1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 *
7 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 *
9 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 * limitations under the License.
14 */
16 #include "report.h"
18 #include <algorithm>
19 #include <dirent.h>
20 #include <fstream>
21 #include <iostream>
22 #include <sstream>
23 #include <sys/inotify.h>
24 #include <sys/stat.h>
25 #include <unistd.h>
27 #include "ability_manager_client.h"
28 #include "element_name.h"
29 #include "exception_manager.h"
30 #include "filter_category.h"
31 #include "format_csv.h"
32 #include "format_json.h"
33 #include "statistics_ability.h"
34 #include "statistics_componment.h"
35 #include "statistics_event.h"
36 #include "statistics_exception.h"
37 #include "string_ex.h"
38 #include "wukong_define.h"
39 #include "wukong_util.h"
41 namespace OHOS {
42 namespace WuKong {
43 namespace {
44 const uint32_t SEGMENT_STATISTICS_LENGTH = 10;
45 std::string crashDir = "/data/log/faultlog/faultlogger/";
ListenCrashDir()46 void ListenCrashDir()
47 {
48 int fd;
49 int wd;
50 ssize_t readLenght;
51 char buf[BUFSIZ];
52 char* bufPtr = nullptr;
53 struct inotify_event *event;
54 fd = inotify_init();
55 INFO_LOG("init notify");
56 if (fd < 0) {
57 return;
58 }
59 wd = inotify_add_watch(fd, "/data/log/faultlog/faultlogger/", IN_CLOSE_WRITE);
60 INFO_LOG("add_watch");
61 if (wd < 0) {
62 ERROR_LOG("inotify_add_watch /data/log/faultlog/faultlogger/ failed");
63 return;
64 }
65 buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0;
66 std::string destDir = Report::GetInstance()->GetReportExceptionDir();
67 while ((readLenght = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)) > 0) {
68 uint32_t len = static_cast<uint32_t>(readLenght);
69 uint32_t nread = 0;
70 while (len > 0) {
71 bufPtr = &buf[nread];
72 void* middleType = static_cast<void *>(bufPtr);
73 event = static_cast<struct inotify_event *>(middleType);
74 if ((event->mask & IN_CLOSE_WRITE) && (event->len > 0)) {
75 DEBUG_LOG_STR("event->mask{%x}", event->mask);
76 std::string targetFile(event->name);
77 WuKongUtil::GetInstance()->CopyFile(targetFile, crashDir, destDir);
78 DEBUG_LOG_STR("%s --- IN_CLOSE_WRITE\n", event->name);
79 Report::GetInstance()->ExceptionRecord(targetFile);
80 }
81 nread = nread + sizeof(struct inotify_event) + event->len;
82 len = len - sizeof(struct inotify_event) - event->len;
83 }
84 }
85 INFO_LOG("exit thread");
86 return;
87 }
StartCrashDirListen()89 void StartCrashDirListen()
90 {
91 std::thread listenerThread(&ListenCrashDir);
92 INFO_LOG("create listener thread");
93 listenerThread.detach();
94 INFO_LOG("thread detach");
95 }
96 } // namespace
97 using namespace OHOS::AAFwk;
Report()98 Report::Report()
99 {
100 EnvInit();
101 DataSetInit();
102 }
EnvInit()104 void Report::EnvInit()
105 {
106 const std::string DEFAULT_DIR = "/data/local/tmp/wukong/report/";
107 startRunTime_ = WuKongUtil::GetInstance()->GetStartRunTime();
108 // Get a screenshot within the previous timestamp of the current timestamp
109 DIR *dirp = nullptr;
110 dirp = opendir(DEFAULT_DIR.c_str());
111 std::string maxValue = "";
112 std::string targetTimeDir;
113 // setting filename
114 currentTestDir_ = WuKongUtil::GetInstance()->GetCurrentTestDir();
115 INFO_LOG_STR("Report currentTestDir: (%s)", currentTestDir_.c_str());
116 // setting filename
117 reportCsvFileName_ = currentTestDir_ + "wukong_report.csv";
118 reportJsonFileName_ = currentTestDir_ + "data.js";
120 INFO_LOG_STR("Report CSV: (%s)", reportCsvFileName_.c_str());
121 INFO_LOG_STR("Report JSON: (%s)", reportJsonFileName_.c_str());
123 reportExceptionDir_ = currentTestDir_ + "exception/";
124 INFO_LOG_STR("Report exception dir: (%s)", reportExceptionDir_.c_str());
125 int dirExist = access(reportExceptionDir_.c_str(), F_OK);
126 if (dirExist != 0) {
127 int dirStatus = mkdir((reportExceptionDir_).c_str(), 0777);
128 if (dirStatus == -1) {
129 ERROR_LOG("exception dir create fail");
130 }
131 }
132 StartCrashDirListen();
133 // register crash catcher
134 ExceptionManager::GetInstance()->StartCatching();
135 if (dirp == nullptr) {
136 ERROR_LOG_STR("dir{%s} opendir error", DEFAULT_DIR.c_str());
137 return;
138 }
139 while (dirp != nullptr) {
140 struct dirent *dp;
141 if ((dp = readdir(dirp)) == NULL) {
142 break;
143 }
144 std::string currentStringName(dp->d_name);
145 if (currentStringName != startRunTime_) {
146 if (currentStringName > maxValue) {
147 maxValue = currentStringName;
148 targetTimeDir = currentStringName;
149 }
150 }
151 }
152 (void)closedir(dirp);
153 // Delete the screenshot under the timestamp
154 std::string targetDir_ = DEFAULT_DIR + targetTimeDir +"/screenshot/";
155 WuKongUtil::GetInstance()->DeleteFile(targetDir_);
156 }
DataSetInit()158 void Report::DataSetInit()
159 {
160 std::shared_ptr<Filter> categoryFilter = std::make_shared<FilterCategory>();
161 eventDataSet_->SetFilterStragety(categoryFilter);
162 eventDataSet_->SetFilterType("event");
163 std::shared_ptr<Statistics> eventSatistics = std::make_shared<StatisticsEvent>();
164 eventDataSet_->SetStatisticsStragety(eventSatistics);
166 // set componment filter,statistics,format
167 componmentDataSet_->SetFilterStragety(categoryFilter);
168 componmentDataSet_->SetFilterType("componment");
169 std::shared_ptr<Statistics> componmentSatistics = std::make_shared<StatisticsComponment>();
170 componmentDataSet_->SetStatisticsStragety(componmentSatistics);
172 // set ability filter,statistics,format
173 abilityDataSet_->SetFilterStragety(categoryFilter);
174 abilityDataSet_->SetFilterType("abilityName");
175 std::shared_ptr<Statistics> abilitySatistics = std::make_shared<StatisticsAbility>();
176 abilityDataSet_->SetStatisticsStragety(abilitySatistics);
178 // set exception filter,statistics,format
179 exceptionDataSet_->SetFilterStragety(categoryFilter);
180 exceptionDataSet_->SetFilterType("exception");
181 std::shared_ptr<Statistics> exceptionSatistics = std::make_shared<StatisticsException>();
182 exceptionDataSet_->SetStatisticsStragety(exceptionSatistics);
183 }
SyncInputInfo(std::shared_ptr<InputedMsgObject> inputedMsgObject)185 void Report::SyncInputInfo(std::shared_ptr<InputedMsgObject> inputedMsgObject)
186 {
188 std::shared_ptr<AbilityManagerClient> abilityManagerClient = AbilityManagerClient::GetInstance();
189 OHOS::AppExecFwk::ElementName elementName = abilityManagerClient->GetTopAbility();
190 std::map<std::string, std::string> data;
191 data["bundleName"] = elementName.GetBundleName();
192 data["abilityName"] = elementName.GetAbilityName();
193 DEBUG_LOG_STR("bundleName{%s} abilityName{%s} ", data["bundleName"].c_str(), data["abilityName"].c_str());
194 inputedMode inputMode = inputedMsgObject->GetInputedMode();
195 switch (inputMode) {
196 case multimodeInput: {
197 auto inputMutlMsgPtr = std::static_pointer_cast<MultimodeInputMsg>(inputedMsgObject);
198 data["event"] = inputMutlMsgPtr->GetInputType();
199 DEBUG_LOG_STR("eventType{%s}", data["event"].c_str());
200 break;
201 }
203 case componmentInput: {
204 auto inputCompMsgPtr = std::static_pointer_cast<ComponmentInputMsg>(inputedMsgObject);
205 ComponmentInfoArrange(data["bundleName"], inputCompMsgPtr, data);
206 DEBUG_LOG("componmentType map");
207 break;
208 }
209 default:
210 break;
211 }
213 // first appswitch abandon
214 std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it = data.find("event");
215 if (it != data.end() && (data["event"] == "appswitch") && (isFirstAppSwitch_ == false)) {
216 DEBUG_LOG("first appswitch abandon");
217 isFirstAppSwitch_ = true;
218 return;
219 }
220 // record app used to control data display
221 std::vector<std::string>::iterator bundleIter = std::find(bundles_.begin(), bundles_.end(), data["bundleName"]);
222 if (bundleIter == bundles_.end()) {
223 DEBUG_LOG_STR("push apps item{%s}", data["bundleName"].c_str());
224 bundles_.push_back(data["bundleName"]);
225 }
226 // send `k => v` to filter
227 eventDataSet_->FilterData(data);
228 componmentDataSet_->FilterData(data);
229 abilityDataSet_->FilterData(data);
230 taskCount_++;
231 DEBUG_LOG_STR("taskCount{%d}", taskCount_);
232 // statistics and storage every 10 data
233 if ((taskCount_ % SEGMENT_STATISTICS_LENGTH) == 0) {
234 HilogFileRecord();
235 SegmentedWriteCSV();
236 SegmentedWriteJson();
237 }
239 }
~Report()241 Report::~Report()
242 {
243 }
SegmentedWriteCSV()245 void Report::SegmentedWriteCSV()
246 {
248 // csv report format
249 if (reportCsvFileName_.empty()) {
250 return;
251 }
252 std::shared_ptr<FormatCSV> formatCSV = std::make_shared<FormatCSV>();
253 eventDataSet_->SetFormatStragety(formatCSV);
254 componmentDataSet_->SetFormatStragety(formatCSV);
255 abilityDataSet_->SetFormatStragety(formatCSV);
256 exceptionDataSet_->SetFormatStragety(formatCSV);
257 std::stringstream modules;
258 modules << "module, Base Info" << std::endl;
259 modules << "name, base" << std::endl;
260 modules << "detail, info" << std::endl;
261 modules << "name, base, detail, info" << std::endl;
262 modules << "task status, success" << std::endl;
263 modules << "task time , " << time(0) - startTime_ << std::endl;
264 if (!seed_.empty()) {
265 modules << "seed , " << seed_ << std::endl;
266 }
267 modules << "task count , " << taskCount_ << std::endl;
268 DEBUG_LOG("start event statistics");
269 eventDataSet_->StatisticsData();
270 DEBUG_LOG("end event statistics");
271 DEBUG_LOG("start componment statistics");
272 componmentDataSet_->StatisticsData();
273 DEBUG_LOG("end componment statistics");
274 std::string moduleInput;
275 modules << "module, Input Message Statistics" << std::endl;
276 modules << "name, all";
277 // show all app and detail
278 for (auto bundleIter : bundles_) {
279 modules << ", " << bundleIter;
280 }
281 modules << std::endl;
282 modules << "detail, event, componment" << std::endl;
283 eventDataSet_->FormatData("all", moduleInput);
284 componmentDataSet_->FormatData("all", moduleInput);
285 // loop app show name-type statistics content
286 for (auto bundleIter : bundles_) {
287 eventDataSet_->FormatData(bundleIter, moduleInput);
288 componmentDataSet_->FormatData(bundleIter, moduleInput);
289 }
290 modules << moduleInput;
291 modules << "module, ability Statistics" << std::endl;
292 modules << "name, all" << std::endl;
293 modules << "detail, ability" << std::endl;
294 moduleInput = "";
295 abilityDataSet_->StatisticsData();
296 abilityDataSet_->FormatData("all", moduleInput);
297 modules << moduleInput;
299 std::unique_lock<std::mutex> locker(crashMtx_);
300 modules << "module, Exception Message Statistics" << std::endl;
301 modules << "name, exception" << std::endl;
302 modules << "detail, statistics" << std::endl;
303 moduleInput = "";
304 exceptionDataSet_->StatisticsData();
305 exceptionDataSet_->FormatData("exception", moduleInput);
306 modules << moduleInput;
307 locker.unlock();
308 std::string csvContent = modules.str();
309 std::fstream csvFileStream(reportCsvFileName_, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
310 csvFileStream << csvContent << std::endl;
311 csvFileStream.close();
313 }
SegmentedWriteJson()315 void Report::SegmentedWriteJson()
316 {
318 DEBUG_LOG("SegmentedWriteJson start");
319 // csv report format
320 if (reportCsvFileName_.empty()) {
321 return;
322 }
323 std::shared_ptr<FormatJSON> formatJSON = std::make_shared<FormatJSON>();
324 eventDataSet_->SetFormatStragety(formatJSON);
325 componmentDataSet_->SetFormatStragety(formatJSON);
326 abilityDataSet_->SetFormatStragety(formatJSON);
327 exceptionDataSet_->SetFormatStragety(formatJSON);
328 std::stringstream modules;
329 std::string moduleInput;
330 modules << "var reportJson = {" << std::endl;
331 modules << "base: [" << std::endl;
332 modules << "{ item: \"task status\", detail: \" success \"}," << std::endl;
333 modules << "{ item: \"task time\", detail: \" " << time(0) - startTime_ << "s\"}," << std::endl;
334 modules << "{ item: \"task count\", detail: \" " << taskCount_ << "\"}," << std::endl;
335 if (!seed_.empty()) {
336 modules << "{ item: \"seed\", detail: \" " << seed_ << "\"}," << std::endl;
337 }
338 modules << "]," << std::endl;
339 modules << "detailApps:{" << std::endl;
340 modules << "names:[ \"all\"";
341 // show all app and detail
342 for (auto bundleIter : bundles_) {
343 modules << ", \"" << bundleIter << " \"";
344 }
345 modules << "]," << std::endl;
346 modules << "details: [" << std::endl;
347 modules << "{" << std::endl;
348 modules << "eventStatistics:" << std::endl;
349 eventDataSet_->FormatData("all", moduleInput);
350 modules << moduleInput;
351 modules << "controlStatistics:";
352 componmentDataSet_->FormatData("all", moduleInput);
353 modules << moduleInput;
354 modules << "},";
355 // loop app show name-type statistics content
356 for (auto bundleIter : bundles_) {
357 modules << "{" << std::endl;
358 modules << "eventStatistics:";
359 eventDataSet_->FormatData(bundleIter, moduleInput);
360 modules << moduleInput;
361 modules << "controlStatistics:";
362 componmentDataSet_->FormatData(bundleIter, moduleInput);
363 modules << moduleInput;
364 modules << "},";
365 }
366 modules << "]" << std::endl;
367 modules << "}," << std::endl;
368 modules << "abilityStatistics:";
369 abilityDataSet_->FormatData("all", moduleInput);
370 modules << moduleInput;
371 modules << "detailException: {" << std::endl;
372 modules << "names: [\"exception statistics\", \"cpp crash statistics\", \"js crash statistics\"]," << std::endl;
373 modules << "details: [" << std::endl;
374 modules << "{" << std::endl;
375 modules << "exception_statistics: {" << std::endl;
376 modules << "header: [\"Type\", \"Times\", \"Proportion\"]," << std::endl;
377 modules << "content: " << std::endl;
378 exceptionDataSet_->FormatData("exception", moduleInput);
379 modules << moduleInput;
380 modules << "}," << std::endl;
381 modules << "}," << std::endl;
382 modules << "]" << std::endl;
383 modules << "}," << std::endl;
384 unsigned int index = 0;
385 modules << "screens:[" << std::endl;
386 for (auto srceen : screenPaths_) {
387 modules << "{index:\"" << index << "\","
388 << "path:\"" << srceen << "\"}," << std::endl;
389 index++;
390 }
391 modules << "]," << std::endl;
392 modules << "};" << std::endl;
393 std::string jsonContent = modules.str();
394 std::fstream jsonFileStream(reportJsonFileName_, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
395 jsonFileStream << jsonContent << std::endl;
396 jsonFileStream.close();
397 DEBUG_LOG("SegmentedWriteJson end");
399 }
HilogFileRecord()401 void Report::HilogFileRecord()
402 {
403 struct dirent *dp;
404 DIR *dirpHilog = nullptr;
405 std::shared_ptr<WuKongUtil> utilPtr = WuKongUtil::GetInstance();
406 dirpHilog = opendir(hilogDirs_.c_str());
407 if (dirpHilog == nullptr) {
408 ERROR_LOG_STR("dir{%s} opendir error", hilogDirs_.c_str());
409 return;
410 }
411 while ((dp = readdir(dirpHilog)) != NULL) {
412 std::string targetFile(dp->d_name);
413 if ((strcmp(dp->d_name, ".") != 0) && (strcmp(dp->d_name, "..") != 0)) {
414 std::vector<std::string>::iterator iterDir = find(hilogFiles_.begin(), hilogFiles_.end(), targetFile);
415 if (iterDir == hilogFiles_.end()) {
416 DEBUG_LOG("hilog copy action");
417 utilPtr->CopyFile(targetFile, hilogDirs_, reportExceptionDir_);
418 hilogFiles_.push_back(targetFile);
419 }
420 }
421 }
422 if (dirpHilog != nullptr) {
423 (void)closedir(dirpHilog);
424 }
425 }
ExceptionRecord(const std::string & exceptionFilename)427 void Report::ExceptionRecord(const std::string &exceptionFilename)
428 {
429 std::unique_lock<std::mutex> locker(crashMtx_);
430 std::map<std::string, std::string> data;
431 std::string exceptionType;
432 if (exceptionFilename.find("cppcrash") != std::string::npos) {
433 exceptionType = "cppcrash";
434 }
436 if (exceptionFilename.find("appfreeze") != std::string::npos) {
437 exceptionType = "appfreeze";
438 }
440 if (exceptionFilename.find("jscrash") != std::string::npos) {
441 exceptionType = "jscrash";
442 }
444 if (exceptionFilename.find("serviceblock") != std::string::npos) {
445 exceptionType = "serviceblock";
446 }
448 data["exception"] = exceptionType;
449 exceptionDataSet_->FilterData(data);
450 }
Finish()452 void Report::Finish()
453 {
454 SegmentedWriteCSV();
455 SegmentedWriteJson();
456 ExceptionManager::GetInstance()->StopCatching();
457 }
SetSeed(std::string seed)459 void Report::SetSeed(std::string seed)
460 {
461 seed_ = seed;
462 }
ComponmentInfoArrange(const std::string & bundle,std::shared_ptr<ComponmentInputMsg> inputCompMsgPtr,std::map<std::string,std::string> & data)464 void Report::ComponmentInfoArrange(const std::string &bundle, std::shared_ptr<ComponmentInputMsg> inputCompMsgPtr,
465 std::map<std::string, std::string> &data)
466 {
467 std::map<std::string, componmentRecord>::iterator bundleComponmentRecordIter;
468 componmentRecord componmentRecord;
469 bundleComponmentRecordIter = bundleComponmentRecord_.find(bundle);
470 if (bundleComponmentRecordIter != bundleComponmentRecord_.end()) {
471 componmentRecord = bundleComponmentRecordIter->second;
472 }
473 componmentRecord.pageIdComponments[inputCompMsgPtr->pageId_] = inputCompMsgPtr->pageComponments;
474 std::map<std::string, uint32_t>::iterator componmentTypeCountIter;
475 uint32_t componmentTypeInputedCount = 0, componmentTypeTotal = 0;
476 componmentTypeCountIter = componmentRecord.componmentTypeCount.find(inputCompMsgPtr->componmentType_);
477 if (componmentTypeCountIter != componmentRecord.componmentTypeCount.end()) {
478 componmentTypeInputedCount = componmentTypeCountIter->second;
479 }
480 componmentTypeInputedCount++;
482 for (auto pageIdComponmentsIter : componmentRecord.pageIdComponments) {
483 for (auto componmentVectorIter : pageIdComponmentsIter.second) {
484 if (componmentVectorIter.compare(inputCompMsgPtr->componmentType_) == 0) {
485 componmentTypeTotal++;
486 }
487 }
488 }
489 if (componmentTypeInputedCount > componmentTypeTotal) {
490 componmentTypeInputedCount = componmentTypeTotal;
491 }
493 componmentRecord.componmentTypeCount[inputCompMsgPtr->componmentType_] = componmentTypeInputedCount;
494 data["componment"] = inputCompMsgPtr->componmentType_;
495 data["inputedTimes"] = std::to_string(componmentTypeInputedCount);
496 data["componmentTotals"] = std::to_string(componmentTypeTotal);
497 DEBUG_LOG_STR("componmentType{%s} inputedTimes{%s} componmentTotals{%s}", data["componment"].c_str(),
498 data["inputedTimes"].c_str(), data["componmentTotals"].c_str());
499 bundleComponmentRecord_[bundle] = componmentRecord;
500 }
RecordScreenPath(const std::string & screenPath)502 void Report::RecordScreenPath(const std::string &screenPath)
503 {
505 screenPaths_.push_back(screenPath);
507 }
GetReportExceptionDir()509 std::string Report::GetReportExceptionDir()
510 {
511 return reportExceptionDir_;
512 }
513 } // namespace WuKong
514 } // namespace OHOS