#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import argparse import logging import re import select import struct import sys # Expected debugger protocol version. JERRY_DEBUGGER_VERSION = 9 # Messages sent by the server to client. JERRY_DEBUGGER_CONFIGURATION = 1 JERRY_DEBUGGER_PARSE_ERROR = 2 JERRY_DEBUGGER_BYTE_CODE_CP = 3 JERRY_DEBUGGER_PARSE_FUNCTION = 4 JERRY_DEBUGGER_BREAKPOINT_LIST = 5 JERRY_DEBUGGER_BREAKPOINT_OFFSET_LIST = 6 JERRY_DEBUGGER_SOURCE_CODE = 7 JERRY_DEBUGGER_SOURCE_CODE_END = 8 JERRY_DEBUGGER_SOURCE_CODE_NAME = 9 JERRY_DEBUGGER_SOURCE_CODE_NAME_END = 10 JERRY_DEBUGGER_FUNCTION_NAME = 11 JERRY_DEBUGGER_FUNCTION_NAME_END = 12 JERRY_DEBUGGER_WAITING_AFTER_PARSE = 13 JERRY_DEBUGGER_RELEASE_BYTE_CODE_CP = 14 JERRY_DEBUGGER_MEMSTATS_RECEIVE = 15 JERRY_DEBUGGER_BREAKPOINT_HIT = 16 JERRY_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION_HIT = 17 JERRY_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION_STR = 18 JERRY_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION_STR_END = 19 JERRY_DEBUGGER_BACKTRACE_TOTAL = 20 JERRY_DEBUGGER_BACKTRACE = 21 JERRY_DEBUGGER_BACKTRACE_END = 22 JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_RESULT = 23 JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_RESULT_END = 24 JERRY_DEBUGGER_WAIT_FOR_SOURCE = 25 JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_RESULT = 26 JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_RESULT_END = 27 JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_CHAIN = 28 JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_CHAIN_END = 29 JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_VARIABLES = 30 JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_VARIABLES_END = 31 JERRY_DEBUGGER_CLOSE_CONNECTION = 32 # Debugger option flags JERRY_DEBUGGER_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 0x1 # Subtypes of eval JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_EVAL = "\0" JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_THROW = "\1" JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_ABORT = "\2" # Subtypes of eval result JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_OK = 1 JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_ERROR = 2 # Subtypes of output JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_OK = 1 JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_ERROR = 2 JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_WARNING = 3 JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_DEBUG = 4 JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_TRACE = 5 # Messages sent by the client to server. JERRY_DEBUGGER_FREE_BYTE_CODE_CP = 1 JERRY_DEBUGGER_UPDATE_BREAKPOINT = 2 JERRY_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION_CONFIG = 3 JERRY_DEBUGGER_PARSER_CONFIG = 4 JERRY_DEBUGGER_MEMSTATS = 5 JERRY_DEBUGGER_STOP = 6 JERRY_DEBUGGER_PARSER_RESUME = 7 JERRY_DEBUGGER_CLIENT_SOURCE = 8 JERRY_DEBUGGER_CLIENT_SOURCE_PART = 9 JERRY_DEBUGGER_NO_MORE_SOURCES = 10 JERRY_DEBUGGER_CONTEXT_RESET = 11 JERRY_DEBUGGER_CONTINUE = 12 JERRY_DEBUGGER_STEP = 13 JERRY_DEBUGGER_NEXT = 14 JERRY_DEBUGGER_FINISH = 15 JERRY_DEBUGGER_GET_BACKTRACE = 16 JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL = 17 JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_PART = 18 JERRY_DEBUGGER_GET_SCOPE_CHAIN = 19 JERRY_DEBUGGER_GET_SCOPE_VARIABLES = 20 JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_WITH = 1 JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_LOCAL = 2 JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_CLOSURE = 3 JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_GLOBAL = 4 JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_NON_CLOSURE = 5 JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_NONE = 1 JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_UNDEFINED = 2 JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_NULL = 3 JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_BOOLEAN = 4 JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_NUMBER = 5 JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_STRING = 6 JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_FUNCTION = 7 JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_ARRAY = 8 JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_OBJECT = 9 def arguments_parse(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="JerryScript debugger client") parser.add_argument("address", action="store", nargs="?", default="localhost:5001", help="specify a unique network address for tcp connection (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="increase verbosity (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("--non-interactive", action="store_true", default=False, help="disable stop when newline is pressed (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("--color", action="store_true", default=False, help="enable color highlighting on source commands (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("--display", action="store", default=None, type=int, help="set display range") parser.add_argument("--exception", action="store", default=None, type=int, choices=[0, 1], help="set exception config, usage 1: [Enable] or 0: [Disable]") parser.add_argument("--client-source", action="store", default=[], type=str, nargs="+", help="specify a javascript source file to execute") parser.add_argument("--channel", choices=["websocket", "rawpacket"], default="websocket", help="specify the communication channel (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("--protocol", choices=["tcp", "serial"], default="tcp", help="specify the transmission protocol over the communication channel (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("--serial-config", metavar="CONFIG_STRING", default="/dev/ttyUSB0,115200,8,N,1", help="Configure parameters for serial port (default: %(default)s)") args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG) logging.debug("Debug logging mode: ON") return args class JerryBreakpoint(object): def __init__(self, line, offset, function): self.line = line self.offset = offset self.function = function self.active_index = -1 def __str__(self): result = self.function.source_name or "" result += ":%d" % (self.line) if self.function.is_func: result += " (in " result += self.function.name or "function" result += "() at line:%d, col:%d)" % (self.function.line, self.function.column) return result def __repr__(self): return ("Breakpoint(line:%d, offset:%d, active_index:%d)" % (self.line, self.offset, self.active_index)) class JerryPendingBreakpoint(object): def __init__(self, line=None, source_name=None, function=None): self.function = function self.line = line self.source_name = source_name self.index = -1 def __str__(self): result = self.source_name or "" if self.line: result += ":%d" % (self.line) else: result += "%s()" % (self.function) return result class JerryFunction(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-arguments def __init__(self, is_func, byte_code_cp, source, source_name, line, column, name, lines, offsets): self.is_func = bool(is_func) self.byte_code_cp = byte_code_cp self.source = re.split("\r\n|[\r\n]", source) self.source_name = source_name self.name = name self.lines = {} self.offsets = {} self.line = line self.column = column self.first_breakpoint_line = lines[0] self.first_breakpoint_offset = offsets[0] if len(self.source) > 1 and not self.source[-1]: self.source.pop() for i, _line in enumerate(lines): offset = offsets[i] breakpoint = JerryBreakpoint(_line, offset, self) self.lines[_line] = breakpoint self.offsets[offset] = breakpoint def __repr__(self): result = ("Function(byte_code_cp:0x%x, source_name:%r, name:%r, line:%d, column:%d { " % (self.byte_code_cp, self.source_name, self.name, self.line, self.column)) result += ','.join([str(breakpoint) for breakpoint in self.lines.values()]) return result + " })" class Multimap(object): def __init__(self): self.map = {} def get(self, key): if key in self.map: return self.map[key] return [] def insert(self, key, value): if key in self.map: self.map[key].append(value) else: self.map[key] = [value] def delete(self, key, value): items = self.map[key] if len(items) == 1: del self.map[key] else: del items[items.index(value)] def __repr__(self): return "Multimap(%r)" % (self.map) class DebuggerAction(object): END = 0 WAIT = 1 TEXT = 2 PROMPT = 3 def __init__(self, action_type, action_text): self.action_type = action_type self.action_text = action_text def get_type(self): return self.action_type def get_text(self): return self.action_text class JerryDebugger(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-statements,too-many-public-methods,no-self-use def __init__(self, channel): self.prompt = False self.function_list = {} self.source = '' self.source_name = '' self.exception_string = '' self.frame_index = 0 self.scope_vars = "" self.scope_data = "" self.client_sources = [] self.last_breakpoint_hit = None self.next_breakpoint_index = 0 self.active_breakpoint_list = {} self.pending_breakpoint_list = {} self.line_list = Multimap() self.display = 0 self.green = '' self.red = '' self.yellow = '' self.green_bg = '' self.yellow_bg = '' self.blue = '' self.nocolor = '' self.src_offset = 0 self.src_offset_diff = 0 self.non_interactive = False self.current_out = b"" self.current_log = b"" self.channel = channel config_size = 8 # The server will send the configuration message after connection established # type [1] # configuration [1] # version [4] # max_message_size [1] # cpointer_size [1] result = self.channel.connect(config_size) if len(result) != config_size or ord(result[0]) != JERRY_DEBUGGER_CONFIGURATION: raise Exception("Unexpected configuration") self.little_endian = ord(result[1]) & JERRY_DEBUGGER_LITTLE_ENDIAN self.max_message_size = ord(result[6]) self.cp_size = ord(result[7]) if self.little_endian: self.byte_order = "<" logging.debug("Little-endian machine") else: self.byte_order = ">" logging.debug("Big-endian machine") if self.cp_size == 2: self.cp_format = "H" else: self.cp_format = "I" self.idx_format = "I" self.version = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + self.idx_format, result[2:6])[0] if self.version != JERRY_DEBUGGER_VERSION: raise Exception("Incorrect debugger version from target: %d expected: %d" % (self.version, JERRY_DEBUGGER_VERSION)) logging.debug("Compressed pointer size: %d", self.cp_size) def __del__(self): if self.channel is not None: self.channel.close() def _exec_command(self, command_id): message = struct.pack(self.byte_order + "BB", 1, command_id) self.channel.send_message(self.byte_order, message) def quit(self): self.prompt = False self._exec_command(JERRY_DEBUGGER_CONTINUE) def set_colors(self): self.nocolor = '\033[0m' self.green = '\033[92m' self.red = '\033[31m' self.yellow = '\033[93m' self.green_bg = '\033[42m\033[30m' self.yellow_bg = '\033[43m\033[30m' self.blue = '\033[94m' def stop(self): self._exec_command(JERRY_DEBUGGER_STOP) def set_break(self, args): if not args: return "Error: Breakpoint index expected" if ':' in args: try: if int(args.split(':', 1)[1]) <= 0: return "Error: Positive breakpoint index expected" return self._set_breakpoint(args, False) except ValueError as val_errno: return "Error: Positive breakpoint index expected: %s" % (val_errno) return self._set_breakpoint(args, False) def breakpoint_list(self): result = '' if self.active_breakpoint_list: result += "=== %sActive breakpoints %s ===\n" % (self.green_bg, self.nocolor) for breakpoint in self.active_breakpoint_list.values(): result += " %d: %s\n" % (breakpoint.active_index, breakpoint) if self.pending_breakpoint_list: result += "=== %sPending breakpoints%s ===\n" % (self.yellow_bg, self.nocolor) for breakpoint in self.pending_breakpoint_list.values(): result += " %d: %s (pending)\n" % (breakpoint.index, breakpoint) if not self.active_breakpoint_list and not self.pending_breakpoint_list: result += "No breakpoints\n" return result def delete(self, args): if not args: return "Error: Breakpoint index expected\n" \ "Delete the given breakpoint, use 'delete all|active|pending' " \ "to clear all the given breakpoints\n " elif args in ['all', 'pending', 'active']: if args != "pending": for i in self.active_breakpoint_list.values(): breakpoint = self.active_breakpoint_list[i.active_index] del self.active_breakpoint_list[i.active_index] breakpoint.active_index = -1 self._send_breakpoint(breakpoint) if args != "active": if self.pending_breakpoint_list: self.pending_breakpoint_list.clear() self._send_parser_config(0) return "" try: breakpoint_index = int(args) except ValueError as val_errno: return "Error: Integer number expected, %s\n" % (val_errno) if breakpoint_index in self.active_breakpoint_list: breakpoint = self.active_breakpoint_list[breakpoint_index] del self.active_breakpoint_list[breakpoint_index] breakpoint.active_index = -1 self._send_breakpoint(breakpoint) return "Breakpoint %d deleted\n" % (breakpoint_index) elif breakpoint_index in self.pending_breakpoint_list: del self.pending_breakpoint_list[breakpoint_index] if not self.pending_breakpoint_list: self._send_parser_config(0) return "Pending breakpoint %d deleted\n" % (breakpoint_index) else: return "Error: Breakpoint %d not found\n" % (breakpoint_index) def next(self): self.prompt = False self._exec_command(JERRY_DEBUGGER_NEXT) def step(self): self.prompt = False self._exec_command(JERRY_DEBUGGER_STEP) def do_continue(self): self.prompt = False self._exec_command(JERRY_DEBUGGER_CONTINUE) def finish(self): self.prompt = False self._exec_command(JERRY_DEBUGGER_FINISH) def backtrace(self, args): max_depth = 0 min_depth = 0 get_total = 0 if args: args = args.split(" ") try: if "t" in args: get_total = 1 args.remove("t") if len(args) >= 2: min_depth = int(args[0]) max_depth = int(args[1]) if max_depth <= 0 or min_depth < 0: return "Error: Positive integer number expected\n" if min_depth > max_depth: return "Error: Start depth needs to be lower than or equal to max depth\n" elif len(args) >= 1: max_depth = int(args[0]) if max_depth <= 0: return "Error: Positive integer number expected\n" except ValueError as val_errno: return "Error: Positive integer number expected, %s\n" % (val_errno) self.frame_index = min_depth message = struct.pack(self.byte_order + "BB" + self.idx_format + self.idx_format + "B", 1 + 4 + 4 + 1, JERRY_DEBUGGER_GET_BACKTRACE, min_depth, max_depth, get_total) self.channel.send_message(self.byte_order, message) self.prompt = False return "" def eval(self, code): self._send_string(JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_EVAL + code, JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL) self.prompt = False def eval_at(self, code, index): self._send_string(JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_EVAL + code, JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL, index) self.prompt = False def throw(self, code): self._send_string(JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_THROW + code, JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL) self.prompt = False def abort(self, args): self.delete("all") self.exception("0") # disable the exception handler self._send_string(JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_ABORT + args, JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL) self.prompt = False def restart(self): self._send_string(JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_ABORT + "\"r353t\"", JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL) self.prompt = False def exception(self, args): try: enabled = int(args) except (ValueError, TypeError): enabled = -1 if enabled not in [0, 1]: return "Error: Invalid input! Usage 1: [Enable] or 0: [Disable]\n" if enabled: logging.debug("Stop at exception enabled") self._send_exception_config(enabled) return "Stop at exception enabled\n" logging.debug("Stop at exception disabled") self._send_exception_config(enabled) return "Stop at exception disabled\n" def scope_chain(self): self.prompt = False self._exec_command(JERRY_DEBUGGER_GET_SCOPE_CHAIN) def scope_variables(self, args): index = 0 if args: try: index = int(args) if index < 0: print("Error: A non negative integer number expected") return "" except ValueError as val_errno: return "Error: Non negative integer number expected, %s\n" % (val_errno) message = struct.pack(self.byte_order + "BB" + self.idx_format, 1 + 4, JERRY_DEBUGGER_GET_SCOPE_VARIABLES, index) self.channel.send_message(self.byte_order, message) self.prompt = False return "" def memstats(self): self.prompt = False self._exec_command(JERRY_DEBUGGER_MEMSTATS) def _send_string(self, args, message_type, index=0): # 1: length of type byte # 4: length of an uint32 value message_header = 1 + 4 # Add scope chain index if message_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL: args = struct.pack(self.byte_order + "I", index) + args size = len(args) max_fragment = min(self.max_message_size - message_header, size) message = struct.pack(self.byte_order + "BBI", max_fragment + message_header, message_type, size) if size == max_fragment: self.channel.send_message(self.byte_order, message + args) return self.channel.send_message(self.byte_order, message + args[0:max_fragment]) offset = max_fragment if message_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL: message_type = JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_PART else: message_type = JERRY_DEBUGGER_CLIENT_SOURCE_PART # 1: length of type byte message_header = 1 max_fragment = self.max_message_size - message_header while offset < size: next_fragment = min(max_fragment, size - offset) message = struct.pack(self.byte_order + "BB", next_fragment + message_header, message_type) prev_offset = offset offset += next_fragment self.channel.send_message(self.byte_order, message + args[prev_offset:offset]) def _breakpoint_pending_exists(self, breakpoint): for existing_bp in self.pending_breakpoint_list.values(): if (breakpoint.line and existing_bp.source_name == breakpoint.source_name and \ existing_bp.line == breakpoint.line) \ or (not breakpoint.line and existing_bp.function == breakpoint.function): return True return False def _send_breakpoint(self, breakpoint): message = struct.pack(self.byte_order + "BBB" + self.cp_format + self.idx_format, 1 + 1 + self.cp_size + 4, JERRY_DEBUGGER_UPDATE_BREAKPOINT, int(breakpoint.active_index >= 0), breakpoint.function.byte_code_cp, breakpoint.offset) self.channel.send_message(self.byte_order, message) def _send_bytecode_cp(self, byte_code_cp): message = struct.pack(self.byte_order + "BB" + self.cp_format, 1 + self.cp_size, JERRY_DEBUGGER_FREE_BYTE_CODE_CP, byte_code_cp) self.channel.send_message(self.byte_order, message) def _send_exception_config(self, enable): message = struct.pack(self.byte_order + "BBB", 1 + 1, JERRY_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION_CONFIG, enable) self.channel.send_message(self.byte_order, message) def _send_parser_config(self, enable): message = struct.pack(self.byte_order + "BBB", 1 + 1, JERRY_DEBUGGER_PARSER_CONFIG, enable) self.channel.send_message(self.byte_order, message) def store_client_sources(self, args): self.client_sources = args def send_client_source(self): # Send no more source message if there is no source if not self.client_sources: self.send_no_more_source() return path = self.client_sources.pop(0) if not path.lower().endswith('.js'): sys.exit("Error: Javascript file expected!") return with open(path, 'r') as src_file: content = path + "\0" + src_file.read() self._send_string(content, JERRY_DEBUGGER_CLIENT_SOURCE) def send_no_more_source(self): self._exec_command(JERRY_DEBUGGER_NO_MORE_SOURCES) # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-return-statements def process_messages(self): result = "" while True: data = self.channel.get_message(False) if not self.non_interactive: if sys.stdin in select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0)[0]: sys.stdin.readline() self.stop() if data == b'': action_type = DebuggerAction.PROMPT if self.prompt else DebuggerAction.WAIT return DebuggerAction(action_type, "") if not data: # Break the while loop if there is no more data. return DebuggerAction(DebuggerAction.END, "") buffer_type = ord(data[0]) buffer_size = len(data) -1 logging.debug("Main buffer type: %d, message size: %d", buffer_type, buffer_size) if buffer_type in [JERRY_DEBUGGER_PARSE_ERROR, JERRY_DEBUGGER_BYTE_CODE_CP, JERRY_DEBUGGER_PARSE_FUNCTION, JERRY_DEBUGGER_BREAKPOINT_LIST, JERRY_DEBUGGER_SOURCE_CODE, JERRY_DEBUGGER_SOURCE_CODE_END, JERRY_DEBUGGER_SOURCE_CODE_NAME, JERRY_DEBUGGER_SOURCE_CODE_NAME_END, JERRY_DEBUGGER_FUNCTION_NAME, JERRY_DEBUGGER_FUNCTION_NAME_END]: result = self._parse_source(data) if result: return DebuggerAction(DebuggerAction.TEXT, result) elif buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_WAITING_AFTER_PARSE: self._exec_command(JERRY_DEBUGGER_PARSER_RESUME) elif buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_RELEASE_BYTE_CODE_CP: self._release_function(data) elif buffer_type in [JERRY_DEBUGGER_BREAKPOINT_HIT, JERRY_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION_HIT]: breakpoint_data = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + self.cp_format + self.idx_format, data[1:]) breakpoint = self._get_breakpoint(breakpoint_data) self.last_breakpoint_hit = breakpoint[0] if buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION_HIT: result += "Exception throw detected (to disable automatic stop type exception 0)\n" if self.exception_string: result += "Exception hint: %s\n" % (self.exception_string) self.exception_string = "" if breakpoint[1]: breakpoint_info = "at" else: breakpoint_info = "around" if breakpoint[0].active_index >= 0: breakpoint_info += " breakpoint:%s%d%s" % (self.red, breakpoint[0].active_index, self.nocolor) result += "Stopped %s %s\n" % (breakpoint_info, breakpoint[0]) if self.display > 0: result += self.print_source(self.display, self.src_offset) self.prompt = True return DebuggerAction(DebuggerAction.TEXT, result) elif buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION_STR: self.exception_string += data[1:] elif buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_EXCEPTION_STR_END: self.exception_string += data[1:] elif buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_BACKTRACE_TOTAL: total = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + self.idx_format, data[1:])[0] result += "Total number of frames: %d\n" % (total) return DebuggerAction(DebuggerAction.TEXT, result) elif buffer_type in [JERRY_DEBUGGER_BACKTRACE, JERRY_DEBUGGER_BACKTRACE_END]: frame_index = self.frame_index buffer_pos = 1 while buffer_size > 0: breakpoint_data = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + self.cp_format + self.idx_format, data[buffer_pos: buffer_pos + self.cp_size + 4]) breakpoint = self._get_breakpoint(breakpoint_data) result += "Frame %d: %s\n" % (frame_index, breakpoint[0]) frame_index += 1 buffer_pos += 6 buffer_size -= 6 if buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_BACKTRACE_END: self.prompt = True else: self.frame_index = frame_index return DebuggerAction(DebuggerAction.TEXT, result) elif buffer_type in [JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_RESULT, JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_RESULT_END, JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_RESULT, JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_RESULT_END]: result = self._process_incoming_text(buffer_type, data) return DebuggerAction(DebuggerAction.TEXT, result) elif buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_MEMSTATS_RECEIVE: memory_stats = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + self.idx_format * 5, data[1: 1 + 4 * 5]) result += "Allocated bytes: %s\n" % memory_stats[0] result += "Byte code bytes: %s\n" % memory_stats[1] result += "String bytes: %s\n" % memory_stats[2] result += "Object bytes: %s\n" % memory_stats[3] result += "Property bytes: %s\n" % memory_stats[4] self.prompt = True return DebuggerAction(DebuggerAction.TEXT, result) elif buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_WAIT_FOR_SOURCE: self.send_client_source() elif buffer_type in [JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_CHAIN, JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_CHAIN_END]: self.scope_data = data[1:] if buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_CHAIN_END: result = self._process_scope() self.scope_data = "" self.prompt = True return DebuggerAction(DebuggerAction.TEXT, result) elif buffer_type in [JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_VARIABLES, JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_VARIABLES_END]: self.scope_vars += "".join(data[1:]) if buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_VARIABLES_END: result = self._process_scope_variables() self.scope_vars = "" self.prompt = True return DebuggerAction(DebuggerAction.TEXT, result) elif JERRY_DEBUGGER_CLOSE_CONNECTION: return DebuggerAction(DebuggerAction.END, "") else: raise Exception("Unknown message") def print_source(self, line_num, offset): msg = "" last_bp = self.last_breakpoint_hit if not last_bp: return "" lines = last_bp.function.source if last_bp.function.source_name: msg += "Source: %s\n" % (last_bp.function.source_name) if line_num == 0: start = 0 end = len(last_bp.function.source) else: start = max(last_bp.line - line_num, 0) end = min(last_bp.line + line_num - 1, len(last_bp.function.source)) if offset: if start + offset < 0: self.src_offset += self.src_offset_diff offset += self.src_offset_diff elif end + offset > len(last_bp.function.source): self.src_offset -= self.src_offset_diff offset -= self.src_offset_diff start = max(start + offset, 0) end = min(end + offset, len(last_bp.function.source)) for i in range(start, end): if i == last_bp.line - 1: msg += "%s%4d%s %s>%s %s\n" % (self.green, i + 1, self.nocolor, self.red, \ self.nocolor, lines[i]) else: msg += "%s%4d%s %s\n" % (self.green, i + 1, self.nocolor, lines[i]) return msg # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-locals,too-many-statements def _parse_source(self, data): source_code = "" source_code_name = "" function_name = "" stack = [{"line": 1, "column": 1, "name": "", "lines": [], "offsets": []}] new_function_list = {} result = "" while True: if data is None: return "Error: connection lost during source code receiving" buffer_type = ord(data[0]) buffer_size = len(data) - 1 logging.debug("Parser buffer type: %d, message size: %d", buffer_type, buffer_size) if buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_PARSE_ERROR: logging.error("Syntax error found") return "" elif buffer_type in [JERRY_DEBUGGER_SOURCE_CODE, JERRY_DEBUGGER_SOURCE_CODE_END]: source_code += data[1:] elif buffer_type in [JERRY_DEBUGGER_SOURCE_CODE_NAME, JERRY_DEBUGGER_SOURCE_CODE_NAME_END]: source_code_name += data[1:] elif buffer_type in [JERRY_DEBUGGER_FUNCTION_NAME, JERRY_DEBUGGER_FUNCTION_NAME_END]: function_name += data[1:] elif buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_PARSE_FUNCTION: logging.debug("Source name: %s, function name: %s", source_code_name, function_name) position = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + self.idx_format + self.idx_format, data[1: 1 + 4 + 4]) stack.append({"source": source_code, "source_name": source_code_name, "line": position[0], "column": position[1], "name": function_name, "lines": [], "offsets": []}) function_name = "" elif buffer_type in [JERRY_DEBUGGER_BREAKPOINT_LIST, JERRY_DEBUGGER_BREAKPOINT_OFFSET_LIST]: name = "lines" if buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_BREAKPOINT_OFFSET_LIST: name = "offsets" logging.debug("Breakpoint %s received", name) buffer_pos = 1 while buffer_size > 0: line = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + self.idx_format, data[buffer_pos: buffer_pos + 4]) stack[-1][name].append(line[0]) buffer_pos += 4 buffer_size -= 4 elif buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_BYTE_CODE_CP: byte_code_cp = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + self.cp_format, data[1: 1 + self.cp_size])[0] logging.debug("Byte code cptr received: {0x%x}", byte_code_cp) func_desc = stack.pop() # We know the last item in the list is the general byte code. if not stack: func_desc["source"] = source_code func_desc["source_name"] = source_code_name function = JerryFunction(stack, byte_code_cp, func_desc["source"], func_desc["source_name"], func_desc["line"], func_desc["column"], func_desc["name"], func_desc["lines"], func_desc["offsets"]) new_function_list[byte_code_cp] = function if not stack: logging.debug("Parse completed.") break elif buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_RELEASE_BYTE_CODE_CP: # Redefined functions are dropped during parsing. byte_code_cp = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + self.cp_format, data[1: 1 + self.cp_size])[0] if byte_code_cp in new_function_list: del new_function_list[byte_code_cp] self._send_bytecode_cp(byte_code_cp) else: self._release_function(data) elif buffer_type in [JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_RESULT, JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_RESULT_END]: result += self._process_incoming_text(buffer_type, data) else: logging.error("Parser error!") raise Exception("Unexpected message") data = self.channel.get_message(True) # Copy the ready list to the global storage. self.function_list.update(new_function_list) for function in new_function_list.values(): for line, breakpoint in function.lines.items(): self.line_list.insert(line, breakpoint) # Try to set the pending breakpoints if self.pending_breakpoint_list: logging.debug("Pending breakpoints available") bp_list = self.pending_breakpoint_list for breakpoint_index, breakpoint in bp_list.items(): source_lines = 0 for src in new_function_list.values(): if src.source_name == breakpoint.source_name: source_lines = len(src.source) break if breakpoint.line: if breakpoint.line <= source_lines: command = breakpoint.source_name + ":" + str(breakpoint.line) set_result = self._set_breakpoint(command, True) if set_result: result += set_result del bp_list[breakpoint_index] elif breakpoint.function: command = breakpoint.function set_result = self._set_breakpoint(command, True) if set_result: result += set_result del bp_list[breakpoint_index] if not bp_list: self._send_parser_config(0) return result logging.debug("No pending breakpoints") return result def _release_function(self, data): byte_code_cp = struct.unpack(self.byte_order + self.cp_format, data[1: 1 + self.cp_size])[0] function = self.function_list[byte_code_cp] for line, breakpoint in function.lines.items(): self.line_list.delete(line, breakpoint) if breakpoint.active_index >= 0: del self.active_breakpoint_list[breakpoint.active_index] del self.function_list[byte_code_cp] self._send_bytecode_cp(byte_code_cp) logging.debug("Function {0x%x} byte-code released", byte_code_cp) def _enable_breakpoint(self, breakpoint): if isinstance(breakpoint, JerryPendingBreakpoint): if self._breakpoint_pending_exists(breakpoint): return "%sPending breakpoint%s already exists\n" % (self.yellow, self.nocolor) self.next_breakpoint_index += 1 breakpoint.index = self.next_breakpoint_index self.pending_breakpoint_list[self.next_breakpoint_index] = breakpoint return ("%sPending breakpoint %d%s at %s\n" % (self.yellow, breakpoint.index, self.nocolor, breakpoint)) if breakpoint.active_index < 0: self.next_breakpoint_index += 1 self.active_breakpoint_list[self.next_breakpoint_index] = breakpoint breakpoint.active_index = self.next_breakpoint_index self._send_breakpoint(breakpoint) return "%sBreakpoint %d%s at %s\n" % (self.green, breakpoint.active_index, self.nocolor, breakpoint) def _set_breakpoint(self, string, pending): line = re.match("(.*):(\\d+)$", string) result = "" if line: source_name = line.group(1) new_line = int(line.group(2)) for breakpoint in self.line_list.get(new_line): func_source = breakpoint.function.source_name if (source_name == func_source or func_source.endswith("/" + source_name) or func_source.endswith("\\" + source_name)): result += self._enable_breakpoint(breakpoint) else: functions_to_enable = [] for function in self.function_list.values(): if function.name == string: functions_to_enable.append(function) functions_to_enable.sort(key=lambda x: x.line) for function in functions_to_enable: result += self._enable_breakpoint(function.lines[function.first_breakpoint_line]) if not result and not pending: print("No breakpoint found, do you want to add a %spending breakpoint%s? (y or [n])" % \ (self.yellow, self.nocolor)) ans = sys.stdin.readline() if ans in ['yes\n', 'y\n']: if not self.pending_breakpoint_list: self._send_parser_config(1) if line: breakpoint = JerryPendingBreakpoint(int(line.group(2)), line.group(1)) else: breakpoint = JerryPendingBreakpoint(function=string) result += self._enable_breakpoint(breakpoint) return result def _get_breakpoint(self, breakpoint_data): function = self.function_list[breakpoint_data[0]] offset = breakpoint_data[1] if offset in function.offsets: return (function.offsets[offset], True) if offset < function.first_breakpoint_offset: return (function.offsets[function.first_breakpoint_offset], False) nearest_offset = -1 for current_offset in function.offsets: if current_offset <= offset and current_offset > nearest_offset: nearest_offset = current_offset return (function.offsets[nearest_offset], False) def _process_incoming_text(self, buffer_type, data): message = b"" msg_type = buffer_type while True: if buffer_type in [JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_RESULT_END, JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_RESULT_END]: subtype = ord(data[-1]) message += data[1:-1] break else: message += data[1:] data = self.channel.get_message(True) buffer_type = ord(data[0]) # Checks if the next frame would be an invalid data frame. # If it is not the message type, or the end type of it, an exception is thrown. if buffer_type not in [msg_type, msg_type + 1]: raise Exception("Invalid data caught") # Subtypes of output if buffer_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_RESULT_END: if subtype == JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_OK: log_type = "%sout:%s " % (self.blue, self.nocolor) message = self.current_out + message lines = message.split("\n") self.current_out = lines.pop() return "".join(["%s%s\n" % (log_type, line) for line in lines]) if subtype == JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_DEBUG: log_type = "%slog:%s " % (self.yellow, self.nocolor) message = self.current_log + message lines = message.split("\n") self.current_log = lines.pop() return "".join(["%s%s\n" % (log_type, line) for line in lines]) if not message.endswith("\n"): message += "\n" if subtype == JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_WARNING: return "%swarning: %s%s" % (self.yellow, self.nocolor, message) elif subtype == JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_ERROR: return "%serr: %s%s" % (self.red, self.nocolor, message) elif subtype == JERRY_DEBUGGER_OUTPUT_TRACE: return "%strace: %s%s" % (self.blue, self.nocolor, message) # Subtypes of eval self.prompt = True if not message.endswith("\n"): message += "\n" if subtype == JERRY_DEBUGGER_EVAL_ERROR: return "Uncaught exception: %s" % (message) return message def _process_scope_variables(self): buff_size = len(self.scope_vars) buff_pos = 0 table = [['name', 'type', 'value']] while buff_pos != buff_size: # Process name name_length = ord(self.scope_vars[buff_pos:buff_pos + 1]) buff_pos += 1 name = self.scope_vars[buff_pos:buff_pos + name_length] buff_pos += name_length # Process type value_type = ord(self.scope_vars[buff_pos:buff_pos + 1]) buff_pos += 1 value_length = ord(self.scope_vars[buff_pos:buff_pos + 1]) buff_pos += 1 value = self.scope_vars[buff_pos: buff_pos + value_length] buff_pos += value_length if value_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_UNDEFINED: table.append([name, 'undefined', value]) elif value_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_NULL: table.append([name, 'Null', value]) elif value_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_BOOLEAN: table.append([name, 'Boolean', value]) elif value_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_NUMBER: table.append([name, 'Number', value]) elif value_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_STRING: table.append([name, 'String', value]) elif value_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_FUNCTION: table.append([name, 'Function', value]) elif value_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_ARRAY: table.append([name, 'Array', '[' + value + ']']) elif value_type == JERRY_DEBUGGER_VALUE_OBJECT: table.append([name, 'Object', value]) result = self._form_table(table) return result def _process_scope(self): result = "" table = [['level', 'type']] for i, level in enumerate(self.scope_data): if ord(level) == JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_WITH: table.append([str(i), 'with']) elif ord(level) == JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_GLOBAL: table.append([str(i), 'global']) elif ord(level) == JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_NON_CLOSURE: # Currently it is only marks the catch closure. table.append([str(i), 'catch']) elif ord(level) == JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_LOCAL: table.append([str(i), 'local']) elif ord(level) == JERRY_DEBUGGER_SCOPE_CLOSURE: table.append([str(i), 'closure']) else: raise Exception("Unexpected scope chain element") result = self._form_table(table) return result def _form_table(self, table): result = "" col_width = [max(len(x) for x in col) for col in zip(*table)] for line in table: result += " | ".join("{:{}}".format(x, col_width[i]) for i, x in enumerate(line)) + " \n" return result