/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import ts from "typescript"; import { CacheList, getVregisterCache } from "../base/vregisterCache"; import { Compiler, ControlFlowChange } from "../compiler"; import { Label, VReg } from "../irnodes"; import { PandaGen } from "../pandagen"; import { NodeKind } from "../debuginfo"; import { CatchTable, LabelPair } from "../statement/tryStatement"; import { FunctionBuilder } from "./functionBuilder"; import { Iterator } from "../base/iterator"; import { IteratorType } from "../statement/forOfStatement"; enum ResumeMode { RETURN, THROW, NEXT }; export enum AsyncGeneratorState { UNDEFINED, SUSPENDSTART, SUSPENDYIELD, EXECUTING, COMPLETED, AWAITING_RETURN } export class AsyncGeneratorFunctionBuilder extends FunctionBuilder { private compiler: Compiler; constructor(pandaGen: PandaGen, compiler: Compiler) { super(pandaGen); this.funcObj = pandaGen.getTemp(); this.resumeVal = pandaGen.getTemp(); this.resumeType = pandaGen.getTemp(); this.beginLabel = new Label(); this.endLabel = new Label(); this.compiler = compiler; } prepare(node: ts.Node): void { let pg = this.pg; // backend handle funcobj, frontend set undefined pg.createAsyncGeneratorObj(node, getVregisterCache(pg, CacheList.FUNC)); pg.storeAccumulator(node, this.funcObj); pg.label(node, this.beginLabel); pg.loadAccumulator(node, getVregisterCache(pg, CacheList.UNDEFINED)); pg.suspendGenerator(node, this.funcObj); pg.resumeGenerator(node, this.funcObj); pg.storeAccumulator(node, this.resumeVal); } await(node: ts.Node): void { // value is in acc this.functionAwait(node); this.handleMode(node); } directReturn(node: ts.Node | NodeKind): void { let pg = this.pg; pg.storeAccumulator(node, this.resumeVal); pg.generatorComplete(node, this.funcObj); pg.asyncgeneratorresolve(node, this.funcObj, this.resumeVal, getVregisterCache(pg, CacheList.TRUE)); pg.return(node); } explicitReturn(node: ts.Node | NodeKind, empty ? : boolean): void { let pg = this.pg; if (!empty) { pg.asyncFunctionAwaitUncaught(node, this.funcObj); pg.suspendGenerator(node, this.funcObj); this.resumeGenerator(node); } pg.generatorComplete(node, this.funcObj); pg.asyncgeneratorresolve(node, this.funcObj, this.resumeVal, getVregisterCache(pg, CacheList.TRUE)); pg.return(node); } implicitReturn(node: ts.Node | NodeKind): void { this.pg.loadAccumulator(node, getVregisterCache(this.pg, CacheList.UNDEFINED)); this.directReturn(node); } yield(node: ts.Node): void { let pg = this.pg; // Set value to ? Await(value). // vallue is in acc this.await(node); pg.storeAccumulator(node, this.resumeVal); // Set generator.[[AsyncGeneratorState]] to suspendedYield. pg.generatorYield(node, this.funcObj); /** Remove genContext from the execution context stack and restore the execution context that * is at the top of the execution context stack as the running execution context. * Return ! AsyncGeneratorResolve(generator, value, false). */ pg.asyncgeneratorresolve(node, this.funcObj, this.resumeVal, getVregisterCache(pg, CacheList.FALSE)); this.resumeGenerator(node); this.handleAsyncYieldResume(node); } yieldStar(node: ts.Node): void { let pg = this.pg; let method = pg.getTemp(); let iterator = pg.getTemp(); let nextResult = pg.getTemp(); let value = pg.getTemp(); let done = pg.getTemp(); let nextMethod = pg.getTemp(); let exitReturn = pg.getTemp(); // 4. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(value, generatorKind) let iter: Iterator = new Iterator({iterator: iterator, nextMethod: method}, done, value, pg, node, IteratorType.Async, this); iter.getIterator(); let receivedValue = this.resumeVal; this.resumeVal = nextResult; // 6. Let received be NormalCompletion(undefined) pg.storeConst(node, this.resumeVal, CacheList.UNDEFINED); pg.loadAccumulatorInt(node, ResumeMode.NEXT); pg.storeAccumulator(node, this.resumeType); pg.moveVreg(node, nextMethod, iter.method()); let loopStart = new Label(); let throwCompletion = new Label(); let returnCompletion = new Label(); let callMethod = new Label(); let normalOrThrowCompletion = new Label(); let iterCompletion = new Label(); // 7. Repeat pg.label(node, loopStart); pg.storeConst(node, exitReturn, CacheList.FALSE); // a. If received.[[Type]] is normal, then pg.loadAccumulatorInt(node, ResumeMode.NEXT); pg.condition(node, ts.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken, this.resumeType, throwCompletion); pg.moveVreg(node, iter.method(), nextMethod); pg.branch(node, callMethod); // b. Else if received.[[Type]] is throw, then pg.label(node, throwCompletion); pg.loadAccumulatorInt(node, ResumeMode.THROW); pg.condition(node, ts.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken, this.resumeType, returnCompletion); // i. Let throw be ? GetMethod(iterator, "throw") iter.getMethod("throw"); // ii. If throw is not undefined, then pg.branchIfNotUndefined(node, callMethod); // iii. Else, // 1. NOTE: If iterator does not have a throw method, this throw is going to terminate the yield* loop. But first we // need to give iterator a chance to clean up. // 2. Let closeCompletion be Completion { [[Type]]: normal, [[Value]]: empty, [[Target]]: empty }. // 3. If generatorKind is async, perform ? AsyncIteratorClose(iteratorRecord, closeCompletion). // 4. Else, perform ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, closeCompletion). iter.close() // 5. NOTE: The next step throws a TypeError to indicate that there was a yield* protocol violation: iterator does // not have a throw method. // 6. Throw a TypeError exception. pg.throwThrowNotExist(node); // c. Else, // i. Assert: received.[[Type]] is return pg.label(node, returnCompletion); pg.storeConst(node, exitReturn, CacheList.TRUE); // ii. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return"). iter.getMethod("return"); // iii. If return is undefined, then pg.branchIfNotUndefined(node, callMethod); this.compiler.compileFinallyBeforeCFC( undefined, ControlFlowChange.Break, undefined ); pg.loadAccumulator(node, this.resumeVal); this.await(node); this.directReturn(node); pg.label(node, callMethod); // i. Let innerResult be ? Call(iteratorRecord.[[NextMethod]], iteratorRecord.[[Iterator]], « received.[[Value]] »). // 1. Let innerResult be ? Call(throw, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »). // iv. Let innerReturnResult be ? Call(return, iterator, « received.[[Value]] »). iter.callMethodwithValue(this.resumeVal); this.await(node); pg.throwIfNotObject(node, this.resumeVal); iter.iteratorComplete(this.resumeVal); pg.jumpIfTrue(node, iterCompletion); pg.loadAccumulator(node, this.resumeVal); iter.iteratorValue(this.resumeVal); this.await(node); pg.generatorYield(node, this.funcObj); pg.storeConst(node, done, CacheList.FALSE); pg.asyncgeneratorresolve(node, this.funcObj, this.resumeVal, done); this.resumeGenerator(node); pg.loadAccumulatorInt(node, ResumeMode.RETURN); pg.condition(node, ts.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken, this.resumeType, loopStart); pg.loadAccumulator(node, this.resumeVal); pg.asyncFunctionAwaitUncaught(node, this.funcObj); pg.suspendGenerator(node, this.funcObj); this.resumeGenerator(node); pg.loadAccumulatorInt(node, ResumeMode.THROW); pg.condition(node, ts.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken, this.resumeType, returnCompletion); pg.branch(node, loopStart); pg.label(node, iterCompletion); pg.loadAccumulator(node, exitReturn); pg.jumpIfFalse(node, normalOrThrowCompletion); iter.iteratorValue(this.resumeVal); this.compiler.compileFinallyBeforeCFC( undefined, ControlFlowChange.Break, undefined ) this.directReturn(node); pg.label(node, normalOrThrowCompletion); iter.iteratorValue(this.resumeVal); this.resumeVal = receivedValue; pg.freeTemps(method, iterator, nextResult, value, done, nextMethod, exitReturn); } private handleAsyncYieldResume(node: ts.Node): void { let pg = this.pg; let notRet = new Label(); let normalCompletion = new Label(); let notThrow = new Label(); // If resumptionValue.[[Type]] is not return pg.loadAccumulatorInt(node, ResumeMode.RETURN); pg.condition(node, ts.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken, this.resumeType, notRet); // Let awaited be Await(resumptionValue.[[Value]]) pg.loadAccumulator(node, this.resumeVal); pg.asyncFunctionAwaitUncaught(node, this.funcObj); pg.suspendGenerator(node, this.funcObj); this.resumeGenerator(node); // If awaited.[[Type]] is throw, return Completion(awaited) pg.loadAccumulatorInt(node, ResumeMode.THROW); pg.condition(node, ts.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken, this.resumeType, normalCompletion); pg.loadAccumulator(node, this.resumeVal); pg.throw(node); pg.label(node, normalCompletion); // Assert: awaited.[[Type]] is normal. // Return Completion { [[Type]]: return, [[Value]]: awaited.[[Value]], [[Target]]: empty } // if there are finally blocks, should implement these at first. this.compiler.compileFinallyBeforeCFC( undefined, ControlFlowChange.Break, undefined ); pg.loadAccumulator(node, this.resumeVal); this.directReturn(node); pg.label(node, notRet); // return Completion(resumptionValue) pg.loadAccumulatorInt(node, ResumeMode.THROW); pg.condition(node, ts.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken, this.resumeType, notThrow); pg.loadAccumulator(node, this.resumeVal); pg.throw(node); pg.label(node, notThrow); pg.loadAccumulator(node, this.resumeVal); } private handleMode(node: ts.Node): void { let pandaGen = this.pg; pandaGen.getResumeMode(node, this.funcObj); pandaGen.storeAccumulator(node, this.resumeType); // .throw(value) pandaGen.loadAccumulatorInt(node, ResumeMode.THROW); let notThrowLabel = new Label(); pandaGen.condition(node, ts.SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken, this.resumeType, notThrowLabel); pandaGen.loadAccumulator(node, this.resumeVal); pandaGen.throw(node); // .next(value) pandaGen.label(node, notThrowLabel); pandaGen.loadAccumulator(node, this.resumeVal); } resolve(node: ts.Node | NodeKind, value: VReg): void { let pandaGen = this.pg; pandaGen.asyncgeneratorresolve(node, this.funcObj, value, getVregisterCache(pandaGen, CacheList.TRUE)); } cleanUp(node: ts.Node): void { let pandaGen = this.pg; pandaGen.label(node, this.endLabel); // catch pandaGen.storeAccumulator(node, this.resumeVal); pandaGen.generatorComplete(node, this.funcObj); pandaGen.loadAccumulator(node, this.resumeVal); pandaGen.asyncgeneratorreject(node, this.funcObj); // exception is in acc pandaGen.return(NodeKind.INVALID); this.pg.freeTemps(this.funcObj, this.resumeVal, this.resumeType); new CatchTable(pandaGen, this.endLabel, new LabelPair(this.beginLabel, this.endLabel)); } }