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1"""Main Pynche (Pythonically Natural Color and Hue Editor) widget.
3This window provides the basic decorations, primarily including the menubar.
4It is used to bring up other windows.
7import sys
8import os
9from tkinter import *
10from tkinter import messagebox, filedialog
11import ColorDB
13# Milliseconds between interrupt checks
18class PyncheWidget:
19    def __init__(self, version, switchboard, master=None, extrapath=[]):
20        self.__sb = switchboard
21        self.__version = version
22        self.__textwin = None
23        self.__listwin = None
24        self.__detailswin = None
25        self.__helpwin = None
26        self.__dialogstate = {}
27        modal = self.__modal = not not master
28        # If a master was given, we are running as a modal dialog servant to
29        # some other application.  We rearrange our UI in this case (there's
30        # no File menu and we get `Okay' and `Cancel' buttons), and we do a
31        # grab_set() to make ourselves modal
32        if modal:
33            self.__tkroot = tkroot = Toplevel(master, class_='Pynche')
34            tkroot.grab_set()
35            tkroot.withdraw()
36        else:
37            # Is there already a default root for Tk, say because we're
38            # running under Guido's IDE? :-) Two conditions say no, either the
39            # _default_root is None or it is unset.
40            tkroot = getattr(tkinter, '_default_root', None)
41            if not tkroot:
42                tkroot = Tk(className='Pynche')
43            self.__tkroot = tkroot
44            # but this isn't our top level widget, so make it invisible
45            tkroot.withdraw()
46        # create the menubar
47        menubar = self.__menubar = Menu(tkroot)
48        #
49        # File menu
50        #
51        filemenu = self.__filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
52        filemenu.add_command(label='Load palette...',
53                             command=self.__load,
54                             underline=0)
55        if not modal:
56            filemenu.add_command(label='Quit',
57                                 command=self.__quit,
58                                 accelerator='Alt-Q',
59                                 underline=0)
60        #
61        # View menu
62        #
63        views = make_view_popups(self.__sb, self.__tkroot, extrapath)
64        viewmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
65        for v in views:
66            viewmenu.add_command(label=v.menutext(),
67                                 command=v.popup,
68                                 underline=v.underline())
69        #
70        # Help menu
71        #
72        helpmenu = Menu(menubar, name='help', tearoff=0)
73        helpmenu.add_command(label='About Pynche...',
74                             command=self.__popup_about,
75                             underline=0)
76        helpmenu.add_command(label='Help...',
77                             command=self.__popup_usage,
78                             underline=0)
79        #
80        # Tie them all together
81        #
82        menubar.add_cascade(label='File',
83                            menu=filemenu,
84                            underline=0)
85        menubar.add_cascade(label='View',
86                            menu=viewmenu,
87                            underline=0)
88        menubar.add_cascade(label='Help',
89                            menu=helpmenu,
90                            underline=0)
92        # now create the top level window
93        root = self.__root = Toplevel(tkroot, class_='Pynche', menu=menubar)
94        root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW',
95                      modal and self.__bell or self.__quit)
96        root.title('Pynche %s' % version)
97        root.iconname('Pynche')
98        # Only bind accelerators for the File->Quit menu item if running as a
99        # standalone app
100        if not modal:
101            root.bind('<Alt-q>', self.__quit)
102            root.bind('<Alt-Q>', self.__quit)
103        else:
104            # We're a modal dialog so we have a new row of buttons
105            bframe = Frame(root, borderwidth=1, relief=RAISED)
106            bframe.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=2,
107                        sticky='EW',
108                        ipady=5)
109            okay = Button(bframe,
110                          text='Okay',
111                          command=self.__okay)
112            okay.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1)
113            cancel = Button(bframe,
114                            text='Cancel',
115                            command=self.__cancel)
116            cancel.pack(side=LEFT, expand=1)
118    def __quit(self, event=None):
119        self.__tkroot.quit()
121    def __bell(self, event=None):
122        self.__tkroot.bell()
124    def __okay(self, event=None):
125        self.__sb.withdraw_views()
126        self.__tkroot.grab_release()
127        self.__quit()
129    def __cancel(self, event=None):
130        self.__sb.canceled()
131        self.__okay()
133    def __keepalive(self):
134        # Exercise the Python interpreter regularly so keyboard interrupts get
135        # through.
136        self.__tkroot.tk.createtimerhandler(KEEPALIVE_TIMER, self.__keepalive)
138    def start(self):
139        if not self.__modal:
140            self.__keepalive()
141        self.__tkroot.mainloop()
143    def window(self):
144        return self.__root
146    def __popup_about(self, event=None):
147        from Main import __version__
148        messagebox.showinfo('About Pynche ' + __version__,
149                              '''\
150Pynche %s
151The PYthonically Natural
152Color and Hue Editor
154For information
155contact: Barry A. Warsaw
156email:   bwarsaw@python.org''' % __version__)
158    def __popup_usage(self, event=None):
159        if not self.__helpwin:
160            self.__helpwin = Helpwin(self.__root, self.__quit)
161        self.__helpwin.deiconify()
163    def __load(self, event=None):
164        while 1:
165            idir, ifile = os.path.split(self.__sb.colordb().filename())
166            file = filedialog.askopenfilename(
167                filetypes=[('Text files', '*.txt'),
168                           ('All files', '*'),
169                           ],
170                initialdir=idir,
171                initialfile=ifile)
172            if not file:
173                # cancel button
174                return
175            try:
176                colordb = ColorDB.get_colordb(file)
177            except IOError:
178                messagebox.showerror('Read error', '''\
179Could not open file for reading:
180%s''' % file)
181                continue
182            if colordb is None:
183                messagebox.showerror('Unrecognized color file type', '''\
184Unrecognized color file type in file:
185%s''' % file)
186                continue
187            break
188        self.__sb.set_colordb(colordb)
190    def withdraw(self):
191        self.__root.withdraw()
193    def deiconify(self):
194        self.__root.deiconify()
198class Helpwin:
199    def __init__(self, master, quitfunc):
200        from Main import docstring
201        self.__root = root = Toplevel(master, class_='Pynche')
202        root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.__withdraw)
203        root.title('Pynche Help Window')
204        root.iconname('Pynche Help Window')
205        root.bind('<Alt-q>', quitfunc)
206        root.bind('<Alt-Q>', quitfunc)
207        root.bind('<Alt-w>', self.__withdraw)
208        root.bind('<Alt-W>', self.__withdraw)
210        # more elaborate help is available in the README file
211        readmefile = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'README')
212        try:
213            fp = None
214            try:
215                fp = open(readmefile)
216                contents = fp.read()
217                # wax the last page, it contains Emacs cruft
218                i = contents.rfind('\f')
219                if i > 0:
220                    contents = contents[:i].rstrip()
221            finally:
222                if fp:
223                    fp.close()
224        except IOError:
225            sys.stderr.write("Couldn't open Pynche's README, "
226                             'using docstring instead.\n')
227            contents = docstring()
229        self.__text = text = Text(root, relief=SUNKEN,
230                                  width=80, height=24)
231        self.__text.focus_set()
232        text.insert(0.0, contents)
233        scrollbar = Scrollbar(root)
234        scrollbar.pack(fill=Y, side=RIGHT)
235        text.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
236        text.configure(yscrollcommand=(scrollbar, 'set'))
237        scrollbar.configure(command=(text, 'yview'))
239    def __withdraw(self, event=None):
240        self.__root.withdraw()
242    def deiconify(self):
243        self.__root.deiconify()
247import functools
249class PopupViewer:
250    def __init__(self, module, name, switchboard, root):
251        self.__m = module
252        self.__name = name
253        self.__sb = switchboard
254        self.__root = root
255        self.__menutext = module.ADDTOVIEW
256        # find the underline character
257        underline = module.ADDTOVIEW.find('%')
258        if underline == -1:
259            underline = 0
260        else:
261            self.__menutext = module.ADDTOVIEW.replace('%', '', 1)
262        self.__underline = underline
263        self.__window = None
265    def menutext(self):
266        return self.__menutext
268    def underline(self):
269        return self.__underline
271    def popup(self, event=None):
272        if not self.__window:
273            # class and module must have the same name
274            class_ = getattr(self.__m, self.__name)
275            self.__window = class_(self.__sb, self.__root)
276            self.__sb.add_view(self.__window)
277        self.__window.deiconify()
279    def __eq__(self, other):
280        if isinstance(self, PopupViewer):
281            return self.__menutext == other.__menutext
282        return NotImplemented
284    def __lt__(self, other):
285        if isinstance(self, PopupViewer):
286            return self.__menutext < other.__menutext
287        return NotImplemented
290def make_view_popups(switchboard, root, extrapath):
291    viewers = []
292    # where we are in the file system
293    dirs = [os.path.dirname(__file__)] + extrapath
294    for dir in dirs:
295        if dir == '':
296            dir = '.'
297        for file in os.listdir(dir):
298            if file[-9:] == 'Viewer.py':
299                name = file[:-3]
300                try:
301                    module = __import__(name)
302                except ImportError:
303                    # Pynche is running from inside a package, so get the
304                    # module using the explicit path.
305                    pkg = __import__('pynche.'+name)
306                    module = getattr(pkg, name)
307                if hasattr(module, 'ADDTOVIEW') and module.ADDTOVIEW:
308                    # this is an external viewer
309                    v = PopupViewer(module, name, switchboard, root)
310                    viewers.append(v)
311    # sort alphabetically
312    viewers.sort()
313    return viewers