// Flags: --expose-internals 'use strict'; require('../common'); const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures'); const assert = require('assert'); const internalUtil = require('internal/util'); const { internalBinding } = require('internal/test/binding'); const binding = internalBinding('util'); const spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync; const kArrowMessagePrivateSymbolIndex = binding.arrow_message_private_symbol; const kDecoratedPrivateSymbolIndex = binding.decorated_private_symbol; const decorateErrorStack = internalUtil.decorateErrorStack; // Verify that decorateErrorStack does not throw with non-objects. decorateErrorStack(); decorateErrorStack(null); decorateErrorStack(1); decorateErrorStack(true); // Verify that a stack property is not added to non-Errors. const obj = {}; decorateErrorStack(obj); assert.strictEqual(obj.stack, undefined); // Verify that the stack is decorated when possible. function checkStack(stack) { // Matching only on a minimal piece of the stack because the string will vary // greatly depending on the JavaScript engine. V8 includes `;` because it // displays the line of code (`var foo bar;`) that is causing a problem. // ChakraCore does not display the line of code but includes `;` in the phrase // `Expected ';' `. assert.ok(/;/g.test(stack)); // Test that it's a multiline string. assert.ok(/\n/g.test(stack)); } let err; const badSyntaxPath = fixtures.path('syntax', 'bad_syntax').replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'); try { require(badSyntaxPath); } catch (e) { err = e; } assert(typeof err, 'object'); checkStack(err.stack); // Verify that the stack is only decorated once. decorateErrorStack(err); decorateErrorStack(err); checkStack(err.stack); // Verify that the stack is only decorated once for uncaught exceptions. const args = [ '-e', `require('${badSyntaxPath}')`, ]; const result = spawnSync(process.argv[0], args, { encoding: 'utf8' }); checkStack(result.stderr); // Verify that the stack is unchanged when there is no arrow message. err = new Error('foo'); let originalStack = err.stack; decorateErrorStack(err); assert.strictEqual(originalStack, err.stack); // Verify that the arrow message is added to the start of the stack when it // exists. const arrowMessage = 'arrow_message'; err = new Error('foo'); originalStack = err.stack; binding.setHiddenValue(err, kArrowMessagePrivateSymbolIndex, arrowMessage); decorateErrorStack(err); assert.strictEqual(err.stack, `${arrowMessage}${originalStack}`); assert.strictEqual( binding.getHiddenValue(err, kDecoratedPrivateSymbolIndex), true);