Name OES_blend_func_separate Name Strings GL_OES_blend_func_separate Contact Benj Lipchak, Apple (lipchak 'at' Notice Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at Specification Update Policy Khronos-approved extension specifications are updated in response to issues and bugs prioritized by the Khronos OpenGL ES Working Group. For extensions which have been promoted to a core Specification, fixes will first appear in the latest version of that core Specification, and will eventually be backported to the extension document. This policy is described in more detail at Status Ratified by the Khronos BOP, July 31, 2009. Version Date: 05/19/2009 Version 1.0 Number OpenGL ES Extension #2 Dependencies Written based on the wording of the OpenGL ES 1.1 specification. Overview Blending capability is extended by defining a function that allows independent setting of the RGB and alpha blend factors for blend operations that require source and destination blend factors. It is not always desired that the blending used for RGB is also applied to alpha. New Procedures and Functions void BlendFuncSeparateOES(enum sfactorRGB, enum dfactorRGB, enum sfactorAlpha, enum dfactorAlpha); New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, and GetFloatv: BLEND_DST_RGB_OES 0x80C8 BLEND_SRC_RGB_OES 0x80C9 BLEND_DST_ALPHA_OES 0x80CA BLEND_SRC_ALPHA_OES 0x80CB Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL ES 1.1 Specification (OpenGL Operation) None Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL ES 1.1 Specification (Rasterization) None Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL ES 1.1 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Framebuffer) Replace the "Blend Equation" discussion in section 4.1.7 (Blending) with the following: "The weighting factors used by the blend equation are determined by the blend functions. Blend functions are specified with the commands void BlendFuncSeparateOES(enum srcRGB, enum dstRGB, enum srcAlpha, enum dstAlpha); void BlendFunc(enum src, enum dst); BlendFuncSeparate arguments and determine the source and destination alpha blend functions. BlendFunc argument determines both the RGB and alpha source functions, while determines both RGB and alpha destination functions. The possible source and destination blend functions and their corresponding computed blend factors are summarized in table 4.blendfunc. Function RGB Blend Factors Alpha Blend Factor (Sr, Sg, Sb) or (Dr, Dg, Db) Sa or Da ------------------ ---------------------------- ------------------ ZERO (0, 0, 0) 0 ONE (1, 1, 1) 1 SRC_COLOR (Rs, Gs, Bs) As ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR (1, 1, 1) - (Rs, Gs, Bs) 1 - As DST_COLOR (Rd, Gd, Bd) Ad ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR (1, 1, 1) - (Rd, Gd, Bd) 1 - Ad SRC_ALPHA (As, As, As) As ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA (1, 1, 1) - (As, As, As) 1 - As DST_ALPHA (Ad, Ad, Ad) Ad ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA (1, 1, 1) - (Ad, Ad, Ad) 1 - Ad SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE (*1) (f, f, f) (*2) 1 Table 4.blendfunc: RGB and ALPHA source and destination blending functions and the corresponding blend factors. Addition and subtraction of triplets is performed component-wise. *1 SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE is valid only for source RGB and alpha blending functions. *2 f = min(As, 1 - Ad)." In the "Blending State" paragraph, insert the following in place of existing blend function state: "The state required for blending is... four integers indicating the source and destination blend functions for RGB and alpha.... The initial state for both source functions is ONE. The initial state for both destination functions is ZERO." Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL ES 1.1 Specification (Special Functions) None Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL ES 1.1 Specification (State and State Requests) None Errors GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if either sfactorRGB, dfactorRGB, sfactorAlpha, or dfactorAlpha is not an accepted value. New State The get values BLEND_SRC and BLEND_DST return the RGB source and destination factor, respectively. Initial Get Value Get Command Type Value --------- ----------- ---- ------- BLEND_SRC_RGB_OES GetIntegerv Z11 ONE BLEND_DST_RGB_OES GetIntegerv Z10 ZERO BLEND_SRC_ALPHA_OES GetIntegerv Z11 ONE BLEND_DST_ALPHA_OES GetIntegerv Z10 ZERO New Implementation Dependent State None Revision History 2009/05/19 Benj Lipchak First draft of true extension specification