__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1 __stack_chk_fail __stack_chk_guard avplay_drv_acquire_user_data avplay_drv_create avplay_drv_destroy avplay_drv_fdmng_create avplay_drv_fdmng_destroy avplay_drv_fdmng_start avplay_drv_fdmng_stop avplay_drv_get_3d_detect_result avplay_drv_get_dbg_instance avplay_drv_get_frm_packing_type avplay_drv_get_global_state avplay_drv_get_inst_by_id avplay_drv_get_video_frame_info avplay_drv_init_debug_info avplay_drv_mod_exit avplay_drv_mod_init avplay_drv_normalizing_dbg_info avplay_drv_query_3d_detect_result avplay_drv_release_user_data avplay_drv_release_user_data_pre_check avplay_drv_reset_stat avplay_drv_set_audio_info avplay_drv_set_frm_packing_type avplay_proc_read avplay_proc_write g_avplay_global_state g_st_avplay_ext_func hi_drv_avplay_acquire_user_data hi_drv_avplay_check_num hi_drv_avplay_check_stat hi_drv_avplay_create hi_drv_avplay_de_init hi_drv_avplay_destroy hi_drv_avplay_get_3d_detect_result hi_drv_avplay_get_audio_info hi_drv_avplay_get_dbg_info hi_drv_avplay_get_frm_packing_type hi_drv_avplay_get_handle_by_window hi_drv_avplay_get_play_info hi_drv_avplay_get_player_info hi_drv_avplay_get_video_frame_info hi_drv_avplay_init hi_drv_avplay_release_user_data hi_drv_avplay_set_3d_detect hi_drv_avplay_set_audio_info hi_drv_avplay_set_dbg_info hi_drv_avplay_set_frm_packing_type hi_drv_avplay_set_player_info hi_drv_avplay_start hi_drv_avplay_stop hi_log_out memcpy_s memset_s osal_atomic_dec_return osal_atomic_destory osal_atomic_inc_return osal_atomic_init osal_dev_register osal_dev_unregister osal_exportfunc_get osal_exportfunc_register osal_exportfunc_unregister osal_proc_add osal_proc_remove osal_sem_destory osal_sem_down_interruptible osal_sem_init osal_sem_up osal_vfree osal_vmalloc snprintf_s strlen osal_printk osal_proc_print osal_strncmp libsec_shared.z.so libhi_soc.z.so libhi_msp.so libc.so libhidrv_avplay.z.so
avplay_proc_entry hi_drv_avplay_destroy avplay_drv_destroy avplay_drv_fdmng_destroy hi_avplay avplay_drv_check_inst_ctx hi_drv_avplay_get_handle_by_window avplay_drv_get_handle_by_window hi_drv_avplay_start avplay_drv_fdmng_start avplay_ctx_p->aud_start avplay_ctx_p->vid_start play_info_p->content_count avplay_ctx_p->acq_user_data_cnt avplay_ctx_p->rel_user_data_cnt g_st_avplay_ext_func.fdmng_ext_func_p->fdmng_query_result avplay_drv_query_3d_detect_result hi_drv_avplay_get_3d_detect_result avplay_drv_get_3d_detect_result avplay_lowpower_exit hi_drv_avplay_init osal_sem_init hi_drv_avplay_de_init avplay_drv_mod_init osal_atomic_init hi_drv_avplay_set_3d_detect avplay_drv_set_3d_detect hi_drv_avplay_check_stat avplay_drv_check_stat player osal_exportfunc_unregister osal_exportfunc_register avplay_lowpower_enter hi_drv_avplay_stop avplay_drv_fdmng_stop avplay_drv_force_stop help avplay_ctx_p hi_drv_avplay_get_play_info avplay_drv_get_play_info hi_drv_avplay_set_player_info avplay_drv_set_player_info hi_drv_avplay_get_player_info avplay_drv_get_player_info hi_drv_avplay_set_audio_info avplay_drv_set_audio_info hi_drv_avplay_get_audio_info avplay_drv_get_audio_info hi_drv_avplay_set_dbg_info avplay_drv_set_dbg_info hi_drv_avplay_get_dbg_info avplay_drv_get_dbg_info hi_drv_avplay_get_video_frame_info avplay_drv_get_video_frame_info avplay_drv_open chan hi_drv_avplay_check_num avplay_drv_destroy_pre_check avplay_drv_release_user_data_pre_check avplay_drv_acquire_user_data_pre_check player_info_p->trust_vid_path true True avplay_proc_write avplay_drv_get_global_state hi_drv_avplay_create avplay_drv_create avplay_drv_fdmng_create avplay_drv_close false False hi_drv_avplay_set_frm_packing_type avplay_drv_set_frm_packing_type hi_drv_avplay_get_frm_packing_type avplay_drv_get_frm_packing_type avplay_resume proc_name avplay_handle player_info_p->master_frm_chn.window_handle player_info_p->master_frm_chn.port_handle avplay_drv_get_vpss_handle fdmng_handle player_info_p->vdec_handle osal_sem_down_interruptible avplay_drv_fdmng_disable play_info_p->audio_enable play_info_p->video_enable avplay_drv_get_dbg_instance avplay_suspend avplay_drv_get_inst_by_id player_info_p->avplay_id inst_id avplay_proc_read %s%02d avplay_drv_init_ext_func hi_drv_avplay_release_user_data avplay_drv_release_user_data hi_drv_avplay_acquire_user_data avplay_drv_acquire_user_data avplay_check_para 2019-10-26[15:31:43] SDK_VERSION:[HiDPTAndroidV600R001C00HiDPTAndroidV600R001C00SPC070] Build Time:[, ] HI_AVPLAY TRUE FALSE es_buf_adjust :%-10s | 3d_detect :%-10s | avplay_handle :0x%-10x |vdec_handle :0x%x acq_user_data_cnt :%-10u |rel_user_data_cnt:%-10u %s = %u the avplay handle is not exist vdec_handle handle is not exist command is not correct 3d_detect :%-10s |user_data_match :%-10s print_aud_pts :%-10s |vid_thread_time :%-10s thread_info :%-10s |put_buf_print :%-10s avplay_thread_prio :%-10s |print_timing :%-10s speed_adjust :%-10s |b_buff_state :%-10s update :%-10s |frc_enable :%-10s is_fund_stream :%-10s |print_pts :%-10s window_handle :0x%-10x |stand_by :%-10s destroy_content_count :%-10u |existed :%-10s %s = %s argv is null pointer para avplay_play_p is null pointer g_avplay_global_state.avplay_info[avplay_id].avplay_ctx_p is null pointer para avplay_ctx_p is null pointer para avplay_usr_stat_p is null pointer para play_info_p is null pointer para window_info_p is null pointer para player_info_p is null pointer para audio_info_p is null pointer para dbg_info_p is null pointer para video_frame_info_p is null pointer para avplay_num_p is null pointer para frm_packing_p is null pointer para frame_packing_p is null pointer para avplay_create_p is null pointer para detect_3d_p is null pointer para avplay_usr_data_p is null pointer para file is null pointer content_change_cnt :%-10u |context_addr :%p avplay_count :%-10u |base_addr :%p %s = %p echo command para1 para2 path explanation The length of the string is greater than the size of the buff itself the avplay handle is invalid HI_VMALLOC ctx_base_addr_p failed aud_thread_time :%-10s |delay_adjust :%-10d aud_es_buf_size :%-10d |vid_es_buf_size :%-10d invalid avplay id=%d call [34m %s [0m failed, error code: [0x%08X] call [31m %s [0m failed, error code: [0x%08X] Call %s Failed, Error Code: [0x%08X] %s = 0x%08X AVPLAY lowpower exit OK AVPLAY lowpower enter OK AVPLAY resume OK AVPLAY suspend OK video or audio not stop,can not destroy. the avplay num is max. current vpss handle not exist, get from window. not fdmng destroy function exist. not fdmng query result function exist. not window extrnal function exist. not fdmng extrnal function exist. not fdmng create function exist. not window get vpss handle function exist. not fdmng enable function exist. this is instance not be init. current is TVP play,can not support 3D format dect. avplay error, more than the maximum number of instances. a_vplay start hal audio. a_vplay stop hal audio. a_vplay start hal video. a_vplay stop hal video. window not register export function. vdec not register export function. avplay is not finished initialize. acquire is count large then release. acquire is count equal release. query result failed,invaild handle. this is invalid handle. param %s is invalid. the avplay handle is invalid. this instance context handle is invalid. the vdec handle is invalid. this is instance not be used. current not attach window,set 3D detect failed. snprintf_s failed. get window function failed. get export function failed. get vdec function failed. add proc failed. register AVPLAY failed. get export function succeed. video not start,can not release userdata. video not start,can not acquire userdata. the vdec get video frameinfo func is error,g_st_avplay_ext_func.vdec_func_p or pfn_vdec_get_video_frame_info is NULL. the vdec set frm_packing type func is error,g_st_avplay_ext_func.vdec_func_p or pfn_vdec_set_frm_packing_type is NULL. the vdec get frm_packing type func is error,g_st_avplay_ext_func.vdec_func_p or pfn_vdec_get_frm_packing_type is NULL. the vdec acq_usr_data func is error,g_st_avplay_ext_func.vdec_func_p or pfn_vdec_acq_usr_data is NULL. the vdec rel_usr_data func is error,g_st_avplay_ext_func.vdec_func_p or pfn_vdec_rel_usr_data is NULL. the call PID not equal create PID. ----------------------hisilicon AVPLAY%d global INFO----------------- ----------------DRV ver_info:%-22s------------------- ----------------------hisilicon GLOBAL debug info------------------- ----------------------hisilicon AVPLAY content---------------------- --------------------------------- avplay ------------------------------ AVPLAY module init success. (%s) get avplay handle is failed! avplay_dbg_info_p is NULL! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
help y Q{ d ~ 7 A| 7 @ | 7 @ | 7 @ | 7 | 7 | 78 | 78 | 7 A} 7 I} 7 Q} 7 @Y} 7 } 7$ } 7 ~ 7 @ ~ 7 ~ 7H U~ 7H [~ 7`@a~ 7` ~ REALTIME HIGH MID LOW BUTT
.ARM.exidx .text .got .got.plt .rel.plt .bss .ARM.attributes .dynstr .rel.dyn .dynsym .gnu.hash .note.gnu.build-id .dynamic .ARM.extab .shstrtab .rodata .data
avplay_proc_entry hi_drv_avplay_destroy avplay_drv_destroy avplay_drv_fdmng_destroy hi_avplay avplay_drv_check_inst_ctx hi_drv_avplay_get_handle_by_window avplay_drv_get_handle_by_window hi_drv_avplay_start avplay_drv_fdmng_start avplay_ctx_p->aud_start avplay_ctx_p->vid_start play_info_p->content_count avplay_ctx_p->acq_user_data_cnt avplay_ctx_p->rel_user_data_cnt g_st_avplay_ext_func.fdmng_ext_func_p->fdmng_query_result avplay_drv_query_3d_detect_result hi_drv_avplay_get_3d_detect_result avplay_drv_get_3d_detect_result avplay_lowpower_exit hi_drv_avplay_init osal_sem_init hi_drv_avplay_de_init avplay_drv_mod_init osal_atomic_init hi_drv_avplay_set_3d_detect avplay_drv_set_3d_detect hi_drv_avplay_check_stat avplay_drv_check_stat player osal_exportfunc_unregister osal_exportfunc_register avplay_lowpower_enter hi_drv_avplay_stop avplay_drv_fdmng_stop avplay_drv_force_stop help avplay_ctx_p hi_drv_avplay_get_play_info avplay_drv_get_play_info hi_drv_avplay_set_player_info avplay_drv_set_player_info hi_drv_avplay_get_player_info avplay_drv_get_player_info hi_drv_avplay_set_audio_info avplay_drv_set_audio_info hi_drv_avplay_get_audio_info avplay_drv_get_audio_info hi_drv_avplay_set_dbg_info avplay_drv_set_dbg_info hi_drv_avplay_get_dbg_info avplay_drv_get_dbg_info hi_drv_avplay_get_video_frame_info avplay_drv_get_video_frame_info avplay_drv_open chan hi_drv_avplay_check_num avplay_drv_destroy_pre_check avplay_drv_release_user_data_pre_check avplay_drv_acquire_user_data_pre_check player_info_p->trust_vid_path true True avplay_proc_write avplay_drv_get_global_state hi_drv_avplay_create avplay_drv_create avplay_drv_fdmng_create avplay_drv_close false False hi_drv_avplay_set_frm_packing_type avplay_drv_set_frm_packing_type hi_drv_avplay_get_frm_packing_type avplay_drv_get_frm_packing_type avplay_resume proc_name avplay_handle player_info_p->master_frm_chn.window_handle player_info_p->master_frm_chn.port_handle avplay_drv_get_vpss_handle fdmng_handle player_info_p->vdec_handle osal_sem_down_interruptible avplay_drv_fdmng_disable play_info_p->audio_enable play_info_p->video_enable avplay_drv_get_dbg_instance avplay_suspend avplay_drv_get_inst_by_id player_info_p->avplay_id inst_id avplay_proc_read %s%02d avplay_drv_init_ext_func hi_drv_avplay_release_user_data avplay_drv_release_user_data hi_drv_avplay_acquire_user_data avplay_drv_acquire_user_data avplay_check_para 2019-10-26[15:31:43] SDK_VERSION:[HiDPTAndroidV600R001C00HiDPTAndroidV600R001C00SPC070] Build Time:[, ] HI_AVPLAY TRUE FALSE es_buf_adjust :%-10s | 3d_detect :%-10s | avplay_handle :0x%-10x |vdec_handle :0x%x acq_user_data_cnt :%-10u |rel_user_data_cnt:%-10u %s = %u the avplay handle is not exist vdec_handle handle is not exist command is not correct 3d_detect :%-10s |user_data_match :%-10s print_aud_pts :%-10s |vid_thread_time :%-10s thread_info :%-10s |put_buf_print :%-10s avplay_thread_prio :%-10s |print_timing :%-10s speed_adjust :%-10s |b_buff_state :%-10s update :%-10s |frc_enable :%-10s is_fund_stream :%-10s |print_pts :%-10s window_handle :0x%-10x |stand_by :%-10s destroy_content_count :%-10u |existed :%-10s %s = %s argv is null pointer para avplay_play_p is null pointer g_avplay_global_state.avplay_info[avplay_id].avplay_ctx_p is null pointer para avplay_ctx_p is null pointer para avplay_usr_stat_p is null pointer para play_info_p is null pointer para window_info_p is null pointer para player_info_p is null pointer para audio_info_p is null pointer para dbg_info_p is null pointer para video_frame_info_p is null pointer para avplay_num_p is null pointer para frm_packing_p is null pointer para frame_packing_p is null pointer para avplay_create_p is null pointer para detect_3d_p is null pointer para avplay_usr_data_p is null pointer para file is null pointer content_change_cnt :%-10u |context_addr :%p avplay_count :%-10u |base_addr :%p %s = %p echo command para1 para2 path explanation The length of the string is greater than the size of the buff itself the avplay handle is invalid HI_VMALLOC ctx_base_addr_p failed aud_thread_time :%-10s |delay_adjust :%-10d aud_es_buf_size :%-10d |vid_es_buf_size :%-10d invalid avplay id=%d call [34m %s [0m failed, error code: [0x%08X] call [31m %s [0m failed, error code: [0x%08X] Call %s Failed, Error Code: [0x%08X] %s = 0x%08X AVPLAY lowpower exit OK AVPLAY lowpower enter OK AVPLAY resume OK AVPLAY suspend OK video or audio not stop,can not destroy. the avplay num is max. current vpss handle not exist, get from window. not fdmng destroy function exist. not fdmng query result function exist. not window extrnal function exist. not fdmng extrnal function exist. not fdmng create function exist. not window get vpss handle function exist. not fdmng enable function exist. this is instance not be init. current is TVP play,can not support 3D format dect. avplay error, more than the maximum number of instances. a_vplay start hal audio. a_vplay stop hal audio. a_vplay start hal video. a_vplay stop hal video. window not register export function. vdec not register export function. avplay is not finished initialize. acquire is count large then release. acquire is count equal release. query result failed,invaild handle. this is invalid handle. param %s is invalid. the avplay handle is invalid. this instance context handle is invalid. the vdec handle is invalid. this is instance not be used. current not attach window,set 3D detect failed. snprintf_s failed. get window function failed. get export function failed. get vdec function failed. add proc failed. register AVPLAY failed. get export function succeed. video not start,can not release userdata. video not start,can not acquire userdata. the vdec get video frameinfo func is error,g_st_avplay_ext_func.vdec_func_p or pfn_vdec_get_video_frame_info is NULL. the vdec set frm_packing type func is error,g_st_avplay_ext_func.vdec_func_p or pfn_vdec_set_frm_packing_type is NULL. the vdec get frm_packing type func is error,g_st_avplay_ext_func.vdec_func_p or pfn_vdec_get_frm_packing_type is NULL. the vdec acq_usr_data func is error,g_st_avplay_ext_func.vdec_func_p or pfn_vdec_acq_usr_data is NULL. the vdec rel_usr_data func is error,g_st_avplay_ext_func.vdec_func_p or pfn_vdec_rel_usr_data is NULL. the call PID not equal create PID. ----------------------hisilicon AVPLAY%d global INFO----------------- ----------------DRV ver_info:%-22s------------------- ----------------------hisilicon GLOBAL debug info------------------- ----------------------hisilicon AVPLAY content---------------------- --------------------------------- avplay ------------------------------ AVPLAY module init success. (%s) get avplay handle is failed! avplay_dbg_info_p is NULL! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
help y Q{ d ~ 7 A| 7 @ | 7 @ | 7 @ | 7 | 7 | 78 | 78 | 7 A} 7 I} 7 Q} 7 @Y} 7 } 7$ } 7 ~ 7 @ ~ 7 ~ 7H U~ 7H [~ 7`@a~ 7` ~ REALTIME HIGH MID LOW BUTT
.ARM.exidx .text .got .got.plt .rel.plt .bss .ARM.attributes .dynstr .rel.dyn .dynsym .gnu.hash .note.gnu.build-id .dynamic .ARM.extab .shstrtab .rodata .data