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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# coding=utf-8
5# Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
6# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8# You may obtain a copy of the License at
10#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16# limitations under the License.
19import copy
20import os
21import socket
22import sys
23import time
24import platform
25import argparse
26import subprocess
27import signal
28import uuid
29import json
30import stat
31from datetime import timezone
32from datetime import timedelta
33from datetime import datetime
34from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
36from _core.executor.listener import SuiteResult
37from _core.driver.parser_lite import ShellHandler
38from _core.exception import ParamError
39from _core.exception import ExecuteTerminate
40from _core.logger import platform_logger
41from _core.report.suite_reporter import SuiteReporter
42from _core.plugin import get_plugin
43from _core.plugin import Plugin
44from _core.constants import ModeType
45from _core.constants import ConfigConst
47LOG = platform_logger("Utils")
50def get_filename_extension(file_path):
51    _, fullname = os.path.split(file_path)
52    filename, ext = os.path.splitext(fullname)
53    return filename, ext
56def unique_id(type_name, value):
57    return "{}_{}_{:0>8}".format(type_name, value,
58                                 str(uuid.uuid1()).split("-")[0])
61def start_standing_subprocess(cmd, pipe=subprocess.PIPE, return_result=False):
62    """Starts a non-blocking subprocess that is going to continue running after
63    this function returns.
65    A subprocess group is actually started by setting sid, so we can kill all
66    the processes spun out from the subprocess when stopping it. This is
67    necessary in case users pass in pipe commands.
69    Args:
70        cmd: Command to start the subprocess with.
71        pipe: pipe to get execution result
72        return_result: return execution result or not
74    Returns:
75        The subprocess that got started.
76    """
77    sys_type = platform.system()
78    process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=pipe, shell=False,
79                               preexec_fn=None if sys_type == "Windows"
80                               else os.setsid)
81    if not return_result:
82        return process
83    else:
84        rev = process.stdout.read()
85        return rev.decode("utf-8").strip()
88def stop_standing_subprocess(process):
89    """Stops a subprocess started by start_standing_subprocess.
91    Catches and ignores the PermissionError which only happens on Macs.
93    Args:
94        process: Subprocess to terminate.
95    """
96    try:
97        sys_type = platform.system()
98        signal_value = signal.SIGINT if sys_type == "Windows" \
99            else signal.SIGTERM
100        os.kill(process.pid, signal_value)
101    except (PermissionError, AttributeError, FileNotFoundError,  # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
102            SystemError) as error:
103        LOG.error("Stop standing subprocess error '%s'" % error)
106def get_decode(stream):
107    if not isinstance(stream, str) and not isinstance(stream, bytes):
108        ret = str(stream)
109    else:
110        try:
111            ret = stream.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore")
112        except (ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError) as _:
113            ret = str(stream)
114    return ret
117def is_proc_running(pid, name=None):
118    if hasattr(sys, ConfigConst.env_pool_cache) and getattr(sys, ConfigConst.env_pool_cache, False):
119        return True
120    if platform.system() == "Windows":
121        pid = "{}.exe".format(pid)
122        proc_sub = subprocess.Popen(["C:\\Windows\\System32\\tasklist"],
123                                    stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
124                                    shell=False)
125        proc = subprocess.Popen(["C:\\Windows\\System32\\findstr", "/B", "%s" % pid],
126                                stdin=proc_sub.stdout,
127                                stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
128    elif platform.system() == "Linux":
129        # /bin/ps -ef | /bin/grep -v grep | /bin/grep -w pid
130        proc_sub = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/ps", "-ef"],
131                                    stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
132                                    shell=False)
133        proc_v_sub = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/grep", "-v", "grep"],
134                                      stdin=proc_sub.stdout,
135                                      stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
136                                      shell=False)
137        proc = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/grep", "-w", "%s" % pid],
138                                stdin=proc_v_sub.stdout,
139                                stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
140    elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
141        proc_sub = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/ps", "-ef"],
142                                    stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
143                                    shell=False)
144        proc_v_sub = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/grep", "-v", "grep"],
145                                      stdin=proc_sub.stdout,
146                                      stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
147                                      shell=False)
148        proc = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/grep", "-w", "%s" % pid],
149                                stdin=proc_v_sub.stdout,
150                                stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
151    else:
152        raise Exception("Unknown system environment")
154    (out, _) = proc.communicate(timeout=60)
155    out = get_decode(out).strip()
156    LOG.debug("Check %s proc running output: %s", pid, out)
157    if out == "":
158        return False
159    else:
160        return True if name is None else out.find(name) != -1
163def exec_cmd(cmd, timeout=5 * 60, error_print=True, join_result=False, redirect=False):
164    """
165    Executes commands in a new shell. Directing stderr to PIPE.
167    This is fastboot's own exe_cmd because of its peculiar way of writing
168    non-error info to stderr.
170    Args:
171        cmd: A sequence of commands and arguments.
172        timeout: timeout for exe cmd.
173        error_print: print error output or not.
174        join_result: join error and out
175        redirect: redirect output
176    Returns:
177        The output of the command run.
178    """
179    # PIPE本身可容纳的量比较小,所以程序会卡死,所以一大堆内容输出过来的时候,会导致PIPE不足够处理这些内容,因此需要将输出内容定位到其他地方,例如临时文件等
180    import tempfile
181    out_temp = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=10 * 1000)
182    fileno = out_temp.fileno()
184    sys_type = platform.system()
185    if sys_type == "Linux" or sys_type == "Darwin":
186        if redirect:
187            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=fileno,
188                                    stderr=fileno, shell=False,
189                                    preexec_fn=os.setsid)
190        else:
191            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
192                                    stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False,
193                                    preexec_fn=os.setsid)
194    else:
195        if redirect:
196            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=fileno,
197                                    stderr=fileno, shell=False)
198        else:
199            proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
200                                    stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
201    try:
202        (out, err) = proc.communicate(timeout=timeout)
203        err = get_decode(err).strip()
204        out = get_decode(out).strip()
205        if err and error_print:
206            LOG.exception(err, exc_info=False)
207        if join_result:
208            return "%s\n %s" % (out, err) if err else out
209        else:
210            return err if err else out
212    except (TimeoutError, KeyboardInterrupt, AttributeError, ValueError,  # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
213            EOFError, IOError) as _:
214        sys_type = platform.system()
215        if sys_type == "Linux" or sys_type == "Darwin":
216            os.killpg(proc.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
217        else:
218            os.kill(proc.pid, signal.SIGINT)
219        raise
222def create_dir(path):
223    """Creates a directory if it does not exist already.
225    Args:
226        path: The path of the directory to create.
227    """
228    full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path))
229    if not os.path.exists(full_path):
230        os.makedirs(full_path, exist_ok=True)
233def get_config_value(key, config_dict, is_list=True, default=None):
234    """Get corresponding values for key in config_dict
236    Args:
237        key: target key in config_dict
238        config_dict: dictionary that store values
239        is_list: decide return values is list type or not
240        default: if key not in config_dict, default value will be returned
242    Returns:
243        corresponding values for key
244    """
245    if not isinstance(config_dict, dict):
246        return default
248    value = config_dict.get(key, None)
249    if isinstance(value, bool):
250        return value
252    if value is None:
253        if default is not None:
254            return default
255        return [] if is_list else ""
257    if isinstance(value, list):
258        return value if is_list else value[0]
259    return [value] if is_list else value
262def get_file_absolute_path(input_name, paths=None, alt_dir=None):
263    """Find absolute path for input_name
265    Args:
266        input_name: the target file to search
267        paths: path list for searching input_name
268        alt_dir: extra dir that appended to paths
270    Returns:
271        absolute path for input_name
272    """
273    LOG.debug("Input name:{}, paths:{}, alt dir:{}".
274              format(input_name, paths, alt_dir))
275    input_name = str(input_name)
276    abs_paths = set(paths) if paths else set()
277    _update_paths(abs_paths)
279    _inputs = [input_name]
280    if input_name.startswith("resource/"):
281        _inputs.append(input_name.replace("resource/", "", 1))
282    elif input_name.startswith("testcases/"):
283        _inputs.append(input_name.replace("testcases/", "", 1))
284    elif input_name.startswith("resource\\"):
285        _inputs.append(input_name.replace("resource\\", "", 1))
286    elif input_name.startswith("testcases\\"):
287        _inputs.append(input_name.replace("testcases\\", "", 1))
289    for _input in _inputs:
290        for path in abs_paths:
291            if alt_dir:
292                file_path = os.path.join(path, alt_dir, _input)
293                if os.path.exists(file_path):
294                    return os.path.abspath(file_path)
296            file_path = os.path.join(path, _input)
297            if os.path.exists(file_path):
298                return os.path.abspath(file_path)
300    err_msg = "The file {} does not exist".format(input_name)
301    if check_mode(ModeType.decc):
302        LOG.error(err_msg, error_no="00109")
303        err_msg = "Load Error[00109]"
305    if alt_dir:
306        LOG.debug("Alt dir is %s" % alt_dir)
307    LOG.debug("Paths is:")
308    for path in abs_paths:
309        LOG.debug(path)
310    raise ParamError(err_msg, error_no="00109")
313def _update_paths(paths):
314    from xdevice import Variables
315    resource_dir = "resource"
316    testcases_dir = "testcases"
318    need_add_path = set()
319    for path in paths:
320        if not os.path.exists(path):
321            continue
322        head, tail = os.path.split(path)
323        if not tail:
324            head, tail = os.path.split(head)
325        if tail in [resource_dir, testcases_dir]:
326            need_add_path.add(head)
327    paths.update(need_add_path)
329    inner_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(Variables.exec_dir,
330                                             testcases_dir))
331    top_inner_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(Variables.top_dir,
332                                                 testcases_dir))
333    res_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(Variables.exec_dir, resource_dir))
334    top_res_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(Variables.top_dir,
335                                               resource_dir))
336    paths.update([inner_dir, res_dir, top_inner_dir, top_res_dir,
337                  Variables.exec_dir, Variables.top_dir])
340def modify_props(device, local_prop_file, target_prop_file, new_props):
341    """To change the props if need
342    Args:
343        device: the device to modify props
344        local_prop_file : the local file to save the old props
345        target_prop_file : the target prop file to change
346        new_props  : the new props
347    Returns:
348        True : prop file changed
349        False : prop file no need to change
350    """
351    is_changed = False
352    device.pull_file(target_prop_file, local_prop_file)
353    old_props = {}
354    changed_prop_key = []
355    lines = []
356    flags = os.O_RDONLY
357    modes = stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR
358    with os.fdopen(os.open(local_prop_file, flags, modes), "r") as old_file:
359        lines = old_file.readlines()
360        if lines:
361            lines[-1] = lines[-1] + '\n'
362        for line in lines:
363            line = line.strip()
364            if not line.startswith("#") and line.find("=") > 0:
365                key_value = line.split("=")
366                if len(key_value) == 2:
367                    old_props[line.split("=")[0]] = line.split("=")[1]
369    for key, value in new_props.items():
370        if key not in old_props.keys():
371            lines.append("".join([key, "=", value, '\n']))
372            is_changed = True
373        elif old_props.get(key) != value:
374            changed_prop_key.append(key)
375            is_changed = True
377    if is_changed:
378        local_temp_prop_file = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', prefix='build',
379                                                  suffix='.tmp', delete=False)
380        for index, line in enumerate(lines):
381            if not line.startswith("#") and line.find("=") > 0:
382                key = line.split("=")[0]
383                if key in changed_prop_key:
384                    lines[index] = "".join([key, "=", new_props[key], '\n'])
385        local_temp_prop_file.writelines(lines)
386        local_temp_prop_file.close()
387        device.push_file(local_temp_prop_file.name, target_prop_file)
388        device.execute_shell_command(" ".join(["chmod 644", target_prop_file]))
389        LOG.info("Changed the system property as required successfully")
390        os.remove(local_temp_prop_file.name)
392    return is_changed
395def get_device_log_file(report_path, serial=None, log_name="device_log",
396                        device_name=""):
397    from xdevice import Variables
398    log_path = os.path.join(report_path, Variables.report_vars.log_dir)
399    os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True)
401    serial = serial or time.time_ns()
402    if device_name:
403        serial = "%s_%s" % (device_name, serial)
404    device_file_name = "{}_{}.log".format(log_name, str(serial).replace(
405        ":", "_"))
406    device_log_file = os.path.join(log_path, device_file_name)
407    LOG.info("Generate device log file: %s", device_log_file)
408    return device_log_file
411def check_result_report(report_root_dir, report_file, error_message="",
412                        report_name="", module_name=""):
413    """
414    Check whether report_file exits or not. If report_file is not exist,
415    create empty report with error_message under report_root_dir
416    """
418    if os.path.exists(report_file):
419        return report_file
420    report_dir = os.path.dirname(report_file)
421    if os.path.isabs(report_dir):
422        result_dir = report_dir
423    else:
424        result_dir = os.path.join(report_root_dir, "result", report_dir)
425    os.makedirs(result_dir, exist_ok=True)
426    if check_mode(ModeType.decc):
427        LOG.error("Report not exist, create empty report")
428    else:
429        LOG.error("Report %s not exist, create empty report under %s" % (
430            report_file, result_dir))
432    suite_name = report_name
433    if not suite_name:
434        suite_name, _ = get_filename_extension(report_file)
435    suite_result = SuiteResult()
436    suite_result.suite_name = suite_name
437    suite_result.stacktrace = error_message
438    if module_name:
439        suite_name = module_name
440    suite_reporter = SuiteReporter([(suite_result, [])], suite_name,
441                                   result_dir, modulename=module_name)
442    suite_reporter.create_empty_report()
443    return "%s.xml" % os.path.join(result_dir, suite_name)
446def get_sub_path(test_suite_path):
447    pattern = "%stests%s" % (os.sep, os.sep)
448    file_dir = os.path.dirname(test_suite_path)
449    pos = file_dir.find(pattern)
450    if -1 == pos:
451        return ""
453    sub_path = file_dir[pos + len(pattern):]
454    pos = sub_path.find(os.sep)
455    if -1 == pos:
456        return ""
457    return sub_path[pos + len(os.sep):]
460def is_config_str(content):
461    return True if "{" in content and "}" in content else False
464def is_python_satisfied():
465    mini_version = (3, 7, 0)
466    if sys.version_info > mini_version:
467        return True
468    LOG.error("Please use python {} or higher version to start project".format(mini_version))
469    return False
472def get_version():
473    from xdevice import Variables
474    ver = ''
475    ver_file_path = os.path.join(Variables.res_dir, 'version.txt')
476    if not os.path.isfile(ver_file_path):
477        return ver
478    flags = os.O_RDONLY
479    modes = stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR
480    with os.fdopen(os.open(ver_file_path, flags, modes),
481                   "rb") as ver_file:
482        content_list = ver_file.read().decode("utf-8").split("\n")
483        for line in content_list:
484            if line.strip() and "-v" in line:
485                ver = line.strip().split('-')[1]
486                ver = ver.split(':')[0][1:]
487                break
489    return ver
492def get_instance_name(instance):
493    return instance.__class__.__name__
496def convert_ip(origin_ip):
497    addr = origin_ip.strip().split(".")
498    if len(addr) == 4:
499        return "{}.{}.{}.{}".format(
500            addr[0], '*' * len(addr[1]), '*' * len(addr[2]), addr[-1])
501    else:
502        return origin_ip
505def convert_port(port):
506    _port = str(port)
507    if len(_port) >= 2:
508        return "{}{}{}".format(_port[0], "*" * (len(_port) - 2), _port[-1])
509    else:
510        return "*{}".format(_port[-1])
513def convert_serial(serial):
514    if serial.startswith("local_"):
515        return serial
516    elif serial.startswith("remote_"):
517        return "remote_{}_{}".format(convert_ip(serial.split("_")[1]),
518                                     convert_port(serial.split("_")[-1]))
519    else:
520        length = len(serial) // 3
521        return "{}{}{}".format(
522            serial[0:length], "*" * (len(serial) - length * 2), serial[-length:])
525def get_shell_handler(request, parser_type):
526    suite_name = request.root.source.test_name
527    parsers = get_plugin(Plugin.PARSER, parser_type)
528    if parsers:
529        parsers = parsers[:1]
530    parser_instances = []
531    for listener in request.listeners:
532        listener.device_sn = request.config.environment.devices[0].device_sn
533    for parser in parsers:
534        parser_instance = parser.__class__()
535        parser_instance.suite_name = suite_name
536        parser_instance.listeners = request.listeners
537        parser_instances.append(parser_instance)
538    handler = ShellHandler(parser_instances)
539    return handler
542def get_kit_instances(json_config, resource_path="", testcases_path=""):
543    from _core.testkit.json_parser import JsonParser
544    kit_instances = []
546    # check input param
547    if not isinstance(json_config, JsonParser):
548        return kit_instances
550    # get kit instances
551    for kit in json_config.config.kits:
552        kit["paths"] = [resource_path, testcases_path]
553        kit_type = kit.get("type", "")
554        device_name = kit.get("device_name", None)
555        if get_plugin(plugin_type=Plugin.TEST_KIT, plugin_id=kit_type):
556            test_kit = \
557                get_plugin(plugin_type=Plugin.TEST_KIT, plugin_id=kit_type)[0]
558            test_kit_instance = test_kit.__class__()
559            test_kit_instance.__check_config__(kit)
560            setattr(test_kit_instance, "device_name", device_name)
561            kit_instances.append(test_kit_instance)
562        else:
563            raise ParamError("kit %s not exists" % kit_type, error_no="00107")
564    return kit_instances
567def check_device_name(device, kit, step="setup"):
568    kit_device_name = getattr(kit, "device_name", None)
569    device_name = device.get("name")
570    if kit_device_name and device_name and \
571            kit_device_name != device_name:
572        return False
573    if kit_device_name and device_name:
574        LOG.debug("Do kit:%s %s for device:%s",
575                  kit.__class__.__name__, step, device_name)
576    else:
577        LOG.debug("Do kit:%s %s", kit.__class__.__name__, step)
578    return True
581def check_device_env_index(device, kit):
582    if not hasattr(device, "env_index"):
583        return True
584    kit_device_index_list = getattr(kit, "env_index_list", None)
585    env_index = device.get("env_index")
586    if kit_device_index_list and env_index and \
587            len(kit_device_index_list) > 0 and env_index not in kit_device_index_list:
588        return False
589    return True
592def check_path_legal(path):
593    if path and " " in path:
594        return "\"%s\"" % path
595    return path
598def get_local_ip():
599    try:
600        sys_type = platform.system()
601        if sys_type == "Windows":
602            _list = socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())
603            _list = _list[2]
604            for ip_add in _list:
605                if ip_add.startswith("10."):
606                    return ip_add
608            return socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn(socket.gethostname()))
609        elif sys_type == "Darwin":
610            hostname = socket.getfqdn(socket.gethostname())
611            return socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
612        elif sys_type == "Linux":
613            real_ip = "/%s/%s" % ("hostip", "realip")
614            if os.path.exists(real_ip):
615                srw = None
616                try:
617                    import codecs
618                    srw = codecs.open(real_ip, "r", "utf-8")
619                    lines = srw.readlines()
620                    local_ip = str(lines[0]).strip()
621                except (IOError, ValueError) as error_message:
622                    LOG.error(error_message)
623                    local_ip = ""
624                finally:
625                    if srw is not None:
626                        srw.close()
627            else:
628                local_ip = ""
629            return local_ip
630        else:
631            return ""
632    except Exception as error:
633        LOG.debug("Get local ip error: %s, skip!" % error)
634        return ""
637class SplicingAction(argparse.Action):
638    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
639        setattr(namespace, self.dest, " ".join(values))
642def get_test_component_version(config):
643    if check_mode(ModeType.decc):
644        return ""
646    try:
647        paths = [config.resource_path, config.testcases_path]
648        test_file = get_file_absolute_path("test_component.json", paths)
649        flags = os.O_RDONLY
650        modes = stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR
651        with os.fdopen(os.open(test_file, flags, modes), "r") as file_content:
652            json_content = json.load(file_content)
653            version = json_content.get("version", "")
654            return version
655    except (ParamError, ValueError) as error:
656        LOG.error("The exception {} happened when get version".format(error))
657    return ""
660def check_mode(mode):
661    from xdevice import Scheduler
662    return Scheduler.mode == mode
665def do_module_kit_setup(request, kits):
666    for device in request.get_devices():
667        setattr(device, ConfigConst.module_kits, [])
669    from xdevice import Scheduler
670    for kit in kits:
671        run_flag = False
672        for device in request.get_devices():
673            if not Scheduler.is_execute:
674                raise ExecuteTerminate()
675            if not check_device_env_index(device, kit):
676                continue
677            if check_device_name(device, kit):
678                run_flag = True
679                kit_copy = copy.deepcopy(kit)
680                module_kits = getattr(device, ConfigConst.module_kits)
681                module_kits.append(kit_copy)
682                kit_copy.__setup__(device, request=request)
683        if not run_flag:
684            kit_device_name = getattr(kit, "device_name", None)
685            error_msg = "device name '%s' of '%s' not exist" % (
686                kit_device_name, kit.__class__.__name__)
687            LOG.error(error_msg, error_no="00108")
688            raise ParamError(error_msg, error_no="00108")
691def do_module_kit_teardown(request):
692    for device in request.get_devices():
693        for kit in getattr(device, ConfigConst.module_kits, []):
694            if check_device_name(device, kit, step="teardown"):
695                kit.__teardown__(device)
696        setattr(device, ConfigConst.module_kits, [])
699def get_cst_time():
700    cn_tz = timezone(timedelta(hours=8),
701                     name='Asia/ShangHai')
702    return datetime.now(tz=cn_tz)
705def get_device_proc_pid(device, proc_name, double_check=False):
706    if not hasattr(device, "execute_shell_command") or \
707            not hasattr(device, "log") or \
708            not hasattr(device, "get_recover_state"):
709        return ""
710    if not device.get_recover_state():
711        return ""
712    cmd = 'ps -ef | grep %s' % proc_name
713    proc_running = device.execute_shell_command(cmd).strip()
714    proc_running = proc_running.split("\n")
715    for data in proc_running:
716        if proc_name in data and "grep" not in data:
717            device.log.debug('{} running status:{}'.format(proc_name, data))
718            data = data.split()
719            return data[1]
720    if double_check:
721        cmd = 'ps -A | grep %s' % proc_name
722        proc_running = device.execute_shell_command(cmd).strip()
723        proc_running = proc_running.split("\n")
724        for data in proc_running:
725            if proc_name in data:
726                device.log.debug('{} running status double_check:{}'.format(proc_name, data))
727                data = data.split()
728                return data[0]
729    return ""