/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2012 BMW Car IT GmbH * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "LMControl.h" #include "Expression.h" #include "ExpressionInterpreter.h" #include "SceneStore.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace { void captureSceneDataHelper(t_ilm_surface surfaceId, t_scene_data* pSceneData, IlmSurface* pSurface) { ilmSurfaceProperties& props = pSceneData->surfaceProperties[surfaceId]; pSurface->set("id", surfaceId); pSurface->set("destHeight", props.destHeight); pSurface->set("destWidth", props.destWidth); pSurface->set("destX", props.destX); pSurface->set("destY", props.destY); pSurface->set("frameCounter", props.frameCounter); pSurface->set("opacity", props.opacity); pSurface->set("origSourceHeight", props.origSourceHeight); pSurface->set("origSourceWidth", props.origSourceWidth); pSurface->set("sourceHeight", props.sourceHeight); pSurface->set("sourceWidth", props.sourceWidth); pSurface->set("sourceX", props.sourceX); pSurface->set("sourceY", props.sourceY); pSurface->set("visibility", props.visibility); } void captureSceneDataHelper(t_ilm_layer layerId, t_scene_data* pSceneData, IlmLayer* pLayer) { ilmLayerProperties& props = pSceneData->layerProperties[layerId]; pLayer->set("id", layerId); pLayer->set("destHeight", props.destHeight); pLayer->set("destWidth", props.destWidth); pLayer->set("destX", props.destX); pLayer->set("destY", props.destY); pLayer->set("opacity", props.opacity); pLayer->set("sourceHeight", props.sourceHeight); pLayer->set("sourceWidth", props.sourceWidth); pLayer->set("sourceX", props.sourceX); pLayer->set("sourceY", props.sourceY); pLayer->set("visibility", props.visibility); if (pSceneData->layerSurfaces.find(layerId) != pSceneData->layerSurfaces.end()) { for (vector::iterator it = pSceneData->layerSurfaces[layerId].begin(); it != pSceneData->layerSurfaces[layerId].end(); ++it) { IlmSurface* pIlmsurface = new IlmSurface; captureSceneDataHelper(*it, pSceneData, pIlmsurface); pLayer->add(pIlmsurface); } } } void captureSceneData(IlmScene* scene) { t_scene_data sceneStruct; captureSceneData(&sceneStruct); for (vector::iterator it = sceneStruct.screens.begin(); it != sceneStruct.screens.end(); ++it) { t_ilm_display displayId = *it; IlmDisplay* pIlmdisplay = new IlmDisplay; pIlmdisplay->set("id", displayId); pIlmdisplay->set("width", sceneStruct.screenWidth); pIlmdisplay->set("height", sceneStruct.screenHeight); if (sceneStruct.screenLayers.find(displayId) != sceneStruct.screenLayers.end()) { for (vector::iterator it = sceneStruct.screenLayers[displayId].begin(); it != sceneStruct.screenLayers[displayId].end(); ++it) { IlmLayer* pIlmlayer = new IlmLayer; captureSceneDataHelper(*it, &sceneStruct, pIlmlayer); pIlmdisplay->add(pIlmlayer); } } scene->add(pIlmdisplay); } for (vector::iterator it = sceneStruct.layers.begin(); it != sceneStruct.layers.end(); ++it) { if (sceneStruct.layerScreen.find(*it) == sceneStruct.layerScreen.end()) { IlmLayer* pIlmlayer = new IlmLayer; captureSceneDataHelper(*it, &sceneStruct, pIlmlayer); scene->add(pIlmlayer); } } for (vector::iterator it = sceneStruct.surfaces.begin(); it != sceneStruct.surfaces.end(); ++it) { if (sceneStruct.surfaceLayer.find(*it) == sceneStruct.surfaceLayer.end()) { IlmSurface* pIlmsurface = new IlmSurface; captureSceneDataHelper(*it, &sceneStruct, pIlmsurface); scene->add(pIlmsurface); } } } string encodeEscapesequences(string s) { map code; code["\\"] = "\\[\\]"; code["\n"] = "\\[n]"; code["\t"] = "\\[t]"; code["\v"] = "\\[v]"; code["\b"] = "\\[b]"; code["\f"] = "\\[f]"; code["\r"] = "\\[r]"; return replaceAll(s, code); } void exportSceneToTXTHelper(ostream& stream, StringMapTree* tree, string prefix = "") { stream << prefix << encodeEscapesequences(tree->mNodeLabel) + ":{\n"; for (map >::iterator it = tree->mNodeValues.begin(); it != tree->mNodeValues.end(); ++it) { stream << prefix + "\t[" + encodeEscapesequences(it->first) + ":" + encodeEscapesequences(it->second.first) + "]=[" + encodeEscapesequences(it->second.second) + "]\n"; } for (list::iterator it = tree->mChildren.begin(); it != tree->mChildren.end(); ++it) { exportSceneToTXTHelper(stream, *it, prefix + "\t"); stream << "\n"; } stream << prefix + "}"; } string decodeEscapesequences(string s) { map code; code["\\[\\]"] = "\\"; code["\\[n]"] = "\n"; code["\\[t]"] = "\t"; code["\\[v]"] = "\v"; code["\\[b]"] = "\b"; code["\\[f]"] = "\f"; code["\\[r]"] = "\r"; return replaceAll(s, code); } void importSceneFromTXTHelper(istream& stream, StringMapTree* node) { string in; //Type getline(stream, in); int typeSize = in.find(":") - in.find_first_not_of('\t'); int typeStart = in.find_first_not_of('\t'); node->mNodeLabel = in.substr(typeStart, typeSize); while (true) { long streamPosition = stream.tellg(); getline(stream, in); in = rtrim(in); //end of object if (in.substr(0, 1) == "}") return; //start of object property if (in.substr(0, 1) == "[") { int startIndex = in.find('[') + 1; int endIndex = in.find(":"); string propertyName = in.substr(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex); propertyName = decodeEscapesequences(propertyName); startIndex = endIndex + 1; endIndex = in.find("]"); string propertyType = in.substr(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex); propertyType = decodeEscapesequences(propertyType); startIndex = in.find('[', endIndex) + 1; endIndex = in.find_last_of(']'); string propertyValue = in.substr(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex); propertyValue = decodeEscapesequences(propertyValue); node->mNodeValues[propertyName] = make_pair(propertyType, propertyValue); } else { stream.seekg(streamPosition); StringMapTree* child = new StringMapTree; node->mChildren.push_back(child); importSceneFromTXTHelper(stream, child); } } } string makeValidXMLCharacters(string s) { map code; code["<"] = "<"; code[">"] = ">"; code["&"] = "&"; code["\'"] = "'"; code["\""] = """; return replaceAll(s, code); } void exportSceneToXMLHelper(ostream& stream, StringMapTree* tree, string prefix = "") { stream << prefix << "<" << tree->mNodeLabel << ">\n"; for (map >::iterator it = tree->mNodeValues.begin(); it != tree->mNodeValues.end(); ++it) { stream << prefix + "\tfirst << "\" type=\"" << it->second.first << "\">\n"; stream << prefix << "\t\t" << makeValidXMLCharacters(it->second.second) + "\n"; stream << prefix << "\t\n"; } for (list::iterator it = tree->mChildren.begin(); it != tree->mChildren.end(); ++it) { exportSceneToXMLHelper(stream, *it, prefix + "\t"); stream << "\n"; } stream << prefix << "mNodeLabel << ">\n"; } } //end of anonymous namespace void exportSceneToFile(string filename) { IlmScene ilmscene; IlmScene* pScene = &ilmscene; captureSceneData(&ilmscene); stringstream buffer; StringMapTree sceneTree; pScene->toStringMapTree(&sceneTree); //check extension if (filename.find_last_of(".") != string::npos) { string extension = filename.substr(filename.find_last_of(".")); cout << extension << endl; if (extension == ".xml") { buffer << "<\?xml version=\"1.0\"\?>\n"; exportSceneToXMLHelper(buffer, &sceneTree); cout << "DONE WRITING XML" << endl; } else if (extension == ".txt") { exportSceneToTXTHelper(buffer, &sceneTree); cout << "DONE WRITING TXT" << endl; } } else { //defult: exportSceneToTXTHelper(buffer, &sceneTree); cout << "DONE WRITING TXT" << endl; } fstream stream(filename.c_str(), ios::out); cout << buffer.str() << endl; stream << buffer.str(); stream.flush(); stream.close(); } void exportXtext(string fileName, string grammar, string url) { string name = grammar.substr(grammar.find_last_of('.') + 1); //make sure first character is lower case std::transform(name.begin(), ++(name.begin()), name.begin(), ::tolower); IlmScene scene; StringMapTree grammarTree; scene.toGrammarMapTree(&grammarTree); //writing to file stringstream buffer; buffer << "grammar " << grammar << " with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals" << endl; buffer << "generate " << name << " \"" << url << "\"" << endl; list doneTypes; list waitingNodes; waitingNodes.push_back(&grammarTree); while (!waitingNodes.empty()) { //pop first element of the waiting types StringMapTree* typeNode = *(waitingNodes.begin()); waitingNodes.pop_front(); string type = typeNode->mNodeLabel; //if the type was not printed before if (find(doneTypes.begin(), doneTypes.end(), type) == doneTypes.end()) { doneTypes.push_back(type); buffer << type << ":" << endl; buffer << "\t\'" << type << ":\'" << endl; for (map >::iterator it = typeNode->mNodeValues.begin(); it != typeNode->mNodeValues.end(); ++it) { buffer << "\t\t\'" << it->first << ":\' " << it->first << "=" << (it->second.second.size() > 0 ? it->second.second : it->second.first) << endl; } for (list::iterator it = typeNode->mChildren.begin(); it != typeNode->mChildren.end(); ++it) { waitingNodes.push_back(*it); string childName = (*it)->mNodeLabel; //make lower case std::transform(childName.begin(), childName.end(), childName.begin(), ::tolower); childName += "s"; buffer << "\t\t" << childName << "+=" << (*it)->mNodeLabel << "*" << endl; } buffer << ";" << endl; } } cout << "Xtext:[" << buffer.str() << "]" << endl; fstream fileout(fileName.c_str(), ios::out); fileout << buffer.str(); fileout.flush(); fileout.close(); }