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Please let me know if you have any additional agenda items, intend to discuss a dormant item or wish to prioritise a topic.




Corrections to previous minutes

- Minutes of EGL call 16th July 2014


Future direction of EGL

Wiki page for EGL future direction goal discussion

Alon – big news from GL Common F2F in Bellevue was the contribution of XGL from AMD and the group agreeing to use it as starting point for GL Common
Alon – I raised at the meeting and on the today’s GL Common call how XGL deals with platform integration and interoperation with other Khronos APIs, open issue
Alon – need to decide how to take things forwards, identify any problems such as IP zone issue if that's a problem, how we should structure discussions given GL progression.
Alon – If we could make sure that in two weeks time we have that, possibly have some sort of straw poll to see if we have agreement on how to proceed
Alon – If you have any suggestions on what I should be doing as chair at this point, always open to them
[ACTION] All – poll across your company to gauge position on direction, what problem would need EGL-like API to solve, initial proposals for COB PDT 29th July 2014
[ACTION] All – help engage GL Common group in discussion, understanding of your company’s current thoughts here
[ACTION] Alon – put out email to GL Common group with information on previous EGL2 discussions, background information
[ACTION] All – add proposed goals and input to wiki
[ACTION] Chad – vtable proposal – will draft up what an API would look like
Jon – put together matrix of functionality


New proposals

- Bug 11550 – Partial update extension

Latest spec draft – EGL_KHR_partial_update draft spec

Ray – Sent an email a week ago explaining a problem – passing damaged regions through to a compositor isn't possible with the API as it is at the moment
Alon – Sent on the 6th July at 11:33 UK time, for those who don't have it to hand
[ACTION] All – consider Ray’s solution to resolving compositor information issue, Antoine’s suggestions
[ACTION] Jesse – ping Antoine to get his opinion

- Bug 12459 – Create EGL_KHR_context_flush_control

[ACTION] Jon – open bug

- Bug 10232 – Add Device Enumeration API to EGL 1.x

James – Updated specs, need to publish them at the end of the month. Last call for feedback if you have any
[ACTION] All – last change for feedback on EXT device extensions before they’re published

- Bug 10943 – EGL_KHR_debug debugging API

[ACTION] All – review options and comment on bug

- Bug 10091 – EGL_KHR_no_config creating surfaces & contexts without configs

EGL_KHR_no_config draft spec, EGL_KHR_rgba_no_config draft spec

[ACTION] All – consider fuzzy vs exact match options

- Bug 12127 – eglSwapBuffers completion notifications

[ACTION] Chad – enumerate different types of state

- Bug 12230 – Timestamps in EGL and client APIs

Alon – KCam WG notified about this, no feedback yet



- Bug 12456 - eglMakeCurrent flush behaviour when same context and surfaces are made current

New bug

- Bug 12457 - Trivial wording updates to EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace

New bug

- Bug 12072 – No way to completely release an EGLDisplay

Alon – suggest we do a straw poll on next call, see if conclusion between the 3 options
James – sounds good to me
[ACTION] All – review options and comment
[ACTION] Alon – post explanation of terminate refcount issue


Dormant topics (please indicate before next call if you’d like to discuss these)

- Bug 10159Khronos color format proposal

Andrew – Not accepted into VX 1.0, updates on bug, no longer a rush, hoping that something will go in in 1.1
All – continue providing feedback on bug

- Bug 11606 – GPU Resource Monitoring proposal

GPU Resource Monitoring slides from Phoenix F2F

[ACTION] All – request feedback, especially from SOC teams

- Bug 11481 – Remove thread restriction for eglSwapBuffers in EGL 1.5

[ACTION] Chad – will update bug as discussed (Postponed indefinitely)

- Streaming / feedback from Cross-API Interop sessions

Discussion page

[ACTION] All – provide further topology / use-case feedback
[ACTION] Alon/Mikael – discuss how to push metadata proposal forwards
[ACTION] Neil – invite StreamInput members to Cross-API session and get topology input