/* * Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import type { ModifiersArray, Node, SourceFile } from 'typescript'; import { createSourceFile, forEachChild, isBinaryExpression, isClassDeclaration, isClassExpression, isStructDeclaration, isExpressionStatement, isEnumDeclaration, isExportAssignment, isExportDeclaration, isExportSpecifier, isIdentifier, isInterfaceDeclaration, isObjectLiteralExpression, isTypeAliasDeclaration, isVariableDeclaration, isVariableStatement, isElementAccessExpression, isPropertyAccessExpression, isStringLiteral, ScriptTarget, SyntaxKind, } from 'typescript'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import { getClassProperties, getElementAccessExpressionProperties, getEnumProperties, getInterfaceProperties, getObjectProperties, getTypeAliasProperties, } from '../utils/OhsUtil'; import {scanProjectConfig} from './ApiReader'; import {stringPropsSet} from '../utils/OhsUtil'; export namespace ApiExtractor { interface KeywordInfo { hasExport: boolean, hasDeclare: boolean } export enum ApiType { API = 1, COMPONENT = 2, PROJECT_DEPENDS = 3, PROJECT = 4 } let mCurrentExportNameSet: Set = new Set(); export let mPropertySet: Set = new Set(); /** * filter classes or interfaces with export, default, etc */ const getKeyword = function (modifiers: ModifiersArray): KeywordInfo { if (modifiers === undefined) { return {hasExport: false, hasDeclare: false}; } let hasExport: boolean = false; let hasDeclare: boolean = false; for (const modifier of modifiers) { if (modifier.kind === SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword) { hasExport = true; } if (modifier.kind === SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword) { hasDeclare = true; } } return {hasExport: hasExport, hasDeclare: hasDeclare}; }; /** * get export name list * @param astNode */ const visitExport = function (astNode): void { if (isExportAssignment(astNode)) { if (!mCurrentExportNameSet.has(astNode.expression.getText())) { mCurrentExportNameSet.add(astNode.expression.getText()); mPropertySet.add(astNode.expression.getText()); } return; } let {hasExport, hasDeclare} = getKeyword(astNode.modifiers); if (!hasExport) { addCommonJsExports(astNode); return; } if (astNode.name) { if (!mCurrentExportNameSet.has(astNode.name.getText())) { mCurrentExportNameSet.add(astNode.name.getText()); mPropertySet.add(astNode.name.getText()); } return; } if (hasDeclare && astNode.declarationList) { astNode.declarationList.declarations.forEach((declaration) => { const declarationName = declaration.name.getText(); if (!mCurrentExportNameSet.has(declarationName)) { mCurrentExportNameSet.add(declarationName); mPropertySet.add(declarationName); } }); } }; const checkPropertyNeedVisit = function (astNode): boolean { if (astNode.name && !mCurrentExportNameSet.has(astNode.name.getText())) { return false; } if (astNode.name === undefined) { let {hasDeclare} = getKeyword(astNode.modifiers); if (hasDeclare && astNode.declarationList && !mCurrentExportNameSet.has(astNode.declarationList.declarations[0].name.getText())) { return false; } } return true; }; /** * used only in oh sdk api extract or api of xxx.d.ts declaration file * @param astNode */ const visitChildNode = function (astNode): void { if (!astNode) { return; } if (astNode.name !== undefined && !mPropertySet.has(astNode.name.getText())) { if (isStringLiteral(astNode.name)) { mPropertySet.add(astNode.name.text); } else { mPropertySet.add(astNode.name.getText()); } } astNode.forEachChild((childNode) => { visitChildNode(childNode); }); }; /** * visit ast of a file and collect api list * used only in oh sdk api extract * @param astNode node of ast */ const visitPropertyAndName = function (astNode): void { if (!checkPropertyNeedVisit(astNode)) { return; } visitChildNode(astNode); }; /** * commonjs exports extract * examples: * - exports.A = 1; * - exports.B = hello; // hello can be variable or class ... * - exports.C = {}; * - exports.D = class {}; * - exports.E = function () {} * - class F {} * - exports.F = F; * - module.exports = {G: {}} * - ... */ const addCommonJsExports = function (astNode): void { if (!isExpressionStatement(astNode) || !astNode.expression) { return; } const expression = astNode.expression; if (!isBinaryExpression(expression)) { return; } const left = expression.left; if (!isElementAccessExpression(left) && !isPropertyAccessExpression(left)) { return; } if ((left.expression.getText() !== 'exports' && !isModuleExports(left)) || expression.operatorToken.kind !== SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) { return; } if (isElementAccessExpression(left)) { if (isStringLiteral(left.argumentExpression)) { mPropertySet.add(left.argumentExpression.text); } } if (isPropertyAccessExpression(left)) { if (isIdentifier(left.name)) { mPropertySet.add(left.name.getText()); } } if (isIdentifier(expression.right)) { mCurrentExportNameSet.add(expression.right.getText()); return; } if (isClassDeclaration(expression.right) || isClassExpression(expression.right)) { getClassProperties(expression.right, mPropertySet); return; } if (isObjectLiteralExpression(expression.right)) { getObjectProperties(expression.right, mPropertySet); } return; }; // module.exports = { p1: 1 } function isModuleExports(astNode: Node): boolean { if (isPropertyAccessExpression(astNode)) { if (isIdentifier(astNode.expression) && astNode.expression.escapedText.toString() === 'module' && isIdentifier(astNode.name) && astNode.name.escapedText.toString() === 'exports') { return true; } } return false; } /** * extract project export name * - export {xxx, xxx}; * - export {xxx as xx, xxx as xx}; * - export default function/class/...{}; * - export class xxx{} * - ... * @param astNode */ const visitProjectExport = function (astNode): void { if (isExportAssignment(astNode)) { // let xxx; export default xxx = a; if (isBinaryExpression(astNode.expression)) { if (isObjectLiteralExpression(astNode.expression.right)) { getObjectProperties(astNode.expression.right, mPropertySet); return; } if (isClassExpression(astNode.expression.right)) { getClassProperties(astNode.expression.right, mPropertySet); } return; } // export = xxx; The xxx here can't be obfuscated // export default yyy; The yyy here can be obfuscated if (isIdentifier(astNode.expression)) { if (!mCurrentExportNameSet.has(astNode.expression.getText())) { mCurrentExportNameSet.add(astNode.expression.getText()); mPropertySet.add(astNode.expression.getText()); } return; } if (isObjectLiteralExpression(astNode.expression)) { getObjectProperties(astNode.expression, mPropertySet); } return; } if (isExportDeclaration(astNode)) { if (astNode.exportClause) { if (astNode.exportClause.kind === SyntaxKind.NamedExports) { astNode.exportClause.forEachChild((child) => { if (!isExportSpecifier(child)) { return; } if (child.propertyName) { mCurrentExportNameSet.add(child.propertyName.getText()); } let exportName = child.name.getText(); mPropertySet.add(exportName); mCurrentExportNameSet.add(exportName); }); } if (astNode.exportClause.kind === SyntaxKind.NamespaceExport) { mPropertySet.add(astNode.exportClause.name.getText()); return; } } return; } let {hasExport} = getKeyword(astNode.modifiers); if (!hasExport) { addCommonJsExports(astNode); forEachChild(astNode, visitProjectExport); return; } if (astNode.name) { if (!mCurrentExportNameSet.has(astNode.name.getText())) { mCurrentExportNameSet.add(astNode.name.getText()); mPropertySet.add(astNode.name.getText()); } forEachChild(astNode, visitProjectExport); return; } if (isClassDeclaration(astNode)) { getClassProperties(astNode, mPropertySet); return; } if (isVariableStatement(astNode)) { astNode.declarationList.forEachChild((child) => { if (isVariableDeclaration(child) && !mCurrentExportNameSet.has(child.name.getText())) { mCurrentExportNameSet.add(child.name.getText()); mPropertySet.add(child.name.getText()); } }); return; } forEachChild(astNode, visitProjectExport); }; /** * extract the class, enum, and object properties of the export in the project before obfuscation * class A{}; * export = A; need to be considered * export = namespace; * This statement also needs to determine whether there is an export in the namespace, and namespaces are also allowed in the namespace * @param astNode */ const visitProjectNode = function (astNode): void { const currentPropsSet: Set = new Set(); let nodeName: string | undefined = astNode.name?.text; if ((isClassDeclaration(astNode) || isStructDeclaration(astNode))) { getClassProperties(astNode, currentPropsSet); } else if (isEnumDeclaration(astNode)) { // collect export enum structure properties getEnumProperties(astNode, currentPropsSet); } else if (isVariableDeclaration(astNode)) { if (astNode.initializer) { if (isObjectLiteralExpression(astNode.initializer)) { getObjectProperties(astNode.initializer, currentPropsSet); } else if (isClassExpression(astNode.initializer)) { getClassProperties(astNode.initializer, currentPropsSet); } } nodeName = astNode.name?.getText(); } else if (isInterfaceDeclaration(astNode)) { getInterfaceProperties(astNode, currentPropsSet); } else if (isTypeAliasDeclaration(astNode)) { getTypeAliasProperties(astNode, currentPropsSet); } else if (isElementAccessExpression(astNode)) { getElementAccessExpressionProperties(astNode, currentPropsSet); } else if (isObjectLiteralExpression(astNode)) { getObjectProperties(astNode, currentPropsSet); } else if (isClassExpression(astNode)) { getClassProperties(astNode, currentPropsSet); } if (nodeName && mCurrentExportNameSet.has(nodeName)) { addElement(currentPropsSet); } forEachChild(astNode, visitProjectNode); }; function addElement(currentPropsSet: Set): void { currentPropsSet.forEach((element: string) => { mPropertySet.add(element); }); currentPropsSet.clear(); } /** * parse file to api list and save to json object * @param fileName file name of api file * @param apiType * @private */ const parseFile = function (fileName: string, apiType: ApiType): void { const sourceFile: SourceFile = createSourceFile(fileName, fs.readFileSync(fileName).toString(), ScriptTarget.ES2015, true); // get export name list switch (apiType) { case ApiType.COMPONENT: forEachChild(sourceFile, visitChildNode); break; case ApiType.API: mCurrentExportNameSet.clear(); forEachChild(sourceFile, visitExport); forEachChild(sourceFile, visitPropertyAndName); mCurrentExportNameSet.clear(); break; case ApiType.PROJECT_DEPENDS: case ApiType.PROJECT: if (fileName.endsWith('.d.ts') || fileName.endsWith('.d.ets')) { forEachChild(sourceFile, visitChildNode); break; } mCurrentExportNameSet.clear(); forEachChild(sourceFile, visitProjectExport); forEachChild(sourceFile, visitProjectNode); if (scanProjectConfig.mKeepStringProperty) { stringPropsSet.forEach((element) => { mPropertySet.add(element); }); stringPropsSet.clear(); } mCurrentExportNameSet.clear(); break; default: break; } }; const projectExtensions: string[] = ['.ets', '.ts', '.js']; const projectDependencyExtensions: string[] = ['.d.ets', '.d.ts', '.ets', '.ts', '.js']; /** * traverse files of api directory * @param apiPath api directory path * @param apiType * @private */ export const traverseApiFiles = function (apiPath: string, apiType: ApiType): void { let fileNames: string[] = []; if (fs.statSync(apiPath).isDirectory()) { fileNames = fs.readdirSync(apiPath); for (let fileName of fileNames) { let filePath: string = path.join(apiPath, fileName); if (fs.statSync(filePath).isDirectory()) { traverseApiFiles(filePath, apiType); continue; } const suffix: string = path.extname(filePath); if ((apiType !== ApiType.PROJECT) && !projectDependencyExtensions.includes(suffix)) { continue; } if (apiType === ApiType.PROJECT && !projectExtensions.includes(suffix)) { continue; } parseFile(filePath, apiType); } } else { parseFile(apiPath, apiType); } }; /** * desc: parse openHarmony sdk to get api list * @param version version of api, e.g. version for api 9 * @param sdkPath sdk real path of openHarmony * @param isEts true for ets, false for js * @param outputDir: sdk api output directory */ export function parseOhSdk(sdkPath: string, version: string, isEts: boolean, outputDir: string): void { mPropertySet.clear(); // visit api directory const apiPath: string = path.join(sdkPath, (isEts ? 'ets' : 'js'), version, 'api'); traverseApiFiles(apiPath, ApiType.API); // visit component directory if ets if (isEts) { const componentPath: string = path.join(sdkPath, 'ets', version, 'component'); traverseApiFiles(componentPath, ApiType.COMPONENT); } // visit the UI conversion API const uiConversionPath: string = path.join(sdkPath, (isEts ? 'ets' : 'js'), version, 'build-tools', 'ets-loader', 'lib', 'pre_define.js'); extractStringsFromFile(uiConversionPath); const reservedProperties: string[] = [...mPropertySet.values()]; mPropertySet.clear(); writeToFile(reservedProperties, path.join(outputDir, 'propertiesReserved.json')); } export function extractStringsFromFile(filePath: string): void { let collections: string[] = []; const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8'); const regex = /"([^"]*)"/g; const matches = fileContent.match(regex); if (matches) { collections = matches.map(match => match.slice(1, -1)); } collections.forEach(name => mPropertySet.add(name)); } /** * parse common project or file to extract exported api list * @return reserved api names */ export function parseCommonProject(projectPath): string[] { mPropertySet.clear(); if (fs.lstatSync(projectPath).isFile()) { if (projectPath.endsWith('.ets') || projectPath.endsWith('.ts') || projectPath.endsWith('.js')) { parseFile(projectPath, ApiType.PROJECT); } } else { traverseApiFiles(projectPath, ApiType.PROJECT); } const reservedProperties: string[] = [...mPropertySet]; mPropertySet.clear(); return reservedProperties; } /** * parse api of third party libs like libs in node_modules * @param libPath */ export function parseThirdPartyLibs(libPath): string[] { mPropertySet.clear(); if (fs.lstatSync(libPath).isFile()) { if (libPath.endsWith('.ets') || libPath.endsWith('.ts') || libPath.endsWith('.js')) { parseFile(libPath, ApiType.PROJECT_DEPENDS); } } else { const filesAndfolders = fs.readdirSync(libPath); for (let subPath of filesAndfolders) { traverseApiFiles(path.join(libPath, subPath), ApiType.PROJECT_DEPENDS); } } const reservedProperties: string[] = [...mPropertySet]; mPropertySet.clear(); return reservedProperties; } /** * save api json object to file * @private */ export function writeToFile(reservedProperties: string[], outputPath: string): void { let str: string = JSON.stringify(reservedProperties, null, '\t'); fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, str); } }