[/ / Copyright (c) 2003-2021 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com) / / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying / file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) /] [section:WaitTraits Wait traits requirements] The `basic_waitable_timer` template uses wait traits to allow programs to customize `wait` and `async_wait` behavior. [inline_note Possible uses of wait traits include:[br] [mdash] To enable timers based on non-realtime clocks.[br] [mdash] Determining how quickly wallclock-based timers respond to system time changes.[br] [mdash] Correcting for errors or rounding timeouts to boundaries.[br] [mdash] Preventing duration overflow. That is, a program may set a timer's expiry `e` to be `Clock::max()` (meaning never reached) or `Clock::min()` (meaning always in the past). As a result, computing the duration until timer expiry as `e - Clock::now()` may cause overflow.] For a type `Clock` meeting the `Clock` requirements (C++Std [time.clock.req]), a type `X` meets the `WaitTraits` requirements if it satisfies the requirements listed below. In the table below, `t` denotes a (possibly const) value of type `Clock::time_point`; and `d` denotes a (possibly const) value of type `Clock::duration`. [table WaitTraits requirements [[expression] [return type] [assertion/note[br]pre/post-condition]] [ [`X::to_wait_duration(d)`] [`Clock::duration`] [ Returns a `Clock::duration` value to be used in a `wait` or `async_wait` operation. [inline_note The return value is typically representative of the duration `d`.] ] ] [ [`X::to_wait_duration(t)`] [`Clock::duration`] [ Returns a `Clock::duration` value to be used in a `wait` or `async_wait` operation. [inline_note The return value is typically representative of the duration from `Clock::now()` until the time point `t`.] ] ] ] [endsect]