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.gitignoreD12-May-2024322 2121

CMakeLists.txtD12-May-20242 KiB5148

FILEFORMAT.mdD12-May-202421.8 KiB596468

Makefile.amD12-May-20243.6 KiB12069

README.mdD12-May-20248.8 KiB231166

appveyor.pmD12-May-20243.8 KiB11687

azure.pmD12-May-20244.9 KiB150119

badsymbols.plD12-May-20243.8 KiB155100

convsrctest.plD12-May-20247.4 KiB256168

dictserver.pyD12-May-20245.9 KiB193118

directories.pmD12-May-20247.7 KiB288244

disable-scan.plD12-May-20243.5 KiB147100

error-codes.plD12-May-20242.2 KiB8146

extern-scan.plD12-May-20241.6 KiB6330

ftp.pmD12-May-202411.5 KiB399258

ftpserver.plD12-May-202488.7 KiB3,3242,467

getpart.pmD12-May-20248.1 KiB343234

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httpserver.plD12-May-20244 KiB156122

keywords.plD12-May-20243.3 KiB15487

manpage-scan.plD12-May-20248 KiB300206

manpage-syntax.plD12-May-20241.8 KiB6429

mem-include-scan.plD12-May-20242.6 KiB9756

memanalyze.plD12-May-202411.6 KiB426326

negtelnetserver.pyD12-May-202411.1 KiB369237

nroff-scan.plD12-May-20243 KiB10770

options-scan.plD12-May-20243 KiB12366

pathhelp.pmD12-May-202426 KiB784390

rtspserver.plD12-May-20243.2 KiB12390

runtests.1D12-May-20248 KiB173141

runtests.plD12-May-2024188.8 KiB6,0944,574

secureserver.plD12-May-202410.8 KiB365256

serverhelp.pmD12-May-20248.1 KiB257133

smbserver.pyD12-May-202414.1 KiB396269

sshhelp.pmD12-May-202412.5 KiB474309

sshserver.plD12-May-202440.4 KiB1,160654

stunnel.pemD12-May-20248.8 KiB172170

symbol-scan.plD12-May-20244.8 KiB184109

testcurl.1D12-May-20245.1 KiB12590

testcurl.plD12-May-202420.8 KiB807614

tftpserver.plD12-May-20243.1 KiB12491

util.pyD12-May-20242.8 KiB9150

valgrind.pmD12-May-20241.1 KiB3510

valgrind.suppD12-May-20243.1 KiB152143

version-scan.plD12-May-20241.8 KiB6734


1# The curl Test Suite
3# Running
5## Requires to run
7  - perl (and a unix-style shell)
8  - python (and a unix-style shell, for SMB and TELNET tests)
9  - python-impacket (for SMB tests)
10  - diff (when a test fails, a diff is shown)
11  - stunnel (for HTTPS and FTPS tests)
12  - OpenSSH or SunSSH (for SCP, SFTP and SOCKS4/5 tests)
13  - nghttpx (for HTTP/2 tests)
14  - nroff (for --manual tests)
15  - An available `en_US.UTF-8` locale
17### Installation of python-impacket
19  The Python-based test servers support both recent Python 2 and 3.
20  You can figure out your default Python interpreter with python -V
22  Please install python-impacket in the correct Python environment.
23  You can use pip or your OS' package manager to install 'impacket'.
25  On Debian/Ubuntu the package names are:
27  -  Python 2: 'python-impacket'
28  -  Python 3: 'python3-impacket'
30  On FreeBSD the package names are:
32  -  Python 2: 'py27-impacket'
33  -  Python 3: 'py37-impacket'
35  On any system where pip is available:
37  -  Python 2: 'pip2 install impacket'
38  -  Python 3: 'pip3 install impacket'
40  You may also need to manually install the Python package 'six'
41  as that may be a missing requirement for impacket on Python 3.
43### Port numbers used by test servers
45  All test servers run on "random" port numbers. All tests should be written
46  to use suitable variables instead of fixed port numbers so that test cases
47  continue to work independent on what port numbers the test servers actually
48  use.
50  See [FILEFORMAT](FILEFORMAT.md) for the port number variables.
52### Test servers
54  The test suite runs stand-alone servers on random ports to which it makes
55  requests. For SSL tests, it runs stunnel to handle encryption to the regular
56  servers. For SSH, it runs a standard OpenSSH server. For SOCKS4/5 tests SSH
57  is used to perform the SOCKS functionality and requires a SSH client and
58  server.
60  The listen port numbers for the test servers are picked randomly to allow
61  users to run multiple test cases concurrently and to not collide with other
62  existing services that might listen to ports on the machine.
64  The HTTP server supports listening on a Unix domain socket, the default
65  location is 'http.sock'.
67### Run
69  `./configure && make && make test`. This builds the test suite support code
70  and invokes the 'runtests.pl' perl script to run all the tests. Edit the top
71  variables of that script in case you have some specific needs, or run the
72  script manually (after the support code has been built).
74  The script breaks on the first test that doesn't do OK. Use `-a` to prevent
75  the script from aborting on the first error. Run the script with `-v` for
76  more verbose output. Use `-d` to run the test servers with debug output
77  enabled as well. Specifying `-k` keeps all the log files generated by the
78  test intact.
80  Use `-s` for shorter output, or pass test numbers to run specific tests only
81  (like `./runtests.pl 3 4` to test 3 and 4 only). It also supports test case
82  ranges with 'to', as in `./runtests.pl 3 to 9` which runs the seven tests
83  from 3 to 9. Any test numbers starting with ! are disabled, as are any test
84  numbers found in the files `data/DISABLED` or `data/DISABLED.local` (one per
85  line). The latter is meant for local temporary disables and will be ignored
86  by git.
88  Test cases mentioned in `DISABLED` can still be run if `-f` is provided.
90  When `-s` is not present, each successful test will display on one line the
91  test number and description and on the next line a set of flags, the test
92  result, current test sequence, total number of tests to be run and an
93  estimated amount of time to complete the test run. The flags consist of
94  these letters describing what is checked in this test:
96    s stdout
97    d data
98    u upload
99    p protocol
100    o output
101    e exit code
102    m memory
103    v valgrind
105### Shell startup scripts
107  Tests which use the ssh test server, SCP/SFTP/SOCKS tests, might be badly
108  influenced by the output of system wide or user specific shell startup
109  scripts, .bashrc, .profile, /etc/csh.cshrc, .login, /etc/bashrc, etc. which
110  output text messages or escape sequences on user login.  When these shell
111  startup messages or escape sequences are output they might corrupt the
112  expected stream of data which flows to the sftp-server or from the ssh
113  client which can result in bad test behavior or even prevent the test
114  server from running.
116  If the test suite ssh or sftp server fails to start up and logs the message
117  'Received message too long' then you are certainly suffering the unwanted
118  output of a shell startup script.  Locate, cleanup or adjust the shell
119  script.
121### Memory test
123  The test script will check that all allocated memory is freed properly IF
124  curl has been built with the `CURLDEBUG` define set. The script will
125  automatically detect if that is the case, and it will use the
126  'memanalyze.pl' script to analyze the memory debugging output.
128  Also, if you run tests on a machine where valgrind is found, the script will
129  use valgrind to run the test with (unless you use `-n`) to further verify
130  correctness.
132  runtests.pl's `-t` option will enable torture testing mode, which runs each
133  test many times and makes each different memory allocation fail on each
134  successive run.  This tests the out of memory error handling code to ensure
135  that memory leaks do not occur even in those situations. It can help to
136  compile curl with `CPPFLAGS=-DMEMDEBUG_LOG_SYNC` when using this option, to
137  ensure that the memory log file is properly written even if curl crashes.
139### Debug
141  If a test case fails, you can conveniently get the script to invoke the
142  debugger (gdb) for you with the server running and the exact same command
143  line parameters that failed. Just invoke `runtests.pl <test number> -g` and
144  then just type 'run' in the debugger to perform the command through the
145  debugger.
147### Logs
149  All logs are generated in the log/ subdirectory (it is emptied first in the
150  runtests.pl script). They remain in there after a test run.
152### Test input files
154  All test cases are put in the `data/` subdirectory. Each test is stored in
155  the file named according to the test number.
157  See [FILEFORMAT.md](FILEFORMAT.md) for a description of the test case file
158  format.
160### Code coverage
162  gcc provides a tool that can determine the code coverage figures for the
163  test suite.  To use it, configure curl with `CFLAGS='-fprofile-arcs
164  -ftest-coverage -g -O0'`.  Make sure you run the normal and torture tests to
165  get more full coverage, i.e. do:
167    make test
168    make test-torture
170  The graphical tool ggcov can be used to browse the source and create
171  coverage reports on *NIX hosts:
173    ggcov -r lib src
175  The text mode tool gcov may also be used, but it doesn't handle object files
176  in more than one directory very well.
178### Remote testing
180  The runtests.pl script provides some hooks to allow curl to be tested on a
181  machine where perl can not be run.  The test framework in this case runs on
182  a workstation where perl is available, while curl itself is run on a remote
183  system using ssh or some other remote execution method.  See the comments at
184  the beginning of runtests.pl for details.
186## Test case numbering
188  Test cases used to be numbered by category ranges, but the ranges filled
189  up. Subsets of tests can now be selected by passing keywords to the
190  runtests.pl script via the make `TFLAGS` variable.
192  New tests are added by finding a free number in `tests/data/Makefile.inc`.
194## Write tests
196  Here's a quick description on writing test cases. We basically have three
197  kinds of tests: the ones that test the curl tool, the ones that build small
198  applications and test libcurl directly and the unit tests that test
199  individual (possibly internal) functions.
201### test data
203  Each test has a master file that controls all the test data. What to read,
204  what the protocol exchange should look like, what exit code to expect and
205  what command line arguments to use etc.
207  These files are `tests/data/test[num]` where `[num]` is just a unique
208  identifier described above, and the XML-like file format of them is
209  described in the separate [FILEFORMAT.md](FILEFORMAT.md) document.
211### curl tests
213  A test case that runs the curl tool and verifies that it gets the correct
214  data, it sends the correct data, it uses the correct protocol primitives
215  etc.
217### libcurl tests
219  The libcurl tests are identical to the curl ones, except that they use a
220  specific and dedicated custom-built program to run instead of "curl". This
221  tool is built from source code placed in `tests/libtest` and if you want to
222  make a new libcurl test that is where you add your code.
224### unit tests
226  Unit tests are placed in `tests/unit`. There's a tests/unit/README
227  describing the specific set of checks and macros that may be used when
228  writing tests that verify behaviors of specific individual functions.
230  The unit tests depend on curl being built with debug enabled.