1 // Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 // debug.h: Debugging utilities.
17 #ifndef Debug_hpp
18 #define Debug_hpp
20 #include <assert.h>
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <cctype>
25 #include <string>
27 #if !defined(TRACE_OUTPUT_FILE)
28 # define TRACE_OUTPUT_FILE "debug.txt"
29 #endif
31 #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
32 # define CHECK_PRINTF_ARGS __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)))
33 #else
35 #endif
37 namespace sw {
39 // Outputs text to the debugging log
40 void trace(const char *format, ...) CHECK_PRINTF_ARGS;
trace()41 inline void trace() {}
43 // Outputs text to the debugging log and prints to stderr.
44 void warn(const char *format, ...) CHECK_PRINTF_ARGS;
warn()45 inline void warn() {}
47 // Outputs the message to the debugging log and stderr, and calls abort().
48 void abort(const char *format, ...) CHECK_PRINTF_ARGS;
50 // Outputs text to the debugging log, and traps once if a debugger is attached.
51 void log_trap(const char *format, ...) CHECK_PRINTF_ARGS;
53 } // namespace sw
55 // A macro to output a trace of a function call and its arguments to the
56 // debugging log. Disabled if SWIFTSHADER_DISABLE_TRACE is defined.
58 # define TRACE(message, ...) (void(0))
59 #else
60 # define TRACE(message, ...) sw::trace("%s:%d TRACE: " message "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
61 #endif
63 // A macro to print a warning message to the debugging log and stderr to denote
64 // an issue that needs fixing.
65 #define FIXME(message, ...) sw::warn("%s:%d FIXME: " message "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
67 // A macro to print a warning message to the debugging log and stderr.
68 #define WARN(message, ...) sw::warn("%s:%d WARNING: " message "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
70 // A macro that delegates to:
71 // abort() in debug builds (!NDEBUG || DCHECK_ALWAYS_ON)
72 // or
73 // warn() in release builds (NDEBUG && !DCHECK_ALWAYS_ON)
74 #undef DABORT
75 #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(DCHECK_ALWAYS_ON)
76 # define DABORT(message, ...) sw::abort("%s:%d ABORT: " message "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
77 #else
78 # define DABORT(message, ...) sw::warn("%s:%d WARNING: " message "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);
79 #endif
81 // A macro asserting a condition.
82 // If the condition fails, the condition and message is passed to DABORT().
83 #undef ASSERT_MSG
84 #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(DCHECK_ALWAYS_ON)
85 # define ASSERT_MSG(expression, format, ...) \
86 do \
87 { \
88 if(!(expression)) \
89 { \
90 DABORT("ASSERT(%s): " format "\n", #expression, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
91 } \
92 } while(0)
93 #else
94 // Silence unused variable warnings without evaluating the expressions.
95 // TODO(b/154914395): Also ignore variadic arguments (similar to RR_WATCH expansion)
96 # define ASSERT_MSG(expression, format, ...) \
97 do \
98 { \
99 (void)sizeof((int)(bool)(expression)); \
100 (void)sizeof(format); \
101 } while(0)
102 #endif
104 // A macro asserting a condition.
105 // If the condition fails, the condition is passed to DABORT().
106 #undef ASSERT
107 #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(DCHECK_ALWAYS_ON)
108 # define ASSERT(expression) \
109 do \
110 { \
111 if(!(expression)) \
112 { \
113 DABORT("ASSERT(%s)\n", #expression); \
114 } \
115 } while(0)
116 #else
117 // Silence unused variable warnings without evaluating the expressions.
118 # define ASSERT(expression) \
119 do \
120 { \
121 (void)sizeof((int)(bool)(expression)); \
122 } while(0)
123 #endif
125 // A macro to indicate functionality currently unimplemented, for a feature advertised
126 // as supported. Since this is a bug, a bug ID must be provided, in b/### format.
127 // For unimplemented functionality not advertised as supported, use UNSUPPORTED() instead.
129 #define UNIMPLEMENTED(format, ...) \
130 DABORT("UNIMPLEMENTED: " format, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
131 static_assert(format[0] == 'b' && format[1] == '/' && format[2] >= '0' && format[2] <= '9', "explanation must start with bug reference in b/### format")
133 // A macro to indicate unsupported functionality.
134 // This should be called when a Vulkan / SPIR-V feature is attempted to be used,
135 // but is not currently implemented by SwiftShader.
136 // Note that in a well-behaved application these should not be reached as the
137 // application should be respecting the advertised features / limits.
138 #undef UNSUPPORTED
139 #define UNSUPPORTED(format, ...) DABORT("UNSUPPORTED: " format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
141 // A macro for code which should never be reached, even with misbehaving
142 // applications.
143 #undef UNREACHABLE
144 #define UNREACHABLE(format, ...) DABORT("UNREACHABLE: " format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
146 // A macro asserting a condition and returning if false.
147 // Note this macro always evaluates the expression and also returns in Release builds.
149 #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(DCHECK_ALWAYS_ON)
150 # define ASSERT_OR_RETURN(expression) ASSERT(expression)
151 #else
152 # define ASSERT_OR_RETURN(expression) \
153 do \
154 { \
155 if(!(expression)) \
156 { \
157 return; \
158 } \
159 } while(0)
160 #endif
162 #endif // Debug_hpp