/*- * Copyright (c) 1997 by Massimino Pascal <Pascal.Massimon@ens.fr> * * ifs.c: modified iterated functions system for goom. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that * both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation. * * This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The author * shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights, * trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof. In no * event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or * other special, indirect and consequential damages. * * If this mode is weird and you have an old MetroX server, it is buggy. * There is a free SuSE-enhanced MetroX X server that is fine. * * When shown ifs, Diana Rose (4 years old) said, "It looks like dancing." * * Revision History: * 13-Dec-2003: Added some goom specific stuffs (to make ifs a VisualFX). * 11-Apr-2002: jeko@ios-software.com: Make ifs.c system-indendant. (ifs.h added) * 01-Nov-2000: Allocation checks * 10-May-1997: jwz@jwz.org: turned into a standalone program. * Made it render into an offscreen bitmap and then copy * that onto the screen, to reduce flicker. */ /* #ifdef STANDALONE */ #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "goom_config.h" #ifdef HAVE_MMX #include "mmx.h" #endif #include "goom_graphic.h" #include "ifs.h" #include "goom_tools.h" typedef struct _ifsPoint { gint32 x, y; } IFSPoint; #define MODE_ifs #define PROGCLASS "IFS" #define HACK_INIT init_ifs #define HACK_DRAW draw_ifs #define ifs_opts xlockmore_opts #define DEFAULTS "*delay: 20000 \n" \ "*ncolors: 100 \n" #define SMOOTH_COLORS #define LRAND() ((long) (goom_random(goomInfo->gRandom) & 0x7fffffff)) #define NRAND(n) ((int) (LRAND() % (n))) #if RAND_MAX < 0x10000 #define MAXRAND (((float)(RAND_MAX<16)+((float)RAND_MAX)+1.0f)/127.0f) #else #define MAXRAND (2147483648.0/127.0) /* unsigned 1<<31 / 127.0 (cf goom_tools) as a float */ #endif /*****************************************************/ typedef float DBL; typedef int F_PT; /* typedef float F_PT; */ /*****************************************************/ #define FIX 12 #define UNIT ( 1<<FIX ) #define MAX_SIMI 6 #define MAX_DEPTH_2 10 #define MAX_DEPTH_3 6 #define MAX_DEPTH_4 4 #define MAX_DEPTH_5 2 /* PREVIOUS VALUE #define MAX_SIMI 6 * settings for a PC 120Mhz... * #define MAX_DEPTH_2 10 #define MAX_DEPTH_3 6 #define MAX_DEPTH_4 4 #define MAX_DEPTH_5 3 */ #define DBL_To_F_PT(x) (F_PT)( (DBL)(UNIT)*(x) ) typedef struct Similitude_Struct SIMI; typedef struct Fractal_Struct FRACTAL; struct Similitude_Struct { DBL c_x, c_y; DBL r, r2, A, A2; F_PT Ct, St, Ct2, St2; F_PT Cx, Cy; F_PT R, R2; }; struct Fractal_Struct { int Nb_Simi; SIMI Components[5 * MAX_SIMI]; int Depth, Col; int Count, Speed; int Width, Height, Lx, Ly; DBL r_mean, dr_mean, dr2_mean; int Cur_Pt, Max_Pt; IFSPoint *Buffer1, *Buffer2; }; typedef struct _IFS_DATA { FRACTAL *Root; FRACTAL *Cur_F; /* Used by the Trace recursive method */ IFSPoint *Buf; int Cur_Pt; int initalized; } IfsData; /*****************************************************/ static DBL Gauss_Rand (PluginInfo * goomInfo, DBL c, DBL A, DBL S) { DBL y; y = (DBL) LRAND () / MAXRAND; y = A * (1.0 - exp (-y * y * S)) / (1.0 - exp (-S)); if (NRAND (2)) return (c + y); return (c - y); } static DBL Half_Gauss_Rand (PluginInfo * goomInfo, DBL c, DBL A, DBL S) { DBL y; y = (DBL) LRAND () / MAXRAND; y = A * (1.0 - exp (-y * y * S)) / (1.0 - exp (-S)); return (c + y); } static void Random_Simis (PluginInfo * goomInfo, FRACTAL * F, SIMI * Cur, int i) { while (i--) { Cur->c_x = Gauss_Rand (goomInfo, 0.0, .8, 4.0); Cur->c_y = Gauss_Rand (goomInfo, 0.0, .8, 4.0); Cur->r = Gauss_Rand (goomInfo, F->r_mean, F->dr_mean, 3.0); Cur->r2 = Half_Gauss_Rand (goomInfo, 0.0, F->dr2_mean, 2.0); Cur->A = Gauss_Rand (goomInfo, 0.0, 360.0, 4.0) * (G_PI / 180.0); Cur->A2 = Gauss_Rand (goomInfo, 0.0, 360.0, 4.0) * (G_PI / 180.0); Cur++; } } static void free_ifs_buffers (FRACTAL * Fractal) { if (Fractal->Buffer1 != NULL) { (void) free ((void *) Fractal->Buffer1); Fractal->Buffer1 = (IFSPoint *) NULL; } if (Fractal->Buffer2 != NULL) { (void) free ((void *) Fractal->Buffer2); Fractal->Buffer2 = (IFSPoint *) NULL; } } static void free_ifs (FRACTAL * Fractal) { free_ifs_buffers (Fractal); } /***************************************************************/ static void init_ifs (PluginInfo * goomInfo, IfsData * data) { int i; FRACTAL *Fractal; int width = goomInfo->screen.width; int height = goomInfo->screen.height; if (data->Root == NULL) { data->Root = (FRACTAL *) malloc (sizeof (FRACTAL)); if (data->Root == NULL) return; data->Root->Buffer1 = (IFSPoint *) NULL; data->Root->Buffer2 = (IFSPoint *) NULL; } Fractal = data->Root; free_ifs_buffers (Fractal); i = (NRAND (4)) + 2; /* Number of centers */ switch (i) { case 3: Fractal->Depth = MAX_DEPTH_3; Fractal->r_mean = .6; Fractal->dr_mean = .4; Fractal->dr2_mean = .3; break; case 4: Fractal->Depth = MAX_DEPTH_4; Fractal->r_mean = .5; Fractal->dr_mean = .4; Fractal->dr2_mean = .3; break; case 5: Fractal->Depth = MAX_DEPTH_5; Fractal->r_mean = .5; Fractal->dr_mean = .4; Fractal->dr2_mean = .3; break; default: case 2: Fractal->Depth = MAX_DEPTH_2; Fractal->r_mean = .7; Fractal->dr_mean = .3; Fractal->dr2_mean = .4; break; } Fractal->Nb_Simi = i; Fractal->Max_Pt = Fractal->Nb_Simi - 1; for (i = 0; i <= Fractal->Depth + 2; ++i) Fractal->Max_Pt *= Fractal->Nb_Simi; if ((Fractal->Buffer1 = (IFSPoint *) calloc (Fractal->Max_Pt, sizeof (IFSPoint))) == NULL) { free_ifs (Fractal); return; } if ((Fractal->Buffer2 = (IFSPoint *) calloc (Fractal->Max_Pt, sizeof (IFSPoint))) == NULL) { free_ifs (Fractal); return; } Fractal->Speed = 6; Fractal->Width = width; /* modif by JeKo */ Fractal->Height = height; /* modif by JeKo */ Fractal->Cur_Pt = 0; Fractal->Count = 0; Fractal->Lx = (Fractal->Width - 1) / 2; Fractal->Ly = (Fractal->Height - 1) / 2; Fractal->Col = rand () % (width * height); /* modif by JeKo */ Random_Simis (goomInfo, Fractal, Fractal->Components, 5 * MAX_SIMI); } /***************************************************************/ static inline void Transform (SIMI * Simi, F_PT xo, F_PT yo, F_PT * x, F_PT * y) { F_PT xx, yy; xo = xo - Simi->Cx; xo = (xo * Simi->R) >> FIX; /* / UNIT; */ yo = yo - Simi->Cy; yo = (yo * Simi->R) >> FIX; /* / UNIT; */ xx = xo - Simi->Cx; xx = (xx * Simi->R2) >> FIX; /* / UNIT; */ yy = -yo - Simi->Cy; yy = (yy * Simi->R2) >> FIX; /* / UNIT; */ *x = ((xo * Simi->Ct - yo * Simi->St + xx * Simi->Ct2 - yy * Simi->St2) >> FIX /* / UNIT */ ) + Simi->Cx; *y = ((xo * Simi->St + yo * Simi->Ct + xx * Simi->St2 + yy * Simi->Ct2) >> FIX /* / UNIT */ ) + Simi->Cy; } /***************************************************************/ static void Trace (FRACTAL * F, F_PT xo, F_PT yo, IfsData * data) { F_PT x, y, i; SIMI *Cur; Cur = data->Cur_F->Components; for (i = data->Cur_F->Nb_Simi; i; --i, Cur++) { Transform (Cur, xo, yo, &x, &y); data->Buf->x = F->Lx + ((x * F->Lx) >> (FIX + 1) /* /(UNIT*2) */ ); data->Buf->y = F->Ly - ((y * F->Ly) >> (FIX + 1) /* /(UNIT*2) */ ); data->Buf++; data->Cur_Pt++; if (F->Depth && ((x - xo) >> 4) && ((y - yo) >> 4)) { F->Depth--; Trace (F, x, y, data); F->Depth++; } } } static void Draw_Fractal (IfsData * data) { FRACTAL *F = data->Root; int i, j; F_PT x, y, xo, yo; SIMI *Cur, *Simi; for (Cur = F->Components, i = F->Nb_Simi; i; --i, Cur++) { Cur->Cx = DBL_To_F_PT (Cur->c_x); Cur->Cy = DBL_To_F_PT (Cur->c_y); Cur->Ct = DBL_To_F_PT (cos (Cur->A)); Cur->St = DBL_To_F_PT (sin (Cur->A)); Cur->Ct2 = DBL_To_F_PT (cos (Cur->A2)); Cur->St2 = DBL_To_F_PT (sin (Cur->A2)); Cur->R = DBL_To_F_PT (Cur->r); Cur->R2 = DBL_To_F_PT (Cur->r2); } data->Cur_Pt = 0; data->Cur_F = F; data->Buf = F->Buffer2; for (Cur = F->Components, i = F->Nb_Simi; i; --i, Cur++) { xo = Cur->Cx; yo = Cur->Cy; for (Simi = F->Components, j = F->Nb_Simi; j; --j, Simi++) { if (Simi == Cur) continue; Transform (Simi, xo, yo, &x, &y); Trace (F, x, y, data); } } /* Erase previous */ F->Cur_Pt = data->Cur_Pt; data->Buf = F->Buffer1; F->Buffer1 = F->Buffer2; F->Buffer2 = data->Buf; } static IFSPoint * draw_ifs (PluginInfo * goomInfo, int *nbpt, IfsData * data) { int i; DBL u, uu, v, vv, u0, u1, u2, u3; SIMI *S, *S1, *S2, *S3, *S4; FRACTAL *F; if (data->Root == NULL) return NULL; F = data->Root; if (F->Buffer1 == NULL) return NULL; u = (DBL) (F->Count) * (DBL) (F->Speed) / 1000.0; uu = u * u; v = 1.0 - u; vv = v * v; u0 = vv * v; u1 = 3.0 * vv * u; u2 = 3.0 * v * uu; u3 = u * uu; S = F->Components; S1 = S + F->Nb_Simi; S2 = S1 + F->Nb_Simi; S3 = S2 + F->Nb_Simi; S4 = S3 + F->Nb_Simi; for (i = F->Nb_Simi; i; --i, S++, S1++, S2++, S3++, S4++) { S->c_x = u0 * S1->c_x + u1 * S2->c_x + u2 * S3->c_x + u3 * S4->c_x; S->c_y = u0 * S1->c_y + u1 * S2->c_y + u2 * S3->c_y + u3 * S4->c_y; S->r = u0 * S1->r + u1 * S2->r + u2 * S3->r + u3 * S4->r; S->r2 = u0 * S1->r2 + u1 * S2->r2 + u2 * S3->r2 + u3 * S4->r2; S->A = u0 * S1->A + u1 * S2->A + u2 * S3->A + u3 * S4->A; S->A2 = u0 * S1->A2 + u1 * S2->A2 + u2 * S3->A2 + u3 * S4->A2; } Draw_Fractal (data); if (F->Count >= 1000 / F->Speed) { S = F->Components; S1 = S + F->Nb_Simi; S2 = S1 + F->Nb_Simi; S3 = S2 + F->Nb_Simi; S4 = S3 + F->Nb_Simi; for (i = F->Nb_Simi; i; --i, S++, S1++, S2++, S3++, S4++) { S2->c_x = 2.0 * S4->c_x - S3->c_x; S2->c_y = 2.0 * S4->c_y - S3->c_y; S2->r = 2.0 * S4->r - S3->r; S2->r2 = 2.0 * S4->r2 - S3->r2; S2->A = 2.0 * S4->A - S3->A; S2->A2 = 2.0 * S4->A2 - S3->A2; *S1 = *S4; } Random_Simis (goomInfo, F, F->Components + 3 * F->Nb_Simi, F->Nb_Simi); Random_Simis (goomInfo, F, F->Components + 4 * F->Nb_Simi, F->Nb_Simi); F->Count = 0; } else F->Count++; F->Col++; (*nbpt) = data->Cur_Pt; return F->Buffer2; } /***************************************************************/ static void release_ifs (IfsData * data) { if (data->Root != NULL) { free_ifs (data->Root); (void) free ((void *) data->Root); data->Root = (FRACTAL *) NULL; } } #define RAND() goom_random(goomInfo->gRandom) static void ifs_update (PluginInfo * goomInfo, Pixel * data, Pixel * back, int increment, IfsData * fx_data) { static unsigned int couleur = 0xc0c0c0c0; static int v[4] = { 2, 4, 3, 2 }; static int col[4] = { 2, 4, 3, 2 }; #define MOD_MER 0 #define MOD_FEU 1 #define MOD_MERVER 2 static int mode = MOD_MERVER; static int justChanged = 0; static int cycle = 0; int cycle10; int nbpt = 0; IFSPoint *points; int i; unsigned int couleursl = couleur; int width = goomInfo->screen.width; int height = goomInfo->screen.height; cycle++; if (cycle >= 80) cycle = 0; if (cycle < 40) cycle10 = cycle / 10; else cycle10 = 7 - cycle / 10; { unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *) &couleursl; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { *tmp = (*tmp) >> cycle10; tmp++; } } points = draw_ifs (goomInfo, &nbpt, fx_data); nbpt--; #ifdef HAVE_MMX movd_m2r (couleursl, mm1); punpckldq_r2r (mm1, mm1); for (i = 0; i < nbpt; i += increment) { int x = points[i].x; int y = points[i].y; if ((x < width) && (y < height) && (x > 0) && (y > 0)) { int pos = x + (y * width); movd_m2r (back[pos], mm0); paddusb_r2r (mm1, mm0); movd_r2m (mm0, data[pos]); } } emms (); /*__asm__ __volatile__ ("emms");*/ #else for (i = 0; i < nbpt; i += increment) { int x = (int) points[i].x & 0x7fffffff; int y = (int) points[i].y & 0x7fffffff; if ((x < width) && (y < height)) { int pos = x + (int) (y * width); int tra = 0, i = 0; unsigned char *bra = (unsigned char *) &back[pos]; unsigned char *dra = (unsigned char *) &data[pos]; unsigned char *cra = (unsigned char *) &couleursl; for (; i < 4; i++) { tra = *cra; tra += *bra; if (tra > 255) tra = 255; *dra = tra; ++dra; ++cra; ++bra; } } } #endif /*MMX*/ justChanged--; col[ALPHA] = couleur >> (ALPHA * 8) & 0xff; col[BLEU] = couleur >> (BLEU * 8) & 0xff; col[VERT] = couleur >> (VERT * 8) & 0xff; col[ROUGE] = couleur >> (ROUGE * 8) & 0xff; if (mode == MOD_MER) { col[BLEU] += v[BLEU]; if (col[BLEU] > 255) { col[BLEU] = 255; v[BLEU] = -(RAND () % 4) - 1; } if (col[BLEU] < 32) { col[BLEU] = 32; v[BLEU] = (RAND () % 4) + 1; } col[VERT] += v[VERT]; if (col[VERT] > 200) { col[VERT] = 200; v[VERT] = -(RAND () % 3) - 2; } if (col[VERT] > col[BLEU]) { col[VERT] = col[BLEU]; v[VERT] = v[BLEU]; } if (col[VERT] < 32) { col[VERT] = 32; v[VERT] = (RAND () % 3) + 2; } col[ROUGE] += v[ROUGE]; if (col[ROUGE] > 64) { col[ROUGE] = 64; v[ROUGE] = -(RAND () % 4) - 1; } if (col[ROUGE] < 0) { col[ROUGE] = 0; v[ROUGE] = (RAND () % 4) + 1; } col[ALPHA] += v[ALPHA]; if (col[ALPHA] > 0) { col[ALPHA] = 0; v[ALPHA] = -(RAND () % 4) - 1; } if (col[ALPHA] < 0) { col[ALPHA] = 0; v[ALPHA] = (RAND () % 4) + 1; } if (((col[VERT] > 32) && (col[ROUGE] < col[VERT] + 40) && (col[VERT] < col[ROUGE] + 20) && (col[BLEU] < 64) && (RAND () % 20 == 0)) && (justChanged < 0)) { mode = (RAND () % 3) ? MOD_FEU : MOD_MERVER; justChanged = 250; } } else if (mode == MOD_MERVER) { col[BLEU] += v[BLEU]; if (col[BLEU] > 128) { col[BLEU] = 128; v[BLEU] = -(RAND () % 4) - 1; } if (col[BLEU] < 16) { col[BLEU] = 16; v[BLEU] = (RAND () % 4) + 1; } col[VERT] += v[VERT]; if (col[VERT] > 200) { col[VERT] = 200; v[VERT] = -(RAND () % 3) - 2; } if (col[VERT] > col[ALPHA]) { col[VERT] = col[ALPHA]; v[VERT] = v[ALPHA]; } if (col[VERT] < 32) { col[VERT] = 32; v[VERT] = (RAND () % 3) + 2; } col[ROUGE] += v[ROUGE]; if (col[ROUGE] > 128) { col[ROUGE] = 128; v[ROUGE] = -(RAND () % 4) - 1; } if (col[ROUGE] < 0) { col[ROUGE] = 0; v[ROUGE] = (RAND () % 4) + 1; } col[ALPHA] += v[ALPHA]; if (col[ALPHA] > 255) { col[ALPHA] = 255; v[ALPHA] = -(RAND () % 4) - 1; } if (col[ALPHA] < 0) { col[ALPHA] = 0; v[ALPHA] = (RAND () % 4) + 1; } if (((col[VERT] > 32) && (col[ROUGE] < col[VERT] + 40) && (col[VERT] < col[ROUGE] + 20) && (col[BLEU] < 64) && (RAND () % 20 == 0)) && (justChanged < 0)) { mode = (RAND () % 3) ? MOD_FEU : MOD_MER; justChanged = 250; } } else if (mode == MOD_FEU) { col[BLEU] += v[BLEU]; if (col[BLEU] > 64) { col[BLEU] = 64; v[BLEU] = -(RAND () % 4) - 1; } if (col[BLEU] < 0) { col[BLEU] = 0; v[BLEU] = (RAND () % 4) + 1; } col[VERT] += v[VERT]; if (col[VERT] > 200) { col[VERT] = 200; v[VERT] = -(RAND () % 3) - 2; } if (col[VERT] > col[ROUGE] + 20) { col[VERT] = col[ROUGE] + 20; v[VERT] = -(RAND () % 3) - 2; v[ROUGE] = (RAND () % 4) + 1; v[BLEU] = (RAND () % 4) + 1; } if (col[VERT] < 0) { col[VERT] = 0; v[VERT] = (RAND () % 3) + 2; } col[ROUGE] += v[ROUGE]; if (col[ROUGE] > 255) { col[ROUGE] = 255; v[ROUGE] = -(RAND () % 4) - 1; } if (col[ROUGE] > col[VERT] + 40) { col[ROUGE] = col[VERT] + 40; v[ROUGE] = -(RAND () % 4) - 1; } if (col[ROUGE] < 0) { col[ROUGE] = 0; v[ROUGE] = (RAND () % 4) + 1; } col[ALPHA] += v[ALPHA]; if (col[ALPHA] > 0) { col[ALPHA] = 0; v[ALPHA] = -(RAND () % 4) - 1; } if (col[ALPHA] < 0) { col[ALPHA] = 0; v[ALPHA] = (RAND () % 4) + 1; } if (((col[ROUGE] < 64) && (col[VERT] > 32) && (col[VERT] < col[BLEU]) && (col[BLEU] > 32) && (RAND () % 20 == 0)) && (justChanged < 0)) { mode = (RAND () % 2) ? MOD_MER : MOD_MERVER; justChanged = 250; } } couleur = (col[ALPHA] << (ALPHA * 8)) | (col[BLEU] << (BLEU * 8)) | (col[VERT] << (VERT * 8)) | (col[ROUGE] << (ROUGE * 8)); } /* VISUAL_FX WRAPPER FOR IFS */ static void ifs_vfx_apply (VisualFX * _this, Pixel * src, Pixel * dest, PluginInfo * goomInfo) { IfsData *data = (IfsData *) _this->fx_data; if (!data->initalized) { data->initalized = 1; init_ifs (goomInfo, data); } ifs_update (goomInfo, dest, src, goomInfo->update.ifs_incr, data); /*TODO: trouver meilleur soluce pour increment (mettre le code de gestion de l'ifs dans ce fichier: ifs_vfx_apply) */ } static void ifs_vfx_init (VisualFX * _this, PluginInfo * info) { IfsData *data = (IfsData *) malloc (sizeof (IfsData)); data->Root = (FRACTAL *) NULL; data->initalized = 0; _this->fx_data = data; } static void ifs_vfx_free (VisualFX * _this) { IfsData *data = (IfsData *) _this->fx_data; release_ifs (data); free (data); } void ifs_visualfx_create (VisualFX * vfx) { vfx->init = ifs_vfx_init; vfx->free = ifs_vfx_free; vfx->apply = ifs_vfx_apply; vfx->fx_data = NULL; vfx->params = NULL; }