/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "message_user.h" #include // for basic_string, operator+, basic_string<>... #include // for shared_ptr, shared_ptr<>::element_type #include "ans_image_util.h" #include "ans_log_wrapper.h" #include "nlohmann/json.hpp" // for json, basic_json<>::object_t, basic_json #include "parcel.h" // for Parcel #include "pixel_map.h" // for PixelMap #include "uri.h" // for Uri namespace OHOS { namespace Notification { MessageUser::MessageUser() : uri_("") {} MessageUser::~MessageUser() {} void MessageUser::SetKey(const std::string &key) { key_ = key; } std::string MessageUser::GetKey() const { return key_; } void MessageUser::SetName(const std::string &name) { name_ = name; } std::string MessageUser::GetName() const { return name_; } void MessageUser::SetPixelMap(const std::shared_ptr &pixelMap) { pixelMap_ = pixelMap; } const std::shared_ptr MessageUser::GetPixelMap() const { return pixelMap_; } void MessageUser::SetUri(const Uri &uri) { uri_ = uri; } Uri MessageUser::GetUri() const { return uri_; } void MessageUser::SetMachine(bool machine) { isMachine_ = machine; } bool MessageUser::IsMachine() const { return isMachine_; } void MessageUser::SetUserAsImportant(bool userImportant) { isUserImportant_ = userImportant; } bool MessageUser::IsUserImportant() const { return isUserImportant_; } std::string MessageUser::Dump() const { return "MessageUser{ " "key = " + key_ + ", name = " + name_ + ", pixelMap = " + (pixelMap_ ? "not null" : "null") + ", uri = " + uri_.ToString() + ", isMachine = " + (isMachine_ ? "true" : "false") + ", isUserImportant = " + (isUserImportant_ ? "true" : "false") + " }"; } bool MessageUser::ToJson(nlohmann::json &jsonObject) const { jsonObject["key"] = key_; jsonObject["name"] = name_; jsonObject["pixelMap"] = AnsImageUtil::PackImage(pixelMap_); jsonObject["uri"] = uri_.ToString(); jsonObject["isMachine"] = isMachine_; jsonObject["isUserImportant"] = isUserImportant_; return true; } MessageUser *MessageUser::FromJson(const nlohmann::json &jsonObject) { if (jsonObject.is_null() or !jsonObject.is_object()) { ANS_LOGE("Invalid JSON object"); return nullptr; } MessageUser *messageUser = new (std::nothrow) MessageUser(); if (messageUser == nullptr) { ANS_LOGE("Failed to create messageUse instance"); return nullptr; } const auto &jsonEnd = jsonObject.cend(); if (jsonObject.find("key") != jsonEnd) { messageUser->key_ = jsonObject.at("key").get(); } if (jsonObject.find("name") != jsonEnd) { messageUser->name_ = jsonObject.at("name").get(); } if (jsonObject.find("pixelMap") != jsonEnd) { auto pmStr = jsonObject.at("pixelMap").get(); messageUser->pixelMap_ = AnsImageUtil::UnPackImage(pmStr); } if (jsonObject.find("uri") != jsonEnd) { messageUser->uri_ = Uri(jsonObject.at("uri").get()); } if (jsonObject.find("isMachine") != jsonEnd) { messageUser->isMachine_ = jsonObject.at("isMachine").get(); } if (jsonObject.find("isUserImportant") != jsonEnd) { messageUser->isUserImportant_ = jsonObject.at("isUserImportant").get(); } return messageUser; } bool MessageUser::Marshalling(Parcel &parcel) const { if (!parcel.WriteString(key_)) { ANS_LOGE("Failed to write key"); return false; } if (!parcel.WriteString(name_)) { ANS_LOGE("Failed to write name"); return false; } if (!parcel.WriteBool(isMachine_)) { ANS_LOGE("Failed to write isMachine"); return false; } if (!parcel.WriteBool(isUserImportant_)) { ANS_LOGE("Failed to write isUserImportant"); return false; } if (uri_.ToString().empty()) { if (!parcel.WriteInt32(VALUE_NULL)) { ANS_LOGE("Failed to write VALUE_NULL"); return false; } } else { if (!parcel.WriteInt32(VALUE_OBJECT)) { ANS_LOGE("Failed to write VALUE_OBJECT"); return false; } if (!parcel.WriteString((uri_.ToString()))) { ANS_LOGE("Failed to write uri"); return false; } } bool valid = pixelMap_ ? true : false; if (!parcel.WriteBool(valid)) { ANS_LOGE("Failed to write the flag which indicate whether pixelMap is null"); return false; } if (valid) { if (!parcel.WriteParcelable(pixelMap_.get())) { ANS_LOGE("Failed to write pixelMap"); return false; } } return true; } bool MessageUser::ReadFromParcel(Parcel &parcel) { key_ = parcel.ReadString(); name_ = parcel.ReadString(); isMachine_ = parcel.ReadBool(); isUserImportant_ = parcel.ReadBool(); int32_t empty = VALUE_NULL; if (!parcel.ReadInt32(empty)) { ANS_LOGE("Failed to read VALUE"); return false; } if (empty == VALUE_OBJECT) { uri_ = Uri((parcel.ReadString())); } bool valid = parcel.ReadBool(); if (valid) { pixelMap_ = std::shared_ptr(parcel.ReadParcelable()); if (!pixelMap_) { ANS_LOGE("Failed to read pixelMap"); return false; } } return true; } MessageUser *MessageUser::Unmarshalling(Parcel &parcel) { MessageUser *messageUser = new (std::nothrow) MessageUser(); if (messageUser && !messageUser->ReadFromParcel(parcel)) { delete messageUser; messageUser = nullptr; } return messageUser; } } // namespace Notification } // namespace OHOS