/* Copyright (c) 2002,2003,2005 CrystalClear Software, Inc. * Use, modification and distribution is subject to the * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) * Author: Jeff Garland, Bart Garst */ #include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp" #include "../testfrmwk.hpp" int main(){ #if !defined(BOOST_DATE_TIME_OPTIONAL_GREGORIAN_TYPES) // do not set this test to return fail - // this is not necessarily a compiler problem check("Optional gregorian types not selected - no tests run", true); #else using namespace boost::gregorian; /*** months ***/ { months m1(5), m2(3), m3(1); check("months & months addable", months(8) == m1 + m2); m1 += m2; check("months & months addable", months(8) == m1); check("months & months subtractable", months(-5) == m2 - m1); m2 -= m1; check("months & months subtractable", months(-5) == m2); { // adding and subtracting negative values date d1(2005, Jan, 1); date d2(2005, Feb, 1); check("add neg months (year wrap under)", d1 + months(-1) == date(2004,Dec,1)); check("add neg months (no year wrap under)", d2 + months(-1) == date(2005,Jan,1)); check("add neg months (year wrap under)", d2 + months(-2) == date(2004,Dec,1)); check("add neg months (year wrap under)", d2 + months(-12) == date(2004,Feb,1)); check("add neg months (year wrap under)", d2 + months(-13) == date(2004,Jan,1)); check("add neg months (year wrap under)", d2 + months(-14) == date(2003,Dec,1)); date d3(2005, Dec, 1); date d4(2005, Nov, 1); check("subtract neg months (year wrap over)", d3 - months(-1) == date(2006,Jan,1)); check("subtract neg months (no year wrap over)", d4 - months(-1) == date(2005,Dec,1)); check("subtract neg months (year wrap over)", d4 - months(-2) == date(2006,Jan,1)); check("subtract neg months (year wrap over)", d4 - months(-12) == date(2006,Nov,1)); check("subtract neg months (year wrap over)", d4 - months(-13) == date(2006,Dec,1)); check("subtract neg months (year wrap over)", d4 - months(-14) == date(2007,Jan,1)); } { months m1x(5), m3x(10); check("months & int multipliable", months(15) == m1x * 3); m1x *= 3; check("months & int multipliable", months(15) == m1x); //check("int * months", months(12) == 4 * m2x); check("months & int dividable", months(3) == m3x / 3); m3x /= 3; check("months & int dividable", months(3) == m3x); } { months m(-5), m_pos(pos_infin), m_neg(neg_infin), m_nadt(not_a_date_time); check("months add special_values", m + m_pos == m_pos); check("months add special_values", m + m_neg == m_neg); check("months add special_values", m_pos + m_neg == m_nadt); check("months add special_values", m_neg + m_neg == m_neg); check("months subtract special_values", m - m_pos == m_neg); check("months subtract special_values", m - m_neg == m_pos); check("months subtract special_values", m_pos - m_neg == m_pos); check("months special_values & int multipliable", m_pos * -1 == m_neg); check("months special_values & int multipliable", m_pos * 0 == m_nadt); check("months special_values & int dividable", m_neg / 3 == m_neg); } years y1(2), y2(4); check("months & years addable", months(25) == m3 + y1); m3 += y1; check("months & years addable", months(25) == m3); check("months & years subtractable", months(-23) == m3 - y2); m3 -= y2; check("months & years subtractable", months(-23) == m3); { date d(2001, Oct, 31); check("date + months", date(2002, Feb, 28) == d + months(4)); d += months(4); check("date += months", date(2002, Feb, 28) == d); } { date d(2001, Oct, 31); check("date - months", date(2001, Apr, 30) == d - months(6)); d -= months(6); check("date -= months", date(2001, Apr, 30) == d); } } /*** years ***/ { years y1(2), y2(4), y3(1); check("years & years addable", years(3) == y3 + y1); y3 += y1; check("years & years addable", years(3) == y3); check("years & years subtractable", years(-1) == y3 - y2); y3 -= y2; check("years & years subtractable", years(-1) == y3); { years y1x(5), y3x(10); check("years & int multipliable", years(15) == y1x * 3); y1x *= 3; check("years & int multipliable", years(15) == y1x); //check("int * years", years(12) == 4 * y2x); check("years & int dividable", years(3) == y3x / 3); y3x /= 3; check("years & int dividable", years(3) == y3x); } { years m(15), y_pos(pos_infin), y_neg(neg_infin), y_nadt(not_a_date_time); check("years add special_values", m + y_pos == y_pos); check("years add special_values", m + y_neg == y_neg); check("years add special_values", y_pos + y_neg == y_nadt); check("years add special_values", y_neg + y_neg == y_neg); check("years subtract special_values", m - y_pos == y_neg); check("years subtract special_values", m - y_neg == y_pos); check("years subtract special_values", y_pos - y_neg == y_pos); check("years special_values & int multipliable", y_pos * -1 == y_neg); check("years special_values & int multipliable", y_pos * 0 == y_nadt); check("years special_values & int dividable", y_neg / 3 == y_neg); } months m1(5), m2(3); check("years & months addable", months(51) == y2 + m2); check("years & months subtractable", months(43) == y2 - m1); { date d(2001, Feb, 28); // not a leap year check("date + years", date(2004, Feb, 29) == d + years(3)); d += years(3); check("date += years", date(2004, Feb, 29) == d); } { date d(2000, Feb, 29); check("date - years", date(1994, Feb, 28) == d - years(6)); d -= years(6); check("date -= years", date(1994, Feb, 28) == d); } try { date d1(1400, 6, 1); const date d2 = d1 + years(8599); check("date + many years != overflow", d2 == date(9999, 6, 1)); } catch (...) { check("date + many years != overflow", false); } try { date d1(9999, 1, 1); const date d2 = d1 - years(8599); check("date - many years != overflow", d2 == date(1400, 1, 1)); } catch (...) { check("date - many years != overflow", false); } } /*** weeks ***/ // shouldn't need many tests, it is nothing more than a date_duration // so all date_duration tests should prove this class { weeks w1(2), w2(4), w3(1), pi(pos_infin); check("add special_values", weeks(pos_infin) == w1 + pi); check("weeks & weeks addable", weeks(3) == w3 + w1); w3 += w1; check("weeks & weeks addable", weeks(3) == w3); check("weeks & weeks subtractable", weeks(-1) == w3 - w2); w3 -= w2; check("weeks & weeks subtractable", weeks(-1) == w3); { days d(10); check("days + weeks", days(31) == d + weeks(3)); d += weeks(3); check("days += weeks", days(31) == d); } { days d(10); check("days - weeks", days(-32) == d - weeks(6)); d -= weeks(6); check("days -= weeks", days(-32) == d); } { date d(2001, Feb, 28); check("date + weeks", date(2001, Mar, 21) == d + weeks(3)); d += weeks(3); check("date += weeks", date(2001, Mar, 21) == d); } { date d(2001, Feb, 28); check("date - weeks", date(2001, Jan, 17) == d - weeks(6)); d -= weeks(6); check("date -= weeks", date(2001, Jan, 17) == d); } } { date d(2000, Oct, 31); date d2 = d + months(4) + years(2); date d3 = d + years(2) + months(4); check("date + years + months", date(2003,Feb,28) == d2); check("date + years + months", date(2003,Feb,28) == d3); months m = years(2) + months(4) - months(4) - years(2); check("sanity check", m.number_of_months() == 0); } /*{ date d(2001, Mar, 31); date d1 = (d - months(1)) + months(1); //Mar 28, right? WRONG // Mar31 - 1 month is Feb28 (last day of month) so Feb28 + 1 month // will be Mar31 (last day of month) check("date + 1 months - 1 months", date(2001,Mar,28) == d1); std::cout << d1 << std::endl; //date d2 = (d - months(1)) + d; //compile error, right? RIGHT //weeks w1 = weeks(1) + months(1); //compiler error, right? RIGHT }*/ #endif // BOOST_DATE_TIME_OPTIONAL_GREGORIAN_TYPES return printTestStats(); }