#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys import subprocess import argparse import time import os import shutil import platform from ctypes import c_char_p from ctypes import cdll IS_DEBUG = False HDC_NAME = "hdc" SYMBOL_FILES_DIR = '/data/local/tmp/local_libs/' BUILD_ID_FILE = "build_id_list" EXPECTED_TOOLS = { HDC_NAME: { 'is_binutils': False, 'test_option': 'version', 'path_in_tool': '../platform-tools/hdc', } } def get_lib(): script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) system_type = platform.system().lower() if system_type == "windows": lib_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "bin", system_type, "x86_64", "libhiperf_report.dll") elif system_type == "linux": lib_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "bin", system_type, "x86_64", "libhiperf_report.so") elif system_type == "darwin": lib_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "bin", system_type, "x86_64", "libhiperf_report.dylib") else: print("Un Support System Platform") raise RuntimeError if not os.path.exists(lib_path): print("{} does not exist!".format(lib_path)) raise RuntimeError return cdll.LoadLibrary(lib_path) def remove(files): if os.path.isfile(files): os.remove(files) elif os.path.isdir(files): shutil.rmtree(files, ignore_errors=True) def is_elf_file(path): if os.path.isfile(path): with open(path, 'rb') as file_bin: data = file_bin.read(4) if len(data) == 4 and bytes_to_str(data) == '\x7fELF': return True return False def get_architecture(elf_path): if is_elf_file(elf_path): my_lib = get_lib() my_lib.ReportGetElfArch.restype = c_char_p ret = my_lib.ReportGetElfArch(elf_path.encode()) return ret.decode() return 'unknown' def get_build_id(elf_path): if is_elf_file(elf_path): my_lib = get_lib() my_lib.ReportGetBuildId.restype = c_char_p ret = my_lib.ReportGetBuildId(elf_path.encode()) return ret.decode() return '' def get_hiperf_binary_path(arch, binary_name): if arch == 'aarch64': arch = 'arm64' script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) arch_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, "bin", "ohos", arch) if not os.path.isdir(arch_dir): raise Exception("can't find arch directory: %s" % arch_dir) binary_path = os.path.join(arch_dir, binary_name) if not os.path.isfile(binary_path): raise Exception("can't find binary: %s" % binary_path) return binary_path def str_to_bytes(str_value): if not (sys.version_info >= (3, 0)): return str_value return str_value.encode('utf-8') def bytes_to_str(bytes_value): if not bytes_value: return '' if not (sys.version_info >= (3, 0)): return bytes_value return bytes_value.decode('utf-8') def executable_file_available(executable, option='--help'): try: print([executable, option]) subproc = subprocess.Popen([executable, option], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) subproc.communicate(timeout=5) return subproc.returncode == 0 except OSError: return False def dir_check(arg): path = os.path.realpath(arg) if not os.path.isdir(path): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('{} is not a directory.'.format(path)) return path def file_check(arg): path = os.path.realpath(arg) if not os.path.isfile(path): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('{} is not a file.'.format(path)) return path def get_arg_list(arg_list): res = [] if arg_list: for arg in arg_list: res += arg return res def get_arch(arch): if 'aarch64' in arch: return 'arm64' if 'arm' in arch: return 'arm' if 'x86_64' in arch or "amd64" in arch: return 'x86_64' if '86' in arch: return 'x86' raise Exception('unsupported architecture: %s' % arch.strip()) def find_tool_path(tool, tool_path=None): if tool not in EXPECTED_TOOLS: return None tool_info = EXPECTED_TOOLS[tool] test_option = tool_info.get('test_option', '--help') path_in_tool = tool_info['path_in_tool'] path_in_tool = path_in_tool.replace('/', os.sep) # 1. Find tool in the given tool path. if tool_path: path = os.path.join(tool_path, path_in_tool) if executable_file_available(path, test_option): return path # 2. Find tool in the tool directory containing hiperf scripts. path = os.path.join('../..', path_in_tool) if executable_file_available(path, test_option): return path # 3. Find tool in $PATH. if executable_file_available(tool, test_option): return tool return None class HdcInterface: def __init__(self, root_authority=True): hdc_path = find_tool_path(HDC_NAME) if not hdc_path: raise Exception("Can't find hdc in PATH environment.") self.hdc_path = hdc_path self.root_authority = root_authority def run_hdc_cmd(self, hdc_args, log_output=True): hdc_args = [self.hdc_path] + hdc_args if IS_DEBUG: print('run hdc cmd: %s' % hdc_args) subproc = subprocess.Popen(hdc_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) (out, _) = subproc.communicate() out = bytes_to_str(out) return_code = subproc.returncode result = (return_code == 0) if out and hdc_args[1] != 'file send' and \ hdc_args[1] != 'file recv': if log_output: print(out) if IS_DEBUG: print('run hdc cmd: %s [result %s]' % (hdc_args, result)) return result, out def check_run(self, hdc_args): result, out = self.run_hdc_cmd(hdc_args) if not result: raise Exception('run "hdc %s" failed' % hdc_args) return out def _not_use_root(self): result, out = self.run_hdc_cmd(['shell', 'whoami']) if not result or 'root' not in out: return print('unroot hdc') self.run_hdc_cmd(['unroot']) time.sleep(1) self.run_hdc_cmd(['wait-for-device']) def switch_root(self): if not self.root_authority: self._not_use_root() return False result, out = self.run_hdc_cmd(['shell', 'whoami']) if not result: return False if 'root' in out: return True build_type = self.get_attribute('ro.build.type') if build_type == 'user': return False self.run_hdc_cmd(['root']) time.sleep(1) self.run_hdc_cmd(['wait-for-device']) result, out = self.run_hdc_cmd(['shell', 'whoami']) return result and 'root' in out def get_attribute(self, name): result, out = self.run_hdc_cmd(['shell', 'getprop', name]) if result: return out def get_device_architecture(self): output = self.check_run(['shell', 'uname', '-m']) return get_arch(output) class ElfStruct: def __init__(self, path, lib_name): self.path = path self.name = lib_name class LocalLibDownload: def __init__(self, device_arch, hdc): self.hdc = hdc self.device_arch = device_arch self.build_id_map_of_host = {} self.build_id_map_of_device = {} self.host_lib_count_map = {} self.request_architectures = self.__get_need_architectures(device_arch) def get_host_local_libs(self, local_lib_dir): self.build_id_map_of_host.clear() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(local_lib_dir): for name in files: if name.endswith('.so'): self.__append_host_local_lib(os.path.join(root, name), name) def get_device_local_libs(self): self.build_id_map_of_device.clear() if os.path.exists(BUILD_ID_FILE): remove(BUILD_ID_FILE) self.hdc.check_run(['shell', 'mkdir', '-p', SYMBOL_FILES_DIR]) self.hdc.run_hdc_cmd(['file recv', SYMBOL_FILES_DIR + BUILD_ID_FILE]) if os.path.isfile(BUILD_ID_FILE): with open(BUILD_ID_FILE, 'rb') as file_bin: for line in file_bin.readlines(): line = bytes_to_str(line).strip() items = line.split('=') if len(items) == 2: self.build_id_map_of_device[items[0]] = items[1] remove(BUILD_ID_FILE) def update_device_local_libs(self): # Send local libs to device. for build_id in self.build_id_map_of_host: if build_id not in self.build_id_map_of_device: elf_struct = self.build_id_map_of_host[build_id] self.hdc.check_run(['file send', elf_struct.path, SYMBOL_FILES_DIR + elf_struct.name]) # Remove Device lib while local libs not exist on host. for build_id in self.build_id_map_of_device: if build_id not in self.build_id_map_of_host: name = self.build_id_map_of_device[build_id] self.hdc.run_hdc_cmd(['shell', 'rm', SYMBOL_FILES_DIR + name]) # Send new build_id_list to device. with open(BUILD_ID_FILE, 'wb') as file_bin: for build_id in self.build_id_map_of_host: str_bytes = str_to_bytes('%s=%s\n' % (build_id, self.build_id_map_of_host[ build_id].name)) file_bin.write(str_bytes) self.hdc.check_run(['file send', BUILD_ID_FILE, SYMBOL_FILES_DIR + BUILD_ID_FILE]) remove(BUILD_ID_FILE) def __append_host_local_lib(self, path, name): build_id = get_build_id(path) if not build_id: return arch = get_architecture(path) if arch not in self.request_architectures: return elf_struct = self.build_id_map_of_host.get(build_id) if not elf_struct: count = self.host_lib_count_map.get(name, 0) self.host_lib_count_map[name] = count + 1 if count == 0: unique_name = name else: unique_name = name + '_' + count self.build_id_map_of_host[build_id] = ElfStruct(path, unique_name) else: elf_struct.path = path @classmethod def __get_need_architectures(self, device_arch): if device_arch == 'x86_64': return ['x86', 'x86_64'] if device_arch == 'x86': return ['x86'] if device_arch == 'arm64': return ['arm', 'arm64'] if device_arch == 'arm': return ['arm'] return [] class PerformanceProfile: """Class of all Profilers.""" def __init__(self, args, control_module=""): self.args = args self.hdc = HdcInterface(root_authority=not args.not_hdc_root) self.device_root = self.hdc.switch_root() self.device_arch = self.hdc.get_device_architecture() self.record_subproc = None self.is_control = bool(control_module) self.control_mode = control_module def profile(self): if not self.is_control or self.control_mode == "prepare": print('prepare profiling') self.download() print('start profiling') if not self.combine_args(): return else: self.exec_control() self.profiling() if not self.is_control: print('pull profiling data') self.get_profiling_data() if self.control_mode == "stop": self.wait_data_generate_done() print('profiling is finished.') def download(self): """Prepare recording. """ if self.args.local_lib_dir: self.download_libs() def download_libs(self): executor = LocalLibDownload(self.device_arch, self.hdc) executor.get_host_local_libs(self.args.local_lib_dir) executor.get_device_local_libs() executor.update_device_local_libs() def combine_args(self): if self.args.package_name: if self.args.ability: self.kill_process() self.start_profiling(['--app', self.args.package_name]) if self.args.ability: ability = self.args.package_name + '/' + self.args.ability start_cmd = ['shell', 'aa', 'start', '-a', ability] result = self.hdc.run_hdc_cmd(start_cmd) if not result: self.record_subproc.terminate() print("Can't start ability %s" % ability) return False # else: no need to start an ability. elif self.args.local_program: pid = self.hdc.check_run(['shell', 'pidof', self.args.local_program]) if not pid: print("Can't find pid of %s" % self.args.local_program) return False pid = int(pid) self.start_profiling(['-p', str(pid)]) elif self.args.cmd: cmds = self.args.cmd.split(' ') cmd = [cmd.replace("'", "") for cmd in cmds] self.start_profiling(cmd) elif self.args.pid: self.start_profiling(['-p', ','.join(self.args.pid)]) elif self.args.tid: self.start_profiling(['-t', ','.join(self.args.tid)]) elif self.args.system_wide: self.start_profiling(['-a']) return True def kill_process(self): if self.get_app_process(): self.hdc.check_run(['shell', 'aa', 'force-stop', self.args.app]) count = 0 while True: time.sleep(1) pid = self.get_app_process() if not pid: break count += 1 # 3 seconds exec kill if count >= 3: self.run_in_app_dir(['kill', '-9', str(pid)]) def get_app_process(self): result, output = self.hdc.run_hdc_cmd( ['shell', 'pidof', self.args.package_name]) return int(output) if result else None def run_in_app_dir(self, args): if self.device_root: hdc_args = ['shell', 'cd /data/data/' + self.args.package_name + ' && ' + (' '.join(args))] else: hdc_args = ['shell', 'run-as', self.args.package_name] + args return self.hdc.run_hdc_cmd(hdc_args, log_output=False) def start_profiling(self, selected_args): """Start hiperf reocrd process on device.""" record_options = self.args.record_options.split(' ') record_options = [cmd.replace("'", "") for cmd in record_options] if self.is_control: args = ['hiperf', 'record', '--control', self.control_mode, '-o', '/data/local/tmp/perf.data'] + record_options else: args = ['hiperf', 'record', '-o', '/data/local/tmp/perf.data'] + record_options if self.args.local_lib_dir and self.hdc.run_hdc_cmd( ['shell', 'ls', SYMBOL_FILES_DIR]): args += ['--symbol-dir', SYMBOL_FILES_DIR] args += selected_args hdc_args = [self.hdc.hdc_path, 'shell'] + args print('run hdc cmd: %s' % hdc_args) self.record_subproc = subprocess.Popen(hdc_args) def profiling(self): """ Wait until profiling finishes, or stop profiling when user presses Ctrl-C. """ try: return_code = self.record_subproc.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.end_profiling() self.record_subproc = None return_code = 0 print('profiling result [%s]' % (return_code == 0)) if return_code != 0: raise Exception('Failed to record profiling data.') def end_profiling(self): """ Stop profiling by sending SIGINT to hiperf, and wait until it exits to make sure perf.data is completely generated. """ has_killed = False while True: (result, out) = self.hdc.run_hdc_cmd( ['shell', 'pidof', 'hiperf']) if not out: break if not has_killed: has_killed = True self.hdc.run_hdc_cmd(['shell', 'pkill', '-l', '2', 'hiperf']) time.sleep(1) def get_profiling_data(self): current_path = os.getcwd() full_path = os.path.join(current_path, self.args.output_perf_data) self.hdc.check_run(['file recv', '/data/local/tmp/perf.data', full_path]) self.hdc.run_hdc_cmd(['shell', 'rm', '/data/local/tmp/perf.data']) def exec_control(self): hdc_args = [self.hdc.hdc_path, 'shell', 'hiperf', 'record', '--control', self.control_mode] print('run hdc cmd: %s' % hdc_args) self.record_subproc = subprocess.Popen(hdc_args) def wait_data_generate_done(self): last_size = 0 while True: (result, out) = self.hdc.run_hdc_cmd( ['shell', 'du', 'data/local/tmp/perf.data']) if "du" not in out: current_size = out.split(" ")[0] if current_size == last_size: self.get_profiling_data() break else: last_size = current_size else: print("not generate perf.data") break time.sleep(1)