/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { AsyncCallback } from './basic'; import { Callback } from './basic'; /** * systemScreenLock * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @since 7 */ declare namespace screenLock { /** * Checks whether the screen is currently locked. * * @returns Returns {@code true} if the screen is currently locked; returns {@code false} otherwise. * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @since 7 * @deprecated since 9 */ function isScreenLocked(callback: AsyncCallback): void; /** * Checks whether the screen is currently locked. * * @returns Returns {@code true} if the screen is currently locked; returns {@code false} otherwise. * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @since 7 * @deprecated since 9 */ function isScreenLocked(): Promise; /** * Checks whether the screen is currently locked. * * @returns Returns {@code true} if the screen is currently locked; returns {@code false} otherwise. * @throws {BusinessError} 202 - permission verification failed, application which is not a system application uses system API. * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use. * @since 9 */ function isLocked(): boolean; /** * Checks whether the screen lock of the current device is secure. * * @returns Returns {@code true} if the screen lock of the current device is secure; returns {@code false} otherwise. * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @since 7 * @deprecated since 9 */ function isSecureMode(callback: AsyncCallback): void; /** * Checks whether the screen lock of the current device is secure. * * @returns Returns {@code true} if the screen lock of the current device is secure; returns {@code false} otherwise. * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @since 7 * @deprecated since 9 */ function isSecureMode(): Promise; /** * Unlock the screen. * * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @since 7 * @deprecated since 9 */ function unlockScreen(callback: AsyncCallback): void; /** * Unlock the screen. * * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @since 7 * @deprecated since 9 */ function unlockScreen():Promise; /** * Unlock the screen. * * @returns Returns {@code true} if the screen is unlocked successfully; returns {@code false} otherwise. * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error. * @throws {BusinessError} 202 - permission verification failed, application which is not a system application uses system API. * @throws {BusinessError} 13200002 - the screenlock management service is abnormal. * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use. * @since 9 */ function unlock(callback: AsyncCallback): void; /** * Unlock the screen. * * @returns Returns {@code true} if the screen is unlocked successfully; returns {@code false} otherwise. * @throws {BusinessError} 202 - permission verification failed, application which is not a system application uses system API. * @throws {BusinessError} 13200002 - the screenlock management service is abnormal. * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use. * @since 9 */ function unlock():Promise; /** * Lock the screen. * * @returns Returns {@code true} if the screen is locked successfully; returns {@code false} otherwise. * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error. * @throws {BusinessError} 13200002 - the screenlock management service is abnormal. * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use. * @since 9 */ function lock(callback: AsyncCallback): void; /** * Lock the screen. * * @returns Returns {@code true} if the screen is locked successfully; returns {@code false} otherwise. * @throws {BusinessError} 13200002 - the screenlock management service is abnormal. * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use. * @since 9 */ function lock():Promise; /** * Indicates the system event type related to the screenlock management service. * * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use. * @since 9 */ type EventType = 'beginWakeUp' | 'endWakeUp' | 'beginScreenOn' | 'endScreenOn' | 'beginScreenOff' | 'endScreenOff' | 'unlockScreen' | 'lockScreen' | 'beginExitAnimation' | 'beginSleep' | 'endSleep' | 'changeUser' | 'screenlockEnabled' | 'serviceRestart' /** * Indicates the system event type and parameter related to the screenlock management service. * * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use. * @since 9 */ interface SystemEvent { eventType: EventType, params: string } /** * Register system event related to screen lock service. * * @param { Callback } callback - the callback function for indicating the system event related screen lock * @returns Returns {@code true} if register system event is success; returns {@code false} otherwise. * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error. * @throws {BusinessError} 13200002 - the screenlock management service is abnormal. * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use. * @since 9 */ function onSystemEvent(callback: Callback): boolean; /** * The screen lock app sends the event to the screen lock service. * * @param { String } event - event type. * @param { number } parameter - operation result of the event. * @returns Returns {@code true} if screen lock app send event to screen lock service is success; returns {@code false} otherwise. * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error. * @throws {BusinessError} 13200002 - the screenlock management service is abnormal. * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use. * @since 9 */ function sendScreenLockEvent(event: String, parameter: number, callback: AsyncCallback): void; /** * The screen lock app sends the event to the screen lock service. * * @param { String } event - event type. * @param { number } parameter - operation result of the event. * @returns Returns {@code true} if screen lock app send event to screen lock service is success; returns {@code false} otherwise. * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - parameter error. * @throws {BusinessError} 13200002 - the screenlock management service is abnormal. * @syscap SystemCapability.MiscServices.ScreenLock * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use. * @since 9 */ function sendScreenLockEvent(event: String, parameter: number): Promise; } export default screenLock;