# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from ast import parse import encodings import json import sys import os import time import argparse import re import subprocess import shlex import datetime import shutil import numpy import cv2 import pytesseract sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)).replace('resource', 'acls_check')) sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)).replace('resource', 'APL_compare_03')) from acl_check import * from compare import * from pytesseract import Output from PIL import Image def print_to_log(str): time = datetime.datetime.now() str = "[{}] {}".format(time, str) print(str) with open(os.path.join(args.save_path, 'test_{}.log'.format(args.device_num)),mode='a', encoding='utf-8') as file: console = sys.stdout sys.stdout = file print(str) sys.stdout = console file.close() def enter_cmd(mycmd, waittime=0, printresult=1): if mycmd == "": return global cmd_retry_cnt cmd_retry_cnt = 1 enter_cmdRetry = 2 while enter_cmdRetry: enter_cmdRetry -= 1 try: p = subprocess.Popen(mycmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) result, unused_err = p.communicate(timeout=25) try: result=result.decode(encoding="utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: result=result.decode('gbk', errors='ignore') break except Exception as e: result = 'retry failed again' print_to_log(e) cmd_retry_cnt += 1 p.kill() if printresult == 1: print_to_log(mycmd) print_to_log(result) sys.stdout.flush() if waittime != 0: time.sleep(waittime) return result def enter_shell_cmd(shellcmd, waittime=1, printresult=1): if shellcmd == "": return cmd = "hdc_std -t {} shell \"{}\"".format(args.device_num, shellcmd) return enter_cmd(cmd, waittime, printresult) def sys_exit(): enter_shell_cmd("cd /data/log/faultlog/temp && tar -cf after_test_cppcrash{}.tar cppcrash*".format(args.device_num)) file_from_dev("/data/log/faultlog/temp/after_test_cppcrash{}.tar".format(args.device_num), \ os.path.normpath(args.save_path)) enter_shell_cmd("cd /data/log/faultlog/faultlogger && tar -cf after_test_jscrash{}.tar jscrash*".format(args.device_num)) file_from_dev("/data/log/faultlog/faultlogger/after_test_jscrash{}.tar".format(args.device_num), \ os.path.normpath(args.save_path)) print_to_log("SmokeTest: SmokeTest find some key problems!") print_to_log("SmokeTest: End of check, test failed!") sys.exit(98) def file_to_dev(src, dst): cmd = "hdc_std -t {} file send \"{}\" \"{}\"".format(args.device_num, src, dst) return enter_cmd(cmd, 1, 1) def file_from_dev(src, dst): cmd = "hdc_std -t {} file recv \"{}\" \"{}\"".format(args.device_num, src, dst) return enter_cmd(cmd, 1, 1) def connect_check(): connection_status = enter_cmd("hdc_std list targets", 2) connection_cnt = 0 while args.device_num not in connection_status and connection_cnt < 15: connection_status = enter_cmd("hdc_std list targets", 2) connection_cnt += 1 if connection_cnt == 15: print_to_log("SmokeTest: Device disconnection!!") print_to_log("SmokeTest: End of check, test failed!") sys.exit(101) def sandbox_check(process): print_to_log("SmokeTest: start to check sandbox path") medialibrarydata_pidnum = enter_shell_cmd("pgrep -f {}".format(process), 1) medialibrarydata_pidnum = medialibrarydata_pidnum.strip() sandboxf = enter_shell_cmd("echo \"ls /storage/media/local/\"|nsenter -t {} -m sh".format(medialibrarydata_pidnum), 1) if "files" not in sandboxf: print_to_log("SmokeTest: error: can not find sandbox path : /storage/media/local/files") return -1 else: print_to_log("SmokeTest: success: find sandbox path : /storage/media/local/files") return 1 def get_coordinate(path, target): wifi_numbers = 8 height = 97 wifi_range = [236, 286, 45, 300] coordinate = [] img = cv2.imread(path) tessdata_dir_config = '--tessdata-dir "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Tesseract-OCR\\tessdata"' while wifi_numbers: wifi_range[0] += height wifi_range[1] += height print_to_log(wifi_range) data_img = img[wifi_range[0]:wifi_range[1], wifi_range[2]:wifi_range[3]] data = pytesseract.image_to_data(data_img, output_type=Output.DICT, config=tessdata_dir_config, lang='eng') for i in range(len(data['text'])): if data['text'][i] == target: dx = int((wifi_range[2] + wifi_range[3]) / 2) dy = int((wifi_range[0] + wifi_range[1]) / 2) coordinate.append(dx) coordinate.append(dy) wifi_numbers -= 1 if coordinate: break return coordinate def connect_wifi(prefix, pic): try: data = get_coordinate("{}\\{}_{}".format(args.save_path, prefix, pic), "testapold") enter_shell_cmd("uinput -M -m {} {} -c 0".format(data[0], data[1]), WAIT_TIME_TWO) enter_shell_cmd("uinput -M -m 360 200 -c 0") enter_shell_cmd("uinput -K -d 2032 -u 2032 -d 2017 -u 2017 -d 2035 -u 2035 -d 2035 -u 2035 -d 2039 -u 2039 -d 2000 -u 2000 -d 2034 -u 2034 -d 2020 -u 2020 -d 2001 -u 2001") enter_shell_cmd("uinput -M -m 360 200 -c 0") enter_shell_cmd("uinput -M -m 50 1140 -c 0") enter_shell_cmd("uinput -M -m 500 1020 -c 0") enter_shell_cmd("uinput -M -m 50 1140 -c 0") enter_shell_cmd("uinput -K -d 2054 -u 2054") enter_shell_cmd("snapshot_display -f /data/screen_test/{}".format("testapold.jpeg")) file_from_dev("/data/screen_test/{}".format("testapold.jpeg"), args.save_path) enter_shell_cmd("uinput -M -m 550 680 -c 0", single_action[0]) except Exception as e: print(e) print_to_log("SmokeTest: wifi list loading errror!") def calculate(image1, image2): image1 = cv2.cvtColor(numpy.asarray(image1), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) image2 = cv2.cvtColor(numpy.asarray(image2), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) hist1 = cv2.calcHist([image1], [0], None, [256], [0.0, 255.0]) hist2 = cv2.calcHist([image2], [0], None, [256], [0.0, 255.0]) degree = 0 for i in range(len(hist1)): if hist1[i] != hist2[i]: degree = degree + (1 - abs(hist1[i] - hist2[i]) / max(hist1[i], hist2[i])) else: degree = degree + 1 degree = degree / len(hist1) return degree def classify_hist_with_split(image1, image2, size=(256, 256)): image1 = Image.open(image1) image2 = Image.open(image2) image1 = cv2.cvtColor(numpy.asarray(image1), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) image2 = cv2.cvtColor(numpy.asarray(image2), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) image1 = cv2.resize(image1, size) image2 = cv2.resize(image2, size) sub_image1 = cv2.split(image1) sub_image2 = cv2.split(image2) sub_data = 0 for im1, im2 in zip(sub_image1, sub_image2): sub_data += calculate(im1, im2) sub_data = sub_data / 3 return sub_data def crop_picture(prefix, pic, crop_range): pic_path = "{}\\{}_{}".format(args.save_path, prefix, pic) save_path = "{}\\{}_{}".format(args.save_path, prefix, pic) im = cv2.imread(pic_path) im = im[crop_range[0]:crop_range[1], crop_range[2]:crop_range[3]] cv2.imwrite(save_path, im) def cmp_picture(prefix, pic, num=1): if num == 1: img1_path = "{}\\{}".format(args.anwser_path, pic) else: img1_path = "{}\\2_{}".format(args.anwser_path, pic) img2_path = "{}\\{}_{}".format(args.save_path, prefix, pic) cmp_init = 0 try: cmp_result = classify_hist_with_split(img1_path, img2_path) print("compare result:" + "%.6f%%" % (cmp_result * 100)) return cmp_result * 100 except Exception as reason: print("no such file: {}_{}".format(prefix, pic)) return cmp_init def shot_and_cmp(image): prefix = args.device_num enter_shell_cmd("snapshot_display -f /data/screen_test/{}_{}".format(prefix, image)) file_from_dev("/data/screen_test/{}_{}".format(prefix, image), args.save_path) similarity = cmp_picture(prefix, image) print_to_log("SmokeTest: launcher similarity is {}%".format(similarity)) return similarity def distributed_test(): if "1/2" in args.test_num or "2/2" in args.test_num: report_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(args.save_path, "distributed_report.txt")) if args.test_num == "2/2": enter_shell_cmd("ifconfig eth0") ping_result = enter_shell_cmd("ping -i 1 -c 2", 3) file_is_exist = enter_shell_cmd("cd /data; find . -name distributed_report.txt") ping_cnt = 0 wait_cnt = 0 while "2 packets transmitted, 2 received" not in ping_result and ping_cnt < 20: ping_result = enter_shell_cmd("ping -i 1 -c 2", WAIT_TIME_FOUR) ping_cnt += 1 if ping_cnt == 30: print_to_log("SmokeTest: Ping failed, timeout of 80s") sys_exit() while "distributed_report.txt" not in file_is_exist and wait_cnt < 30: print_to_log("SmokeTest: waiting for the distributed test to end ") file_is_exist = enter_shell_cmd("cd /data; find . -name distributed_report.txt", WAIT_TIME_FOUR) wait_cnt += 1 elif args.test_num == "1/2": enter_shell_cmd("ifconfig eth0") ping_result = enter_shell_cmd("ping -i 1 -c 2", WAIT_TIME_FOUR) ping_cnt = 0 while "2 packets transmitted, 2 received" not in ping_result and ping_cnt < 20: ping_result = enter_shell_cmd("ping -i 1 -c 2", WAIT_TIME_FOUR) ping_cnt += 1 if ping_cnt == 30: print_to_log("SmokeTest: Ping failed, timeout of 80s") print_to_log("SmokeTest: ##### case 0 : distributed test start #####") execute_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(args.tools_path, "resource")) os.system("cd {} && python distributedtest.py --path {}".format(execute_path, args.save_path)) distributed_result = "" try: with open(report_path, mode='r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f: f.seek(0) distributed_result = f.read() f.close() except Exception as reason: print_to_log("SmokeTest: distributed_report.txt do not exist!") if "distributedcalc" in distributed_result: print_to_log("SmokeTest: testcase 0, distributed is ok!") else: print_to_log("SmokeTest: error:testcase 0, distributed failed!") sys_exit() enter_shell_cmd("ifconfig eth0 down") def open_wlan(): enter_shell_cmd("aa start -a com.ohos.settings.MainAbility -b com.ohos.settings", WAIT_TIME_FOUR) enter_shell_cmd("uinput -M -m 300 300 -c 0", WAIT_TIME_TWO) enter_shell_cmd("uinput -M -m 640 200 -c 0", WAIT_TIME_FOUR) time.sleep(WAIT_TIME_TWO) enter_shell_cmd("killall com.ohos.settings", WAIT_TIME_TWO) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='manual to this script') parser.add_argument('--config', type=str, default = '.\\app_capture_screen_test_config.json') parser.add_argument('--test_num', type=str, default = '1/1') parser.add_argument('--tools_path', type=str, default = 'D:\\DeviceTestTools\\screenshot\\') parser.add_argument('--anwser_path', type=str, default = 'D:\\DeviceTestTools\\screenshot\\resource') parser.add_argument('--save_path', type=str, default = 'D:\\DeviceTestTools\\screenshot') parser.add_argument('--device_num', type=str, default = 'null') parser.add_argument('--pr_url', type=str, default = 'developtools_integration_verification') args = parser.parse_args() if args.device_num == 'null': result = enter_cmd("hdc_std list targets", 1, 0) print(result) args.device_num = result.split()[0] with open(args.config) as f: all_app = json.load(f) cmp_status = 0 global_pos = all_app[0] WAIT_TIME_TWO = 2 WAIT_TIME_FOUR = 4 reboot_cnt = 2 while reboot_cnt: reboot_cnt -= 1 enter_shell_cmd("mkdir -p /data/screen_test/train_set") enter_shell_cmd("power-shell wakeup;power-shell setmode 602") rmlock_cnt = 3 while rmlock_cnt: enter_shell_cmd("uinput -T -m 425 400 425 1000;uinput -T -m 425 1000 425 400") rmlock_cnt -= 1 enter_shell_cmd("hilog -w stop") enter_shell_cmd("cd /data/log/hilog && tar -cf system_start_log_{}.tar *".format(args.device_num)) file_from_dev("/data/log/hilog/system_start_log_{}.tar".format(args.device_num), args.save_path) connect_check() launcher_similarity = shot_and_cmp("launcher.jpeg") power_state = enter_shell_cmd("hidumper -s 3308") if "State=2" not in power_state: print_to_log("SmokeTest: ERROR, DISPLAY POWER MANAGER DUMP State ≠ 2") if launcher_similarity >= 90: print_to_log("SmokeTest: launcher screenshot comparison is ok!") break elif reboot_cnt >= 1: print_to_log("SmokeTest: launcher screenshot comparison failed, reboot and try!!!") enter_shell_cmd("rm -rf /data/*;reboot") for i in range(5): enter_cmd("hdc_std list targets", 10) else: print_to_log("SmokeTest: launcher screenshot comparison failed") sys_exit() enter_shell_cmd("cat /proc/`pidof foundation`/smaps_rollup") print_to_log("\nSmokeTest: ########## First check key processes start ##############") lose_process = [] process_pid = {} with open(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(args.tools_path, "resource/process.txt")), "r+") as f: text = f.read() two_check_process_list = text.split('#####')[1].split()[0:-1] other_process_list = text.split('#####')[2].split() for pname in two_check_process_list: pids = enter_cmd("hdc_std -t {} shell pidof {}".format(args.device_num, pname), 0, 1) try: pidlist = pids.split() int(pidlist[0]) for pid in pidlist: int(pid) process_pid[pname] = pidlist except: lose_process.append(pname) all_p = enter_shell_cmd("ps -elf") for pname in other_process_list: findp = all_p.find(pname, 0, len(all_p)) if findp == -1: lose_process.append(pname) if lose_process: print_to_log("SmokeTest: error: %s, These processes do not exist!!!" % lose_process) sys_exit() else: print_to_log("SmokeTest: first processes check is ok") apl_check_main(args.device_num) apl_compare = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(args.tools_path, "APL_compare_03", "apl_compare.log")) try: with open(apl_compare, mode='r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as compare_file: compare_file.seek(0) apl_result = compare_file.read() compare_file.close() except Exception as reason: print_to_log("SmokeTest: error: apl_compare.log do not exist!") if "APL Check failed" in apl_result: print_to_log("SmokeTest: error: apl check failed") sys_exit() main(args.device_num) native_sa = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(args.tools_path, "acls_check", "native_sa.log")) try: with open(native_sa, mode='r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as native_file: native_file.seek(0) acl_result = native_file.read() native_file.close() except Exception as reason: print_to_log("SmokeTest: error: native_sa.log do not exist!") if "ACL check failed" in acl_result: print_to_log("SmokeTest: error: acl check failed") sys_exit() try: args.test_num.index('/') idx_total = args.test_num.split('/') if len(idx_total) != 2: print_to_log("SmokeTest: test_num is invaild !!!") sys_exit() elif idx_total[1] == '1': idx_list = list(range(1, len(all_app))) else: idx_list = global_pos['DEVICE_{}'.format(idx_total[0])] except ValueError as e: print_to_log(e) idx_list = list(map(eval, args.test_num.split())) print_to_log("SmokeTest: start to carry out the following testcases: ") print_to_log("SmokeTest: testcase number: {} ".format(idx_list)) open_wlan() fail_idx_list = [] fail_name_list = [] smoke_first_failed = '' for idx in idx_list: single_app = all_app[idx] sys.stdout.flush() call_app_cmd = single_app['entry'] capture_screen_cmd = "snapshot_display -f /data/screen_test/{}_{}" print_to_log("\nSmokeTest: ##### case {} : {} test start #####".format(idx, single_app['app_name'])) testcnt = 3 while testcnt: testok = 0 if testcnt != 3: print_to_log("SmokeTest: this testcase try again >>>>>>:\n") if single_app['entry'] != "": enter_shell_cmd(call_app_cmd, WAIT_TIME_FOUR) print_to_log("SmokeTest: execute command {}".format(single_app['all_actions'])) prefix = args.device_num raw_pic_name = '' pic_name = '' for single_action in single_app['all_actions']: if type(single_action[1]) == str and single_action[1] == 'shot_cmd': if len(single_action) == 3: pic_name = "{}{}".format(single_action[2], ".jpeg") else: pic_name = "{}{}".format(single_app['app_name'], ".jpeg") enter_shell_cmd("rm /data/screen_test/*{}".format(pic_name)) enter_shell_cmd(capture_screen_cmd.format(prefix, pic_name)) file_from_dev("/data/screen_test/{}_{}".format(prefix, pic_name), args.save_path) next_cmd = "" elif type(single_action[1]) == str and single_action[1] == 'cmp_twice': next_cmd = "" sys.stdout.flush() pic = "{}{}".format(single_action[2], ".jpeg") similarity = single_action[3] crop_range = single_app[single_action[4]] crop_picture(prefix, pic, crop_range) first_similarity = cmp_picture(prefix, pic) second_similarity = cmp_picture(prefix, pic, WAIT_TIME_TWO) print_to_log("SmokeTest: first picture similarity is {}%".format(first_similarity)) print_to_log("SmokeTest: second picture similarity is {}%".format(second_similarity)) if first_similarity >= similarity or second_similarity >= similarity: if testok != -1: testok = 1 print_to_log("SmokeTest: {} screenshot check is ok".format(pic)) else: testok = -1 print_to_log("SmokeTest: {} screenshot check is abnarmal".format(pic)) elif type(single_action[1]) == str and single_action[1] == 'cmp_cmd-level': next_cmd = "" sys.stdout.flush() if len(single_action) == 4: similarity = single_action[3] else: similarity = global_pos['cmp_cmd-level'][1] similarity = int(similarity) print_to_log("SmokeTest: start to contrast screenshot") pic = "{}{}".format(single_action[2], ".jpeg") crop_range = [80, 1200, 0, 720] crop_picture(prefix, pic, crop_range) pic_similarity = cmp_picture(prefix, pic) print_to_log("SmokeTest: picture similarity is {}%".format(pic_similarity)) if len(single_action) >= 3: if pic_similarity >= similarity: if testok != -1: testok = 1 print_to_log("SmokeTest: {} screenshot check is ok".format(pic)) else: testok = -1 print_to_log("SmokeTest: {} screenshot check is abnarmal".format(pic)) elif type(single_action[1]) == str and single_action[1] == 'install_hap': next_cmd = "" if len(single_action) == 3: enter_cmd("hdc_std -t {} install \"{}\"".format(args.device_num,\ os.path.normpath(os.path.join(args.tools_path, single_action[2])))) elif type(single_action[1]) == str and single_action[1] == 'get_file_from_dev': next_cmd = "" if len(single_action) == 3: enter_cmd("hdc_std -t {} file recv \"{}\" \"{}\"".format(args.device_num,\ single_action[2], os.path.normpath(args.save_path))) elif type(single_action[1]) == str and single_action[1] == 'send_file_to_dev': next_cmd = "" if len(single_action) == 4: enter_cmd("hdc_std -t {} file send \"{}\" \"{}\"".format(args.device_num,\ os.path.normpath(os.path.join(args.tools_path, single_action[2])), single_action[3])) elif type(single_action[1]) == str and single_action[1] == 'connect_wifi': next_cmd = "" pic = "{}{}".format(single_action[2], ".jpeg") connect_wifi(prefix, pic) elif type(single_action[1]) == str and single_action[1] == 'sandbox_path_check': next_cmd = "" if sandbox_check("com.ohos.medialibrary.medialibrarydata") == 1 and testok == 1: testok = 1 else: testok = -1 elif type(single_action[1]) == str and single_action[1] == 'process_crash_check': next_cmd = "" if len(single_action) == 3: p = enter_shell_cmd("cd /data/log/faultlog/temp && grep \"Process name\" -rnw ./",\ single_action[0]) result = "".join(p) findsome = result.find(single_action[2], 0, len(result)) if findsome != -1: testok = -1 print_to_log("SmokeTest: \"{}\" error:find fatal crash \"{}\"!".format(single_action[1],\ single_action[2])) sys_exit() else: testok = 1 print_to_log("SmokeTest: \"{}\" result is ok, not find fatal\ crash \"{}\"!".format(single_action[1], single_action[2])) sys.stdout.flush() elif type(single_action[1]) == str: if single_action[1] not in single_app.keys(): target_ = global_pos[single_action[1]] else: target_ = single_app[single_action[1]] if type(target_[0]) == str: next_cmd = "" p = enter_shell_cmd(target_[0], single_action[0]) result = "".join(p) if len(target_) > 1: findsome = result.find(target_[1], 0, len(result)) if findsome != -1: testok = 1 print_to_log("SmokeTest: \"{}\" check ok, find \"{}\"!".format(target_[0], target_[1])) else: testok = -1 print_to_log("SmokeTest: \"{}\" check failed, no \"{}\"!".format(target_[0],target_[1])) sys.stdout.flush() else: next_cmd = "uinput -M -m {} {} -c 0".format(target_[0], target_[1]) else: next_cmd = "uinput -M -m {} {} -c 0".format(single_action[1], single_action[2]) enter_shell_cmd(next_cmd, single_action[0]) if testok == 1: print_to_log("SmokeTest: testcase {}, {} is ok!".format(idx, single_app['app_name'])) testcnt = 0 elif testok == -1 and smoke_first_failed == '': if testcnt == 1: fail_idx_list.append(idx) fail_name_list.append(single_app['app_name']) smoke_first_failed = single_app['app_name'] print_to_log("SmokeTest: error:testcase {}, {} is failed!".format(idx, single_app['app_name'])) testcnt -= 1 elif testok == -1 and smoke_first_failed != '': fail_idx_list.append(idx) fail_name_list.append(single_app['app_name']) print_to_log("SmokeTest: error:testcase {}, {} is failed!".format(idx, single_app['app_name'])) testcnt = 0 else: testcnt = 0 connect_check() enter_shell_cmd("cd /data/log/faultlog/temp && grep \"Process name\" -rnw ./", 1) enter_shell_cmd("cd /data/log/faultlog/faultlogger && grep \"Process name\" -rnw ./", 1) fail_str_list = [str(x) for x in fail_idx_list] reboot_test_num = " ".join(fail_str_list) if len(fail_idx_list) != 0: print_to_log("SmokeTest: failed testcase number: {} ".format(fail_str_list)) print_to_log("SmokeTest: check \"reboot\" in reboot.txt".format(args.save_path)) with open(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(args.tools_path, "reboot.txt")), mode='a+') as f: f.seek(0) reboot_result = f.read() f.close() if len(reboot_result) < 1 and reboot_cnt >= 1: print_to_log("SmokeTest: no \"reboot\" found in the reboot.txt") print_to_log("SmokeTest: the device will reboot and try the failed testcase") print_to_log("SmokeTest: mkdir {}\\reboot".format(args.save_path)) os.system("mkdir {}\\reboot".format(args.save_path)) print_to_log("SmokeTest: write \"reboot\" into reboot.txt".format(args.save_path)) with open(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(args.tools_path, "reboot.txt")), mode='w') as f: f.write("reboot") f.close() print_to_log("SmokeTest: error: name {}, index {}, failed, reboot".format(fail_name_list,fail_idx_list)) enter_shell_cmd("rm -rf /data/* && reboot") reboot_result_list = enter_cmd("hdc_std list targets", 2) number = 0 while args.device_num not in reboot_result_list and number < 15: reboot_result_list = enter_cmd("hdc_std list targets", 2) number += 1 enter_shell_cmd("rm /data/log/hilog/*;hilog -r;hilog -w start -l 400000000 -m none", 1) py_cmd = os.system("python {}\\resource\\capturescreentest.py --config \ {}\\resource\\app_capture_screen_test_config.json --anwser_path {} \ --save_path {}\\reboot --tools_path {} --device_num {} --test_num \"{}\"".format(args.tools_path, \ args.tools_path, args.anwser_path, args.save_path, args.tools_path, args.device_num, reboot_test_num)) if py_cmd == 0: sys.exit(0) elif py_cmd == 98: sys.exit(98) else: sys.exit(101) else: print_to_log("SmokeTest: error: name {}, index {}, failed".format(fail_name_list, fail_idx_list)) sys_exit() else: print_to_log("SmokeTest: all testcase is ok") print_to_log("SmokeTest: End of check, test succeeded!") sys.exit(0)