Connecting to: localhost:5001 Stopped at tests/debugger/do_scope.js:15 (jerry-debugger) scope level | type 0 | global (jerry-debugger) b do_scope.js:22 Breakpoint 1 at tests/debugger/do_scope.js:22 (in f() at line:17, col:1) (jerry-debugger) c Exception throw detected (to disable automatic stop type exception 0) Exception hint: error Stopped at tests/debugger/do_scope.js:19 (in f() at line:17, col:1) (jerry-debugger) scope level | type 0 | local 1 | global (jerry-debugger) c Stopped at breakpoint:1 tests/debugger/do_scope.js:22 (in f() at line:17, col:1) (jerry-debugger) scope level | type 0 | catch 1 | local 2 | global (jerry-debugger) b do_scope.js:28 Breakpoint 2 at tests/debugger/do_scope.js:28 (in function() at line:27, col:4) (jerry-debugger) c Stopped at breakpoint:2 tests/debugger/do_scope.js:28 (in function() at line:27, col:4) (jerry-debugger) scope level | type 0 | local 1 | closure 2 | global (jerry-debugger) b do_scope.js:31 Breakpoint 3 at tests/debugger/do_scope.js:31 (in function() at line:27, col:4) (jerry-debugger) c Stopped at breakpoint:3 tests/debugger/do_scope.js:31 (in function() at line:27, col:4) (jerry-debugger) scope level | type 0 | with 1 | local 2 | closure 3 | global (jerry-debugger) b do_scope.js:33 Breakpoint 4 at tests/debugger/do_scope.js:33 (in function() at line:27, col:4) (jerry-debugger) c Stopped at breakpoint:4 tests/debugger/do_scope.js:33 (in function() at line:27, col:4) (jerry-debugger) scope level | type 0 | with 1 | with 2 | local 3 | closure 4 | global (jerry-debugger) b do_scope.js:35 Breakpoint 5 at tests/debugger/do_scope.js:35 (in function() at line:27, col:4) (jerry-debugger) c Stopped at breakpoint:5 tests/debugger/do_scope.js:35 (in function() at line:27, col:4) (jerry-debugger) scope level | type 0 | with 1 | local 2 | closure 3 | global (jerry-debugger) c