# HiSpark WiFi-IoT 套件样例开发--wificonnect(STA模式) ![hihope_illustration](https://gitee.com/hihopeorg/hispark-hm-pegasus/raw/master/docs/figures/hihope_illustration.png) [HiSpark WiFi-IoT开发套件](https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=622343426064&scene=taobao_shop) 首发于HDC 2020,是首批支持OpenHarmony 2.0的开发套件,亦是官方推荐套件,由润和软件HiHope量身打造,已在OpenHarmony社区和广大OpenHarmony开发者中得到广泛应用。 ![wifi_iot](https://gitee.com/hihopeorg/hispark-hm-pegasus/raw/master/docs/figures/2.png) ## 一、Wifi STA API 使用原始WiFI API接口进行编程,STA模式需要使用原始STA接口以及一些DHCP客户端接口。 #### WiFi STA模式相关的API接口文件路径 **foundation/communication/interfaces/kits/wifi_lite/wifiservice/wifi_device.h** 所使用的API接口有: | API | 接口说明 | | ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------- | | WifiErrorCode EnableWifi(void); | 开启STA | | WifiErrorCode DisableWifi(void); | 关闭STA | | int IsWifiActive(void); | 查询STA是否已开启 | | WifiErrorCode Scan(void); | 触发扫描 | | WifiErrorCode GetScanInfoList(WifiScanInfo* result, unsigned int* size); | 获取扫描结果 | | WifiErrorCode AddDeviceConfig(const WifiDeviceConfig* config, int* result); | 添加热点配置,成功会通过result传出netld | | WifiErrorCode GetDeviceConfigs(WifiDeviceConfig* result, unsigned int* size); | 获取本机所有热点配置 | | WifiErrorCode RemoveDevice(int networkId); | 删除热点配置 | | WifiErrorCode ConnectTo(int networkId); | 连接到热点 | | WifiErrorCode Disconnect(void); | 断开热点连接 | | WifiErrorCode GetLinkedInfo(WifiLinkedInfo* result); | 获取当前连接热点信息 | | WifiErrorCode RegisterWifiEvent(WifiEvent* event); | 注册事件监听 | | WifiErrorCode UnRegisterWifiEvent(const WifiEvent* event); | 解除事件监听 | | WifiErrorCode GetDeviceMacAddress(unsigned char* result); | 获取Mac地址 | | WifiErrorCode AdvanceScan(WifiScanParams *params); | 高级搜索 | #### Hi3861 SDK的DHCP客户端接口: | API | 描述 | | ------------------- | ------------------ | | netifapi_netif_find | 按名称查找网络接口 | | netifapi_dhcp_start | 启动DHCP客户端 | | netifapi_dhcp_stop | 停止DHCP客户端 | ## 二、代码分析 ```c //wifi connect task static void WifiConnectTask(void *arg) { (void)arg; WifiErrorCode errCode; WifiEvent eventListener = { .OnWifiConnectionChanged = OnWifiConnectionChanged, .OnWifiScanStateChanged = OnWifiScanStateChanged }; WifiDeviceConfig apConfig = {}; int netId = -1; osDelay(10); errCode = RegisterWifiEvent(&eventListener); printf("RegisterWifiEvent: %d\r\n", errCode); // 配置要连接的热点的账号密码 strcpy(apConfig.ssid, "ABCD"); strcpy(apConfig.preSharedKey, "12345678"); apConfig.securityType = WIFI_SEC_TYPE_PSK; while (1) { //打开wifi errCode = EnableWifi(); printf("EnableWifi: %d\r\n", errCode); osDelay(11); //添加热点配置 errCode = AddDeviceConfig(&apConfig, &netId); printf("AddDeviceConfig: %d\r\n", errCode); g_connected = 0; //连接热点 errCode = ConnectTo(netId); printf("ConnectTo(%d): %d\r\n", netId, errCode); //等待wifi连接 while (!g_connected) { osDelay(10); } printf("g_connected: %d\r\n", g_connected); osDelay(50); // 联网业务开始 struct netif* iface = netifapi_netif_find("wlan0"); if (iface) { err_t ret = netifapi_dhcp_start(iface); printf("netifapi_dhcp_start: %d\r\n", ret); osDelay(200); // wait DHCP server give me IP ret = netifapi_netif_common(iface, dhcp_clients_info_show, NULL); printf("netifapi_netif_common: %d\r\n", ret); } // 模拟一段时间的联网业务 int timeout = 60; while (timeout--) { osDelay(100); printf("after %d seconds, I'll disconnect WiFi!\n", timeout); } // 联网业务结束 err_t ret = netifapi_dhcp_stop(iface); printf("netifapi_dhcp_stop: %d\r\n", ret); Disconnect(); // disconnect with your AP RemoveDevice(netId); // remove AP config errCode = DisableWifi(); //close wifi printf("DisableWifi: %d\r\n", errCode); osDelay(200); } } ``` ## 三、如何编译 1. 将此目录下的 `wifi_connect_demo.c` 和 `BUILD.gn` 复制到openharmony源码的`applications\sample\wifi-iot\app\iothardware`目录下, 2. 修改openharmony源码的`applications\sample\wifi-iot\app\BUILD.gn`文件,将其中的 `features` 改为: ``` features = [ "iothardware:wifi_demo", ] ``` 3. 在openharmony源码顶层目录执行:`python build.py wifiiot` ## 四、运行结果 ``` ready to OS start sdk ver:Hi3861V100R001C00SPC025 2020-09-03 18:10:00 FileSystem mount ok. wifi init success! 00 00:00:00 0 132 D 0/HIVIEW: hilog init success. 00 00:00:00 0 132 D 0/HIVIEW: log limit init success. 00 00:00:00 0 132 I 1/SAMGR: Bootstrap core services(count:3). 00 00:00:00 0 132 I 1/SAMGR: Init service:0x4af3e8 TaskPool:0xe4f38 00 00:00:00 0 132 I 1/SAMGR: Init service:0x4af3f4 TaskPool:0xe4f58 00 00:00:00 0 132 I 1/SAMGR: Init service:0x4af51c TaskPool:0xe4f78 00 00:00:00 0 164 I 1/SAMGR: Init service 0x4af3f4 success! 00 00:00:00 0 64 I 1/SAMGR: Init service 0x4af3e8 success! 00 00:00:00 0 8 D 0/HIVIEW: hiview init success. 00 00:00:00 0 8 I 1/SAMGR: Init service 0x4af51c success! 00 00:00:00 0 8 I 1/SAMGR: Initialized all core system services! 00 00:00:00 0 64 I 1/SAMGR: Bootstrap system and application services(count:0). 00 00:00:00 0 64 I 1/SAMGR: Initialized all system and application services! 00 00:00:00 0 64 I 1/SAMGR: Bootstrap dynamic registered services(count:0). RegisterWifiEvent: 0 EnableWifi: 0 AddDeviceConfig: 0 ConnectTo(0): 0 +NOTICE:SCANFINISH +NOTICE:CONNECTED OnWifiConnectionChanged 58, state = 1, info = bssid: 08:1F:71:24:B8:29, rssi: 0, connState: 0, reason: 0, ssid: ABCD g_connected: 1 netifapi_dhcp_start: 0 server : server_id : mask :, 1 gw : T0 : 7200 T1 : 3600 T2 : 6300 clients <1> : mac_idx mac addr state lease tries rto 0 b4c9b96199d6 10 0 1 2 netifapi_netif_common: 0 after 59 seconds, I'll disconnect WiFi! after 58 seconds, I'll disconnect WiFi! after 57 seconds, I'll disconnect WiFi! ... ... ... after 3 seconds, I'll disconnect WiFi! after 2 seconds, I'll disconnect WiFi! after 1 seconds, I'll disconnect WiFi! after 0 seconds, I'll disconnect WiFi! netifapi_dhcp_stop: 0 +NOTICE:DISCONNECTED OnWifiConnectionChanged 58, state = 0, info = bssid: 08:1F:71:24:B8:29, rssi: 0, connState: 0, reason: 3, ssid: DisableWifi: 0 ``` ### 【套件支持】 ##### 1. 套件介绍 http://www.hihope.org/pro/pro1.aspx?mtt=8 ##### 2. 套件购买 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=622343426064&scene=taobao_shop ##### 3. 技术资料 - Gitee码云网站(OpenHarmony Sample Code等) **https://gitee.com/hihopeorg** - HiHope官网-资源中心(SDK包、技术文档下载)**http://www.hihope.org/** ##### 4. 互动交流 - 润和HiHope技术交流-微信群(加群管理员微信13605188699,发送文字#申请加入润和官方群#,予以邀请入群) - HiHope开发者社区-论坛 **https://bbs.elecfans.com/group_1429** - 润和HiHope售后服务群(QQ:980599547) - 售后服务电话(025-52668590)