/* * Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * common enum of color * @since 7 */ /** * common enum of color * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum Color { /** * White. * @since 7 */ /** * White. * @form * @since 9 */ White, /** * Black. * @since 7 */ /** * Black. * @form * @since 9 */ Black, /** * Blue. * @since 7 */ /** * Blue. * @form * @since 9 */ Blue, /** * Brown. * @since 7 */ /** * Brown. * @form * @since 9 */ Brown, /** * Gray. * @since 7 */ /** * Gray. * @form * @since 9 */ Gray, /** * Green. * @since 7 */ /** * Green. * @form * @since 9 */ Green, /** * Grey. * @since 7 */ /** * Grey. * @form * @since 9 */ Grey, /** * Orange. * @since 7 */ /** * Orange. * @form * @since 9 */ Orange, /** * color. * @since 7 */ /** * color. * @form * @since 9 */ Pink, /** * Red. * @since 7 */ /** * Red. * @form * @since 9 */ Red, /** * Yellow. * @since 7 */ /** * Yellow. * @form * @since 9 */ Yellow, /** * Transparent. * @form * @since 9 */ Transparent, } /** * Image display mode * @since 7 */ /** * Image display mode. * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum ImageFit { /** * Keep the aspect ratio to zoom out or zoom in so that the image is completely displayed within the display boundary. * @since 7 */ /** * Keep the aspect ratio to zoom out or zoom in so that the image is completely displayed within the display boundary. * @form * @since 9 */ Contain, /** * Keep the aspect ratio to zoom out or zoom in so that both sides of the image are greater than or equal to the display boundary. * @since 7 */ /** * Keep the aspect ratio to zoom out or zoom in so that both sides of the image are greater than or equal to the display boundary. * @form * @since 9 */ Cover, /** * Adaptive display * @since 7 */ /** * Adaptive display * @form * @since 9 */ Auto, /** * Zoom in or out without maintaining the aspect ratio so that the image fills the display boundary. * @since 7 */ /** * Zoom in or out without maintaining the aspect ratio so that the image fills the display boundary. * @form * @since 9 */ Fill, /** * Keep the aspect ratio displayed, and the image zooms out or remains unchanged. * @since 7 */ /** * Keep the aspect ratio displayed, and the image zooms out or remains unchanged. * @form * @since 9 */ ScaleDown, /** * Keep the original size and display it in the center. * @since 7 */ /** * Keep the original size and display it in the center. * @form * @since 9 */ None, } /** * Border Style * @since 7 */ /** * Border Style * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum BorderStyle { /** * Displays as a series of dots with a radius of half the borderWidth. * @since 7 */ /** * Displays as a series of dots with a radius of half the borderWidth. * @form * @since 9 */ Dotted, /** * Shows as a series of short square dashed lines. * @since 7 */ /** * Shows as a series of short square dashed lines. * @form * @since 9 */ Dashed, /** * Shows as a solid line. * @since 7 */ /** * Shows as a solid line. * @form * @since 9 */ Solid, } /** * Line Join Style * @since 7 */ /** * Line Join Style * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum LineJoinStyle { /** * Connect path segments using bevels. * @since 7 */ /** * Connect path segments using bevels. * @form * @since 9 */ Miter, /** * Connect path segments using sharp corners. * @since 7 */ /** * Connect path segments using sharp corners. * @form * @since 9 */ Round, /** * Connect path segments using fillets. * @since 7 */ /** * Connect path segments using fillets. * @form * @since 9 */ Bevel, } /** * Function Called by Touch * @since 7 */ declare enum TouchType { /** * Triggered when the finger is pressed. * @since 7 */ Down, /** * Triggered when the finger is raised. * @since 7 */ Up, /** * Triggered when the finger presses on the screen. * @since 7 */ Move, /** * Triggers when the touch event cancels. * @since 7 */ Cancel, } /** * Function Called by Mouse * @since 8 */ declare enum MouseButton { /** * Mouse Left Button. * @since 8 */ Left, /** * Mouse Right Button. * @since 8 */ Right, /** * Mouse Middle Button. * @since 8 */ Middle, /** * Mouse Back Button. * @since 8 */ Back, /** * Mouse Forward Button. * @since 8 */ Forward, /** * Mouse None Button. * @since 8 */ None, } /** * Function Called by Mouse * @since 8 */ declare enum MouseAction { /** * Triggered when the mouse is pressed. * @since 8 */ Press, /** * Triggered when the mouse is released. * @since 8 */ Release, /** * Triggered when the mouse is Moved. * @since 8 */ Move, /** * Triggered when the mouse is Hovered. * @since 8 */ Hover } /** * Animation status. * @since 7 */ declare enum AnimationStatus { /** * Initial state of the animation. * @since 7 */ Initial, /** * The animation is playing. * @since 7 */ Running, /** * The animation is paused. * @since 7 */ Paused, /** * The animation is stopped. * @since 7 */ Stopped, } /** * Sets the animation playback mode. By default, the animation starts to play again after the playback is complete. * @since 7 */ /** * Sets the animation playback mode. By default, the animation starts to play again after the playback is complete. * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum Curve { /** * Indicates that the speed of the animation is the same from start to finish. * @since 7 */ /** * Indicates that the speed of the animation is the same from start to finish. * @form * @since 9 */ Linear, /** * Indicates that the animation starts at a low speed, then accelerates, and then slows down before it ends, CubicBezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). * @since 7 */ /** * Indicates that the animation starts at a low speed, then accelerates, and then slows down before it ends, CubicBezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0). * @form * @since 9 */ Ease, /** * Indicates that the animation starts at a low speed, CubicBezier(0.42, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). * @since 7 */ /** * Indicates that the animation starts at a low speed, CubicBezier(0.42, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0). * @form * @since 9 */ EaseIn, /** * Indicates that the animation ends at a low speed, CubicBezier(0.0, 0.0, 0.78, 1.0). * @since 7 */ /** * Indicates that the animation ends at a low speed, CubicBezier(0.0, 0.0, 0.78, 1.0). * @form * @since 9 */ EaseOut, /** * Indicates that the animation starts and ends at a slow speed, CubicBezier(0.42, 0.0, 0.78, 1.0). * @since 7 */ /** * Indicates that the animation starts and ends at a slow speed, CubicBezier(0.42, 0.0, 0.78, 1.0). * @form * @since 9 */ EaseInOut, /** * Slow-in, fast-out * @since 7 */ /** * Slow-in, fast-out * @form * @since 9 */ FastOutSlowIn, /** * Linear Out Slow In * @since 7 */ /** * Linear Out Slow In * @form * @since 9 */ LinearOutSlowIn, /** * Fast Out Linear In. * @since 7 */ /** * Fast Out Linear In. * @form * @since 9 */ FastOutLinearIn, /** * Extreme Deceleration. * @since 7 */ /** * Extreme Deceleration. * @form * @since 9 */ ExtremeDeceleration, /** * Sharp. * @since 7 */ /** * Sharp. * @form * @since 9 */ Sharp, /** * Rhythm. * @since 7 */ /** * Rhythm. * @form * @since 9 */ Rhythm, /** * Smooth. * @since 7 */ /** * Smooth. * @form * @since 9 */ Smooth, /** * Damping curve, CubicBezier(0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0). * @since 7 */ /** * Damping curve, CubicBezier(0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0). * @form * @since 9 */ Friction, } /** * Sets the state before and after the animation starts. * @since 7 */ declare enum FillMode { /** * Restores to the initial state after the playback is complete. * @since 7 */ None, /** * Retains the state at the end of the animation when the playback is complete. * @since 7 */ Forwards, /** * Applies the start attribute value for the period specified by animation-delay before the animation is displayed. * @since 7 */ Backwards, /** * Both forward and backward fill modes are applied. * @since 7 */ Both, } /** * Play Mode * @since 7 */ /** * Play Mode * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum PlayMode { /** * The animation plays normally. * @since 7 */ /** * The animation plays normally. * @form * @since 9 */ Normal, /** * The animation plays backwards. * @since 7 */ /** * The animation plays backwards. * @form * @since 9 */ Reverse, /** * The animation plays forward on odd numbers (1, 3, 7...) and backward on even numbers (2, 4, 6...). * @since 7 */ /** * The animation plays forward on odd numbers (1, 3, 7...) and backward on even numbers (2, 4, 6...). * @form * @since 9 */ Alternate, /** * The animation plays backwards on odd numbers (1, 3, 7...) and forwards on even numbers (2, 4, 6...).. * @since 7 */ /** * The animation plays backwards on odd numbers (1, 3, 7...) and forwards on even numbers (2, 4, 6...).. * @form * @since 9 */ AlternateReverse, } /** * Type of a key. * @since 7 */ declare enum KeyType { /** * Press the key. * @since 7 */ Down, /** * The key is released. * @since 7 */ Up, } /** * Type of the input device that triggers the current key. * @since 7 */ declare enum KeySource { /** * The input device type is unknown. * @since 7 */ Unknown, /** * Set Device Type to Keyboard. * @since 7 */ Keyboard, } /** * Edge. * @since 7 */ declare enum Edge { /** * The top is centered horizontally. * @since 7 */ Top, /** * Center horizontal and vertical. * @since 7 * @deprecated since 9 */ Center, /** * The bottom is centered horizontally. * @since 7 */ Bottom, /** * Cross axis direction text baseline alignment. * @since 7 * @deprecated since 9 */ Baseline, /** * Align the head of the cross axis direction. * @since 7 */ Start, /** * Middle * @since 7 * @deprecated since 9 */ Middle, /** * Align the head of the cross axis direction. * @since 7 */ End, } /** * Set Weekend * @since 7 */ declare enum Week { /** * Monday. * @since 7 */ Mon, /** * Tuesday. * @since 7 */ Tue, /** * Wednesday. * @since 7 */ Wed, /** * Thursday. * @since 7 */ Thur, /** * Friday. * @since 7 */ Fri, /** * Saturday. * @since 7 */ Sat, /** * Sunday. * @since 7 */ Sun, } /** * Sets the horizontal layout of elements. * @since 7 */ /** * Sets the horizontal layout of elements. * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum Direction { /** * Elements are laid out from left to right. * @since 7 */ /** * Elements are laid out from left to right. * @form * @since 9 */ Ltr, /** * Elements are laid out from right to left. * @since 7 */ /** * Elements are laid out from right to left. * @form * @since 9 */ Rtl, /** * Use the default layout direction. * @since 7 */ /** * Use the default layout direction. * @form * @since 9 */ Auto, } /** * Used to set the status of the scroll bar. * @since 7 */ /** * Used to set the status of the scroll bar. * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum BarState { /** * Not displayed. * @since 7 */ /** * Not displayed. * @form * @since 9 */ Off, /** * On-demand display (displayed when you touch it and disappears after 2 seconds). * @since 7 */ /** * On-demand display (displayed when you touch it and disappears after 2 seconds). * @form * @since 9 */ Auto, /** * Resident display. * @since 7 */ /** * Resident display. * @form * @since 9 */ On, } /** * Sliding effect * @since 7 */ /** * Sliding effect * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum EdgeEffect { /** * Elastic physical action, sliding to the edge can continue to slide for a distance based on the initial speed or touch event, and spring back when released. * @since 7 */ /** * Elastic physical action, sliding to the edge can continue to slide for a distance based on the initial speed or touch event, and spring back when released. * @form * @since 9 */ Spring, /** * Fade. * @since 7 */ /** * Fade. * @form * @since 9 */ Fade, /** * Sliding to the edge has no effect. * @since 7 */ /** * Sliding to the edge has no effect. * @form * @since 9 */ None, } /** * Alignment enumeration description. * @since 7 */ /** * Alignment enumeration description. * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum Alignment { /** * Top Start. * @since 7 */ /** * Top Start. * @form * @since 9 */ TopStart, /** * The top is centered horizontally. * @since 7 */ /** * The top is centered horizontally. * @form * @since 9 */ Top, /** * Top tail end. * @since 7 */ /** * Top tail end. * @form * @since 9 */ TopEnd, /** * The starting end is centered longitudinally. * @since 7 */ /** * The starting end is centered longitudinally. * @form * @since 9 */ Start, /** * Center horizontal and vertical. * @since 7 */ /** * Center horizontal and vertical. * @form * @since 9 */ Center, /** * The tail end is centered longitudinally. * @since 7 */ /** * The tail end is centered longitudinally. * @form * @since 9 */ End, /** * Bottom starting end. * @since 7 */ /** * Bottom starting end. * @form * @since 9 */ BottomStart, /** * The bottom is centered horizontally. * @since 7 */ /** * The bottom is centered horizontally. * @form * @since 9 */ Bottom, /** * Bottom end. * @since 7 */ /** * Bottom end. * @form * @since 9 */ BottomEnd, } /** * TransitionType enumeration description. * @since 7 */ /** * TransitionType enumeration description. * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum TransitionType { /** * Specifies that the current transition action takes effect in all change scenarios of the component. * @since 7 */ /** * Specifies that the current transition action takes effect in all change scenarios of the component. * @form * @since 9 */ All, /** * Specifies the insertion scenario in which the current transition action takes effect. * @since 7 */ /** * Specifies the insertion scenario in which the current transition action takes effect. * @form * @since 9 */ Insert, /** * Specifies the deletion scenario in which the current transition action takes effect. * @since 7 */ /** * Specifies the deletion scenario in which the current transition action takes effect. * @form * @since 9 */ Delete, } /** * RelateType enumeration description * @since 7 */ declare enum RelateType { /** * Scales the current component to fill the parent component. * @since 7 */ FILL, /** * Scales the current component to fit the parent component. * @since 7 */ FIT, } /** * Controls the display or hide of the current component * @since 7 */ /** * Controls the display or hide of the current component * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum Visibility { /** * Show * @since 7 */ /** * Show * @form * @since 9 */ Visible, /** * Hide, but participate in layout for placeholder. * @since 7 */ /** * Hide, but participate in layout for placeholder. * @form * @since 9 */ Hidden, /** * Hides but does not participate in layout and does not take place. * @since 7 */ /** * Hides but does not participate in layout and does not take place. * @form * @since 9 */ None, } /** * LineCapStyle enumeration description * @since 7 */ /** * LineCapStyle enumeration description * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum LineCapStyle { /** * The two ends of the dividing line are parallel lines. * @since 7 */ /** * The two ends of the dividing line are parallel lines. * @form * @since 9 */ Butt, /** * The two ends of the dividing line are semicircles. * @since 7 */ /** * The two ends of the dividing line are semicircles. * @form * @since 9 */ Round, /** * Extends half a circle at the end of the path with a width equal to half the line width and a height equal to the line width. * @since 7 */ /** * Extends half a circle at the end of the path with a width equal to half the line width and a height equal to the line width. * @form * @since 9 */ Square, } /** * Axis enumeration description. * @since 7 */ /** * Axis enumeration description. * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum Axis { /** * Longitudinal arrangement * @since 7 */ /** * Longitudinal arrangement * @form * @since 9 */ Vertical, /** * Horizontal arrangement. * @since 7 */ /** * Horizontal arrangement. * @form * @since 9 */ Horizontal, } /** * HorizontalAlign enumeration description. * @since 7 */ /** * HorizontalAlign enumeration description. * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum HorizontalAlign { /** * Aligns the start end in the language direction. * @since 7 */ /** * Aligns the start end in the language direction. * @form * @since 9 */ Start, /** * Center alignment. The default alignment mode is used. * @since 7 */ /** * Center alignment. The default alignment mode is used. * @form * @since 9 */ Center, /** * Aligns the ends in the language direction. * @since 7 */ /** * Aligns the ends in the language direction. * @form * @since 9 */ End, } /** * FlexAlign enumeration description. * @since 7 */ /** * FlexAlign enumeration description. * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum FlexAlign { /** * The element is aligned at the head of the principal axis, * the first element is aligned with the head of the row, and subsequent elements are aligned with the previous one. * @since 7 */ /** * The element is aligned at the head of the principal axis, * the first element is aligned with the head of the row, and subsequent elements are aligned with the previous one. * @form * @since 9 */ Start, /** * The elements are centered in the direction of the principal axis, * and the first element is the same distance from the beginning of the row as the last element is from the end of the row. * @since 7 */ /** * The elements are centered in the direction of the principal axis, * and the first element is the same distance from the beginning of the row as the last element is from the end of the row. * @form * @since 9 */ Center, /** * The element is aligned at the tail of the principal axis, * the last element is aligned at the end of the row, and the other elements are aligned with the next. * @since 7 */ /** * The element is aligned at the tail of the principal axis, * the last element is aligned at the end of the row, and the other elements are aligned with the next. * @form * @since 9 */ End, /** * Elastic elements are evenly distributed in the direction of the Flex principal axis, * with the same distance between adjacent elements. * The first element aligns with the beginning of the line, and the last element aligns with the end of the line. * @since 7 */ /** * Elastic elements are evenly distributed in the direction of the Flex principal axis, * with the same distance between adjacent elements. * The first element aligns with the beginning of the line, and the last element aligns with the end of the line. * @form * @since 9 */ SpaceBetween, /** * Elastic elements are evenly distributed in the direction of the Flex principal axis, * with the same distance between adjacent elements. Half the distance between adjacent elements as the distance between * the first element and the distance between the last element and the end of the row. * @since 7 */ /** * Elastic elements are evenly distributed in the direction of the Flex principal axis, * with the same distance between adjacent elements. Half the distance between adjacent elements as the distance between * the first element and the distance between the last element and the end of the row. * @form * @since 9 */ SpaceAround, /** * Elements in the Flex axis direction are evenly spaced. * The spacing between adjacent elements, the spacing between the first element and the beginning of the row, * and the spacing between the last element and the end of the row are the same. * @since 7 */ /** * Elements in the Flex axis direction are evenly spaced. * The spacing between adjacent elements, the spacing between the first element and the beginning of the row, * and the spacing between the last element and the end of the row are the same. * @form * @since 9 */ SpaceEvenly, } /** * ItemAlign enumeration description * @since 7 */ /** * ItemAlign enumeration description * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum ItemAlign { /** * Use the default configuration in the Flex container. * @since 7 */ /** * Use the default configuration in the Flex container. * @form * @since 9 */ Auto, /** * The element is in the Flex container with the cross-axis direction head aligned. * @since 7 */ /** * The element is in the Flex container with the cross-axis direction head aligned. * @form * @since 9 */ Start, /** * The element is centered in the Flex container with the cross axis direction aligned. * @since 7 */ /** * The element is centered in the Flex container with the cross axis direction aligned. * @form * @since 9 */ Center, /** * The element is bottom aligned in the Flex container with the cross axis direction. * @since 7 */ /** * The element is bottom aligned in the Flex container with the cross axis direction. * @form * @since 9 */ End, /** * Element In the Flex container, the cross-axis direction text baseline is aligned. * @since 7 */ /** * Element In the Flex container, the cross-axis direction text baseline is aligned. * @form * @since 9 */ Baseline, /** * Element In a Flex container, the fill is stretched across the axis and, when no dimension is set, to the container size. * @since 7 */ /** * Element In a Flex container, the fill is stretched across the axis and, when no dimension is set, to the container size. * @form * @since 9 */ Stretch, } /** * FlexDirection enumeration description * @since 7 */ /** * FlexDirection enumeration description * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum FlexDirection { /** * The main axis is consistent with the row direction as the layout mode. * @since 7 */ /** * The main axis is consistent with the row direction as the layout mode. * @form * @since 9 */ Row, /** * The main axis is consistent with the column direction as the layout mode. * @since 7 */ /** * The main axis is consistent with the column direction as the layout mode. * @form * @since 9 */ Column, /** * The layout is in the opposite direction to the Row direction. * @since 7 */ /** * The layout is in the opposite direction to the Row direction. * @form * @since 9 */ RowReverse, /** * Layout in the opposite direction to the column. * @since 7 */ /** * Layout in the opposite direction to the column. * @form * @since 9 */ ColumnReverse, } /** * FlexWrap enumeration description * @since 7 */ /** * FlexWrap enumeration description * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum FlexWrap { /** * The Flex container has a single row/column layout of elements, and children are allowed to go beyond the container. * @since 7 */ /** * The Flex container has a single row/column layout of elements, and children are allowed to go beyond the container. * @form * @since 9 */ NoWrap, /** * The elements of the Flex container are arranged in multiple rows or columns, and the sub-items are allowed to exceed the container. * @since 7 */ /** * The elements of the Flex container are arranged in multiple rows or columns, and the sub-items are allowed to exceed the container. * @form * @since 9 */ Wrap, /** * The elements of the Flex container are arranged in reverse multiple rows/columns, and children are allowed to exceed the container. * @since 7 */ /** * The elements of the Flex container are arranged in reverse multiple rows/columns, and children are allowed to exceed the container. * @form * @since 9 */ WrapReverse, } /** * VerticalAlign enumeration description * @since 7 */ /** * VerticalAlign enumeration description * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum VerticalAlign { /** * Top alignment. * @since 7 */ /** * Top alignment. * @form * @since 9 */ Top, /** * Center alignment. The default alignment mode is used. * @since 7 */ /** * Center alignment. The default alignment mode is used. * @form * @since 9 */ Center, /** * Bottom alignment. * @since 7 */ /** * Bottom alignment. * @form * @since 9 */ Bottom, } /** * ImageRepeat enumeration description * @since 7 */ /** * ImageRepeat enumeration description * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum ImageRepeat { /** * Do not draw the picture again. * @since 7 */ /** * Do not draw the picture again. * @form * @since 9 */ NoRepeat, /** * Repeat the drawing only on the horizontal axis. * @since 7 */ /** * Repeat the drawing only on the horizontal axis. * @form * @since 9 */ X, /** * Repeat the drawing only on the vertical axis. * @since 7 */ /** * Repeat the drawing only on the vertical axis. * @form * @since 9 */ Y, /** * Draw the picture repeatedly on both axes. * @since 7 */ /** * Draw the picture repeatedly on both axes. * @form * @since 9 */ XY, } /** * ImageSize enumeration description * @since 7 */ /** * ImageSize enumeration description * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum ImageSize { /** * Keep the scale of the original image unchanged. * @since 7 */ /** * Keep the scale of the original image unchanged. * @form * @since 9 */ Auto, /** * Default value. Keep the aspect ratio to zoom in or out the image so that both sides of the image are greater than or equal to the display boundary. * @since 7 */ /** * Default value. Keep the aspect ratio to zoom in or out the image so that both sides of the image are greater than or equal to the display boundary. * @form * @since 9 */ Cover, /** * Keep the aspect ratio to zoom out or zoom in so that the image is completely displayed within the display boundary. * @since 7 */ /** * Keep the aspect ratio to zoom out or zoom in so that the image is completely displayed within the display boundary. * @form * @since 9 */ Contain, } /** * GradientDirection enumeration description * @since 7 */ /** * GradientDirection enumeration description * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum GradientDirection { /** * Right to left. * @since 7 */ /** * Right to left. * @form * @since 9 */ Left, /** * From the bottom up. * @since 7 */ /** * From the bottom up. * @form * @since 9 */ Top, /** * From left to right. * @since 7 */ /** * From left to right. * @form * @since 9 */ Right, /** * From the top down. * @since 7 */ /** * From the top down. * @form * @since 9 */ Bottom, /** * Top Left * @since 7 */ /** * Top Left * @form * @since 9 */ LeftTop, /** * Left Bottom * @since 7 */ /** * Left Bottom * @form * @since 9 */ LeftBottom, /** * Right Top * @since 7 */ /** * Right Top * @form * @since 9 */ RightTop, /** * Right Bottom * @since 7 */ /** * Right Bottom * @form * @since 9 */ RightBottom, /** * None * @since 7 */ /** * None * @form * @since 9 */ None, } /** * SharedTransitionEffectType enumeration description * @since 7 */ declare enum SharedTransitionEffectType { /** * The location of the destination page element remains unchanged, and you can configure the transparency animation. Currently, * only the static effect configured for redirecting to the target page takes effect. * @since 7 */ Static, /** * Move the source page element to the destination page element location and scale it appropriately. * @since 7 */ Exchange, } /** * Text style * @since 7 */ /** * Text style * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum FontStyle { /** * Default style. * @since 7 */ /** * Default style. * @form * @since 9 */ Normal, /** * Italic style. * @since 7 */ /** * Italic style. * @form * @since 9 */ Italic, } /** * The font weight of the text * @since 7 */ /** * The font weight of the text * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum FontWeight { /** * Defines a lighter value than [Inherited Value].. * @since 7 */ /** * Defines a lighter value than [Inherited Value].. * @form * @since 9 */ Lighter, /** * Normal font. Equivalent to a digital value of 400. * @since 7 */ /** * Normal font. Equivalent to a digital value of 400. * @form * @since 9 */ Normal, /** * Defines a more general value than [Inherited Value]. * @since 7 */ /** * Defines a more general value than [Inherited Value]. * @form * @since 9 */ Regular, /** * Defines a value that is more centered than [Inherited Value]. * @since 7 */ /** * Defines a value that is more centered than [Inherited Value]. * @form * @since 9 */ Medium, /** * Bold. Equivalent to a numeric value of 700. * @since 7 */ /** * Bold. Equivalent to a numeric value of 700. * @form * @since 9 */ Bold, /** * Defines a value that is heavier than [Inherited Value]. * @since 7 */ /** * Defines a value that is heavier than [Inherited Value]. * @form * @since 9 */ Bolder, } /** * Alignment of text. * @since 7 */ /** * Alignment of text. * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum TextAlign { /** * Center the text. * @since 7 */ /** * Center the text. * @form * @since 9 */ Center, /** * The text is aligned in the same direction as the writing * @since 7 */ /** * The text is aligned in the same direction as the writing * @form * @since 9 */ Start, /** * The text is aligned in the opposite direction of writing * @since 7 */ /** * The text is aligned in the opposite direction of writing * @form * @since 9 */ End, } /** * Declare how text overflows. * @since 7 */ /** * Declare how text overflows. * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum TextOverflow { /** * When the text is too long, it will be cropped and displayed. * @since 7 */ /** * When the text is too long, it will be cropped and displayed. * @form * @since 9 */ Clip, /** * If the text is too long, the text that cannot be displayed shall be replaced by ellipsis. * @since 7 */ /** * If the text is too long, the text that cannot be displayed shall be replaced by ellipsis. * @form * @since 9 */ Ellipsis, /** * Text is not cropped when it is too long. * @since 7 */ /** * Text is not cropped when it is too long. * @form * @since 9 */ None, } /** * Type of text modifier. * @since 7 */ /** * Type of text modifier. * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum TextDecorationType { /** * Do not use text decorative lines. * @since 7 */ /** * Do not use text decorative lines. * @form * @since 9 */ None, /** * Underline the words. * @since 7 */ /** * Underline the words. * @form * @since 9 */ Underline, /** * Text is in all uppercase. * @since 7 */ /** * Text is in all uppercase. * @form * @since 9 */ Overline, /** * A modifier line that passes through the text. * @since 7 */ /** * A modifier line that passes through the text. * @form * @since 9 */ LineThrough, } /** * Letter type in text * @since 7 */ /** * Letter type in text * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum TextCase { /** * The default is normal. * @since 7 */ /** * The default is normal. * @form * @since 9 */ Normal, /** * The text is all lowercase. * @since 7 */ /** * The text is all lowercase. * @form * @since 9 */ LowerCase, /** * The text is all uppercase. * @since 7 */ /** * The text is all uppercase. * @form * @since 9 */ UpperCase, } /** * ResponseType for contextMenu * @since 8 */ declare enum ResponseType { /** * Right click. * @since 8 */ RightClick, /** * Long press. * @since 8 */ LongPress, } /** * HoverEffect enumeration description * @since 8 */ declare enum HoverEffect { /** * Default effect * @since 8 */ Auto, /** * Zoom in and out effect * @since 8 */ Scale, /** * Highlight effect * @since 8 */ Highlight, /** * None effect * @since 8 */ None, } /** * Placement enumeration description * @since 8 */ declare enum Placement { /** * Left placement * @since 8 */ Left, /** * Right placement * @since 8 */ Right, /** * Top placement * @since 8 */ Top, /** * Bottom placement * @since 8 */ Bottom, /** * TopLeft placement * @since 8 */ TopLeft, /** * TopRight placement * @since 8 */ TopRight, /** * BottomLeft placement * @since 8 */ BottomLeft, /** * BottomRight placement * @since 8 */ BottomRight, /** * LeftTop placement * @since 9 */ LeftTop, /** * LeftBottom placement * @since 9 */ LeftBottom, /** * RightTop placement * @since 9 */ RightTop, /** * RightBottom placement * @since 9 */ RightBottom, } /** * Indicates the share option. * * @form * @since 9 */ declare enum CopyOptions { /** * Not allow share. * @form * @since 9 */ None = 0, /** * Share in app. * @form * @since 9 */ InApp = 1, /** * Share in local device. * @form * @since 9 */ LocalDevice = 2, } /** * Defines the hit test mode. * @since 9 */ declare enum HitTestMode { /** * Both self and children nodes respond to the hit test for touch events, * but block hit test of the other nodes which is masked by this node. * @since 9 */ Default, /** * Self respond to the hit test for touch events, * but block hit test of children and other nodes which is masked by this node. * @since 9 */ Block, /** * Self and children respond to the hit test for touch events, * and allow hit test of other nodes which is masked by this node. * @since 9 */ Transparent, /** * Self not respond to the hit test for touch events, * but children respond to the hit test for touch events. * @since 9 */ None, } /** * Title height. * @since 9 */ declare enum TitleHeight { /** * Title height when only main title is available. * @since 9 */ MainOnly, /** * Title height when main title and subtitle are both available. * @since 9 */ MainWithSub, }