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1# libbase components
3## pandargs
5### Description:
7pandargs is header-only utility tool that helps to parse command line arguments. It supports several argument types:
8- integer
9- double
10- boolean
11- string
12- uint32_t
13- uint64_t
14- list
15- compound
17The more detail description of each type is in "Usage" section below.
19Source code of pandargs contains in `utils/pandargs.h` file.
21### Usage:
23pandargs API consists of two major entities: template class `PandArg`, which represents an argument and `PandArgParser` class, which represents a parser.
25Instead of `PandArg`, `PandArgCompound` can be used, which serves for creation of the compound arguments.
26It inherits `PandArg<bool>`.
28#### Arguments
30To create an argument, it's template constructor should be called. Here is an instance:
33                              // argument name | default value | argument description
34    panda::PandArg<bool>   pab("bool",           false,        "Sample boolean argument");
35                              // argument name | argument description     | sub-arguments
36    PandArgCompound        arg("compound",      "Sample boolean argument", {&sub_bool_arg, &sub_int_arg, &sub_double_arg, &sub_string_arg});
39Constructor can accept:
40- 3 parameters: argument name, default value, description.
41- 4 parameters for single list: argument name, default value, description, delimiter.
42- 5 parameters for integer args: argument name, default value, description, min value, max value
43- PandArgCompound accepts three parameters: argument name, description and list of sub-arguments
45There is description for them:
46- Argument name, is a name, which will appear in a command line.
47- Default value is a value argument will have regardless was it parsed or not.
48- Argument description will be used to form a help message.
49- Delimiter is a character or string that separates the different value if the single argument list
50- Min value is the number that the integer argument cannot be less than
51- Max value is the number that the integer argument cannot be greater than
52- List of sub-arguments has type `std::initializer_list<PandArgBase *>`, and it accepts any non-compound arguments.
53  Sub-arguments should not be added to the parser via `PandArgParser::Add`.
55Template parameter is an argument type. Following values could be passed:
56- `int` for integer argument
57- `double` for double argument
58- `bool` for boolean argument
59- `std::string` for string argument
60- `uint64_t` for uint64_t argument
61- `uint32_t` for uint32_t argument
62- `arg_list_t` for list argument
64`arg_list_t` is a type, declared in `pandargs.h` under `panda` namespace, which is an alias for `std::vector<std::string>` type.
66`PandArg` provides following public API:
67- `PandArgType GetType()` - returns type of an argument
68- `std::string GetName()` - returns name of an argument
69- `std::string GetDesc()` - returns description of an argument
70- `T GetValue()` - returns value of an argument depending on it's type
71- `T GetDefaultValue()` - returns default value of an argument
72- `void SetValue(T val)` - set value of an argument
73- `ResetDefaultValue()` - set value back to default one
75#### Argument types
76There are three global argument types in pandargs:
77- regular arguments
78- tail arguments
79- remainder arguments
81Regular arguments are typical non-positional arguments like ```--arg=1```
82Tail arguments are positional arguments, which should be introduced with help of parser API
83Remainder arguments are arguments that come after trailing `--`. All of them are plain std::vector of std::string
85Compound argument is a boolean argument, which can contains sub-arguments, followed by symbol `:`,
86e.g: `--compiler-dump:folder=ir_dump,compact`. Sub-arguments follow the same rules as the regular arguments
87and can be any type of argument. Compound arguments implicitly have default value `false` and user can't change it.
89To access compound arguments from `C++`, regular convention should be used, for accessing sub-arguments, method name
90contains name of the compound argument plus name of the sub-argument.
91E.g. `--compiler-dump:compact`, here, to access `compact` sub-arguments `[Is|Get]CompilerDumpCompact()` should be used.
93#### Parser
95`PandArgParser` provides following public API:
96- `bool Add(PandArgBase* arg)` - add an argument to parser. Returns `true` if argument was succsessfully added. `PandArgBase` is a base type for all template argument types
97- `bool Parse(int argc, const char* argv[])` - parse arguments. Returns `true` on success. Note: `argv` & `argc` should be passed as is, without any amendments
98- `std::string GetErrorString()` - returns error string if error occurred on argument addition or parsing
99- `void EnableTail()` - enables positional arguments
100- `void DisableTail()` - disables positional arguments
101- `bool IsTailEnabled()` - returns `true` if positional arguments enabled
102- `bool IsArgSet(PandArgBase* arg)` - returns `true` if an argument was added to a parser
103- `bool IsArgSet(const std::string& arg_name)` - returns `true` if an argument with given name was added to a parser
104- `bool PushBackTail(PandArgBase* arg)` - add tail argument to the end of tail arguments list. `false` if argument already in a tail list
105- `bool PopBackTail()` - remove last argument from tail list
106- `void EraseTail()` - remove all arguments from tail list
107- `void EnableRemainder()` - enable remainder argument
108- `void DisableRemainder()` - disable remainder argument
109- `bool IsRemainderEnabled()` - `true` if remainder argument enabled
110- `arg_list_t GetRemainder()` - returns remainder argument
111- `std::string GetHelpString()` - returns string with all arguments and their description
112- `std::string GetRegularArgs()` - returns string with all regular arguments and their values
114Tail argument is a sequence of positinal arguments values. Function ```PushBackTail()``` adds an argument to the end of sequence, ```PopBackTail()``` removes the last added argument. Tail arguments may be added to a parser when tail is disabled, but they will be ignored if tail is disabled while parsing
116Sample parser usage:
118    panda::PandArgParser pa_parser;
119    pa_parser.EnableTail();
120    pa_parser.Add(&pab);
121    if (!pa_parser.Add(&pab)) {
122        std::cout << pa_parser.GetErrorString();
123    }
124    if (!pa_parser.Parse(argc, argv)) {
125        std::cout << pa_parser.GetErrorString();
126    }
129#### Command line arguments convention
131- Any non-positional argument should start with `--` (double dash) prefix
132- Argument and it's value may be separated either by whitespace (` `) or by equals (`=`) sign
133- If tail (positional arguments) enabled, first argument without double dash prefix concidered as a begin of positional arguments sequence
134- Positional arguments should be without names or `=` signs, separated by whitespaces
135- Boolean argument may be used without a value. This arguments always considered as `true`
136- Remainder arguments are all literals that come after trailing `--`
137- True values for boolean arguments: **true**, **on**, **1**
138- False values for boolean arguments: **false**, **off**, **0**
139- for integer arguments it's possible to define value range
140- list values must be repeated with arg name or separated by delimiter
141- string and list arguments may accept no parameters
143Sample command line usage:
145$ ./app --bool # bool is true
146$ ./app --bool= # bool is true
147$ ./app --bool on --bool1=off # bool is true, bool1 is false
148$ ./app --uint32=32 # uint32 is 32
149$ ./app --uint64=64 # uint64 is 64
150$ ./app --string="a string" # string is "a string"
151$ ./app --string "a string" # string is "a string"
152$ ./app --string string # string is "string"
153$ ./app --string= --int=1 # string is an empty string, int is 1
154$ ./app --list=val1 --list=val2 --list=val3 # list argument example
155$ ./app --slist=val1:val2:val3 # list argument example
156$ ./app --int=0x40 --uint64=0x400 # int is 64, uint64 is 1024
157$ ./app --int=1 false -1 "list1 list2 list3" # tail arguments example
158$ ./app --double 3.14 --bool off -- arg1 --arg2=1 --arg3=false # remainder arguments example
159$ ./app --compound:bool,int=2,double=54.321,string=Hello # Compound argument example
161In the tail arguments example, `false` is a boolean value, `-1` is integer value and `str1` and `str2` is a string value. List may not be a tail argument. Positional values verified the same way as regular values, difference only that it's names are ignored in an input string, but position matters
162In the remainder arguments example, all literals coming after `--` will go to remainder and can be obtained by `GetRemainder()` function
164How to add tail arguments:
166    panda::PandArgParser pa_parser;
167    pa_parser.EnableTail();
168    // now pab will be processed as a positional argument
169    if (!pa_parser.PushBackTail(&pab)) {
170        std::cout << pa_parser.GetErrorString();
171    }
172    if (!pa_parser.Parse(argc, argv)) {
173        std::cout << pa_parser.GetErrorString();
174    }