#region Copyright notice and license
// Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using Grpc.Core.Logging;
namespace Grpc.Core.Internal
/// Takes care of loading C# native extension and provides access to PInvoke calls the library exports.
internal sealed class NativeExtension
// Enviroment variable can be used to force loading the native extension from given location.
private const string CsharpExtOverrideLocationEnvVarName = "GRPC_CSHARP_EXT_OVERRIDE_LOCATION";
static readonly ILogger Logger = GrpcEnvironment.Logger.ForType();
static readonly object staticLock = new object();
static volatile NativeExtension instance;
readonly NativeMethods nativeMethods;
private NativeExtension()
this.nativeMethods = LoadNativeMethods();
// Redirect the native logs as the very first thing after loading the native extension
// to make sure we don't lose any logs.
// Initialize
Logger.Debug("gRPC native library loaded successfully.");
/// Gets singleton instance of this class.
/// The native extension is loaded when called for the first time.
public static NativeExtension Get()
if (instance == null)
lock (staticLock)
if (instance == null) {
instance = new NativeExtension();
return instance;
/// Provides access to the exported native methods.
public NativeMethods NativeMethods
get { return this.nativeMethods; }
/// Detects which configuration of native extension to load and explicitly loads the dynamic library.
/// The explicit load makes sure that we can detect any loading problems early on.
private static NativeMethods LoadNativeMethodsUsingExplicitLoad()
// NOTE: a side effect of searching the native extension's library file relatively to the assembly location is that when Grpc.Core assembly
// is loaded via reflection from a different app's context, the native extension is still loaded correctly
// (while if we used [DllImport], the native extension won't be on the other app's search path for shared libraries).
var assemblyDirectory = GetAssemblyDirectory();
// With "classic" VS projects, the native libraries get copied using a .targets rule to the build output folder
// alongside the compiled assembly.
// With dotnet SDK projects targeting net45 framework, the native libraries (just the required ones)
// are similarly copied to the built output folder, through the magic of Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms.
var classicPath = Path.Combine(assemblyDirectory, GetNativeLibraryFilename());
// With dotnet SDK project targeting netcoreappX.Y, projects will use Grpc.Core assembly directly in the location where it got restored
// by nuget. We locate the native libraries based on known structure of Grpc.Core nuget package.
// When "dotnet publish" is used, the runtimes directory is copied next to the published assemblies.
string runtimesDirectory = string.Format("runtimes/{0}/native", GetRuntimeIdString());
var netCorePublishedAppStylePath = Path.Combine(assemblyDirectory, runtimesDirectory, GetNativeLibraryFilename());
var netCoreAppStylePath = Path.Combine(assemblyDirectory, "../..", runtimesDirectory, GetNativeLibraryFilename());
// Look for the native library in all possible locations in given order.
string[] paths = new[] { classicPath, netCorePublishedAppStylePath, netCoreAppStylePath};
// The UnmanagedLibrary mechanism for loading the native extension while avoiding
// direct use of DllImport is quite complicated but it is currently needed to ensure:
// 1.) the native extension is loaded eagerly (needed to avoid startup issues)
// 2.) less common scenarios (such as loading Grpc.Core.dll by reflection) still work
// 3.) loading native extension from an arbitrary location when set by an enviroment variable
// TODO(jtattermusch): revisit the possibility of eliminating UnmanagedLibrary completely in the future.
return new NativeMethods(new UnmanagedLibrary(paths));
/// Loads native methods using the [DllImport(LIBRARY_NAME)] attributes.
/// Note that this way of loading the native extension is "lazy" and doesn't
/// detect any "missing library" problems until we actually try to invoke the native methods
/// (which could be too late and could cause weird hangs at startup)
private static NativeMethods LoadNativeMethodsUsingDllImports()
// While in theory, we could just use [DllImport("grpc_csharp_ext")] for all the platforms
// and operating systems, the native libraries in the nuget package
// need to be laid out in a way that still allows things to work well under
// the legacy .NET Framework (where native libraries are a concept unknown to the runtime).
// Therefore, we use several flavors of the DllImport attribute
// (e.g. the ".x86" vs ".x64" suffix) and we choose the one we want at runtime.
// The classes with the list of DllImport'd methods are code generated,
// so having more than just one doesn't really bother us.
// on Windows, the DllImport("grpc_csharp_ext.x64") doesn't work
// but DllImport("grpc_csharp_ext.x64.dll") does, so we need a special case for that.
// See https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/pull/17505 (fixed in .NET Core 3.1+)
bool useDllSuffix = PlatformApis.IsWindows;
if (PlatformApis.Is64Bit)
if (useDllSuffix)
return new NativeMethods(new NativeMethods.DllImportsFromSharedLib_x64_dll());
return new NativeMethods(new NativeMethods.DllImportsFromSharedLib_x64());
if (useDllSuffix)
return new NativeMethods(new NativeMethods.DllImportsFromSharedLib_x86_dll());
return new NativeMethods(new NativeMethods.DllImportsFromSharedLib_x86());
/// Loads native extension and return native methods delegates.
private static NativeMethods LoadNativeMethods()
if (PlatformApis.IsUnity)
return LoadNativeMethodsUnity();
if (PlatformApis.IsXamarin)
return LoadNativeMethodsXamarin();
// Override location of grpc_csharp_ext native library with an environment variable
// Use at your own risk! By doing this you take all the responsibility that the dynamic library
// is of the correct version (needs to match the Grpc.Core assembly exactly) and of the correct platform/architecture.
var nativeExtPathFromEnv = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(CsharpExtOverrideLocationEnvVarName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nativeExtPathFromEnv))
return new NativeMethods(new UnmanagedLibrary(new string[] { nativeExtPathFromEnv }));
if (IsNet5SingleFileApp())
// Ideally we'd want to always load the native extension explicitly
// (to detect any potential problems early on and to avoid hard-to-debug startup issues)
// but the mechanism we normally use doesn't work when running
// as a single file app (see https://github.com/grpc/grpc/pull/24744).
// Therefore in this case we simply rely
// on the automatic [DllImport] loading logic to do the right thing.
return LoadNativeMethodsUsingDllImports();
return LoadNativeMethodsUsingExplicitLoad();
/// Return native method delegates when running on Unity platform.
/// Unity does not use standard NuGet packages and the native library is treated
/// there as a "native plugin" which is (provided it has the right metadata)
/// automatically made available to [DllImport] loading logic.
/// WARNING: Unity support is experimental and work-in-progress. Don't expect it to work.
private static NativeMethods LoadNativeMethodsUnity()
if (PlatformApis.IsUnityIOS)
return new NativeMethods(new NativeMethods.DllImportsFromStaticLib());
// most other platforms load unity plugins as a shared library
return new NativeMethods(new NativeMethods.DllImportsFromSharedLib());
/// Return native method delegates when running on the Xamarin platform.
/// On Xamarin, the standard [DllImport] loading logic just works
/// as the native library metadata is provided by the AndroidNativeLibrary or
/// NativeReference items in the Xamarin projects (injected automatically
/// by the Grpc.Core.Xamarin nuget).
/// WARNING: Xamarin support is experimental and work-in-progress. Don't expect it to work.
private static NativeMethods LoadNativeMethodsXamarin()
if (PlatformApis.IsXamarinAndroid)
return new NativeMethods(new NativeMethods.DllImportsFromSharedLib());
return new NativeMethods(new NativeMethods.DllImportsFromStaticLib());
private static string GetAssemblyDirectory()
var assembly = typeof(NativeExtension).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
// Assembly.EscapedCodeBase does not exist under CoreCLR, but assemblies imported from a nuget package
// don't seem to be shadowed by DNX-based projects at all.
var assemblyLocation = assembly.Location;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyLocation))
// In .NET5 single-file deployments, assembly.Location won't be available
// and we can use it for detecting whether we are running as a single file app.
// Also see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/deploying/single-file#other-considerations
return null;
return Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyLocation);
// If assembly is shadowed (e.g. in a webapp), EscapedCodeBase is pointing
// to the original location of the assembly, and Location is pointing
// to the shadow copy. We care about the original location because
// the native dlls don't get shadowed.
var escapedCodeBase = assembly.EscapedCodeBase;
if (IsFileUri(escapedCodeBase))
return Path.GetDirectoryName(new Uri(escapedCodeBase).LocalPath);
return Path.GetDirectoryName(assembly.Location);
private static bool IsNet5SingleFileApp()
// Use a heuristic that GetAssemblyDirectory() will return null for single file apps.
return PlatformApis.IsNet5OrHigher && GetAssemblyDirectory() == null;
private static bool IsFileUri(string uri)
return uri.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith(Uri.UriSchemeFile);
private static string GetRuntimeIdString()
string architecture = GetArchitectureString();
if (PlatformApis.IsWindows)
return string.Format("win-{0}", architecture);
if (PlatformApis.IsLinux)
return string.Format("linux-{0}", architecture);
if (PlatformApis.IsMacOSX)
return string.Format("osx-{0}", architecture);
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported platform.");
// Currently, only Intel platform is supported.
private static string GetArchitectureString()
if (PlatformApis.Is64Bit)
return "x64";
return "x86";
// platform specific file name of the extension library
private static string GetNativeLibraryFilename()
string architecture = GetArchitectureString();
if (PlatformApis.IsWindows)
return string.Format("grpc_csharp_ext.{0}.dll", architecture);
if (PlatformApis.IsLinux)
return string.Format("libgrpc_csharp_ext.{0}.so", architecture);
if (PlatformApis.IsMacOSX)
return string.Format("libgrpc_csharp_ext.{0}.dylib", architecture);
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported platform.");