#region Copyright notice and license // Copyright 2020 The gRPC Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using CommandLine; using Grpc.Core; using Grpc.Core.Logging; using Grpc.Core.Internal; using Grpc.Testing; namespace Grpc.IntegrationTesting { public class XdsInteropClient { internal class ClientOptions { [Option("num_channels", Default = 1)] public int NumChannels { get; set; } [Option("qps", Default = 1)] // The desired QPS per channel, for each type of RPC. public int Qps { get; set; } [Option("server", Default = "localhost:8080")] public string Server { get; set; } [Option("stats_port", Default = 8081)] public int StatsPort { get; set; } [Option("rpc_timeout_sec", Default = 30)] public int RpcTimeoutSec { get; set; } [Option("print_response", Default = false)] public bool PrintResponse { get; set; } // Types of RPCs to make, ',' separated string. RPCs can be EmptyCall or UnaryCall [Option("rpc", Default = "UnaryCall")] public string Rpc { get; set; } // The metadata to send with each RPC, in the format EmptyCall:key1:value1,UnaryCall:key2:value2 [Option("metadata", Default = null)] public string Metadata { get; set; } } internal enum RpcType { UnaryCall, EmptyCall } ClientOptions options; StatsWatcher statsWatcher = new StatsWatcher(); List rpcs; Dictionary metadata; // make watcher accessible by tests internal StatsWatcher StatsWatcher => statsWatcher; internal XdsInteropClient(ClientOptions options) { this.options = options; this.rpcs = ParseRpcArgument(this.options.Rpc); this.metadata = ParseMetadataArgument(this.options.Metadata); } public static void Run(string[] args) { GrpcEnvironment.SetLogger(new ConsoleLogger()); var parserResult = Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args) .WithNotParsed(errors => Environment.Exit(1)) .WithParsed(options => { var xdsInteropClient = new XdsInteropClient(options); xdsInteropClient.RunAsync().Wait(); }); } private async Task RunAsync() { var server = new Server { Services = { LoadBalancerStatsService.BindService(new LoadBalancerStatsServiceImpl(statsWatcher)) } }; string host = ""; server.Ports.Add(host, options.StatsPort, ServerCredentials.Insecure); Console.WriteLine($"Running server on {host}:{options.StatsPort}"); server.Start(); var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); await RunChannelsAsync(cancellationTokenSource.Token); await server.ShutdownAsync(); } // method made internal to make it runnable by tests internal async Task RunChannelsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var channelTasks = new List(); for (int channelId = 0; channelId < options.NumChannels; channelId++) { var channelTask = RunSingleChannelAsync(channelId, cancellationToken); channelTasks.Add(channelTask); } for (int channelId = 0; channelId < options.NumChannels; channelId++) { await channelTasks[channelId]; } } private async Task RunSingleChannelAsync(int channelId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { Console.WriteLine($"Starting channel {channelId}"); var channel = new Channel(options.Server, ChannelCredentials.Insecure); var client = new TestService.TestServiceClient(channel); var inflightTasks = new List(); long rpcsStarted = 0; var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { foreach (var rpcType in rpcs) { inflightTasks.Add(RunSingleRpcAsync(client, cancellationToken, rpcType)); rpcsStarted++; } // only cleanup calls that have already completed, calls that are still inflight will be cleaned up later. await CleanupCompletedTasksAsync(inflightTasks); // if needed, wait a bit before we start the next RPC. int nextDueInMillis = (int) Math.Max(0, (1000 * rpcsStarted / options.Qps / rpcs.Count) - stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); if (nextDueInMillis > 0) { await Task.Delay(nextDueInMillis); } } stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Shutting down channel {channelId}"); await channel.ShutdownAsync(); Console.WriteLine($"Channel shutdown {channelId}"); } private async Task RunSingleRpcAsync(TestService.TestServiceClient client, CancellationToken cancellationToken, RpcType rpcType) { long rpcId = statsWatcher.RpcIdGenerator.Increment(); try { // metadata to send with the RPC var headers = new Metadata(); if (metadata.ContainsKey(rpcType)) { headers = metadata[rpcType]; if (headers.Count > 0) { var printableHeaders = "[" + string.Join(", ", headers) + "]"; } } if (rpcType == RpcType.UnaryCall) { var call = client.UnaryCallAsync(new SimpleRequest(), new CallOptions(headers: headers, cancellationToken: cancellationToken, deadline: DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(options.RpcTimeoutSec))); var response = await call; var hostname = (await call.ResponseHeadersAsync).GetValue("hostname") ?? response.Hostname; statsWatcher.OnRpcComplete(rpcId, rpcType, hostname); if (options.PrintResponse) { Console.WriteLine($"Got response {response}"); } } else if (rpcType == RpcType.EmptyCall) { var call = client.EmptyCallAsync(new Empty(), new CallOptions(headers: headers, cancellationToken: cancellationToken, deadline: DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(options.RpcTimeoutSec))); var response = await call; var hostname = (await call.ResponseHeadersAsync).GetValue("hostname"); statsWatcher.OnRpcComplete(rpcId, rpcType, hostname); if (options.PrintResponse) { Console.WriteLine($"Got response {response}"); } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unsupported RPC type ${rpcType}"); } } catch (RpcException ex) { statsWatcher.OnRpcComplete(rpcId, rpcType, null); if (options.PrintResponse) { Console.WriteLine($"RPC {rpcId} failed: {ex}"); } } } private async Task CleanupCompletedTasksAsync(List tasks) { var toRemove = new List(); foreach (var task in tasks) { if (task.IsCompleted) { // awaiting tasks that have already completed should be instantaneous await task; } toRemove.Add(task); } foreach (var task in toRemove) { tasks.Remove(task); } } private static List ParseRpcArgument(string rpcArg) { var result = new List(); foreach (var part in rpcArg.Split(',')) { result.Add(ParseRpc(part)); } return result; } private static RpcType ParseRpc(string rpc) { switch (rpc) { case "UnaryCall": return RpcType.UnaryCall; case "EmptyCall": return RpcType.EmptyCall; default: throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown RPC: \"{rpc}\""); } } private static Dictionary ParseMetadataArgument(string metadataArg) { var rpcMetadata = new Dictionary(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadataArg)) { return rpcMetadata; } foreach (var metadata in metadataArg.Split(',')) { var parts = metadata.Split(':'); if (parts.Length != 3) { throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid metadata: \"{metadata}\""); } var rpc = ParseRpc(parts[0]); var key = parts[1]; var value = parts[2]; var md = new Metadata { {key, value} }; if (rpcMetadata.ContainsKey(rpc)) { var existingMetadata = rpcMetadata[rpc]; foreach (var entry in md) { existingMetadata.Add(entry); } } else { rpcMetadata.Add(rpc, md); } } return rpcMetadata; } } internal class StatsWatcher { private readonly object myLock = new object(); private readonly AtomicCounter rpcIdGenerator = new AtomicCounter(0); private long? firstAcceptedRpcId; private int numRpcsWanted; private int rpcsCompleted; private int rpcsNoHostname; private Dictionary rpcsByHostname; private Dictionary> rpcsByMethod; public AtomicCounter RpcIdGenerator => rpcIdGenerator; public StatsWatcher() { Reset(); } public void OnRpcComplete(long rpcId, XdsInteropClient.RpcType rpcType, string responseHostname) { lock (myLock) { if (!firstAcceptedRpcId.HasValue || rpcId < firstAcceptedRpcId || rpcId >= firstAcceptedRpcId + numRpcsWanted) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseHostname)) { rpcsNoHostname ++; } else { // update rpcsByHostname if (!rpcsByHostname.ContainsKey(responseHostname)) { rpcsByHostname[responseHostname] = 0; } rpcsByHostname[responseHostname] += 1; // update rpcsByMethod var method = rpcType.ToString(); if (!rpcsByMethod.ContainsKey(method)) { rpcsByMethod[method] = new Dictionary(); } if (!rpcsByMethod[method].ContainsKey(responseHostname)) { rpcsByMethod[method][responseHostname] = 0; } rpcsByMethod[method][responseHostname] += 1; } rpcsCompleted += 1; if (rpcsCompleted >= numRpcsWanted) { Monitor.Pulse(myLock); } } } public void Reset() { lock (myLock) { firstAcceptedRpcId = null; numRpcsWanted = 0; rpcsCompleted = 0; rpcsNoHostname = 0; rpcsByHostname = new Dictionary(); rpcsByMethod = new Dictionary>(); } } public LoadBalancerStatsResponse WaitForRpcStatsResponse(int rpcsWanted, int timeoutSec) { lock (myLock) { if (firstAcceptedRpcId.HasValue) { throw new InvalidOperationException("StateWatcher is already collecting stats."); } // we are only interested in the next numRpcsWanted RPCs firstAcceptedRpcId = rpcIdGenerator.Count + 1; numRpcsWanted = rpcsWanted; var deadline = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(timeoutSec); while (true) { var timeoutMillis = Math.Max((int)(deadline - DateTime.UtcNow).TotalMilliseconds, 0); if (!Monitor.Wait(myLock, timeoutMillis) || rpcsCompleted >= rpcsWanted) { // we collected enough RPCs, or timed out waiting var response = new LoadBalancerStatsResponse { NumFailures = rpcsNoHostname }; response.RpcsByPeer.Add(rpcsByHostname); response.RpcsByMethod.Clear(); foreach (var methodEntry in rpcsByMethod) { var rpcsByPeer = new LoadBalancerStatsResponse.Types.RpcsByPeer(); rpcsByPeer.RpcsByPeer_.Add(methodEntry.Value); response.RpcsByMethod[methodEntry.Key] = rpcsByPeer; } Reset(); return response; } } } } } /// /// Implementation of LoadBalancerStatsService server /// internal class LoadBalancerStatsServiceImpl : LoadBalancerStatsService.LoadBalancerStatsServiceBase { StatsWatcher statsWatcher; public LoadBalancerStatsServiceImpl(StatsWatcher statsWatcher) { this.statsWatcher = statsWatcher; } public override async Task GetClientStats(LoadBalancerStatsRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { // run as a task to avoid blocking var response = await Task.Run(() => statsWatcher.WaitForRpcStatsResponse(request.NumRpcs, request.TimeoutSec)); Console.WriteLine($"Returning stats {response} (num of requested RPCs: {request.NumRpcs})"); return response; } } }