/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "icc_file.h" #include "if_system_ability_manager.h" #include "inner_event.h" #include "iservice_registry.h" #include "system_ability_definition.h" #include "telephony_state_registry_client.h" #include "radio_event.h" using namespace std; using namespace OHOS::AppExecFwk; using namespace OHOS::EventFwk; namespace OHOS { namespace Telephony { std::unique_ptr IccFile::filesFetchedObser_ = nullptr; IccFile::IccFile( const std::shared_ptr &runner, std::shared_ptr simStateManager) : AppExecFwk::EventHandler(runner), stateManager_(simStateManager) { if (stateManager_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("IccFile::IccFile set NULL SIMStateManager!!"); } if (filesFetchedObser_ == nullptr) { filesFetchedObser_ = std::make_unique(); } if (filesFetchedObser_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("IccFile::IccFile filesFetchedObser_ create nullptr."); return; } lockedFilesFetchedObser_ = std::make_unique(); if (lockedFilesFetchedObser_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("IccFile::IccFile lockedFilesFetchedObser_ create nullptr."); return; } networkLockedFilesFetchedObser_ = std::make_unique(); if (networkLockedFilesFetchedObser_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("IccFile::IccFile networkLockedFilesFetchedObser_ create nullptr."); return; } imsiReadyObser_ = std::make_unique(); if (imsiReadyObser_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("IccFile::IccFile imsiReadyObser_ create nullptr."); return; } recordsEventsObser_ = std::make_unique(); if (recordsEventsObser_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("IccFile::IccFile recordsEventsObser_ create nullptr."); return; } networkSelectionModeAutomaticObser_ = std::make_unique(); if (networkSelectionModeAutomaticObser_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("IccFile::IccFile networkSelectionModeAutomaticObser_ create nullptr."); return; } spnUpdatedObser_ = std::make_unique(); if (spnUpdatedObser_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("IccFile::IccFile spnUpdatedObser_ create nullptr."); return; } recordsOverrideObser_ = std::make_unique(); if (recordsOverrideObser_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("IccFile::IccFile recordsOverrideObser_ create nullptr."); return; } TELEPHONY_LOGI("simmgr IccFile::IccFile finish"); } void IccFile::Init() { if (stateManager_ != nullptr) { stateManager_->RegisterCoreNotify(shared_from_this(), RadioEvent::RADIO_SIM_STATE_READY); stateManager_->RegisterCoreNotify(shared_from_this(), RadioEvent::RADIO_SIM_STATE_LOCKED); stateManager_->RegisterCoreNotify(shared_from_this(), RadioEvent::RADIO_SIM_STATE_SIMLOCK); } } void IccFile::StartLoad() { TELEPHONY_LOGI("simmgr IccFile::StarLoad() start"); } std::string IccFile::ObtainIMSI() { if (imsi_.empty()) { TELEPHONY_LOGI("IccFile::ObtainIMSI is null:"); } return imsi_; } void IccFile::UpdateImsi(std::string imsi) { imsi_ = imsi; } std::string IccFile::ObtainIccId() { return iccId_; } std::string IccFile::ObtainGid1() { return gid1_; } std::string IccFile::ObtainGid2() { return gid2_; } std::string IccFile::ObtainMsisdnNumber() { return msisdn_; } bool IccFile::LoadedOrNot() { return loaded_; } void IccFile::UpdateLoaded(bool loaded) { loaded_ = loaded; } std::string IccFile::ObtainSimOperator() { return operatorNumeric_; } std::string IccFile::ObtainIsoCountryCode() { return ""; } int IccFile::ObtainCallForwardStatus() { return ICC_CALL_FORWARD_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } void IccFile::UpdateMsisdnNumber( const std::string &alphaTag, const std::string &number, const AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Pointer &onComplete) {} bool IccFile::ObtainFilesFetched() { return (fileToGet_ == 0) && fileQueried_; } bool IccFile::LockQueriedOrNot() { return (fileToGet_ == 0) && lockQueried_; } std::string IccFile::ObtainDiallingNumberInfo() { return ""; } std::string IccFile::ObtainNAI() { return ""; } std::string IccFile::ObtainHomeNameOfPnn() { return pnnHomeName_; } std::string IccFile::ObtainMsisdnAlphaStatus() { return msisdnTag_; } std::string IccFile::ObtainVoiceMailNumber() { return voiceMailNum_; } std::string IccFile::ObtainSPN() { return spn_; } std::string IccFile::ObtainEons(const std::string &plmn, int32_t lac, bool longNameRequired) { bool roaming = (plmn.compare(operatorNumeric_) == 0 ? false : true); TELEPHONY_LOGI("ObtainEons roaming:%{public}d", roaming); if (plmn.empty() || pnnFiles_.empty() || (oplFiles_.empty() && roaming)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("ObtainEons is empty"); return ""; } int pnnIndex = 1; for (std::shared_ptr opl : oplFiles_) { if (opl == nullptr) { continue; } pnnIndex = -1; TELEPHONY_LOGI( "ObtainEons plmn:%{public}s, opl->plmnNumeric:%{public}s, lac:%{public}d, " "opl->lacStart:%{public}d, opl->lacEnd:%{public}d, opl->pnnRecordId:%{public}d", plmn.c_str(), opl->plmnNumeric.c_str(), lac, opl->lacStart, opl->lacEnd, opl->pnnRecordId); if (plmn.compare(opl->plmnNumeric) == 0 && ((opl->lacStart == 0 && opl->lacEnd == 0xfffe) || (opl->lacStart <= lac && opl->lacEnd >= lac))) { pnnIndex = opl->pnnRecordId; break; } } std::string eons = ""; if (pnnIndex >= 1 && pnnIndex <= static_cast(pnnFiles_.size())) { TELEPHONY_LOGI("ObtainEons longNameRequired:%{public}d, longName:%{public}s, shortName:%{public}s,", longNameRequired, pnnFiles_.at(pnnIndex - 1)->longName.c_str(), pnnFiles_.at(pnnIndex - 1)->shortName.c_str()); if (longNameRequired) { eons = pnnFiles_.at(pnnIndex - 1)->longName; } else { eons = pnnFiles_.at(pnnIndex - 1)->shortName; } } return eons; } std::string IccFile::ObtainVoiceMailInfo() { return voiceMailTag_; } std::string IccFile::ObtainIccLanguage() { return iccLanguage_; } std::shared_ptr IccFile::ObtainUsimFunctionHandle() { return std::make_shared(nullptr, 0); } std::string IccFile::ObtainSpNameFromEfSpn() { return ""; } int IccFile::ObtainLengthOfMnc() { return lengthOfMnc_; } void IccFile::ProcessEvent(const AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Pointer &event) { if (event == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("event is nullptr!"); return; } auto id = event->GetInnerEventId(); bool result = false; TELEPHONY_LOGI("IccFile::ProcessEvent id %{public}d", id); switch (id) { case MSG_SIM_OBTAIN_ICC_FILE_DONE: result = ProcessIccFileObtained(event); ProcessFileLoaded(result); break; case MSG_ICC_REFRESH: ProcessIccRefresh(MSG_ID_DEFAULT); break; default: break; } } void IccFile::RegisterImsiLoaded(std::shared_ptr eventHandler) { int eventCode = RadioEvent::RADIO_IMSI_LOADED_READY; if (imsiReadyObser_ != nullptr) { imsiReadyObser_->RegObserver(eventCode, eventHandler); } if (!ObtainIMSI().empty()) { if (eventHandler != nullptr) { eventHandler->SendEvent(RadioEvent::RADIO_IMSI_LOADED_READY); } } } void IccFile::UnregisterImsiLoaded(const std::shared_ptr &handler) { if (imsiReadyObser_ != nullptr) { imsiReadyObser_->Remove(RadioEvent::RADIO_IMSI_LOADED_READY, handler); } } void IccFile::RegisterAllFilesLoaded(std::shared_ptr eventHandler) { int eventCode = RadioEvent::RADIO_SIM_RECORDS_LOADED; if (filesFetchedObser_ != nullptr) { filesFetchedObser_->RegObserver(eventCode, eventHandler); } TELEPHONY_LOGI("IccFile::RegisterAllFilesLoaded: registerd"); if (ObtainFilesFetched()) { TELEPHONY_LOGI("IccFile::RegisterAllFilesLoaded: notify"); if (eventHandler != nullptr) { eventHandler->SendEvent(RadioEvent::RADIO_SIM_RECORDS_LOADED, slotId_); } PublishSimFileEvent(EventFwk::CommonEventSupport::COMMON_EVENT_SIM_STATE_CHANGED, static_cast(SimState::SIM_STATE_LOADED), ""); } } void IccFile::UnregisterAllFilesLoaded(const std::shared_ptr &handler) { if (filesFetchedObser_ != nullptr) { filesFetchedObser_->Remove(RadioEvent::RADIO_SIM_RECORDS_LOADED, handler); } } void IccFile::RegisterCoreNotify(const std::shared_ptr &handler, int what) { switch (what) { case RadioEvent::RADIO_SIM_RECORDS_LOADED: RegisterAllFilesLoaded(handler); break; case RadioEvent::RADIO_IMSI_LOADED_READY: RegisterImsiLoaded(handler); break; default: TELEPHONY_LOGI("RegisterCoreNotify default"); } } void IccFile::UnRegisterCoreNotify(const std::shared_ptr &handler, int what) { switch (what) { case RadioEvent::RADIO_SIM_RECORDS_LOADED: UnregisterAllFilesLoaded(handler); break; case RadioEvent::RADIO_IMSI_LOADED_READY: UnregisterImsiLoaded(handler); break; default: TELEPHONY_LOGI("RegisterCoreNotify default"); } } void IccFile::UpdateSPN(const std::string spn) { if (spn_ != spn) { spnUpdatedObser_->NotifyObserver(MSG_SIM_SPN_UPDATED); spn_ = spn; } } AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Pointer IccFile::BuildCallerInfo(int eventId) { std::unique_ptr object = std::make_unique(); int eventParam = 0; AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Pointer event = AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Get(eventId, object, eventParam); if (event == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("event is nullptr!"); return AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Pointer(nullptr, nullptr); } event->SetOwner(shared_from_this()); return event; } AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Pointer IccFile::BuildCallerInfo(int eventId, int arg1, int arg2) { std::unique_ptr object = std::make_unique(); object->arg1 = arg1; object->arg2 = arg2; int eventParam = 0; AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Pointer event = AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Get(eventId, object, eventParam); if (event == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("event is nullptr!"); return AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Pointer(nullptr, nullptr); } event->SetOwner(shared_from_this()); return event; } AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Pointer IccFile::BuildCallerInfo(int eventId, std::shared_ptr loader) { std::unique_ptr object = std::make_unique(); object->iccLoader = loader; int eventParam = 0; AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Pointer event = AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Get(eventId, object, eventParam); if (event == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("event is nullptr!"); return AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Pointer(nullptr, nullptr); } event->SetOwner(shared_from_this()); return event; } bool IccFile::PublishSimFileEvent(const std::string &event, int eventCode, const std::string &eventData) { Want want; want.SetAction(event); CommonEventData data; data.SetWant(want); data.SetCode(eventCode); data.SetData(eventData); CommonEventPublishInfo publishInfo; publishInfo.SetOrdered(true); bool publishResult = CommonEventManager::PublishCommonEvent(data, publishInfo, nullptr); TELEPHONY_LOGI("IccFile::PublishSimEvent result : %{public}d", publishResult); return publishResult; } bool IccFile::ProcessIccFileObtained(const AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Pointer &event) { bool isFileProcessResponse = true; std::shared_ptr fd = event->GetSharedObject(); std::shared_ptr baseLoad = fd->iccLoader; if (baseLoad != nullptr) { std::shared_ptr destLoad = std::static_pointer_cast(baseLoad); destLoad->ProcessParseFile(event); TELEPHONY_LOGI("ProcessIccFileObtained item %{public}s", destLoad->ObtainElementaryFileName().c_str()); } else { isFileProcessResponse = false; TELEPHONY_LOGE("IccFile::ProcessIccFileObtained null base ponter"); } return isFileProcessResponse; } void IccFile::UpdateIccLanguage(const std::string &langLi, const std::string &langPl) { iccLanguage_ = ObtainValidLanguage(langLi); if (iccLanguage_.empty()) { iccLanguage_ = ObtainValidLanguage(langPl); } TELEPHONY_LOGI("IccFile::UpdateIccLanguage end is %{public}s", iccLanguage_.c_str()); } std::string IccFile::ObtainValidLanguage(const std::string &langData) { if (langData.empty()) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("langData null data!!"); return ""; } int langDataLen = 0; std::shared_ptr ucc = SIMUtils::HexStringConvertToBytes(langData, langDataLen); unsigned char *data = ucc.get(); std::string spnName((char *)data); TELEPHONY_LOGI("ObtainValidLanguage all is %{public}s---%{public}d", spnName.c_str(), langDataLen); std::string result = ""; for (int i = 0; (i + 1) < langDataLen; i += DATA_STEP) { std::string langName((char *)data, i, DATA_STEP); TELEPHONY_LOGI("ObtainValidLanguage item is %{public}d--%{public}s", i, langName.c_str()); if (!langName.empty()) { result = langName; } } return result; } IccFile::~IccFile() {} void IccFile::SetRilAndFileController(const std::shared_ptr &ril, const std::shared_ptr &file, const std::shared_ptr &handler) { telRilManager_ = ril; if (telRilManager_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("IccFile set NULL TelRilManager!!"); } fileController_ = file; if (fileController_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("IccFile set NULL File Controller!!"); } diallingNumberHandler_ = handler; if (fileController_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("IccFile set NULL File Controller!!"); } } AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Pointer IccFile::CreateDiallingNumberPointer( int eventid, int efId, int index, std::shared_ptr pobj) { std::unique_ptr holder = std::make_unique(); holder->fileID = efId; holder->index = index; holder->diallingNumber = pobj; int eventParam = 0; AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Pointer event = AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Get(eventid, holder, eventParam); if (event == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("event is nullptr!"); return AppExecFwk::InnerEvent::Pointer(nullptr, nullptr); } event->SetOwner(shared_from_this()); return event; } void IccFile::NotifyRegistrySimState(CardType type, SimState state, LockReason reason) { int32_t result = DelayedRefSingleton::GetInstance().UpdateSimState(slotId_, type, state, reason); TELEPHONY_LOGI("NotifyRegistrySimState msgId is %{public}d ret %{public}d", state, result); } bool IccFile::HasSimCard() { return (stateManager_ != nullptr) ? stateManager_->HasSimCard() : false; } void IccFile::ClearData() { imsi_ = ""; iccId_ = ""; UpdateSPN(""); UpdateLoaded(false); operatorNumeric_ = ""; voiceMailNum_ = ""; voiceMailTag_ = ""; indexOfMailbox_ = 1; msisdn_ = ""; gid1_ = ""; gid2_ = ""; msisdnTag_ = ""; fileQueried_ = false; } void IccFile::UnInit() { if (stateManager_ != nullptr) { stateManager_->UnRegisterCoreNotify(shared_from_this(), RadioEvent::RADIO_SIM_STATE_READY); stateManager_->UnRegisterCoreNotify(shared_from_this(), RadioEvent::RADIO_SIM_STATE_LOCKED); stateManager_->UnRegisterCoreNotify(shared_from_this(), RadioEvent::RADIO_SIM_STATE_SIMLOCK); } ClearData(); } void IccFile::SaveCountryCode() { std::string countryCode = ObtainIsoCountryCode(); std::string key = COUNTRY_CODE_KEY + std::to_string(slotId_); SetParameter(key.c_str(), countryCode.c_str()); } } // namespace Telephony } // namespace OHOS