

Name Strings



    Pat Brown, NVIDIA Corporation (pbrown 'at'


    Barthold Lichtenbelt, NVIDIA
    Chris Dodd, NVIDIA
    Daniel Koch, Transgaming
    Eric Werness, NVIDIA
    Greg Roth, NVIDIA
    Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA
    Piers Daniell, NVIDIA


    Copyright (c) 2011-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at

Specification Update Policy

    Khronos-approved extension specifications are updated in response to
    issues and bugs prioritized by the Khronos OpenGL Working Group. For
    extensions which have been promoted to a core Specification, fixes will
    first appear in the latest version of that core Specification, and will
    eventually be backported to the extension document. This policy is
    described in more detail at


    Complete. Approved by the ARB on 2011/06/20.
    Approved by the Khronos Promoters on 2011/07/29.


    Last Modified Date:         06/13/2011
    Revision:                   5


    ARB Extension #116


    This extension is written against version 4.1 (revision 09) of the OpenGL
    Shading Language Specification.


    This extension provides the GLSL built-in functions to convert a 32-bit
    unsigned integer holding a pair of 16-bit floating-point values to or from
    a two-component floating-point vector (vec2).  

    This mechanism allows GLSL shaders to read and write 16-bit floating-point
    encodings (via 32-bit unsigned integers) without introducing a full set of
    16-bit floating-point data types.

    This extension also adds the GLSL built-in packing functions included in
    GLSL version 4.00 and the ARB_gpu_shader5 extension which pack and unpack
    vectors of small fixed-point data types into a larger scalar. By putting
    these packing functions in this separate extension it allows
    implementations to provide these functions in hardware that supports them
    independent of the other ARB_gpu_shader5 features.
    In addition to the packing functions from ARB_gpu_shader5 this extension
    also adds the missing [un]packSnorm2x16 for completeness.

New Procedures and Functions


New Tokens


Modifications to the OpenGL API Specification


Modifications to The OpenGL Shading Language Specification, Version 4.10
(Revision 6)

    Including the following line in a shader can be used to control the
    language features described in this extension:

      #extension GL_ARB_shading_language_packing : <behavior>

    where <behavior> is as specified in section 3.3.

    New preprocessor #defines are added to the OpenGL Shading Language:

      #define GL_ARB_shading_language_packing    1

    Modify Section 8.4, Floating-Point Pack and Unpack Functions
    (add support for general packing functions)


      uint      packUnorm2x16(vec2 v);
      uint      packSnorm2x16(vec2 v);
      uint      packUnorm4x8(vec4 v);
      uint      packSnorm4x8(vec4 v);

      vec2      unpackUnorm2x16(uint v);
      vec2      unpackSnorm2x16(uint v);
      vec4      unpackUnorm4x8(uint v);
      vec4      unpackSnorm4x8(uint v);

    The functions packUnorm2x16(), packSnorm2x16(), packUnorm4x8(), and
    packSnorm4x8() first convert each component of a two- or four-component
    vector of normalized floating-point values into 8- or 16-bit integer
    values.  Then, the results are packed into a 32-bit unsigned integer.
    The first component of the vector will be written to the least
    significant bits of the output; the last component will be written to
    the most significant bits.

    The functions unpackUnorm2x16(), unpackSnorm2x16(), unpackUnorm4x8(),
    and unpackSnorm4x8() first unpacks a single 32-bit unsigned integer into
    a pair of 16-bit unsigned integers, a pair of 16-bit signed integers,
    four 8-bit unsigned integers, or four 8-bit signed integers.  Then, each
    component is converted to a normalized floating-point value to generate a
    two- or four-component vector.  The first component of the vector will be
    extracted from the least significant bits of the input; the last
    component will be extracted from the most significant bits.

    The conversion between fixed- and normalized floating-point values will be
    performed as below.

      function          conversion
      ---------------   -----------------------------------------------------
      packUnorm2x16     fixed_val = round(clamp(float_val, 0, +1) * 65535.0);
      packSnorm2x16     fixed_val = round(clamp(float_val, -1, +1) * 32767.0);
      packUnorm4x8      fixed_val = round(clamp(float_val, 0, +1) * 255.0);
      packSnorm4x8      fixed_val = round(clamp(float_val, -1, +1) * 127.0);
      unpackUnorm2x16   float_val = fixed_val / 65535.0;
      unpackSnorm2x16   float_val = clamp(fixed_val / 32767.0, -1, +1);
      unpackUnorm4x8    float_val = fixed_val / 255.0;
      unpackSnorm4x8    float_val = clamp(fixed_val / 127.0, -1, +1);

    (add support for 16-bit floating-point packing and unpacking functions)


      uint      packHalf2x16(vec2 v);
      vec2      unpackHalf2x16(uint v);

    The function packHalf2x16() returns an unsigned integer obtained by
    converting the components of a two-component floating-point vector to the
    16-bit floating-point representation found in the OpenGL Specification,
    and then packing these two 16-bit integers into a 32-bit unsigned integer.
    The first vector component specifies the 16 least-significant bits of the
    result; the second component specifies the 16 most-significant bits.

    The function unpackHalf2x16() returns a two-component floating-point
    vector with components obtained by unpacking a 32-bit unsigned integer into a
    pair of 16-bit values, interpreting those values as 16-bit floating-point
    numbers according to the OpenGL Specification, and converting them to
    32-bit floating-point values.  The first component of the vector is
    obtained from the 16 least-significant bits of v; the second
    component is obtained from the 16 most-significant bits of v.

GLX Protocol




New State


New Implementation Dependent State



    (1) What should this extension be called?

      RESOLVED:  Proposed name is "ARB_shading_language_pack2h" (i.e., pack
      two half components).

    (2) This functionality is also provided in the NV_gpu_shader5 extension.
    Why provide a separate extension?

      RESOLVED:  This extension provides an additional pack/unpack function on
      top of those added in GLSL 4.00 without requiring that implementors
      provide the entirety of NV_gpu_shader5.

    (3) Should we provide a different set of function names to disambiguate
    from the similar NV_gpu_shader5 versions (which use the "f16vec2" type to
    represent a pair of fp16 values)?  If not, what happens if both this
    extension and NV_gpu_shader5 are enabled?

      RESOLVED:  The functions in this extension will be called "packHalf2x16"
      and "unpackHalf2x16", which matches the convention of the other
      pack/unpack functions in GLSL 4.10 closely enough.  For example,
      packUnorm2x16() packs a pair of 16-bit unsigned normalized integers into
      a 32-bit unsigned integer.

      Had we used the same names as in NV_gpu_shader5, there would be a
      conflict in the definitions -- the unpacked type here is "vec2", while
      the unpacked type in NV_gpu_shader5 is "f16vec2" (a two-component vector
      with explicit 16-bit floating-point types).  This conflict poses a
      problem if both extensions are enabled, and would also arise if future
      GLSL versions chose to add explicit fp16 types.  For the pack functions,
      an implementation supporting both versions could resolve via function

        uint      packFloat2x16(vec2 v);
        uint      packFloat2x16(f16vec2 v);

      Unfortunately, function overloading is not possible for the return type
      of the pack function.  One could resolve this by providing only:

        f16vec2   unpackFloat2x16(uint v);

      If a shader included code like:

        vec2 unpacked = unpackFloat2x16(uint_value);

      the unpacked value would be returned as f16vec2 data.  However, that
      could be implicitly converted to vec2 if implicit conversions from fp16
      to fp32 were supported.  Such behavior would be consistent with what we
      did for ARB_gpu_shader_fp64, where fp32 values can be implicitly
      converted to fp64.

    (4) The packing functions introduced in ARB_gpu_shader5 may be available
    on hardware that doesn't support the other features from ARB_gpu_shader5.
    How can an implementation expose those packing functions?
      RESOLVED: Added all the ARB_gpu_shader5 packing functions to revision
      #5 of this spec; [un]packUnorm2x16, [un]packUnorm4x8 and
    (5) Should we also provide a [un]packSnorm2x16 packing function, which
    was not included in ARB_gpu_shader5?
      RESOLVED: Yes, these functions have been added for completeness. They
      have been added to revision #5 of this extension and the extension has
      been renamed from _pack2h to _packing to encompass all these packing

Revision History

    Rev.    Date      Author    Changes
    ----  ----------  --------  ---------------------------------------------
     5    06/13/11    pdaniell  Rename the spec to ARB_shading_language_packing
                                and incorporate all the packing functions into
                                this spec, including the [un]packSnorm2x16
                                functions, which have no extension spec.
     4    12/17/10    johnk     Put in the pack/unpack section instead of 
                                common functions.  Change a reference to double.

     3    12/12/2010  pbrown    Rename the pack/unpack functions to avoid
                                conflict with NV_gpu_shader5 names (bug
                                6858).  Renamed last part of extension name
                                from "pack2f" to "pack2h" to match the 
                                function name change.

     2    11/08/2010  pbrown    Fix minor errata in the first draft (bug 

     1    10/20/2010  pbrown    Internal revision.