// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Unit Test Helper // Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_TEST_BUFFER_SVG_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_TEST_BUFFER_SVG_HPP #include #include // Uncomment next lines if you want to have a zoomed view //#define BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_TEST_SVG_USE_ALTERNATE_BOX // If possible define box before including this unit with the right view #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_TEST_SVG_USE_ALTERNATE_BOX # ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_TEST_SVG_ALTERNATE_BOX # define BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_TEST_SVG_ALTERNATE_BOX "BOX(0 0,100 100)" # endif #endif #include #include #include inline char piece_type_char(bg::strategy::buffer::piece_type const& type) { using namespace bg::strategy::buffer; switch(type) { case buffered_segment : return 's'; case buffered_join : return 'j'; case buffered_round_end : return 'r'; case buffered_flat_end : return 'f'; case buffered_point : return 'p'; case buffered_concave : return 'c'; default : return '?'; } } template class svg_visitor { public : svg_visitor(SvgMapper& mapper) : m_mapper(mapper) , m_zoom(false) { bg::assign_inverse(m_alternate_box); } void set_alternate_box(Box const& box) { m_alternate_box = box; m_zoom = true; } template inline void apply(PieceCollection const& collection, int phase) { // Comment next return if you want to see pieces, turns, etc. return; if(phase == 0) { map_pieces(collection.m_pieces, collection.offsetted_rings, true, true); } if (phase == 1) { map_turns(collection.m_turns, true, false); } if (phase == 2 && ! m_zoom) { // map_traversed_rings(collection.traversed_rings); // map_offsetted_rings(collection.offsetted_rings); } } private : class si { private : bg::segment_identifier m_id; public : inline si(bg::segment_identifier const& id) : m_id(id) {} template inline friend std::basic_ostream& operator<<( std::basic_ostream& os, si const& s) { os << s.m_id.multi_index << "." << s.m_id.segment_index; return os; } }; template inline void map_turns(Turns const& turns, bool label_good_turns, bool label_wrong_turns) { namespace bgdb = boost::geometry::detail::buffer; typedef typename boost::range_value::type turn_type; typedef typename turn_type::point_type point_type; std::map > offsets; for (typename boost::range_iterator::type it = boost::begin(turns); it != boost::end(turns); ++it) { if (m_zoom && bg::disjoint(it->point, m_alternate_box)) { continue; } bool is_good = true; char color = 'g'; std::string fill = "fill:rgb(0,255,0);"; if (! it->is_turn_traversable) { fill = "fill:rgb(255,0,0);"; color = 'r'; is_good = false; } if (it->blocked()) { fill = "fill:rgb(128,128,128);"; color = '-'; is_good = false; } fill += "fill-opacity:0.7;"; m_mapper.map(it->point, fill, 4); if ((label_good_turns && is_good) || (label_wrong_turns && ! is_good)) { std::ostringstream out; out << it->turn_index; if (it->cluster_id >= 0) { out << " (" << it->cluster_id << ")"; } out << " " << it->operations[0].piece_index << "/" << it->operations[1].piece_index << " " << si(it->operations[0].seg_id) << "/" << si(it->operations[1].seg_id) // If you want to see travel information << std::endl << " nxt " << it->operations[0].enriched.get_next_turn_index() << "/" << it->operations[1].enriched.get_next_turn_index() //<< " frac " << it->operations[0].fraction // If you want to see point coordinates (e.g. to find duplicates) << std::endl << std::setprecision(16) << bg::wkt(it->point) << std::endl; out << " " << bg::method_char(it->method) << ":" << bg::operation_char(it->operations[0].operation) << "/" << bg::operation_char(it->operations[1].operation); out << " " << (it->is_turn_traversable ? "" : "w") ; offsets[it->point] += 10; int offset = offsets[it->point]; m_mapper.text(it->point, out.str(), "fill:rgb(0,0,0);font-family='Arial';font-size:9px;", 5, offset); offsets[it->point] += 25; } } } template inline void map_pieces(Pieces const& pieces, OffsettedRings const& offsetted_rings, bool do_pieces, bool do_indices) { typedef typename boost::range_value::type piece_type; typedef typename boost::range_value::type ring_type; typedef typename bg::point_type::type point_type; for(typename boost::range_iterator::type it = boost::begin(pieces); it != boost::end(pieces); ++it) { const piece_type& piece = *it; bg::segment_identifier seg_id = piece.first_seg_id; if (seg_id.segment_index < 0) { continue; } ring_type const& ring = offsetted_rings[seg_id.multi_index]; #if 0 // Does not compile (SVG is not enabled by default) if (m_zoom && bg::disjoint(corner, m_alternate_box)) { continue; } #endif bg::model::ring const& corner = piece.m_piece_border.get_full_ring(); if (m_zoom && do_pieces) { try { std::string style = "opacity:0.3;stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:1;"; typedef typename bg::point_type::type point_type; bg::model::multi_polygon > clipped; bg::intersection(ring, m_alternate_box, clipped); m_mapper.map(clipped, piece.type == bg::strategy::buffer::buffered_segment ? style + "fill:rgb(255,128,0);" : style + "fill:rgb(255,0,0);"); } catch (...) { std::cerr << "Error for piece " << piece.index << std::endl; } } else if (do_pieces && ! corner.empty()) { std::string style = "opacity:0.3;stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:1;"; m_mapper.map(corner, piece.type == bg::strategy::buffer::buffered_segment ? style + "fill:rgb(255,128,0);" : style + "fill:rgb(255,0,0);"); } if (do_indices) { // Label starting piece_index / segment_index std::ostringstream out; out << piece.index << (piece.is_flat_start ? " FS" : "") << (piece.is_flat_end ? " FE" : "") << " (" << piece_type_char(piece.type) << ") " << piece.first_seg_id.segment_index << ".." << piece.beyond_last_segment_index - 1 ; point_type label_point = corner.empty() ? piece.m_label_point : bg::return_centroid(corner); if ((piece.type == bg::strategy::buffer::buffered_concave || piece.type == bg::strategy::buffer::buffered_flat_end) && corner.size() >= 2u) { bg::set<0>(label_point, (bg::get<0>(corner[0]) + bg::get<0>(corner[1])) / 2.0); bg::set<1>(label_point, (bg::get<1>(corner[0]) + bg::get<1>(corner[1])) / 2.0); } m_mapper.text(label_point, out.str(), "fill:rgb(255,0,0);font-family='Arial';font-size:10px;", 5, 5); } } } template inline void map_traversed_rings(TraversedRings const& traversed_rings) { for(typename boost::range_iterator::type it = boost::begin(traversed_rings); it != boost::end(traversed_rings); ++it) { m_mapper.map(*it, "opacity:0.4;fill:none;stroke:rgb(0,255,0);stroke-width:2"); } } template inline void map_offsetted_rings(OffsettedRings const& offsetted_rings) { for(typename boost::range_iterator::type it = boost::begin(offsetted_rings); it != boost::end(offsetted_rings); ++it) { if (it->discarded()) { m_mapper.map(*it, "opacity:0.4;fill:none;stroke:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:2"); } else { m_mapper.map(*it, "opacity:0.4;fill:none;stroke:rgb(0,0,255);stroke-width:2"); } } } SvgMapper& m_mapper; Box m_alternate_box; bool m_zoom; }; template class buffer_svg_mapper { public : buffer_svg_mapper(std::string const& casename) : m_casename(casename) , m_zoom(false) { bg::assign_inverse(m_alternate_box); } template void prepare(Mapper& mapper, Visitor& visitor, Envelope const& envelope, double box_buffer_distance) { #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_TEST_SVG_USE_ALTERNATE_BOX // Create a zoomed-in view bg::model::box alternate_box; bg::read_wkt(BOOST_GEOMETRY_BUFFER_TEST_SVG_ALTERNATE_BOX, alternate_box); mapper.add(alternate_box); // Take care non-visible elements are skipped visitor.set_alternate_box(alternate_box); set_alternate_box(alternate_box); #else bg::model::box box = envelope; bg::buffer(box, box, box_buffer_distance); mapper.add(box); #endif boost::ignore_unused(visitor); } void set_alternate_box(bg::model::box const& box) { m_alternate_box = box; m_zoom = true; } template void map_input_output(Mapper& mapper, Geometry const& geometry, GeometryBuffer const& buffered, bool negative) { bool const areal = boost::is_same < typename bg::tag_cast < typename bg::tag::type, bg::areal_tag >::type, bg::areal_tag >::type::value; if (m_zoom) { map_io_zoomed(mapper, geometry, buffered, negative, areal); } else { map_io(mapper, geometry, buffered, negative, areal); } } template void map_self_ips(Mapper& mapper, Geometry const& geometry, Strategy const& strategy, RescalePolicy const& rescale_policy) { typedef bg::detail::overlay::turn_info < Point, typename bg::detail::segment_ratio_type::type > turn_info; std::vector turns; bg::detail::self_get_turn_points::no_interrupt_policy policy; bg::self_turns < bg::detail::overlay::assign_null_policy >(geometry, strategy, rescale_policy, turns, policy); BOOST_FOREACH(turn_info const& turn, turns) { mapper.map(turn.point, "fill:rgb(255,128,0);stroke:rgb(0,0,100);stroke-width:1", 3); } } private : template void map_io(Mapper& mapper, Geometry const& geometry, GeometryBuffer const& buffered, bool negative, bool areal) { // Map input geometry in green if (areal) { mapper.map(geometry, "opacity:0.5;fill:rgb(0,128,0);stroke:rgb(0,64,0);stroke-width:2"); } else { // TODO: clip input points/linestring mapper.map(geometry, "opacity:0.5;stroke:rgb(0,128,0);stroke-width:10"); } { // Map buffer in yellow (inflate) and with orange-dots (deflate) std::string style = negative ? "opacity:0.4;fill:rgb(255,255,192);stroke:rgb(255,128,0);stroke-width:3" : "opacity:0.4;fill:rgb(255,255,128);stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:3"; mapper.map(buffered, style); } } template void map_io_zoomed(Mapper& mapper, Geometry const& geometry, GeometryBuffer const& buffered, bool negative, bool areal) { // Map input geometry in green if (areal) { // Assuming input is areal GeometryBuffer clipped; // TODO: the next line does NOT compile for multi-point, TODO: implement that line // bg::intersection(geometry, m_alternate_box, clipped); mapper.map(clipped, "opacity:0.5;fill:rgb(0,128,0);stroke:rgb(0,64,0);stroke-width:2"); } else { // TODO: clip input (multi)point/linestring mapper.map(geometry, "opacity:0.5;stroke:rgb(0,128,0);stroke-width:10"); } { // Map buffer in yellow (inflate) and with orange-dots (deflate) std::string style = negative ? "opacity:0.4;fill:rgb(255,255,192);stroke:rgb(255,128,0);stroke-width:3" : "opacity:0.4;fill:rgb(255,255,128);stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:3"; try { // Clip output multi-polygon with box GeometryBuffer clipped; bg::intersection(buffered, m_alternate_box, clipped); mapper.map(clipped, style); } catch (...) { std::cout << "Error for buffered output " << m_casename << std::endl; } } } bg::model::box m_alternate_box; bool m_zoom; std::string m_casename; }; #endif