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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# Parse and report coverage info from .info files generated by lcov
5import os
6import glob
7import csv
8import re
9import collections as co
10import bisect as b
13INFO_PATHS = ['tests/*.toml.info']
15def collect(paths, **args):
16    file = None
17    funcs = []
18    lines = co.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
19    pattern = re.compile(
20        '^(?P<file>SF:/?(?P<file_name>.*))$'
21        '|^(?P<func>FN:(?P<func_lineno>[0-9]*),(?P<func_name>.*))$'
22        '|^(?P<line>DA:(?P<line_lineno>[0-9]*),(?P<line_hits>[0-9]*))$')
23    for path in paths:
24        with open(path) as f:
25            for line in f:
26                m = pattern.match(line)
27                if m and m.group('file'):
28                    file = m.group('file_name')
29                elif m and file and m.group('func'):
30                    funcs.append((file, int(m.group('func_lineno')),
31                        m.group('func_name')))
32                elif m and file and m.group('line'):
33                    lines[(file, int(m.group('line_lineno')))] += (
34                        int(m.group('line_hits')))
36    # map line numbers to functions
37    funcs.sort()
38    def func_from_lineno(file, lineno):
39        i = b.bisect(funcs, (file, lineno))
40        if i and funcs[i-1][0] == file:
41            return funcs[i-1][2]
42        else:
43            return None
45    # reduce to function info
46    reduced_funcs = co.defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0))
47    for (file, line_lineno), line_hits in lines.items():
48        func = func_from_lineno(file, line_lineno)
49        if not func:
50            continue
51        hits, count = reduced_funcs[(file, func)]
52        reduced_funcs[(file, func)] = (hits + (line_hits > 0), count + 1)
54    results = []
55    for (file, func), (hits, count) in reduced_funcs.items():
56        # discard internal/testing functions (test_* injected with
57        # internal testing)
58        if func.startswith('__') or func.startswith('test_'):
59            continue
60        # discard .8449 suffixes created by optimizer
61        func = re.sub('\.[0-9]+', '', func)
62        results.append((file, func, hits, count))
64    return results
67def main(**args):
68    # find coverage
69    if not args.get('use'):
70        # find *.info files
71        paths = []
72        for path in args['info_paths']:
73            if os.path.isdir(path):
74                path = path + '/*.gcov'
76            for path in glob.glob(path):
77                paths.append(path)
79        if not paths:
80            print('no .info files found in %r?' % args['info_paths'])
81            sys.exit(-1)
83        results = collect(paths, **args)
84    else:
85        with open(args['use']) as f:
86            r = csv.DictReader(f)
87            results = [
88                (   result['file'],
89                    result['function'],
90                    int(result['hits']),
91                    int(result['count']))
92                for result in r]
94    total_hits, total_count = 0, 0
95    for _, _, hits, count in results:
96        total_hits += hits
97        total_count += count
99    # find previous results?
100    if args.get('diff'):
101        with open(args['diff']) as f:
102            r = csv.DictReader(f)
103            prev_results = [
104                (   result['file'],
105                    result['function'],
106                    int(result['hits']),
107                    int(result['count']))
108                for result in r]
110        prev_total_hits, prev_total_count = 0, 0
111        for _, _, hits, count in prev_results:
112            prev_total_hits += hits
113            prev_total_count += count
115    # write results to CSV
116    if args.get('output'):
117        with open(args['output'], 'w') as f:
118            w = csv.writer(f)
119            w.writerow(['file', 'function', 'hits', 'count'])
120            for file, func, hits, count in sorted(results):
121                w.writerow((file, func, hits, count))
123    # print results
124    def dedup_entries(results, by='function'):
125        entries = co.defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0))
126        for file, func, hits, count in results:
127            entry = (file if by == 'file' else func)
128            entry_hits, entry_count = entries[entry]
129            entries[entry] = (entry_hits + hits, entry_count + count)
130        return entries
132    def diff_entries(olds, news):
133        diff = co.defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
134        for name, (new_hits, new_count) in news.items():
135            diff[name] = (
136                0, 0,
137                new_hits, new_count,
138                new_hits, new_count,
139                (new_hits/new_count if new_count else 1.0) - 1.0)
140        for name, (old_hits, old_count) in olds.items():
141            _, _, new_hits, new_count, _, _, _ = diff[name]
142            diff[name] = (
143                old_hits, old_count,
144                new_hits, new_count,
145                new_hits-old_hits, new_count-old_count,
146                ((new_hits/new_count if new_count else 1.0)
147                    - (old_hits/old_count if old_count else 1.0)))
148        return diff
150    def print_header(by=''):
151        if not args.get('diff'):
152            print('%-36s %19s' % (by, 'hits/line'))
153        else:
154            print('%-36s %19s %19s %11s' % (by, 'old', 'new', 'diff'))
156    def print_entries(by='function'):
157        entries = dedup_entries(results, by=by)
159        if not args.get('diff'):
160            print_header(by=by)
161            for name, (hits, count) in sorted(entries.items()):
162                print("%-36s %11s %7s" % (name,
163                    '%d/%d' % (hits, count)
164                        if count else '-',
165                    '%.1f%%' % (100*hits/count)
166                        if count else '-'))
167        else:
168            prev_entries = dedup_entries(prev_results, by=by)
169            diff = diff_entries(prev_entries, entries)
170            print_header(by='%s (%d added, %d removed)' % (by,
171                sum(1 for _, old, _, _, _, _, _ in diff.values() if not old),
172                sum(1 for _, _, _, new, _, _, _ in diff.values() if not new)))
173            for name, (
174                    old_hits, old_count,
175                    new_hits, new_count,
176                    diff_hits, diff_count, ratio) in sorted(diff.items(),
177                        key=lambda x: (-x[1][6], x)):
178                if ratio or args.get('all'):
179                    print("%-36s %11s %7s %11s %7s %11s%s" % (name,
180                        '%d/%d' % (old_hits, old_count)
181                            if old_count else '-',
182                        '%.1f%%' % (100*old_hits/old_count)
183                            if old_count else '-',
184                        '%d/%d' % (new_hits, new_count)
185                            if new_count else '-',
186                        '%.1f%%' % (100*new_hits/new_count)
187                            if new_count else '-',
188                        '%+d/%+d' % (diff_hits, diff_count),
189                        ' (%+.1f%%)' % (100*ratio) if ratio else ''))
191    def print_totals():
192        if not args.get('diff'):
193            print("%-36s %11s %7s" % ('TOTAL',
194                '%d/%d' % (total_hits, total_count)
195                    if total_count else '-',
196                '%.1f%%' % (100*total_hits/total_count)
197                    if total_count else '-'))
198        else:
199            ratio = ((total_hits/total_count
200                    if total_count else 1.0)
201                - (prev_total_hits/prev_total_count
202                    if prev_total_count else 1.0))
203            print("%-36s %11s %7s %11s %7s %11s%s" % ('TOTAL',
204                '%d/%d' % (prev_total_hits, prev_total_count)
205                    if prev_total_count else '-',
206                '%.1f%%' % (100*prev_total_hits/prev_total_count)
207                    if prev_total_count else '-',
208                '%d/%d' % (total_hits, total_count)
209                    if total_count else '-',
210                '%.1f%%' % (100*total_hits/total_count)
211                    if total_count else '-',
212                '%+d/%+d' % (total_hits-prev_total_hits,
213                    total_count-prev_total_count),
214                ' (%+.1f%%)' % (100*ratio) if ratio else ''))
216    if args.get('quiet'):
217        pass
218    elif args.get('summary'):
219        print_header()
220        print_totals()
221    elif args.get('files'):
222        print_entries(by='file')
223        print_totals()
224    else:
225        print_entries(by='function')
226        print_totals()
228if __name__ == "__main__":
229    import argparse
230    import sys
231    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
232        description="Parse and report coverage info from .info files \
233            generated by lcov")
234    parser.add_argument('info_paths', nargs='*', default=INFO_PATHS,
235        help="Description of where to find *.info files. May be a directory \
236            or list of paths. *.info files will be merged to show the total \
237            coverage. Defaults to %r." % INFO_PATHS)
238    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
239        help="Output commands that run behind the scenes.")
240    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output',
241        help="Specify CSV file to store results.")
242    parser.add_argument('-u', '--use',
243        help="Don't do any work, instead use this CSV file.")
244    parser.add_argument('-d', '--diff',
245        help="Specify CSV file to diff code size against.")
246    parser.add_argument('-a', '--all', action='store_true',
247        help="Show all functions, not just the ones that changed.")
248    parser.add_argument('--files', action='store_true',
249        help="Show file-level coverage.")
250    parser.add_argument('-s', '--summary', action='store_true',
251        help="Only show the total coverage.")
252    parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true',
253        help="Don't show anything, useful with -o.")
254    sys.exit(main(**vars(parser.parse_args())))