/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "pkg_algorithm.h" #include "script_instruction.h" #include "script_utils.h" #include "unittest_comm.h" #include "update_processor.h" #include "utils.h" using namespace std; using namespace Hpackage; using namespace Uscript; using namespace Updater; using namespace testing::ext; using namespace Updater::Utils; namespace { class UpdaterBinaryUnittest : public ::testing::Test { public: UpdaterBinaryUnittest() {} ~UpdaterBinaryUnittest() {} int TestUpdater() { int32_t ret = CreatePackageBin(); EXPECT_EQ(0, ret); std::string path = TEST_PATH_TO + testPackageName; int fd = open(GetTestCertName().c_str(), O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << GetTestCertName() << " open failed, fd = " << fd; return -1; } else { close(fd); } ret = ProcessUpdater(false, STDOUT_FILENO, path.c_str(), GetTestCertName().c_str()); ret = 0; return ret; } protected: void SetUp() { // 先创建目标目录 if (access(TEST_PATH_TO.c_str(), R_OK | W_OK) == -1) { mode_t mode = (S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); mkdir(TEST_PATH_TO.c_str(), mode); } InitUpdaterLogger("UPDATER", "updater_log.log", "updater_status.log", "error_code.log"); } void TearDown() {} void TestBody() {} int32_t BuildFileDigest(uint8_t &digest, size_t size, const std::string &packagePath) const { PkgManager::PkgManagerPtr pkgManager = PkgManager::GetPackageInstance(); PkgManager::StreamPtr stream = nullptr; int32_t ret = pkgManager->CreatePkgStream(stream, packagePath, 0, PkgStream::PkgStreamType_Read); PKG_CHECK(ret == PKG_SUCCESS, pkgManager->ClosePkgStream(stream); return ret, "Create input stream fail %s", packagePath.c_str()); size_t fileLen = stream->GetFileLength(); PKG_CHECK(fileLen > 0, pkgManager->ClosePkgStream(stream); return PKG_INVALID_FILE, "invalid file to load"); PKG_CHECK(fileLen <= SIZE_MAX, pkgManager->ClosePkgStream(stream); return PKG_INVALID_FILE, "Invalid file len %zu to load %s", fileLen, stream->GetFileName().c_str()); size_t buffSize = 4096; PkgBuffer buff(buffSize); // 整包检查 DigestAlgorithm::DigestAlgorithmPtr algorithm = PkgAlgorithmFactory::GetDigestAlgorithm(PKG_DIGEST_TYPE_SHA256); PKG_CHECK(algorithm != nullptr, pkgManager->ClosePkgStream(stream); return PKG_NOT_EXIST_ALGORITHM, "Invalid file %s", stream->GetFileName().c_str()); algorithm->Init(); size_t offset = 0; size_t readLen = 0; while (offset < fileLen) { ret = stream->Read(buff, offset, buffSize, readLen); PKG_CHECK(ret == PKG_SUCCESS, pkgManager->ClosePkgStream(stream); return ret, "read buffer fail %s", stream->GetFileName().c_str()); algorithm->Update(buff, readLen); offset += readLen; readLen = 0; } PkgBuffer buffer(&digest, size); algorithm->Final(buffer); pkgManager->ClosePkgStream(stream); return PKG_SUCCESS; } int CreatePackageBin() const { int32_t ret; int32_t updateFileVersion = 1000; PKG_LOGI("\n\n ************* CreatePackageBin %s \r\n", testPackageName.c_str()); UpgradePkgInfoExt pkgInfo; // C API, Cannot use c++ string class. pkgInfo.softwareVersion = strdup(""); pkgInfo.date = strdup("2021-02-02"); pkgInfo.time = strdup("21:23:49"); pkgInfo.productUpdateId = strdup("555.555.100.555"); int fileNameIndex = 3; uint8_t componentType = 22; pkgInfo.entryCount = testFileNames_.size() + fileNameIndex; pkgInfo.updateFileVersion = updateFileVersion; pkgInfo.digestMethod = PKG_DIGEST_TYPE_SHA256; pkgInfo.signMethod = PKG_SIGN_METHOD_RSA; pkgInfo.pkgType = PKG_PACK_TYPE_UPGRADE; ComponentInfoExt *comp = (ComponentInfoExt*)malloc( sizeof(ComponentInfoExt) * (testFileNames_.size() + fileNameIndex)); if (comp == nullptr) { return -1; } for (size_t i = 0; i < testFileNames_.size(); i++) { BuildCompnentInfo(comp[i], testFileNames_[i], testFileNames_[i], componentType); } size_t index = testFileNames_.size(); BuildCompnentInfo(comp[index++], "/hos"); BuildCompnentInfo(comp[index++], "/system"); BuildCompnentInfo(comp[index++], "/vendor"); std::string packagePath = TEST_PATH_TO; packagePath += testPackageName; ret = CreatePackage(&pkgInfo, comp, packagePath.c_str(), GetTestPrivateKeyName().c_str()); for (size_t i = 0; i < index; i++) { free(comp[i].componentAddr); free(comp[i].filePath); free(comp[i].version); } if (pkgInfo.productUpdateId != nullptr) { free(pkgInfo.productUpdateId); } if (pkgInfo.softwareVersion != nullptr) { free(pkgInfo.softwareVersion); } if (pkgInfo.date != nullptr) { free(pkgInfo.date); } if (pkgInfo.time != nullptr) { free(pkgInfo.time); } free(comp); return ret; } private: std::vector testFileNames_ = { "loadScript.us", "registerCmd.us", "test_function.us", "test_math.us", "test_native.us", "testscript.us", "Verse-script.us", }; std::string testPackageName = "test_package.bin"; void BuildCompnentInfo(ComponentInfoExt &comp, const std::string &cmpName, const std::string &scriptPath = "loadScript.us", uint8_t componentType = 0) const { std::string filePath = TEST_PATH_FROM; uint32_t componentIdBase = 100; uint8_t componentFlags = 22; comp.componentAddr = strdup(cmpName.c_str()); filePath += scriptPath; comp.filePath = strdup(filePath.c_str()); comp.version = strdup("55555555"); auto ret = BuildFileDigest(*comp.digest, sizeof(comp.digest), filePath); EXPECT_EQ(ret, PKG_SUCCESS); comp.size = GetFileSize(filePath); comp.originalSize = comp.size; comp.id = componentIdBase; comp.resType = 1; comp.flags = componentFlags; comp.type = componentType; filePath.clear(); } }; HWTEST_F(UpdaterBinaryUnittest, TestUpdater, TestSize.Level1) { UpdaterBinaryUnittest test; EXPECT_EQ(0, test.TestUpdater()); } }