# Lite Battery Manager - [Introduction](#section11660541593) - [Directory Structure](#section19472752217) - [Usage](#section146636391856) - [Available APIs](#section481251394) - [Usage Guidelines](#section12620311012) - [Repositories Involved](#section63151229062) ## Introduction The lite battery manager provides the following functionalities: 1. Obtaining battery information 2. Obtaining the battery charging status and the battery state of charge \(SoC\) 3. Monitoring the battery state of health \(SoH\) 4. Controlling the battery charging indicator **Figure 1** Lite battery manager architecture ![](figures/en-us_image_0000001176131699.png) ## Directory Structure ``` base/powermgr/battery_lite ├── figures # Architecture figures ├── frameworks # Frameworks │ ├── js # Built_in interface │ └── native # Native code ├── interfaces # APIs │ └── kits # External APIs ├── services # Services │ ├── include # Header files │ └── src # Source files └── test # Interface test ``` ## Usage ### Available APIs The following table lists the JavaScript APIs provided by the lite battery manager.