#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import uuid import sys import subprocess import os import serial import time import re from core.base import BaseApp, dec_stepmsg from util.file_locker import FileLock from util.log_info import logger from util.time_info import get_now_time_str_info, get_now_time_info, Timeout, timeout from aw.Telnet.TelnetClient import TelConnect from aw.Common.Constant import CONSTANT from aw.Download.Download import * from aw.Common.Common import getHostIp, copyFile, copyDirectory from aw.ExtractFile.ExtractFile import * from aw.poweronoff.serial_power_on_off import usbPowerOnOff from threading import Thread lock_suffix = CONSTANT.File.LOCK_SUFFIX #通过文件锁实现并发下载 suc_file = CONSTANT.File.SUC_FILE #通过本文件是区分版本是否成功下载 failed_file = CONSTANT.File.FAILED_FILE #通过本文件是标记文件下载失败 READ_MAXTIMEOUT = 5 READ_TIMEOUT = 5 READ_MINITIMEOUT = 2 uboot_finish = 'hisilicon #' cmd_finish = ' #' error_str_list = ['Unknown', '发送起始帧失败', '发送头帧失败'] ip_cmd = 'ping' class liteOsUpgrade_linux(BaseApp): ''' @author: cwx1076044 ''' def __init__(self, param_file): super().__init__(param_file) self.param_List = ["deploy_com", "usb_port", "upgrade_upgradeLocation"] @dec_stepmsg("linux L1 flash") def excute(self): ''' #=================================================================================== # @Method: excute(self) # @Precondition: none # @Func: 升级执行入口 # @PostStatus: none # @eg: excute() # @return: True or Flase #=================================================================================== ''' step_index = self.params_dict.get("step_list").index("liteOsUpgrade_linux_app") # 执行下载 try: if not self.download(): CONSTANT.ENVERRMESSAGE = "image download fail" logger.printLog(CONSTANT.ENVERRMESSAGE) return False except Exception as e: raise e # 执行升级 try: if not self.upgrade(): CONSTANT.ENVERRMESSAGE = "board upgrade fail" logger.printLog(CONSTANT.ENVERRMESSAGE) return False return True except Exception as e: raise e @dec_stepmsg("download") @timeout(1800) def download(self): ''' #=================================================================================== # @Method: download(self) # @Precondition: none # @Func: 构建下载到本地的路径,执行相应包的下载 # @PostStatus: none # @eg: download() # @return: True or Flase #=================================================================================== ''' global version_savepath, version_name dir_path = CONSTANT.Path.getDirPath() if self.params_dict.get("pbiid"): version_path = self.params_dict.get("pbiid") version_name = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, str(self.params_dict.get("pbiid")) + "FASTBOOT")) version_savepath = os.path.join(dir_path, self.params_dict.get("flash_type"), version_name) else: version_path = self.params_dict.get("upgrade_upgradeLocation") version_name = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, (self.params_dict.get("upgrade_upgradeLocation")))) version_savepath = os.path.join(dir_path, version_name) if self.params_dict.get("isDownload") == "True": logger.printLog("不需要做下载,直接返回") return True #执行img下载 import hashlib save_file_str = version_path.replace("/", "").replace("\\", "") save_file_name = hashlib.sha1(save_file_str.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() logger.info("download hash value:%s" % (save_file_name)) save_path_file = os.path.join(dir_path, "record", "%s%s" % (save_file_name, ".txt")) if not self.excutedown(version_path, os.path.join(version_savepath, "img"), save_path_file, False): logger.error("download img fail") return False #保存本地版本路径给devicetest去版本路径下取用例 saveVersion(save_path_file, os.path.join(version_savepath, "img")) return True def excutedown(self, source_path, download_dir, suc_mark, is_file): ''' #=================================================================================== # @Method: excutedown(source_path, download_dir, is_file) # @Precondition: none # @Func: 执行下载动作 # @PostStatus: none # @Param: source_path:资源文件路径 # download_dir:文件下载到本地的文件夹路径 # is_file:是否是文件 # # @eg: excutedown("xxxx", "D:\\local\\image", Flase, os_method) # @return: True or Flase #=================================================================================== ''' failed_mark = os.path.join(download_dir, failed_file) lock_path = os.path.join(download_dir, lock_suffix) file_lock = FileLock() if isDownLoadSuccess(download_dir, suc_mark, failed_mark): return True try: nowtime = get_now_time_str_info() logger.printLog("%s Downloading, please wait" % nowtime) file_lock.lockFile(lock_path) ret = "" logger.info("Get lock. Start to ") if self.params_dict.get("bt_enable") and self.params_dict.get("bt_enable") == "True": ret = downloadByBitComet(source_path, download_dir, os_method) elif source_path.startswith('\\\\'): ret = downloadByCopy(source_path, download_dir, is_file) elif self.params_dict.get("pbiid"): ret = downlaodByDownloadTool(version_savepath, self.params_dict.get("version_type"), "FASTBOOT", self.params_dict.get("pbiid")) elif source_path.startswith("http"): ret = downloadFileFromDevCloud(source_path, "", "", download_dir) if source_path.endswith(".zip"): zip_name = os.path.basename(source_path) ret = extractZipFile(os.path.join(download_dir, zip_name), download_dir) if source_path.endswith(".tar.gz") or (source_path.startswith("http") and ("file_id=" in source_path)): if source_path.startswith("http") and ("file_id=" in source_path): if source_path.endswith(".tar.gz"): zip_name = source_path.split('=')[-1] else: zip_name = "out.tar.gz" else: zip_name = os.path.basename(source_path) ret = unTarFile(os.path.join(download_dir, zip_name), download_dir) nowtime = get_now_time_str_info() logger.printLog("%s download to %s end" % (nowtime, download_dir)) if not ret: with open(failed_mark, "a+") as fp: fp.write("") return ret except Exception as e: logger.printLog(e) raise Exception(e) finally: file_lock.releaseFile() @dec_stepmsg("upgrade") #@timeout(900) def upgrade(self): ''' #=================================================================================== # @Method: upgrade(self) # @Precondition: none # @Func: 升级相关业务逻辑 # @PostStatus: none # @eg: upgrade() # @return: True or Flase #=================================================================================== ''' logger.printLog('开始升级') deploy_com = self.params_dict.get("deploy_com") usb_port = self.params_dict.get("usb_port") baudrate = self.params_dict.get("baudrate") #芯片类型,根据芯片类型获取对应的刷机命令 flash_type = self.params_dict.get("flash_type") burn_usbport = self.params_dict.get("hiburn_usbport") device_ip = self.params_dict.get("Device_IP") device_netmask = self.params_dict.get("Device_Netmask") device_gatewayip = self.params_dict.get("Device_GatewayIP") chip_version = self.params_dict.get('chip_version') chip_version = chip_version.lower() if chip_version else chip_version if not deploy_com: logger.error("deploy_com is NULL !!") return False if not burn_usbport: logger.error("hiburn_usbport is NULL !!") return False if not baudrate: baudrate = 115200 scriptpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))))) #升级需要的工具归档 toolworkspace = CONSTANT.OSType.getworkspace() hiburntoolpath = os.path.join(toolworkspace, "HiBurnCmdLine", "usb%s_tool" % burn_usbport) logger.info("hiburn tool path is: %s" % hiburntoolpath) if not os.path.exists(hiburntoolpath): if not burn_usbport: logger.error("hiburn_usbport is NULL !!") return False os.makedirs(hiburntoolpath) toolpath = os.path.join(scriptpath, "resource", "HiBurnCmdLine.zip") logger.info("copy %s to %s" % (toolpath, hiburntoolpath)) copyFile(toolpath, hiburntoolpath) zip_name = os.path.basename(toolpath) ret = extractZipFile(os.path.join(hiburntoolpath, zip_name), hiburntoolpath) if ret: logger.info("unzip to %s succ" % (hiburntoolpath)) #修改burn.config中的usb口 configpath = os.path.join(hiburntoolpath, "config", "burn.config") all_data = "" with open(configpath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as cf: for line in cf: if "usbDeviceNumber=" in line: old_str = line line = line.replace(old_str, "usbDeviceNumber=%s\r\n" % burn_usbport) logger.info("replace line: %s " % line) all_data += line with open(configpath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as wf: wf.write(all_data) else: logger.error("%s is not exit" % hiburntoolpath) return False #将升级需要的文件拷贝到镜像里面 local_image_path = os.path.join(version_savepath, "img") old_xml_path = os.path.join(scriptpath, "resource", "L1", flash_type, "usb-burn.xml") xml_path = os.path.join(local_image_path, "usb-burn.xml") copyFile(old_xml_path, xml_path) if flash_type.lower() == "ev300": chip_type = "Hi3518EV300" ubootpath = os.path.join(scriptpath, "resource", "L1", flash_type.lower(), "u-boot-hi3518ev300.bin") elif flash_type.lower() == "dv300_linux": chip_type = "Hi3516DV300" ubootpath = os.path.join(scriptpath, "resource", "L1", flash_type.lower(), "u-boot-hi3516dv300.bin") else: logger.error("flash_type is : %s " % flash_type) return False copyFile(ubootpath, local_image_path) scriptfile = os.path.join(scriptpath, "resource", "L1", f'{flash_type.lower()}', "update.txt") logger.info(f'scriptfile:{scriptfile}') current_path = os.getcwd() logger.info("before excute hiburn,current path is: %s" % current_path) os.chdir(hiburntoolpath) logger.info("excute hiburn path is: %s" % os.getcwd()) #擦除fastboot logger.printLog('erase fastboot') flash_uboot_xml = os.path.join(scriptpath, "resource", "L1", flash_type.lower(), "flash_fastboot.xml") cmd = ".\jre\\bin\java -jar hiburn.jar --erase -n %s -m serial %s -x %s" % (chip_type, deploy_com.upper(), flash_uboot_xml) self.eraseDevice(cmd, usb_port) retry = 0 while retry < 3: #usb刷机 cmd = ".\jre\\bin\java -jar hiburn.jar --burn -n %s -m USBBootrom -x %s" % (chip_type, xml_path) logger.info("cmd is: %s" % cmd) ret, outpri = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) logger.info("usb upgrade result: %s " % ret) logger.info("print console: %s " % outpri) if ret != 0: if ret == 4 and retry < 2: time.sleep(10) retry = retry + 1 logger.info('flash fail,so flash once again') continue logger.info(ret) logger.error("hiburn usb upgrade failed!!") return False retry = retry + 3 os.chdir(current_path) logger.info("hiburn upgrade end, check board status") time.sleep(10) try: logger.info("打开serial") ser = serial.Serial(deploy_com, int(baudrate), timeout=0) if self.bootUpUboot(ser,scriptfile) and self.configureIp(ser, flash_type, device_ip, device_netmask, device_gatewayip) and self.checkStatus(ser): return True return False except Exception as e: logger.info(e) return False finally: ser.close() logger.info("close serial") def bootUpUboot(self,ser,scriptfile): ''' 启动uboot ''' reset_count = 0 while reset_count < 2: if ser.is_open == False: ser.open() logger.info("get device status") board_type = getBoardType(ser) if board_type == "uboot": with open(scriptfile, "r") as fp: lines = fp.readlines() for line in lines: if not line: logger.info("cmd is: %s " % line) continue if "reset" in line: ret = sendCmd(ser, line, READ_MAXTIMEOUT) continue ret = sendCmd(ser, line, READ_MINITIMEOUT) board_type = getBoardType(ser) if board_type != "OHOS": if reset_count < 2: logger.info('after reset;the device status is error,reset device again,reset_count:%d' % reset_count) reset_count += 1 time.sleep(20) continue logger.error("upgrade fail") return False return True else: logger.info('before reset;the device status is error,reset device again,reset_count:%d'%reset_count) reset_count += 1 time.sleep(20) continue else: return False def configureIp(self,ser,flash_type, device_ip, device_netmask, device_gatewayip): ''' 配置ip,确认配置情况 ''' rerty_count = 0 # test_count = 0 while rerty_count <= 2: if flash_type.lower() == "dv300_linux": if not self.afterRebootDvConfigure(ser, device_ip, device_netmask, device_gatewayip): return False elif flash_type.lower() == "ev300": if not self.afterRebootEvConfigure(ser): return False time.sleep(5) ret = sendCmd(ser, ip_cmd, READ_MINITIMEOUT) logger.info(ret) # if test_count ==0 : # logger.printLog('ip 配置失败') # test_count = 1 # continue if 'Reply from' in ret: logger.info('ip 配置成功') return True elif 'Ping: sending ICMP echo request failed' in ret: logger.printLog('ip 配置失败') logger.info('重新配置ip') rerty_count += 1 else: return True def afterRebootDvConfigure(self,ser, device_ip, device_netmask, device_gatewayip): logger.info("dv300_linux configure ip") init_cmd = "ifconfig eth0 %s netmask %s gateway %s \r" % (device_ip, device_netmask, device_gatewayip) sendCmd(ser, init_cmd, READ_MINITIMEOUT) sendCmd(ser, 'ifconfig\r', READ_MINITIMEOUT) return True def afterRebootEvConfigure(self,ser): logger.info("ev300 configuring ,setup wifi") cmd = 'ls\r' ret = sendCmd(ser, cmd, READ_MINITIMEOUT) if not "sdcard" in ret.lower(): cmd = 'mkdir /sdcard\r' ret = sendCmd(ser, cmd, READ_MINITIMEOUT) if "error:" in ret.lower(): logger.error("mkdir /sdcard fail") return False cmd = 'mount /dev/mmcblk0p0 /sdcard vfat\r' ret = sendCmd(ser, cmd, READ_MINITIMEOUT) cmd = 'ls /sdcard\r' ret = sendCmd(ser, cmd, READ_MINITIMEOUT) cmd = 'cd /sdcard/wpa\r' ret = sendCmd(ser, cmd, READ_MINITIMEOUT) cmd = 'exec wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c wpa_supplicant.conf \r' ret = sendCmd(ser, cmd, READ_MAXTIMEOUT) if "error:" in ret.lower(): logger.error("setup wifi fail") return False cmd = 'ifconfig\r' ret = sendCmd(ser, cmd, READ_MINITIMEOUT) if "error:" in ret.lower(): logger.error("ifconfig fail") return False return True def eraseDevice(self, cmd, usb_port): ''' ret 暂时没有作用,先使用out ''' erase_retry = 0 while erase_retry < 3: # 通电 PowerOnByThread(usb_port) logger.info("cmd is: %s" % cmd) ret, outpri = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd) logger.info("flash fastboot result: %s " % ret) logger.info("print console: %s " % outpri) is_earse_again = any([True if item in outpri else False for item in error_str_list]) if ret == 0 and erase_retry < 2 and not is_earse_again : logger.info('檫除成功'.center(20,'*')) break elif is_earse_again: logger.info('檫除存在问题 重新上下电 重新檫除') erase_retry += 1 time.sleep(5) continue else: logger.info('other error') return False else: return False def checkStatus(self, ser): times = 0 while times < 3: ret1 = sendCmd(ser, 'ps -elf', READ_TIMEOUT) list_ret = re.findall('appspawn', ret1) logger.info(list_ret) number = list_ret.count('appspawn') logger.info(number) if number >= 2: return True else: times += 1 time.sleep(3) logger.info("No two appspawn processes, please check the device!") return False def PowerOnByThread(usb_port,wait_time=10): thread = Thread(target=boardPowerOn, args=[usb_port, wait_time]) thread.start() logger.info("thread board power on start") def boardPowerOn(usb_port, waittime): logger.info("board power on start") time.sleep(waittime) #对端口下电 if not usbPowerOnOff('', '7788', usb_port, "off"): logger.error("board power off failed") return False #对端口上电 if not usbPowerOnOff('', '7788', usb_port, "on"): logger.error("board power on failed") return False logger.info("board power on end") def getBoardType(ser): ret = sendCmd(ser, '\r', READ_TIMEOUT) # if 'HMOS' in ret or 'OHOS' in ret or '#' in ret: # ostype = 'OHOS' # elif 'hisilicon' in ret: # ostype = 'uboot' if 'hisilicon' in ret: ostype = 'uboot' elif 'HMOS' in ret or 'OHOS' in ret or '#' in ret: ostype = 'OHOS' elif ' #' in ret: ostype = 'linux' else: ostype = 'bootrom' logger.info("board type is: %s" % ostype) return ostype def sendCmd(ser, cmd, timeout): logger.info("cmd is: %s " % cmd) ser.write((cmd + '\n').encode()) time.sleep(5) ret = '' i = 0 while True: out = ser.read(ser.inWaiting()) if not out: break if i > 12: break ret = ret + out.decode(encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") time.sleep(timeout) i = i + 1 logger.info("result is: %s " % ret) return ret if __name__ == "__main__": param_file = sys.argv[1] if not param_file: logger.printLog("Missing params file") sys.exit(-1) try: uphandle = liteOsUpgrade_linux(param_file) uphandle._excuteApp() except Exception as e: logger.printLog(e) sys.exit(-1)