memset memcmp __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 hi_drv_log_buffer_read hi_drv_log_buffer_write hi_drv_log_cmd_exit hi_drv_log_cmd_get_store_status hi_drv_log_cmd_init hi_drv_log_cmd_read_log hi_drv_log_cmd_store_enable hi_drv_log_cmd_write_log hi_drv_log_confg_buf_addr hi_drv_log_exit hi_drv_log_get_store_status hi_drv_log_init hi_drv_log_proc_read hi_drv_log_store_enable hi_log_out log_add_module log_drv_poll log_drv_proc_set_loglevel log_drv_proc_set_path log_drv_proc_set_storepath log_drv_proc_set_tracelevel log_drv_store_poll osal_dev_register osal_dev_unregister osal_printk osal_proc_add osal_proc_remove strlen HiLogPrint __stack_chk_fail __stack_chk_guard drv_log_print g_debug_level_name g_log_config_buf g_log_lock g_log_mutex g_log_store_mutex g_store_path g_u32_trace_level hi_drv_log_get_path hi_drv_log_get_store_path hi_drv_log_k_exit hi_drv_log_k_init hi_drv_mmz_alloc_and_map hi_drv_mmz_unmap_and_release hi_drv_smmu_alloc_and_map hi_drv_smmu_unmap_and_release log_drv_udisk_store_deinit log_drv_udisk_store_init log_get_level log_get_rtc_time log_get_time_ms log_remove_module log_udisk_exit log_udisk_init log_udisk_save log_udisk_write_thread memcpy_s memset_s osal_copy_from_user osal_copy_to_user osal_get_buildvariant osal_get_tickcount osal_get_timeofday osal_klib_fclose osal_klib_fopen osal_klib_fwrite osal_klib_set_store_path osal_kthread_create osal_kthread_destroy osal_kthread_should_stop osal_msleep osal_poll_wait osal_proc_print osal_rtc_time_to_tm osal_sem_destory osal_sem_down_interruptible osal_sem_init osal_sem_up osal_spin_lock_init osal_spin_lock_irqsave osal_spin_unlock_irqrestore osal_strncasecmp osal_strncmp osal_strtol osal_wait_destroy osal_wait_init osal_wait_timeout_interruptible osal_wait_wakeup printf snprintf_s strncmp vsnprintf_s
log_drv_udisk_store_deinit log_buffer_init log_config_info_init log_udisk_init hi_drv_log_k_init hi_drv_log_init log_drv_udisk_store_init hi_drv_log_cmd_init [%{public}s-Unknow]: %{public}s[%{public}d]:%{public}s hi_drv_log_cmd_get_store_status b_status %s loguser hi_drv_log_confg_buf_addr set_log_info CMN_LogInfo /dev/null all log_drv_proc_set_loglevel log_drv_proc_set_tracelevel log_get_level g_log_udisk_task log_drv_proc_set_storepath log_drv_proc_set_path hi_drv_log_get_path hi_drv_log_get_store_path arg hi_drv_log_cmd_write_log hi_drv_log_cmd_read_log %s/hisi.log log_udisk_save True False log_remove_module log_add_module hi_drv_log_cmd_store_enable CMN_LogTrace Invalid log_drv_proc_add log_udisk_write_thread hi_drv_log_buffer_read %02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d log_read_data BUTT HI_STAT ERROR INFO WARN HI_PWM HI_CUSTOM HI_MEM FATAL DEBUG DRV_LOG HI_LOG VERBOSE HI_MODULE NOTICE HI_USERPROC VSYNC ASYNC log buffer size is 0, please confige the buffer size,for example: [%s-%s]:%s[%d]: config buffer size 500K: insmod hi_cmpi.ko g_log_buf_size=0x80000 unable to register dbg dev Log module not init %s = %s level = %s set log path is store_path = %s set log path is g_sz_path_buf = %s modname = %s cmd = %s log path: %s store path: %s copy_to_user error copy_from_user error secure func call error call log_read_data error Unable to config buf addr buf is null Log module Level level_number: 0-fatal, 1-error, 2-warning, 3-notice 4-info 5-debug echo logpath /mnt > /proc/msp/log echo storepath /mnt > /proc/msp/log echo loglevel module_name level_number > /proc/msp/log echo loglevel hi_avplay 2 > /proc/msp/log snprintf_s failed create new kernel thread failed TRACE_LEVEL=%d g_log_fops cmd_cnt = %d param invalid! argc = %d Use 'echo "logpath /dev/null" > /proc/msp/log' to close log udisk output. Use 'echo "loglevel all x" > /proc/msp/log' to change all modules. init failed there is not enough mem for debug message buffer. Use 'echo "trace x" > /proc/msp/log' to change trace level. Use 'echo "logpath x" > /proc/msp/log' to set log path. Use 'echo "storepath x" > /proc/msp/log' to set debug file path. print data length too long. all message with level higher than "info" will be printed. calling hi_drv_mmz_alloc_and_map failed. osal_klib_fopen %s failure................... -------------------------- ---------------- Log Path ------------------------ ---------------- Store Path ---------------------- ---------------- Module Log Level ---------------- %-16s %d(%s) example: 'echo storepath /tmp > /proc/msp/log' example: 'echo logpath /home > /proc/msp/log' example: 'echo loglevel HI_DEMUX 3 > /proc/msp/log' %s not found in array! %s = %p, Null Pointer! invalid value! ERR: Level %d is invalid! log init param invalid! set log file save enable param invalid! log read param invalid! call log_udisk_init failed! set_log_info is failed! call snprintf_s failed! log_add_module %s failed! I2C add proc failed! hi_drv_log_k_init call log_add_module VSYNC failed! hi_drv_log_k_init call log_add_module ASYNC failed! log path length is over than %d! store path length is over than %d! snprintf_s fail or file_name invalid [%s]! call log_buffer_read failed ! To modify the level, use command line in shell: To modify the log path, use command line in shell: To modify the debug file store path, use command line in shell: will change log levle of module "HI_DEMUX" to 3, then, buf is NULL !
5 5 `y hi_log y @ @ help 9 logpath storepath trace loglevel /mnt y
.ARM.exidx .text .got .got.plt .rel.plt .bss .ARM.attributes .dynstr .rel.dyn .dynsym .gnu.hash .dynamic .shstrtab .rodata .data
log_drv_udisk_store_deinit log_buffer_init log_config_info_init log_udisk_init hi_drv_log_k_init hi_drv_log_init log_drv_udisk_store_init hi_drv_log_cmd_init [%{public}s-Unknow]: %{public}s[%{public}d]:%{public}s hi_drv_log_cmd_get_store_status b_status %s loguser hi_drv_log_confg_buf_addr set_log_info CMN_LogInfo /dev/null all log_drv_proc_set_loglevel log_drv_proc_set_tracelevel log_get_level g_log_udisk_task log_drv_proc_set_storepath log_drv_proc_set_path hi_drv_log_get_path hi_drv_log_get_store_path arg hi_drv_log_cmd_write_log hi_drv_log_cmd_read_log %s/hisi.log log_udisk_save True False log_remove_module log_add_module hi_drv_log_cmd_store_enable CMN_LogTrace Invalid log_drv_proc_add log_udisk_write_thread hi_drv_log_buffer_read %02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d log_read_data BUTT HI_STAT ERROR INFO WARN HI_PWM HI_CUSTOM HI_MEM FATAL DEBUG DRV_LOG HI_LOG VERBOSE HI_MODULE NOTICE HI_USERPROC VSYNC ASYNC log buffer size is 0, please confige the buffer size,for example: [%s-%s]:%s[%d]: config buffer size 500K: insmod hi_cmpi.ko g_log_buf_size=0x80000 unable to register dbg dev Log module not init %s = %s level = %s set log path is store_path = %s set log path is g_sz_path_buf = %s modname = %s cmd = %s log path: %s store path: %s copy_to_user error copy_from_user error secure func call error call log_read_data error Unable to config buf addr buf is null Log module Level level_number: 0-fatal, 1-error, 2-warning, 3-notice 4-info 5-debug echo logpath /mnt > /proc/msp/log echo storepath /mnt > /proc/msp/log echo loglevel module_name level_number > /proc/msp/log echo loglevel hi_avplay 2 > /proc/msp/log snprintf_s failed create new kernel thread failed TRACE_LEVEL=%d g_log_fops cmd_cnt = %d param invalid! argc = %d Use 'echo "logpath /dev/null" > /proc/msp/log' to close log udisk output. Use 'echo "loglevel all x" > /proc/msp/log' to change all modules. init failed there is not enough mem for debug message buffer. Use 'echo "trace x" > /proc/msp/log' to change trace level. Use 'echo "logpath x" > /proc/msp/log' to set log path. Use 'echo "storepath x" > /proc/msp/log' to set debug file path. print data length too long. all message with level higher than "info" will be printed. calling hi_drv_mmz_alloc_and_map failed. osal_klib_fopen %s failure................... -------------------------- ---------------- Log Path ------------------------ ---------------- Store Path ---------------------- ---------------- Module Log Level ---------------- %-16s %d(%s) example: 'echo storepath /tmp > /proc/msp/log' example: 'echo logpath /home > /proc/msp/log' example: 'echo loglevel HI_DEMUX 3 > /proc/msp/log' %s not found in array! %s = %p, Null Pointer! invalid value! ERR: Level %d is invalid! log init param invalid! set log file save enable param invalid! log read param invalid! call log_udisk_init failed! set_log_info is failed! call snprintf_s failed! log_add_module %s failed! I2C add proc failed! hi_drv_log_k_init call log_add_module VSYNC failed! hi_drv_log_k_init call log_add_module ASYNC failed! log path length is over than %d! store path length is over than %d! snprintf_s fail or file_name invalid [%s]! call log_buffer_read failed ! To modify the level, use command line in shell: To modify the log path, use command line in shell: To modify the debug file store path, use command line in shell: will change log levle of module "HI_DEMUX" to 3, then, buf is NULL !
5 5 `y hi_log y @ @ help 9 logpath storepath trace loglevel /mnt y
.ARM.exidx .text .got .got.plt .rel.plt .bss .ARM.attributes .dynstr .rel.dyn .dynsym .gnu.hash .dynamic .shstrtab .rodata .data