/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { BaseElement, element } from '../../BaseElement.js'; import { LitChartColumnConfig } from './LitChartColumnConfig.js'; import { resizeCanvas } from '../helper.js'; import { getProbablyTime } from '../../../trace/database/logic-worker/ProcedureLogicWorkerCommon.js'; class Pillar { obj?: any; xLabel?: string; yLabel?: string; type?: string; root?: boolean; bgFrame?: { x: number; y: number; w: number; h: number; }; frame?: { x: number; y: number; w: number; h: number; }; height?: number; process?: boolean; heightStep?: number; centerX?: number; centerY?: number; color?: string; hover?: boolean; } interface RLine { label: string; y: number; } @element('lit-chart-column') export class LitChartColumn extends BaseElement { private litChartColumnTipEL: HTMLDivElement | null | undefined; litChartColumnCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement | undefined | null; litChartColumnCtx: CanvasRenderingContext2D | undefined | null; litChartColumnCfg: LitChartColumnConfig | null | undefined; offset?: { x: number | undefined; y: number | undefined }; data: Pillar[] = []; rowLines: RLine[] = []; connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); this.litChartColumnTipEL = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#tip'); this.litChartColumnCanvas = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#canvas'); this.litChartColumnCtx = this.litChartColumnCanvas!.getContext('2d', { alpha: true }); resizeCanvas(this.litChartColumnCanvas!); this.offset = { x: 60, y: 20 }; this.litChartColumnCanvas!.onmouseout = (e) => { this.hideTip(); this.data.forEach((it) => (it.hover = false)); this.render(); }; this.litChartColumnCanvas!.onmousemove = (ev) => { let rect = this.getBoundingClientRect(); let x = ev.pageX - rect.left; let y = ev.pageY - rect.top; this.data.forEach((it) => { if (contains(it.bgFrame!, x, y)) { it.hover = true; this.litChartColumnCfg?.hoverHandler?.(it.obj.no); } else { it.hover = false; } }); let pillars = this.data.filter((it) => it.hover); if (this.litChartColumnCfg?.seriesField) { if (pillars.length > 0) { let titleEl = ``; let messageEl = pillars.map((it) => ``).join(''); let sumEl = ``; let innerHtml = `
`; this.tipTypeShow(x, y, pillars, innerHtml); } } else { if (pillars.length > 0) { let title = ``; let innerHtml = `
`; this.tipTypeShow(x, y, pillars, innerHtml); } } if (this.data.filter((it) => it.process).length == 0) { this.render(); } }; this.render(); } private tipTypeShow(x: number, y: number, pillars: Pillar[], innerHtml: string) { if (x >= this.clientWidth - this.litChartColumnTipEL!.clientWidth) { this.showTip( x - this.litChartColumnTipEL!.clientWidth - 10, y - 20, this.litChartColumnCfg!.tip ? this.litChartColumnCfg!.tip(pillars) : innerHtml ); } else { this.showTip(x + 10, y - 20, this.litChartColumnCfg!.tip ? this.litChartColumnCfg!.tip(pillars) : innerHtml); } } showHoverColumn(index: number) { this.data.forEach((it) => { if (it.obj.no === index) { it.hover = true; } else { it.hover = false; } }); let pillars = this.data.filter((it) => it.hover); if (this.litChartColumnCfg?.seriesField) { if (pillars.length > 0) { let hoverData = pillars[0]; let title = ``; let msg = pillars.map((it) => ``).join(''); let sum = ``; let innerHtml = `
`; this.showTip( this.clientWidth / 2, this.clientHeight / 2, this.litChartColumnCfg!.tip ? this.litChartColumnCfg!.tip(pillars) : innerHtml ); } } else { if (pillars.length > 0) { let hoverData = pillars[0]; let title = ``; let innerHtml = `
`; this.showTip( this.clientWidth / 2, this.clientHeight / 2, this.litChartColumnCfg!.tip ? this.litChartColumnCfg!.tip(pillars) : innerHtml ); } } if (this.data.filter((it) => it.process).length == 0) { this.render(); } } initElements(): void { new ResizeObserver((entries, observer) => { entries.forEach((it) => { resizeCanvas(this.litChartColumnCanvas!); this.measure(); this.render(false); }); }).observe(this); } set config(litChartColumnConfig: LitChartColumnConfig | null | undefined) { if (!litChartColumnConfig) return; this.litChartColumnCfg = litChartColumnConfig; this.measure(); this.render(); } set dataSource(litChartColumnArr: any[]) { if (this.litChartColumnCfg) { this.litChartColumnCfg.data = litChartColumnArr; this.measure(); this.render(); } } get dataSource() { return this.litChartColumnCfg?.data || []; } measure() { if (!this.litChartColumnCfg) return; this.data = []; this.rowLines = []; if (!this.litChartColumnCfg.seriesField) { let maxValue = Math.max(...this.litChartColumnCfg.data.map((it) => it[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField])); maxValue = Math.ceil(maxValue * 0.1) * 10; let partWidth = (this.clientWidth - this.offset!.x!) / this.litChartColumnCfg.data.length; let partHeight = this.clientHeight - this.offset!.y!; let gap = partHeight / 5; let valGap = maxValue / 5; for (let i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { this.rowLines.push({ y: gap * i, label: `${getProbablyTime(maxValue - valGap * i)}`, }); } this.litChartColumnCfg?.data .sort((a, b) => b[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField] - a[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField]) .forEach((litChartColumnItem, litChartColumnIndex, array) => { this.data.push({ color: this.litChartColumnCfg!.color(litChartColumnItem), obj: litChartColumnItem, root: true, xLabel: litChartColumnItem[this.litChartColumnCfg!.xField], yLabel: litChartColumnItem[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField], bgFrame: { x: this.offset!.x! + partWidth * litChartColumnIndex, y: 0, w: partWidth, h: partHeight, }, centerX: this.offset!.x! + partWidth * litChartColumnIndex + partWidth / 2, centerY: partHeight - (litChartColumnItem[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField] * partHeight) / maxValue + (litChartColumnItem[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField] * partHeight) / maxValue / 2, frame: { x: this.offset!.x! + partWidth * litChartColumnIndex + partWidth / 6, y: partHeight - (litChartColumnItem[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField] * partHeight) / maxValue, w: partWidth - partWidth / 3, h: (litChartColumnItem[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField] * partHeight) / maxValue, }, height: 0, heightStep: Math.ceil((litChartColumnItem[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField] * partHeight) / maxValue / 60), process: true, }); }); } else { let reduceGroup = this.litChartColumnCfg.data.reduce((pre, current, index, arr) => { (pre[current[this.litChartColumnCfg!.xField]] = pre[current[this.litChartColumnCfg!.xField]] || []).push( current ); return pre; }, {}); let sums = Reflect.ownKeys(reduceGroup).map((k) => (reduceGroup[k] as any[]).reduce((pre, current) => pre + current[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField], 0) ); let maxValue = Math.ceil(Math.max(...sums) * 0.1) * 10; let partWidth = (this.clientWidth - this.offset!.x!) / Reflect.ownKeys(reduceGroup).length; let partHeight = this.clientHeight - this.offset!.y!; let gap = partHeight / 5; let valGap = maxValue / 5; for (let index = 0; index <= 5; index++) { this.rowLines.push({ y: gap * index, label: `${getProbablyTime(maxValue - valGap * index)} `, }); } Reflect.ownKeys(reduceGroup) .sort( (b, a) => (reduceGroup[a] as any[]).reduce((pre, cur) => pre + (cur[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField] as number), 0) - (reduceGroup[b] as any[]).reduce((pre, cur) => pre + (cur[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField] as number), 0) ) .forEach((reduceGroupKey, reduceGroupIndex) => { let elements = reduceGroup[reduceGroupKey]; let initH = 0; elements.forEach((itemEl: any, y: number) => { this.data.push({ color: this.litChartColumnCfg!.color(itemEl), obj: itemEl, root: y == 0, type: itemEl[this.litChartColumnCfg!.seriesField], xLabel: itemEl[this.litChartColumnCfg!.xField], yLabel: itemEl[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField], bgFrame: { x: this.offset!.x! + partWidth * reduceGroupIndex, y: 0, w: partWidth, h: partHeight, }, centerX: this.offset!.x! + partWidth * reduceGroupIndex + partWidth / 2, centerY: partHeight - initH - (itemEl[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField] * partHeight) / maxValue + (itemEl[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField] * partHeight) / maxValue / 2, frame: { x: this.offset!.x! + partWidth * reduceGroupIndex + partWidth / 6, y: partHeight - (itemEl[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField] * partHeight) / maxValue - initH, w: partWidth - partWidth / 3, h: (itemEl[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField] * partHeight) / maxValue, }, height: 0, heightStep: Math.ceil((itemEl[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField] * partHeight) / maxValue / 60), process: true, }); initH += (itemEl[this.litChartColumnCfg!.yField] * partHeight) / maxValue; }); }); } } get config(): LitChartColumnConfig | null | undefined { return this.litChartColumnCfg; } render(ease: boolean = true) { if (!this.litChartColumnCanvas || !this.litChartColumnCfg) return; this.litChartColumnCtx!.clearRect(0, 0, this.clientWidth, this.clientHeight); this.drawLine(this.litChartColumnCtx!); this.data?.forEach((it) => this.drawColumn(this.litChartColumnCtx!, it, ease)); if (ease) { if (this.data.filter((it) => it.process).length > 0) { requestAnimationFrame(() => this.render(ease)); } } } drawLine(c: CanvasRenderingContext2D) { c.strokeStyle = '#dfdfdf'; c.lineWidth = 1; c.beginPath(); c.fillStyle = '#8c8c8c'; this.rowLines.forEach((it, i) => { c.moveTo(this.offset!.x!, it.y); c.lineTo(this.clientWidth, it.y); if (i == 0) { c.fillText(it.label, this.offset!.x! - c.measureText(it.label).width - 2, it.y + 11); } else { c.fillText(it.label, this.offset!.x! - c.measureText(it.label).width - 2, it.y + 4); } }); c.stroke(); c.closePath(); } drawColumn(c: CanvasRenderingContext2D, it: Pillar, ease: boolean) { if (it.hover) { c.globalAlpha = 0.2; c.fillStyle = '#999999'; c.fillRect(it.bgFrame!.x, it.bgFrame!.y, it.bgFrame!.w, it.bgFrame!.h); c.globalAlpha = 1.0; } c.fillStyle = it.color || '#ff0000'; if (ease) { if (it.height! < it.frame!.h) { it.process = true; c.fillRect(it.frame!.x, it.frame!.y + (it.frame!.h - it.height!), it.frame!.w, it.height!); it.height! += it.heightStep!; } else { c.fillRect(it.frame!.x, it.frame!.y, it.frame!.w, it.frame!.h); it.process = false; } } else { c.fillRect(it.frame!.x, it.frame!.y, it.frame!.w, it.frame!.h); it.process = false; } c.beginPath(); c.strokeStyle = '#d8d8d8'; c.moveTo(it.centerX!, it.frame!.y + it.frame!.h!); if (it.root) { c.lineTo(it.centerX!, it.frame!.y + it.frame!.h + 4); } let xMetrics = c.measureText(it.xLabel!); let xMetricsH = xMetrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent + xMetrics.actualBoundingBoxDescent; let yMetrics = c.measureText(it.yLabel!); let yMetricsH = yMetrics.fontBoundingBoxAscent + yMetrics.fontBoundingBoxDescent; c.fillStyle = '#8c8c8c'; if (it.root) { c.fillText(it.xLabel!, it.centerX! - xMetrics.width / 2, it.frame!.y + it.frame!.h + 15); } c.fillStyle = '#fff'; if (this.litChartColumnCfg?.label) { if (yMetricsH < it.frame!.h) { c.fillText( // @ts-ignore this.litChartColumnCfg!.label!.content ? this.litChartColumnCfg!.label!.content(it.obj) : it.yLabel!, it.centerX! - yMetrics.width / 2, it.centerY! + (it.frame!.h - it.height!) / 2 ); } } c.stroke(); c.closePath(); } beginPath(stroke: boolean, fill: boolean) { return (fn: (c: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void) => { this.litChartColumnCtx!.beginPath(); fn?.(this.litChartColumnCtx!); if (stroke) { this.litChartColumnCtx!.stroke(); } if (fill) { this.litChartColumnCtx!.fill(); } this.litChartColumnCtx!.closePath(); }; } showTip(x: number, y: number, msg: string) { this.litChartColumnTipEL!.style.display = 'flex'; this.litChartColumnTipEL!.style.top = `${y}px`; this.litChartColumnTipEL!.style.left = `${x}px`; this.litChartColumnTipEL!.innerHTML = msg; } hideTip() { this.litChartColumnTipEL!.style.display = 'none'; } initHtml(): string { return `
`; } } function contains(rect: { x: number; y: number; w: number; h: number }, x: number, y: number): boolean { return rect.x <= x && x <= rect.x + rect.w && rect.y <= y && y <= rect.y + rect.h; }