namespace ts.server.typingsInstaller { const fs: { appendFileSync(file: string, content: string): void } = require("fs"); const path: { join( string[]): string; dirname(path: string): string; basename(path: string, extension?: string): string; } = require("path"); class FileLog implements Log { constructor(private logFile: string | undefined) { } isEnabled = () => { return typeof this.logFile === "string"; }; writeLine = (text: string) => { if (typeof this.logFile !== "string") return; try { fs.appendFileSync(this.logFile, `[${nowString()}] ${text}${sys.newLine}`); } catch (e) { this.logFile = undefined; } }; } /** Used if `--npmLocation` is not passed. */ function getDefaultNPMLocation(processName: string, validateDefaultNpmLocation: boolean, host: InstallTypingHost): string { if (path.basename(processName).indexOf("node") === 0) { const npmPath = path.join(path.dirname(process.argv[0]), "npm"); if (!validateDefaultNpmLocation) { return npmPath; } if (host.fileExists(npmPath)) { return `"${npmPath}"`; } } return "npm"; } interface TypesRegistryFile { entries: MapLike>; } function loadTypesRegistryFile(typesRegistryFilePath: string, host: InstallTypingHost, log: Log): ESMap> { if (!host.fileExists(typesRegistryFilePath)) { if (log.isEnabled()) { log.writeLine(`Types registry file '${typesRegistryFilePath}' does not exist`); } return new Map>(); } try { const content = JSON.parse(host.readFile(typesRegistryFilePath)!); return new Map(getEntries(content.entries)); } catch (e) { if (log.isEnabled()) { log.writeLine(`Error when loading types registry file '${typesRegistryFilePath}': ${(e).message}, ${(e).stack}`); } return new Map>(); } } const typesRegistryPackageName = "types-registry"; function getTypesRegistryFileLocation(globalTypingsCacheLocation: string): string { return combinePaths(normalizeSlashes(globalTypingsCacheLocation), `node_modules/${typesRegistryPackageName}/index.json`); } interface ExecSyncOptions { cwd: string; encoding: "utf-8"; } type ExecSync = (command: string, options: ExecSyncOptions) => string; export class NodeTypingsInstaller extends TypingsInstaller { private readonly nodeExecSync: ExecSync; private readonly npmPath: string; readonly typesRegistry: ESMap>; private delayedInitializationError: InitializationFailedResponse | undefined; constructor(globalTypingsCacheLocation: string, typingSafeListLocation: string, typesMapLocation: string, npmLocation: string | undefined, validateDefaultNpmLocation: boolean, throttleLimit: number, log: Log) { super( sys, globalTypingsCacheLocation, typingSafeListLocation ? toPath(typingSafeListLocation, "", createGetCanonicalFileName(sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames)) : toPath("typingSafeList.json", __dirname, createGetCanonicalFileName(sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames)), typesMapLocation ? toPath(typesMapLocation, "", createGetCanonicalFileName(sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames)) : toPath("typesMap.json", __dirname, createGetCanonicalFileName(sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames)), throttleLimit, log); this.npmPath = npmLocation !== undefined ? npmLocation : getDefaultNPMLocation(process.argv[0], validateDefaultNpmLocation, this.installTypingHost); // If the NPM path contains spaces and isn't wrapped in quotes, do so. if (stringContains(this.npmPath, " ") && this.npmPath[0] !== `"`) { this.npmPath = `"${this.npmPath}"`; } if (this.log.isEnabled()) { this.log.writeLine(`Process id: ${}`); this.log.writeLine(`NPM location: ${this.npmPath} (explicit '${Arguments.NpmLocation}' ${npmLocation === undefined ? "not " : ""} provided)`); this.log.writeLine(`validateDefaultNpmLocation: ${validateDefaultNpmLocation}`); } ({ execSync: this.nodeExecSync } = require("child_process")); this.ensurePackageDirectoryExists(globalTypingsCacheLocation); try { if (this.log.isEnabled()) { this.log.writeLine(`Updating ${typesRegistryPackageName} npm package...`); } this.execSyncAndLog(`${this.npmPath} install --ignore-scripts ${typesRegistryPackageName}@${this.latestDistTag}`, { cwd: globalTypingsCacheLocation }); if (this.log.isEnabled()) { this.log.writeLine(`Updated ${typesRegistryPackageName} npm package`); } } catch (e) { if (this.log.isEnabled()) { this.log.writeLine(`Error updating ${typesRegistryPackageName} package: ${(e).message}`); } // store error info to report it later when it is known that server is already listening to events from typings installer this.delayedInitializationError = { kind: "event::initializationFailed", message: (e).message, stack: (e).stack, }; } this.typesRegistry = loadTypesRegistryFile(getTypesRegistryFileLocation(globalTypingsCacheLocation), this.installTypingHost, this.log); } listen() { process.on("message", (req: TypingInstallerRequestUnion) => { if (this.delayedInitializationError) { // report initializationFailed error this.sendResponse(this.delayedInitializationError); this.delayedInitializationError = undefined; } switch (req.kind) { case "discover": this.install(req); break; case "closeProject": this.closeProject(req); break; case "typesRegistry": { const typesRegistry: { [key: string]: MapLike } = {}; this.typesRegistry.forEach((value, key) => { typesRegistry[key] = value; }); const response: TypesRegistryResponse = { kind: EventTypesRegistry, typesRegistry }; this.sendResponse(response); break; } case "installPackage": { const { fileName, packageName, projectName, projectRootPath } = req; const cwd = getDirectoryOfPackageJson(fileName, this.installTypingHost) || projectRootPath; if (cwd) { this.installWorker(-1, [packageName], cwd, success => { const message = success ? `Package ${packageName} installed.` : `There was an error installing ${packageName}.`; const response: PackageInstalledResponse = { kind: ActionPackageInstalled, projectName, success, message }; this.sendResponse(response); }); } else { const response: PackageInstalledResponse = { kind: ActionPackageInstalled, projectName, success: false, message: "Could not determine a project root path." }; this.sendResponse(response); } break; } default: Debug.assertNever(req); } }); } protected sendResponse(response: TypingInstallerResponseUnion) { if (this.log.isEnabled()) { this.log.writeLine(`Sending response:\n ${JSON.stringify(response)}`); } process.send!(response); // TODO: GH#18217 if (this.log.isEnabled()) { this.log.writeLine(`Response has been sent.`); } } protected installWorker(requestId: number, packageNames: string[], cwd: string, onRequestCompleted: RequestCompletedAction): void { if (this.log.isEnabled()) { this.log.writeLine(`#${requestId} with arguments'${JSON.stringify(packageNames)}'.`); } const start =; const hasError = installNpmPackages(this.npmPath, version, packageNames, command => this.execSyncAndLog(command, { cwd })); if (this.log.isEnabled()) { this.log.writeLine(`npm install #${requestId} took: ${ - start} ms`); } onRequestCompleted(!hasError); } /** Returns 'true' in case of error. */ private execSyncAndLog(command: string, options: Pick): boolean { if (this.log.isEnabled()) { this.log.writeLine(`Exec: ${command}`); } try { const stdout = this.nodeExecSync(command, { ...options, encoding: "utf-8" }); if (this.log.isEnabled()) { this.log.writeLine(` Succeeded. stdout:${indent(sys.newLine, stdout)}`); } return false; } catch (error) { const { stdout, stderr } = error; this.log.writeLine(` Failed. stdout:${indent(sys.newLine, stdout)}${sys.newLine} stderr:${indent(sys.newLine, stderr)}`); return true; } } } function getDirectoryOfPackageJson(fileName: string, host: InstallTypingHost): string | undefined { return forEachAncestorDirectory(getDirectoryPath(fileName), directory => { if (host.fileExists(combinePaths(directory, "package.json"))) { return directory; } }); } const logFilePath = findArgument(Arguments.LogFile); const globalTypingsCacheLocation = findArgument(Arguments.GlobalCacheLocation); const typingSafeListLocation = findArgument(Arguments.TypingSafeListLocation); const typesMapLocation = findArgument(Arguments.TypesMapLocation); const npmLocation = findArgument(Arguments.NpmLocation); const validateDefaultNpmLocation = hasArgument(Arguments.ValidateDefaultNpmLocation); const log = new FileLog(logFilePath); if (log.isEnabled()) { process.on("uncaughtException", (e: Error) => { log.writeLine(`Unhandled exception: ${e} at ${e.stack}`); }); } process.on("disconnect", () => { if (log.isEnabled()) { log.writeLine(`Parent process has exited, shutting down...`); } process.exit(0); }); const installer = new NodeTypingsInstaller(globalTypingsCacheLocation!, typingSafeListLocation!, typesMapLocation!, npmLocation, validateDefaultNpmLocation, /*throttleLimit*/5, log); // TODO: GH#18217 installer.listen(); function indent(newline: string, str: string | undefined): string { return str && str.length ? `${newline} ` + str.replace(/\r?\n/, `${newline} `) : ""; } }