## Introduction
[Design for X](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_for_X) \(DFX\) refers to the software design that aims to improve the quality attribute in OpenHarmony. It mainly consists of two parts: design for reliability \(DFR\) and design for testability \(DFT\).
The DFX subsystem provides the following capabilities:
- HiLog: Implements logging.
- Hiview: Functions as the plug-in platform.
- FaultLoggerd: Implements fault information collection and subscription.
- HiAppEvent: Implements logging of application events.
- HiSysEvent: Implements logging of system events.
## Architecture
**Figure 1** Architecture of the DFX subsystem
## Directory Structure
base/hiviewdfx # DFX base repository, which stores compilation-related configurations
├── hiview # Hiview module, which implements the plug-in platform and event handler capabilities
├── hiview_lite # Hiview_Lite module, which implements the logging task capability for the mini system
├── hilog # HiLog module, which implements logging for the system
├── hilog_lite # HiLog_Lite module, which implements logging for the mini and small systems
├── hievent_lite # HiEvent_Lite module, which implements event logging for the mini system
├── hiappevent # HiAppEvent module, which implements application event logging framework and APIs
├── hisysevent # HiSysEvent module, which implements system event logging APIs and services
├── faultloggerd # FaultLoggerd module, which implements collection of application fault logs
## Repositories Involved
**DFX subsystem**