#!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 # # Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import string import sys import os from .elf_file import ElfFile from .elf_walker import ELFWalker class ElfFileWithDepsInfo(ElfFile): def __init__(self, file, prefix): super(ElfFileWithDepsInfo, self).__init__(file, prefix) self["deps"] = [] self["dependedBy"] = [] def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ElfFileWithDepsInfo): return NotImplemented return self["id"] == other["id"] def dependsOn(self, mod): for dep in self["deps"]: if dep["callee"] == mod: return True return False def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return "%s:%d deps(%d) dependedBy(%d)" % (self["name"], self["id"], len(self["deps"]), len(self["dependedBy"])) class Dependency(dict): def __init__(self, idx, caller, callee): self["id"] = idx self["caller_id"] = caller["id"] self["callee_id"] = callee["id"] self["caller"] = caller self["callee"] = callee self["external"] = False self["calls"] = 0 def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Dependency): return NotImplemented return self["id"] == other["id"]#and self["name"] == other["name"] def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return "(%s:%s[%d] -%d:%d-> %s:%s[%d])" % (self["caller"]["componentName"], self["caller"]["name"], self["caller"]["id"], int(self["external"]), self["calls"], self["callee"]["componentName"], self["callee"]["name"], self["callee"]["id"]) from .module_info import CompileInfoLoader from .hdi import HdiParser from .sa import SAParser from .innerapi import InnerAPILoader class ElfFileMgr(object): def __init__(self, product_out_path=None, elfFileClass=None, dependenceClass = None): self._elfFiles = [] self._path_dict = {} self._basename_dict = {} if elfFileClass: self._elfFileClass = elfFileClass else: self._elfFileClass = ElfFileWithDepsInfo self._deps = [] if dependenceClass: self._dependenceClass = dependenceClass else: self._dependenceClass = Dependency self._depIdx = 1 self._elfIdx = 1 self._not_found_depened_files = [] walker = ELFWalker(product_out_path) self._prefix = walker.get_product_images_path() self._product_out_path = walker.get_product_out_path() self._link_file_map = walker.get_link_file_map() def scan_all_files(self): walker = ELFWalker(self._product_out_path) self._scan_all_elf_files(walker) self._build_deps_tree() self._maxDepth = 0 self._maxTotalDepends = 0 print("Load compile information now ...") CompileInfoLoader.load(self, self._product_out_path) HdiParser.load(self, self._product_out_path) SAParser.load(self, self._product_out_path) def get_product_images_path(self): return self._prefix def get_product_out_path(self): return self._product_out_path def add_elf_file(self, elf): # Append to array in order elf["id"] = self._elfIdx self._elfIdx = self._elfIdx + 1 self._elfFiles.append(elf) # Add to dictionary with path as key self._path_dict[elf["path"]] = elf # Add to dictionary with basename as key if elf["name"] in self._basename_dict: self._basename_dict[elf["name"]].append(elf) else: self._basename_dict[elf["name"]] = [ elf ] def _scan_all_elf_files(self, walker): print("Scanning %d ELF files now ..." % len(walker.get_elf_files())) for f in walker.get_elf_files(): elf = self._elfFileClass(f, self._prefix) if elf["path"] in self._path_dict: print("Warning: duplicate " + elf.get_file() + ' skipped.') continue # Ignore these files if elf["name"] in [ "ld-musl-aarch64.so.1", "ld-musl-arm.so.1", "hdc_std" ]: continue self.add_elf_file(elf) # Reorder libraries with same name as defined by LD_LIBRARY_PATH for bname, val in self._basename_dict.items(): if len(val) < 2: continue self._basename_dict[bname] = self.__reorder_library(val) def __reorder_library(self, val): orders = [] idx = 0 for p in val: orders.append((self.__get_library_order(p["path"]), idx)) idx = idx + 1 orders.sort() res = [] for item in orders: res.append(val[item[1]]) return res def __get_library_order(self, path): if not path.startswith("/"): path = "/" + path if path.find("/lib64/") > 0: pathOrder = "/system/lib64:/vendor/lib64:/vendor/lib64/chipsetsdk:/system/lib64/ndk:/system/lib64/chipset-pub-sdk:/system/lib64/chipset-sdk:/system/lib64/platformsdk:/system/lib64/priv-platformsdk:/system/lib64/priv-module:/system/lib64/module:/system/lib64/module/data:/system/lib64/module/multimedia:/system/lib:/vendor/lib:/system/lib/ndk:/system/lib/chipset-pub-sdk:/system/lib/chipset-sdk:/system/lib/platformsdk:/system/lib/priv-platformsdk:/system/lib/priv-module:/system/lib/module:/system/lib/module/data:/system/lib/module/multimedia:/lib64:/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib" else: pathOrder = "/system/lib:/vendor/lib:/vendor/lib/chipsetsdk:/system/lib/ndk:/system/lib/chipset-pub-sdk:/system/lib/chipset-sdk:/system/lib/platformsdk:/system/lib/priv-platformsdk:/system/lib/priv-module:/system/lib/module:/system/lib/module/data:/system/lib/module/multimedia:/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib" if path.rfind("/") < 0: return 1000 path = path[:path.rfind("/")] paths = pathOrder.split(':') idx = 0 for p in paths: if p == path: return idx idx = idx + 1 return 1000 def _build_deps_tree(self): print("Build dependence tree for %d ELF files now ..." % len(self._elfFiles)) for elf in self._elfFiles: self.__build_deps_tree_for_one_elf(elf) print(" Got %d dependencies" % self._depIdx) def add_dependence(self, caller, callee): dep = self._dependenceClass(self._depIdx, caller, callee) caller["deps"].append(dep) callee["dependedBy"].append(dep) self._deps.append(dep) self._depIdx = self._depIdx + 1 return dep def __build_deps_tree_for_one_elf(self, elf): for lib in elf.library_depends(): dep_elf = self.get_elf_by_name(lib) if not dep_elf: self._not_found_depened_files.append({"caller": elf["name"], "callee": lib}) print("Warning: can not find depended library [" + lib + "] for " + elf["name"]) break self.add_dependence(elf, dep_elf) def get_elf_by_path(self, path): if path not in self._path_dict and path.find("/lib64/") > 0: path = path.replace("/lib64/", "/lib/") if path in self._path_dict: return self._path_dict[path] if path.find("/platformsdk/") > 0: return None if path.startswith("system/lib64/"): path = path.replace("system/lib64/", "system/lib64/platformsdk/") elif path.startswith("system/lib/"): path = path.replace("system/lib/", "system/lib/platformsdk/") else: return None if path not in self._path_dict and path.find("/lib64/") > 0: path = path.replace("/lib64/", "/lib/") if path in self._path_dict: return self._path_dict[path] return None def get_elf_by_idx(self, idx): if idx < 1 or idx > len(self._elfFiles): return None return self._elfFiles[idx - 1] def __get_link_file(self, name): for src, target in self._link_file_map.items(): tmp_name = os.path.basename(src) if name != tmp_name: continue tmp_name = os.path.dirname(src) tmp_name = os.path.join(tmp_name, target) link_elf = ElfFile(tmp_name, self._prefix) return self.get_elf_by_path(link_elf["path"]) def get_elf_by_name(self, name): if name in self._basename_dict: return self._basename_dict[name][0] return self.__get_link_file(name) def get_all(self): return self._elfFiles def get_all_deps(self): return self._deps if __name__ == '__main__': mgr = ElfFileMgr("/home/z00325844/demo/archinfo/assets/rk3568/") mgr.scan_all_files() elf = mgr.get_elf_by_path("system/lib/libskia_ohos.z.so") print("Get skia now ...") res = mgr.get_elf_by_path("system/lib/platformsdk/libhmicui18n.z.so") print(res)