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Built-in policies

These are the predefined policies built into Outcome:



If there is an observation of a value/error/exception which is not present, the program is put into a hard undefined behaviour situation. The compiler literally compiles no code for an invalid observation – the CPU “runs off” into the unknown.

As bad as this may sound, it generates the most optimal code, and such hard UB is very tool-friendly for detection e.g. undefined behaviour sanitiser, valgrind memcheck, etc.

If you are considering choosing this policy, definitely read static void _ub(Impl &&) first.

Note that unchecked<T, E = varies> aliases a basic_result with the all_narrow no-value policy.



Observation of a missing value/error/exception causes a call to std::terminate().

Note that configuring EC = void or EP = void causes default_policy to choose terminate as the no-value policy.


error_code_throw_as_system_error<T, EC, EP>

This policy assumes that EC has the interface of std::error_code, and EP has the interface of std::exception_ptr. Upon missing value observation:

Upon missing error observation throws:

Upon missing exception observation throws bad_outcome_access("no exception").

Overloads are provided for boost::system::error_code and boost::exception_ptr.

Note that if is_error_code_available<T> is true for EC, and (if basic_outcome) is_exception_ptr_available<T> is true for EP, default_policy chooses error_code_throw_as_system_error<T, EC, EP> as the no-value policy.


exception_ptr_rethrow<T, EC, EP>

This policy assumes that either EC or EP (unless void) has the interface of std::exception_ptr. Upon missing value observation:

Upon missing error observation:

Upon missing exception observation throws bad_outcome_access("no exception").

Overloads are provided for boost::exception_ptr.

Note that if is_exception_ptr_available<T> is true for EC, or (if basic_outcome) is_exception_ptr_available<T> is true for EP, default_policy chooses exception_ptr_rethrow<T, EC, EP> as the no-value policy.



Upon missing value observation throws bad_result_access_with<EC>(ec), where ec is the value of the stored error. If error is not stored, the behaviour is undefined.

Upon missing error observation throws bad_result_access("no error").

This policy can be used with basic_outcome<> instances, where it always throws bad_outcome_access for all no-value/error/exception observations.

Note that checked<T, E = varies> aliases a basic_result with the throw_bad_result_access<EC> no-value policy.

Last revised: February 09, 2019 at 15:18:26 UTC

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