* Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { AsyncCallback , Callback} from './basic';
* Provides methods for managing bundle usage statistics,
* including the methods for querying bundle usage information and state data.
You can use the methods defined in this class to query
* the usage history and states of bundles in a specified period.
* The system stores the query result in a {@link BundleStatsInfo} instance and
* then returns it to you.
* @namespace usageStatistics
* @since 9
declare namespace usageStatistics {
* @interface BundleStatsInfo
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
interface BundleStatsInfo {
* The identifier of BundleStatsInfo.
id: number;
* The total duration, in milliseconds.
abilityInFgTotalTime?: number;
* The last time when the application was accessed, in milliseconds.
abilityPrevAccessTime?: number;
* The last time when the application was visible in the foreground, in milliseconds.
abilityPrevSeenTime?: number;
* The total duration, in milliseconds.
abilitySeenTotalTime?: number;
* The bundle name of the application.
bundleName?: string;
* The total duration, in milliseconds.
fgAbilityAccessTotalTime?: number;
* The last time when the foreground application was accessed, in milliseconds.
fgAbilityPrevAccessTime?: number;
* The time of the first bundle usage record in this {@code BundleActiveInfo} object,
* in milliseconds.
infosBeginTime?: number;
* The time of the last bundle usage record in this {@code BundleActiveInfo} object,
* in milliseconds.
infosEndTime?: number;
* @interface HapFormInfo
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
interface HapFormInfo {
* The form name.
formName: string;
* The form dimension.
formDimension: number;
* The form id.
formId: number;
* The last time when the form was accessed, in milliseconds..
formLastUsedTime: number;
* The click count of module.
count: number;
* @interface HapModuleInfo
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
interface HapModuleInfo {
* The device id of module.
deviceId?: string;
* The bundle name.
bundleName: string;
* The module name.
moduleName: string;
* The main ability name of module.
abilityName?: string;
* The label id of application.
appLabelId?: number;
* The label id of module.
labelId?: number;
* The description id of application.
descriptionId?: number;
* The ability id of main ability.
abilityLableId?: number;
* The description id of main ability.
abilityDescriptionId?: number;
* The icon id of main ability.
abilityIconId?: number;
* The launch count of module.
launchedCount: number;
* The last time when the module was accessed, in milliseconds.
lastModuleUsedTime: number;
* The form usage record list of current module.
formRecords: Array;
* @interface DeviceEventStats
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
interface DeviceEventStats {
* The bundle name or system event name.
name: string;
* The event id.
eventId: number;
* The the event occurrence number.
count: number;
* @interface BundleEvents
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
interface BundleEvents {
* The usage group of the application.
appGroup?: number;
* The bundle name.
bundleName?: string;
* The shortcut ID.
indexOfLink?: string;
* The class name.
nameOfClass?: string;
* The time when this state occurred, in milliseconds.
eventOccurredTime?: number;
* The event id.
eventId?: number;
* @interface AppGroupCallbackInfo
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.AppGroup
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
interface AppGroupCallbackInfo {
* The usage old group of the application
appOldGroup: number;
* The usage new group of the application
appNewGroup: number;
* The use id
userId: number;
* The change reason
changeReason: number;
* The bundle name
bundleName: string;
* Checks whether the application with a specified bundle name is in the idle state.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { string } bundleName - Indicates the bundle name of the application to query.
* @param { AsyncCallback } callback - the callback of isIdleState.
* boolean value is true mean the application is idle in a particular period; false mean otherwise.
* The time range of the particular period is defined by the system, which may be hours or days.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.AppGroup
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function isIdleState(bundleName: string, callback: AsyncCallback): void;
* Checks whether the application with a specified bundle name is in the idle state.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { string } bundleName - Indicates the bundle name of the application to query.
* @returns { Promise } the promise returned by queryAppGroup.
* boolean value is true mean the application is idle in a particular period; false mean otherwise.
* The time range of the particular period is defined by the system, which may be hours or days.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.AppGroup
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function isIdleState(bundleName: string): Promise;
* Queries the app group of the calling application.
* The priority defined in a priority group restricts the resource usage of an application,
* for example, restricting the running of background tasks.
* @param { AsyncCallback } callback - the callback of queryAppGroup.
* Returns the app group of the calling application.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000005 - Application is not installed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10100002 - Failed to get the application group information.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.AppGroup
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryAppGroup(callback: AsyncCallback): void;
* Queries the app group of the calling application.
* The priority defined in a priority group restricts the resource usage of an application,
* for example, restricting the running of background tasks.
* @returns { Promise } the promise returned by queryAppGroup.
* Returns the app group of the calling application.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000005 - Application is not installed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10100002 - Failed to get the application group information.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.AppGroup
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryAppGroup(): Promise;
* Queries the usage priority group by bundleName.
* The priority defined in a priority group restricts the resource usage of an application,
* for example, restricting the running of background tasks.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { string } bundleName - name of the application.
* @param { AsyncCallback } callback - the callback of queryAppGroup.
* the usage priority group of the calling application.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000005 - Application is not installed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10100002 - Failed to get the application group information.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.AppGroup
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryAppGroup(bundleName : string, callback: AsyncCallback): void;
* Queries the usage priority group by bundleName.
* The priority defined in a priority group restricts the resource usage of an application,
* for example, restricting the running of background tasks.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { string } bundleName - name of the application.
* @returns { Promise } the promise returned by queryAppGroup.
* the usage priority group of the calling application.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000005 - Application is not installed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10100002 - Failed to get the application group information.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.AppGroup
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryAppGroup(bundleName : string): Promise;
* @interface BundleStatsMap
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
interface BundleStatsMap {
[key: string]: BundleStatsInfo;
* Queries usage information about each bundle within a specified period.
* This method queries usage information at the {@link #BY_OPTIMIZED} interval by default.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param {number} begin - Indicates the start time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param {number} end - Indicates the end time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param { AsyncCallback } callback - the callback of queryBundleStatsInfos,
* the {@link BundleStatsMap} objects containing the usage information about each bundle.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000007 - Failed to get the system time.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryBundleStatsInfos(begin: number, end: number, callback: AsyncCallback): void;
* Queries usage information about each bundle within a specified period.
* This method queries usage information at the {@link #BY_OPTIMIZED} interval by default.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param {number} begin - Indicates the start time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param {number} end - Indicates the end time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @returns { Promise } the promise returned by queryBundleStatsInfos.
* the {@link BundleStatsMap} objects containing the usage information about each bundle.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000007 - Failed to get the system time.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryBundleStatsInfos(begin: number, end: number): Promise;
* Declares interval type.
* @enum { number }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
export enum IntervalType {
* Indicates the interval type that will determine the optimal interval based on the start and end time.
* Indicates the daily interval.
* Indicates the weekly interval.
* Indicates the monthly interval.
* Indicates the annually interval.
* Queries usage information about each bundle within a specified period at a specified interval.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { IntervalType } byInterval - Indicates the interval at which the usage statistics are queried.
* The value can be {@link #BY_OPTIMIZED}, {@link #BY_DAILY},
* {@link #BY_WEEKLY}, {@link #BY_MONTHLY}, or {@link #BY_ANNUALLY}.
* @param { number } begin - Indicates the start time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param { number } end - Indicates the end time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param { AsyncCallback> } callback - the callback of queryBundleStatsInfoByInterval.
* the list of {@link BundleStatsInfo} objects containing the usage information about each bundle.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000007 - Failed to get the system time.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryBundleStatsInfoByInterval(byInterval: IntervalType, begin: number, end: number, callback: AsyncCallback>): void;
* Queries usage information about each bundle within a specified period at a specified interval.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { IntervalType } byInterval - Indicates the interval at which the usage statistics are queried.
* The value can be {@link #BY_OPTIMIZED}, {@link #BY_DAILY},
* {@link #BY_WEEKLY}, {@link #BY_MONTHLY}, or {@link #BY_ANNUALLY}.
* @param { number } begin - Indicates the start time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param { number } end - Indicates the end time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @returns { Promise> } the promise returned by queryBundleStatsInfoByInterval.
* the list of {@link BundleStatsInfo} objects containing the usage information about each bundle.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000007 - Failed to get the system time.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryBundleStatsInfoByInterval(byInterval: IntervalType, begin: number, end: number): Promise>;
* Queries state data of all bundles within a specified period identified by the start and end time.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { number } begin - Indicates the start time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param { number } end - Indicates the end time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param { AsyncCallback> } callback - the promise returned by queryBundleEvents.
* the list of {@link BundleEvents} objects containing the state data of all bundles.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000007 - Failed to get the system time.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryBundleEvents(begin: number, end: number, callback: AsyncCallback>): void;
* Queries state data of all bundles within a specified period identified by the start and end time.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { number } begin - Indicates the start time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param { number } end - Indicates the end time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @returns { Promise> } the promise returned by queryBundleEvents.
* the list of {@link BundleEvents} objects containing the state data of all bundles.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000007 - Failed to get the system time.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryBundleEvents(begin: number, end: number): Promise>;
* Queries state data of the current bundle within a specified period.
* @param { number } begin - Indicates the start time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param { number } end - Indicates the end time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param { AsyncCallback> } callback - the callback of queryCurrentBundleEvents.
* the {@link BundleEvents} object Array containing the state data of the current bundle.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000007 - Failed to get the system time.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryCurrentBundleEvents(begin: number, end: number, callback: AsyncCallback>): void;
* Queries state data of the current bundle within a specified period.
* @param { number } begin - Indicates the start time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param { number } end - Indicates the end time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @returns { Promise> } the promise returned by queryCurrentBundleEvents.
* the {@link BundleEvents} object Array containing the state data of the current bundle.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000007 - Failed to get the system time.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryCurrentBundleEvents(begin: number, end: number): Promise>;
* Queries recently module usage records with maxNum.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { number } maxNum - Indicates max record number in result, max value is 1000, default value is 1000.
* @param { AsyncCallback> } callback - the callback of queryModuleUsageRecords.
* the {@link HapModuleInfo} object Array containing the usage data of the modules.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000007 - Failed to get the system time.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryModuleUsageRecords(maxNum: number, callback: AsyncCallback>): void;
* Queries recently module usage records with maxNum.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { number } maxNum - Indicates max record number in result, max value is 1000, default value is 1000.
* @returns { Promise> } the promise returned by queryModuleUsageRecords.
* the {@link HapModuleInfo} object Array containing the usage data of the modules.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000007 - Failed to get the system time.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryModuleUsageRecords(maxNum: number): Promise>;
* Queries recently module usage records.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { AsyncCallback> } callback - the callback of queryModuleUsageRecords.
* the {@link HapModuleInfo} object Array containing the usage data of the modules.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000007 - Failed to get the system time.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryModuleUsageRecords(callback: AsyncCallback>): void;
* Queries recently module usage records.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @returns { Promise> } the promise returned by queryModuleUsageRecords.
* the {@link HapModuleInfo} object Array containing the usage data of the modules.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000007 - Failed to get the system time.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryModuleUsageRecords(): Promise>;
* Declares group type.
* @enum { number }
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.AppGroup
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
export enum GroupType {
* Indicates the alive group.
* Indicates the daily group.
* Indicates the fixed group.
* Indicates the rare group.
* Indicates the limit group.
* Indicates the never group.
* Set app group by bundleName.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { string } bundleName - name of the application.
* @param { GroupType } newGroup - the group of the application whose name is bundleName.
* @param { AsyncCallback } callback - the callback of setAppGroup.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10100001 - Repeated operation on the application group.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.AppGroup
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function setAppGroup(bundleName: string, newGroup: GroupType, callback: AsyncCallback): void;
* Set app group by bundleName.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { string } bundleName - name of the application.
* @param { GroupType } newGroup - the group of the application whose name is bundleName.
* @returns { Promise } the promise returned by setAppGroup.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10100001 - Repeated operation on the application group.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.AppGroup
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function setAppGroup(bundleName: string, newGroup: GroupType): Promise;
* Register appGroup change callback to service.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { Callback } groupCallback -
* callback when AppGroupCallbackInfo when the group of app changed.
* @param { AsyncCallback } callback - the callback of registerAppGroupCallBack.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10100001 - Repeated operation on the application group.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.AppGroup
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function registerAppGroupCallBack(groupCallback: Callback, callback: AsyncCallback): void;
* Register appGroup change callback to service.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { Callback } groupCallback -
* callback when AppGroupCallbackInfo when the group of app changed.
* @returns { Promise } the promise returned by registerAppGroupCallBack.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10100001 - Repeated operation on the application group.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.AppGroup
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function registerAppGroupCallBack(groupCallback: Callback): Promise;
* Unregister appGroup change callback from service.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { AsyncCallback } callback - the callback of unregisterAppGroupCallBack.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10100001 - Repeated operation on the application group.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.AppGroup
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function unregisterAppGroupCallBack(callback: AsyncCallback): void;
* Unregister appGroup change callback from service.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @returns { Promise } the promise returned by unregisterAppGroupCallBack.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10100001 - Repeated operation on the application group.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.AppGroup
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function unregisterAppGroupCallBack(): Promise;
* Queries device event states data within a specified period identified by the start and end time.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { number } begin - Indicates the start time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param { number } end - Indicates the end time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param { AsyncCallback> } callback - the callback of queryDeviceEventStats.
* the {@link DeviceEventStats} object Array containing the event states data.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000007 - Failed to get the system time.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryDeviceEventStats(begin: number, end: number, callback: AsyncCallback>): void;
* Queries device event states data within a specified period identified by the start and end time.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { number } begin - Indicates the start time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param { number } end - Indicates the end time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @returns { Promise> } the promise returned by queryDeviceEventStats.
* the {@link DeviceEventStats} object Array containing the event states data.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000007 - Failed to get the system time.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryDeviceEventStats(begin: number, end: number): Promise>;
* Queries app notification number within a specified period identified by the start and end time.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { number } begin - Indicates the start time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param { number } end - Indicates the end time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param { AsyncCallback> } callback - the callback of queryNotificationEventStats.
* the {@link DeviceEventStats} object Array containing the event states data.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000007 - Failed to get the system time.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryNotificationEventStats(begin: number, end: number, callback: AsyncCallback>): void;
* Queries app notification number within a specified period identified by the start and end time.
* @permission ohos.permission.BUNDLE_ACTIVE_INFO
* @param { number } begin - Indicates the start time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @param { number } end - Indicates the end time of the query period, in milliseconds.
* @returns { Promise> } the promise returned by queryNotificationEventStats.
* the {@link DeviceEventStats} object Array containing the event states data.
* @throws { BusinessError } 201 - Parameter error.
* @throws { BusinessError } 202 - Not System App.
* @throws { BusinessError } 401 - Permission denied.
* @throws { BusinessError } 801 - Capability not supported.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000001 - Memory operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000002 - Parcel operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000003 - System service operation failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000004 - IPC failed.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000006 - Failed to get the application information.
* @throws { BusinessError } 10000007 - Failed to get the system time.
* @syscap SystemCapability.ResourceSchedule.UsageStatistics.App
* @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
* @since 9
function queryNotificationEventStats(begin: number, end: number): Promise>;
export default usageStatistics;