/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "rdb_base_helper.h" #include #include "abs_shared_result_set.h" #include "algorithm" #include "data_storage_log_wrapper.h" #include "new" #include "rdb_errno.h" #include "rdb_helper.h" #include "rdb_store.h" #include "type_traits" namespace OHOS { namespace NativeRdb { class AbsRdbPredicates; class RdbOpenCallback; class RdbStoreConfig; class ValueObject; class ValuesBucket; } // namespace NativeRdb namespace Telephony { int RdbBaseHelper::Insert(int64_t &id, const NativeRdb::ValuesBucket &initialValues, const std::string &table) { int ret = IsExistStore(); if (ret == NativeRdb::E_OK) { ret = store_->Insert(id, table, initialValues); } return ret; } int RdbBaseHelper::Update(int &changedRows, const std::string &table, const NativeRdb::ValuesBucket &values, const std::string &whereClause, const std::vector &whereArgs) { int ret = IsExistStore(); if (ret == NativeRdb::E_OK) { ret = store_->Update(changedRows, table, values, whereClause, whereArgs); } return ret; } int RdbBaseHelper::Update(int &changedRows, const NativeRdb::ValuesBucket &values, const NativeRdb::AbsRdbPredicates &predicate) { int ret = IsExistStore(); if (ret == NativeRdb::E_OK) { ret = store_->Update(changedRows, values, predicate); } return ret; } int RdbBaseHelper::Delete(int &changedRows, const std::string &table, const std::string &whereClause, const std::vector &whereArgs) { int ret = IsExistStore(); if (ret == NativeRdb::E_OK) { ret = store_->Delete(changedRows, table, whereClause, whereArgs); } return ret; } int RdbBaseHelper::Delete(int &deletedRows, const NativeRdb::AbsRdbPredicates &predicates) { int ret = IsExistStore(); if (ret == NativeRdb::E_OK) { ret = store_->Delete(deletedRows, predicates); } return ret; } int RdbBaseHelper::ExecuteSql(const std::string &sql) { int ret = IsExistStore(); if (ret == NativeRdb::E_OK) { ret = store_->ExecuteSql(sql); } return ret; } int RdbBaseHelper::ExecuteSql(const std::string &sql, const std::vector &bindArgs) { int ret = IsExistStore(); if (ret == NativeRdb::E_OK) { ret = store_->ExecuteSql(sql, bindArgs); } return ret; } std::unique_ptr RdbBaseHelper::QuerySql( const std::string &sql, const std::vector &selectionArgs) { int ret = IsExistStore(); std::unique_ptr resultSet; if (ret == NativeRdb::E_OK) { resultSet = store_->QuerySql(sql); } return resultSet; } std::unique_ptr RdbBaseHelper::Query( const NativeRdb::AbsRdbPredicates &predicates, const std::vector columns) { int ret = IsExistStore(); std::unique_ptr resultSet; if (ret == NativeRdb::E_OK) { resultSet = store_->Query(predicates, columns); } return resultSet; } int RdbBaseHelper::IsExistStore() { if (store_ == nullptr) { DATA_STORAGE_LOGE("RdbBaseHelper::IsExistStore NativeRdb::RdbStore is null!"); return NativeRdb::E_ERROR; } return NativeRdb::E_OK; } void RdbBaseHelper::CreateRdbStore( const NativeRdb::RdbStoreConfig &config, int version, NativeRdb::RdbOpenCallback &openCallback, int &errCode) { DATA_STORAGE_LOGI("RdbBaseHelper::CreateRdbStore"); store_ = NativeRdb::RdbHelper::GetRdbStore(config, version, openCallback, errCode); } int RdbBaseHelper::BeginTransaction() { int ret = IsExistStore(); if (ret == NativeRdb::E_OK) { ret = store_->BeginTransaction(); } return ret; } int RdbBaseHelper::RollBack() { int ret = IsExistStore(); if (ret == NativeRdb::E_OK) { ret = store_->RollBack(); } return ret; } int RdbBaseHelper::MarkAsCommit() { int ret = IsExistStore(); if (ret == NativeRdb::E_OK) { ret = store_->MarkAsCommit(); } return ret; } int RdbBaseHelper::Commit() { int ret = IsExistStore(); if (ret == NativeRdb::E_OK) { ret = store_->Commit(); } return ret; } int RdbBaseHelper::EndTransaction() { int ret = IsExistStore(); if (ret == NativeRdb::E_OK) { ret = store_->EndTransaction(); } return ret; } int RdbBaseHelper::BatchInsert(int64_t &id, const NativeRdb::ValuesBucket &initialValues, const std::string &table) { return NativeRdb::E_OK; } void RdbBaseHelper::ReplaceAllStr(std::string &path, const std::string &oldStr, const std::string &newStr) { path = std::regex_replace(path, std::regex(oldStr), newStr); } } // namespace Telephony } // namespace OHOS