[/ Copyright 2018 Glen Joseph Fernandes (glenjofe@gmail.com) Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) ] [section:empty_value empty_value] [simplesect Authors] * Glen Fernandes [endsimplesect] [section Overview] The header provides the class template `boost::empty_value` for library authors to conveniently leverage the Empty Base Optimization to store objects of potentially empty types. [endsect] [section Examples] The following example shows `boost::empty_value` used to create a type that stores a pointer, comparer, and allocator, where the comparer and allocator could be empty types. ``` template class storage : empty_value , empty_value { public: storage() : empty_value(empty_init_t()) , empty_value(empty_init_t()) , ptr_() { } storage(const Compare& c, const Allocator& a) : empty_value(empty_init_t(), c) , empty_value(empty_init_t(), a) , ptr_() { } const Ptr& pointer() const { return ptr_; } Ptr& pointer() { return ptr_; } const Compare& compare() const { return empty_value::get(); } Compare& compare() { return empty_value::get(); } const Allocator& allocator() const { return empty_value::get(); } Allocator& allocator() { return empty_value::get(); } private: Ptr ptr_; }; ``` [endsect] [section Reference] ``` namespace boost { struct empty_init_t { }; template class empty_value { public: typedef T type; empty_value() = default; template empty_value(empty_init_t, Args&&... args); const T& get() const noexcept; T& get() noexcept; }; inline constexpr empty_init_t empty_init{ }; } /* boost */ ``` [section Template parameters] [variablelist [[`T`][The type of value to store]] [[`Index`][Optional: Specify to create a distinct base type]] [[`Empty`][Optional: Specify to force inheritance from type]]] [endsect] [section Member types] [variablelist [[`type`][The template parameter `T`]]] [endsect] [section Constructors] [variablelist [[`empty_value() = default;`][Default initialize the value]] [[`template empty_value(empty_init_t, Args&&... args);`] [Initialize the value with `std::forward(args)...`]]] [endsect] [section Member functions] [variablelist [[`const T& get() const noexcept;`][Returns the value]] [[`T& get() noexcept;`][Returns the value]]] [endsect] [endsect] [endsect]