# sensor\_lite - [Introduction](#section11660541593) - [Directory Structure](#section161941989596) - [Usage](#section1312121216216) - [Available APIs](#section827111510217) - [Usage Guidelines](#section129654513264) - [Repositories Involved](#section1371113476307) ## Introduction The pan-sensor service subsystem provides a lightweight sensor service framework, through which you can perform the following operations: - Query the sensor list. - Enable or disable a sensor. - Subscribe to or unsubscribe from sensor data. - Set the data reporting mode of a sensor. - Set the data sampling interval. The following figure shows the architecture of the pan-sensor framework. **Figure 1** Pan-sensor service architecture ![](figures/pan-sensor-service-architecture.png "pan-sensor-service-architecture") ## Directory Structure ``` /base/sensors/sensor_lite ├── frameworks # Framework code │ ├── include # Header files │ └── src # Source code ├── interfaces # APIs │ └── kits # Native APIs ├── services # Code of services │ ├── include # Header files │ └── src # Source code ``` ## Usage ### Available APIs **Table 1** Major APIs in SensorAgent