Lines Matching refs:ECHO
24 ECHO ###
25 ECHO ### %1
26 ECHO ###
27 ECHO ### You can specify the toolset as the argument, i.e.:
28 ECHO ### .\build.bat msvc
29 ECHO ###
30 ECHO ### Toolsets supported by this script are: borland, como, gcc,
31 ECHO ### gcc-nocygwin, intel-win32, metrowerks, mingw,
32 ECHO ### vc12, vc14, vc141, vc142
33 ECHO ###
34 ECHO ### If you have Visual Studio 2017 installed you will need to either update
35 ECHO ### the Visual Studio 2017 installer or run from VS 2017 Command Prompt
36 ECHO ### as we where unable to detect your toolset installation.
37 ECHO ###