archived as such. [Alias: `L`, `h`]
427- `noPax` Suppress pax extended headers.  Note that this means that
428  long paths and linkpaths will be truncated, and large or negative
429  numeric values may be interpreted incorrectly.
430- `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` values for entries.
431  Note that this prevents using other mtime-based features like
432  `tar.update` or the `keepNewer` option with the resulting tar archive.
433  [Alias: `m`, `no-mtime`]
434- `mtime` Set to a `Date` object to force a specific `mtime` for
435  everything added to the archive.  Overridden by `noMtime`.
437### tar.r(options, fileList, callback) [alias: tar.replace]
439Add files to an existing archive.  Because later entries override
440earlier entries, this effectively replaces any existing entries.
442The `fileList` is an array of paths to add to the tarball.  Adding a
443directory also adds its children recursively.
445An entry in `fileList` that starts with an `@` symbol is a tar archive
446whose entries will be added.  To add a file that starts with `@`,
447prepend it with `./`.
449The following options are supported:
451- `file` Required. Write the tarball archive to the specified
452  filename. [Alias: `f`]
453- `sync` Act synchronously.  If this is set, then any provided file
454  will be fully written after the call to `tar.c`.
455- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
456  any warnings encountered.
457- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors.  Default false.
458- `cwd` The current working directory for adding entries to the
459  archive.  Defaults to `process.cwd()`.  [Alias: `C`]
460- `prefix` A path portion to prefix onto the entries in the archive.
461- `gzip` Set to any truthy value to create a gzipped archive, or an
462  object with settings for `zlib.Gzip()` [Alias: `z`]
463- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, stat)` for each
464  entry being added.  Return `true` to add the entry to the archive,
465  or `false` to omit it.
466- `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`,
467  `uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`.  Note
468  that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary other
469  time-based operations.
470- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths.  By default, `/` is stripped
471  from absolute paths. [Alias: `P`]
472- `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `fs.read()` operations.
473  Defaults to 16 MB.
474- `noDirRecurse` Do not recursively archive the contents of
475  directories. [Alias: `n`]
476- `follow` Set to true to pack the targets of symbolic links.  Without
477  this option, symbolic links are archived as such. [Alias: `L`, `h`]
478- `noPax` Suppress pax extended headers.  Note that this means that
479  long paths and linkpaths will be truncated, and large or negative
480  numeric values may be interpreted incorrectly.
481- `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` values for entries.
482  Note that this prevents using other mtime-based features like
483  `tar.update` or the `keepNewer` option with the resulting tar archive.
484  [Alias: `m`, `no-mtime`]
485- `mtime` Set to a `Date` object to force a specific `mtime` for
486  everything added to the archive.  Overridden by `noMtime`.
489## Low-Level API
491### class tar.Pack
493A readable tar stream.
495Has all the standard readable stream interface stuff.  `'data'` and
496`'end'` events, `read()` method, `pause()` and `resume()`, etc.
498#### constructor(options)
500The following options are supported:
502- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
503  any warnings encountered.
504- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors.  Default false.
505- `cwd` The current working directory for creating the archive.
506  Defaults to `process.cwd()`.
507- `prefix` A path portion to prefix onto the entries in the archive.
508- `gzip` Set to any truthy value to create a gzipped archive, or an
509  object with settings for `zlib.Gzip()`
510- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, stat)` for each
511  entry being added.  Return `true` to add the entry to the archive,
512  or `false` to omit it.
513- `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`,
514  `uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`.  Note
515  that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary other
516  time-based operations.
517- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths.  By default, `/` is stripped
518  from absolute paths.
519- `linkCache` A Map object containing the device and inode value for
520  any file whose nlink is > 1, to identify hard links.
521- `statCache` A Map object that caches calls `lstat`.
522- `readdirCache` A Map object that caches calls to `readdir`.
523- `jobs` A number specifying how many concurrent jobs to run.
524  Defaults to 4.
525- `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `fs.read()` operations.
526  Defaults to 16 MB.
527- `noDirRecurse` Do not recursively archive the contents of
528  directories.
529- `follow` Set to true to pack the targets of symbolic links.  Without
530  this option, symbolic links are archived as such.
531- `noPax` Suppress pax extended headers.  Note that this means that
532  long paths and linkpaths will be truncated, and large or negative
533  numeric values may be interpreted incorrectly.
534- `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` values for entries.
535  Note that this prevents using other mtime-based features like
536  `tar.update` or the `keepNewer` option with the resulting tar archive.
537- `mtime` Set to a `Date` object to force a specific `mtime` for
538  everything added to the archive.  Overridden by `noMtime`.
540#### add(path)
542Adds an entry to the archive.  Returns the Pack stream.
544#### write(path)
546Adds an entry to the archive.  Returns true if flushed.
548#### end()
550Finishes the archive.
552### class tar.Pack.Sync
554Synchronous version of `tar.Pack`.
556### class tar.Unpack
558A writable stream that unpacks a tar archive onto the file system.
560All the normal writable stream stuff is supported.  `write()` and
561`end()` methods, `'drain'` events, etc.
563Note that all directories that are created will be forced to be
564writable, readable, and listable by their owner, to avoid cases where
565a directory prevents extraction of child entries by virtue of its
568`'close'` is emitted when it's done writing stuff to the file system.
570Most unpack errors will cause a `warn` event to be emitted.  If the
571`cwd` is missing, or not a directory, then an error will be emitted.
573#### constructor(options)
575- `cwd` Extract files relative to the specified directory.  Defaults
576  to `process.cwd()`.  If provided, this must exist and must be a
577  directory.
578- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, entry)` for each
579  entry being unpacked.  Return `true` to unpack the entry from the
580  archive, or `false` to skip it.
581- `newer` Set to true to keep the existing file on disk if it's newer
582  than the file in the archive.
583- `keep` Do not overwrite existing files.  In particular, if a file
584  appears more than once in an archive, later copies will not
585  overwrite earlier copies.
586- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths, paths containing `..`, and
587  extracting through symbolic links.  By default, `/` is stripped from
588  absolute paths, `..` paths are not extracted, and any file whose
589  location would be modified by a symbolic link is not extracted.
590- `unlink` Unlink files before creating them.  Without this option,
591  tar overwrites existing files, which preserves existing hardlinks.
592  With this option, existing hardlinks will be broken, as will any
593  symlink that would affect the location of an extracted file.
594- `strip` Remove the specified number of leading path elements.
595  Pathnames with fewer elements will be silently skipped.  Note that
596  the pathname is edited after applying the filter, but before
597  security checks.
598- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
599  any warnings encountered.
600- `umask` Filter the modes of entries like `process.umask()`.
601- `dmode` Default mode for directories
602- `fmode` Default mode for files
603- `dirCache` A Map object of which directories exist.
604- `maxMetaEntrySize` The maximum size of meta entries that is
605  supported.  Defaults to 1 MB.
606- `preserveOwner` If true, tar will set the `uid` and `gid` of
607  extracted entries to the `uid` and `gid` fields in the archive.
608  This defaults to true when run as root, and false otherwise.  If
609  false, then files and directories will be set with the owner and
610  group of the user running the process.  This is similar to `-p` in
611  `tar(1)`, but ACLs and other system-specific data is never unpacked
612  in this implementation, and modes are set by default already.
613- `win32` True if on a windows platform.  Causes behavior where
614  filenames containing `<|>?` chars are converted to
615  windows-compatible values while being unpacked.
616- `uid` Set to a number to force ownership of all extracted files and
617  folders, and all implicitly created directories, to be owned by the
618  specified user id, regardless of the `uid` field in the archive.
619  Cannot be used along with `preserveOwner`.  Requires also setting a
620  `gid` option.
621- `gid` Set to a number to force ownership of all extracted files and
622  folders, and all implicitly created directories, to be owned by the
623  specified group id, regardless of the `gid` field in the archive.
624  Cannot be used along with `preserveOwner`.  Requires also setting a
625  `uid` option.
626- `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` value for extracted
627  entries.
628- `transform` Provide a function that takes an `entry` object, and
629  returns a stream, or any falsey value.  If a stream is provided,
630  then that stream's data will be written instead of the contents of
631  the archive entry.  If a falsey value is provided, then the entry is
632  written to disk as normal.  (To exclude items from extraction, use
633  the `filter` option described above.)
634- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors.  Default false.
635- `onentry` A function that gets called with `(entry)` for each entry
636  that passes the filter.
637- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
638  any warnings encountered.
640### class tar.Unpack.Sync
642Synchronous version of `tar.Unpack`.
644Note that using an asynchronous stream type with the `transform`
645option will cause undefined behavior in sync unpack streams.
646[MiniPass](http://npm.im/minipass)-based streams are designed for this
647use case.
649### class tar.Parse
651A writable stream that parses a tar archive stream.  All the standard
652writable stream stuff is supported.
654If the archive is gzipped, then tar will detect this and unzip it.
656Emits `'entry'` events with `tar.ReadEntry` objects, which are
657themselves readable streams that you can pipe wherever.
659Each `entry` will not emit until the one before it is flushed through,
660so make sure to either consume the data (with `on('data', ...)` or
661`.pipe(...)`) or throw it away with `.resume()` to keep the stream
664#### constructor(options)
666Returns an event emitter that emits `entry` events with
667`tar.ReadEntry` objects.
669The following options are supported:
671- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors.  Default false.
672- `filter` A function that gets called with `(path, entry)` for each
673  entry being listed.  Return `true` to emit the entry from the
674  archive, or `false` to skip it.
675- `onentry` A function that gets called with `(entry)` for each entry
676  that passes the filter.
677- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
678  any warnings encountered.
680#### abort(message, error)
682Stop all parsing activities.  This is called when there are zlib
683errors.  It also emits a warning with the message and error provided.
685### class tar.ReadEntry extends [MiniPass](http://npm.im/minipass)
687A representation of an entry that is being read out of a tar archive.
689It has the following fields:
691- `extended` The extended metadata object provided to the constructor.
692- `globalExtended` The global extended metadata object provided to the
693  constructor.
694- `remain` The number of bytes remaining to be written into the
695  stream.
696- `blockRemain` The number of 512-byte blocks remaining to be written
697  into the stream.
698- `ignore` Whether this entry should be ignored.
699- `meta` True if this represents metadata about the next entry, false
700  if it represents a filesystem object.
701- All the fields from the header, extended header, and global extended
702  header are added to the ReadEntry object.  So it has `path`, `type`,
703  `size, `mode`, and so on.
705#### constructor(header, extended, globalExtended)
707Create a new ReadEntry object with the specified header, extended
708header, and global extended header values.
710### class tar.WriteEntry extends [MiniPass](http://npm.im/minipass)
712A representation of an entry that is being written from the file
713system into a tar archive.
715Emits data for the Header, and for the Pax Extended Header if one is
716required, as well as any body data.
718Creating a WriteEntry for a directory does not also create
719WriteEntry objects for all of the directory contents.
721It has the following fields:
723- `path` The path field that will be written to the archive.  By
724  default, this is also the path from the cwd to the file system
725  object.
726- `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`,
727  `uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`.  Note
728  that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary other
729  time-based operations.
730- `myuid` If supported, the uid of the user running the current
731  process.
732- `myuser` The `env.USER` string if set, or `''`.  Set as the entry
733  `uname` field if the file's `uid` matches `this.myuid`.
734- `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `fs.read()` operations.
735  Defaults to 1 MB.
736- `linkCache` A Map object containing the device and inode value for
737  any file whose nlink is > 1, to identify hard links.
738- `statCache` A Map object that caches calls `lstat`.
739- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths.  By default, `/` is stripped
740  from absolute paths.
741- `cwd` The current working directory for creating the archive.
742  Defaults to `process.cwd()`.
743- `absolute` The absolute path to the entry on the filesystem.  By
744  default, this is `path.resolve(this.cwd, this.path)`, but it can be
745  overridden explicitly.
746- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors.  Default false.
747- `win32` True if on a windows platform.  Causes behavior where paths
748  replace `\` with `/` and filenames containing the windows-compatible
749  forms of `<|>?:` characters are converted to actual `<|>?:` characters
750  in the archive.
751- `noPax` Suppress pax extended headers.  Note that this means that
752  long paths and linkpaths will be truncated, and large or negative
753  numeric values may be interpreted incorrectly.
754- `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` values for entries.
755  Note that this prevents using other mtime-based features like
756  `tar.update` or the `keepNewer` option with the resulting tar archive.
759#### constructor(path, options)
761`path` is the path of the entry as it is written in the archive.
763The following options are supported:
765- `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`,
766  `uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`.  Note
767  that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary other
768  time-based operations.
769- `maxReadSize` The maximum buffer size for `fs.read()` operations.
770  Defaults to 1 MB.
771- `linkCache` A Map object containing the device and inode value for
772  any file whose nlink is > 1, to identify hard links.
773- `statCache` A Map object that caches calls `lstat`.
774- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths.  By default, `/` is stripped
775  from absolute paths.
776- `cwd` The current working directory for creating the archive.
777  Defaults to `process.cwd()`.
778- `absolute` The absolute path to the entry on the filesystem.  By
779  default, this is `path.resolve(this.cwd, this.path)`, but it can be
780  overridden explicitly.
781- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors.  Default false.
782- `win32` True if on a windows platform.  Causes behavior where paths
783  replace `\` with `/`.
784- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
785  any warnings encountered.
786- `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` values for entries.
787  Note that this prevents using other mtime-based features like
788  `tar.update` or the `keepNewer` option with the resulting tar archive.
789- `umask` Set to restrict the modes on the entries in the archive,
790  somewhat like how umask works on file creation.  Defaults to
791  `process.umask()` on unix systems, or `0o22` on Windows.
793#### warn(message, data)
795If strict, emit an error with the provided message.
797Othewise, emit a `'warn'` event with the provided message and data.
799### class tar.WriteEntry.Sync
801Synchronous version of tar.WriteEntry
803### class tar.WriteEntry.Tar
805A version of tar.WriteEntry that gets its data from a tar.ReadEntry
806instead of from the filesystem.
808#### constructor(readEntry, options)
810`readEntry` is the entry being read out of another archive.
812The following options are supported:
814- `portable` Omit metadata that is system-specific: `ctime`, `atime`,
815  `uid`, `gid`, `uname`, `gname`, `dev`, `ino`, and `nlink`.  Note
816  that `mtime` is still included, because this is necessary other
817  time-based operations.
818- `preservePaths` Allow absolute paths.  By default, `/` is stripped
819  from absolute paths.
820- `strict` Treat warnings as crash-worthy errors.  Default false.
821- `onwarn` A function that will get called with `(message, data)` for
822  any warnings encountered.
823- `noMtime` Set to true to omit writing `mtime` values for entries.
824  Note that this prevents using other mtime-based features like
825  `tar.update` or the `keepNewer` option with the resulting tar archive.
827### class tar.Header
829A class for reading and writing header blocks.
831It has the following fields:
833- `nullBlock` True if decoding a block which is entirely composed of
834  `0x00` null bytes.  (Useful because tar files are terminated by
835  at least 2 null blocks.)
836- `cksumValid` True if the checksum in the header is valid, false
837  otherwise.
838- `needPax` True if the values, as encoded, will require a Pax
839  extended header.
840- `path` The path of the entry.
841- `mode` The 4 lowest-order octal digits of the file mode.  That is,
842  read/write/execute permissions for world, group, and owner, and the
843  setuid, setgid, and sticky bits.
844- `uid` Numeric user id of the file owner
845- `gid` Numeric group id of the file owner
846- `size` Size of the file in bytes
847- `mtime` Modified time of the file
848- `cksum` The checksum of the header.  This is generated by adding all
849  the bytes of the header block, treating the checksum field itself as
850  all ascii space characters (that is, `0x20`).
851- `type` The human-readable name of the type of entry this represents,
852  or the alphanumeric key if unknown.
853- `typeKey` The alphanumeric key for the type of entry this header
854  represents.
855- `linkpath` The target of Link and SymbolicLink entries.
856- `uname` Human-readable user name of the file owner
857- `gname` Human-readable group name of the file owner
858- `devmaj` The major portion of the device number.  Always `0` for
859  files, directories, and links.
860- `devmin` The minor portion of the device number.  Always `0` for
861  files, directories, and links.
862- `atime` File access time.
863- `ctime` File change time.
865#### constructor(data, [offset=0])
867`data` is optional.  It is either a Buffer that should be interpreted
868as a tar Header starting at the specified offset and continuing for
869512 bytes, or a data object of keys and values to set on the header
870object, and eventually encode as a tar Header.
872#### decode(block, offset)
874Decode the provided buffer starting at the specified offset.
876Buffer length must be greater than 512 bytes.
878#### set(data)
880Set the fields in the data object.
882#### encode(buffer, offset)
884Encode the header fields into the buffer at the specified offset.
886Returns `this.needPax` to indicate whether a Pax Extended Header is
887required to properly encode the specified data.
889### class tar.Pax
891An object representing a set of key-value pairs in an Pax extended
892header entry.
894It has the following fields.  Where the same name is used, they have
895the same semantics as the tar.Header field of the same name.
897- `global` True if this represents a global extended header, or false
898  if it is for a single entry.
899- `atime`
900- `charset`
901- `comment`
902- `ctime`
903- `gid`
904- `gname`
905- `linkpath`
906- `mtime`
907- `path`
908- `size`
909- `uid`
910- `uname`
911- `dev`
912- `ino`
913- `nlink`
915#### constructor(object, global)
917Set the fields set in the object.  `global` is a boolean that defaults
918to false.
920#### encode()
922Return a Buffer containing the header and body for the Pax extended
923header entry, or `null` if there is nothing to encode.
925#### encodeBody()
927Return a string representing the body of the pax extended header
930#### encodeField(fieldName)
932Return a string representing the key/value encoding for the specified
933fieldName, or `''` if the field is unset.
935### tar.Pax.parse(string, extended, global)
937Return a new Pax object created by parsing the contents of the string
940If the `extended` object is set, then also add the fields from that
941object.  (This is necessary because multiple metadata entries can
942occur in sequence.)
944### tar.types
946A translation table for the `type` field in tar headers.
948#### tar.types.name.get(code)
950Get the human-readable name for a given alphanumeric code.
952#### tar.types.code.get(name)
954Get the alphanumeric code for a given human-readable name.